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Browsing publications by Professor Tom McGovern.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Tom McGovern
Pro-Social Policies and Impression Management: The American Arabian Oil Company (Aramco), 1932-19742024
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Tom McGovern
Elite solidarity, social responsibility, and the contested origins of Britain's first business schools2023
Professor Tom McGovern
Entrepreneurial Strategies in a Family Business: Growth and Capital Conversions in Historical Perspective2023
Tom McLean
Professor Tom McGovern
Quaker accountability regimes: The case of the Richardson family networks, 1840-19142023
Dr Neveen Abdelrehim
Professor Tom McGovern
Tom McLean
Professor David McCollum-Oldroyd
Professor Thomas Tyson
et al.
The contribution of the Stephenson Company, engine manufacturers to the genesis of the British railway industry c.1823-18402023
Dr Ewan Mackenzie
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tracy Scurry
et al.
'Are they out to get us?': Power and the 'recognition' of the subject through a 'lean' work regime2021
Dr Iain Smith
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Adapting Lean methods to facilitate stakeholder engagement and co-design in healthcare2020
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Tracy Scurry
Evaluating, managing and improving the performance of automotive distribution through the processes involved in the development of a hierarchical model2020
Professor Tom McGovern
Entrepreneurial history and firm growth: A case study of Rushworths Music House2019
Professor Tom McGovern
Entrepreneurial strategies in a family business; growth and capital theory in historical perspective2019
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Process improvement in healthcare – an interrupted time series analysis2019
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
The application of the Lean 3P product development method in healthcare facilities design2019
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Adopting rapid process improvement workshops in healthcare – what purposes do they serve?2018
Tom McLean
Professor Tom McGovern
Costing for strategy development and analysis in an emerging industry: the Newcastle upon Tyne Electric Supply Company, 1889-19142017
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Christian Hicks
Diffusion of process improvement methods in European SMEs2017
Professor Tom McGovern
Tom McLean
The genesis of the electricity supply industry in Britain: A case study of NESCo from 1889-19142017
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
The Application of Multiple Interrupted Time Series Analysis for Evaluating the Impact of Lean2016
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Tracy Scurry
Melissa Whipp
et al.
A balanced scorecard for evaluating the performance of motor dealerships2015
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
An evaluation of the design of 3P designs of healthcare facilities using Systematic Layout Planning2015
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Iain Smith
Applying lean principles to the design of healthcare facilities2015
Emeritus Prof David Hunter
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Paula Whitty
et al.
Doing transformational change in the English NHS in the context of "big bang" redisorganisation: Findings from the North East transformation system2015
Professor Christian Hicks
Dr Peter O'Neill
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare systems through change programs: a comparison of initiatives in Australia and England2015
Tom McLean
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Shanta Davie
Management accounting, engineering and the management of company growth: Clark Chapman, 1864-19142015
Professor Christian Hicks
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Tom McGovern
The Development of a Typology for the Management of Healthcare Improvement Events2015
Emeritus Prof David Hunter
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
Edward Lugsden
et al.
A mixed-methods evaluation of transformational change in NHS North East2014
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Iain Smith
Applying lean principles to the design of healthcare facilities2014
Emeritus Prof David Hunter
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Edward Lugsden
Professor Martin Eccles
et al.
Give local solutions a chance to improve care: An evaluation of the North East Transformation System contains some important lessons for future large scale change initiatives in the NHS2014
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Tracy Scurry
Dr Adrian Small
Melissa Whipp
et al.
The case for transformational change in the automotive distribution industry2014
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
The impact of shop floor management tools on Kaizen: a study of Lean implementation in Sino-Japanese automotive joint ventures2014
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
Bite-sized Lean2013
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Edward Lugsden
Professor Paula Whitty
et al.
Leadership and transformational change in healthcare organisations: A qualitative analysis of the North East Transformation System2013
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
Edward Lugsden
Receptive contexts for change: a study of transformational change in the Health Service in North East England2013
Professor Tom McGovern
Tom McLean
The growth and development of Clarke Chapman from 1864 to 19142013
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
Iain Smith
The participative design of Lean healthcare facilities2013
J Ma
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
The role of teians and QCCs in implementing kaizen2013
Professor Christian Hicks
Edward Lugsden
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
Professor Martin Eccles
et al.
The Evaluation of Lean in Healthcare using Quantitative and Qualitative Methods2012
Audy Preutisrunyanont
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
An analysis of the development of the capability to implement and sustain Lean: a case study based approach2011
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Dr Adrian Small
Comparisons of Lean in Healthcare: Comparing UK and Australian Hospitals’ Experiences2011
Professor Tom McGovern
The decline of the British tyre industry: an evaluation of the policies of the Tyre Industry Sector Working Party2011
Audy Preutisrunyanont
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
A resource-based view perspective on Lean Production: a case study2010
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Evaluating alternative approaches to Kaizen: a case of four Sino-Japanese joint ventures2010
Audy Preutisrunyanont
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
The development of a resource based framework for evaluating the implementation of Lean Production2010
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Edward Lugsden
Professor Paula Whitty
New development: First steps towards an evaluation of the North East Transformation System2009
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Product life cycle management in engineer-to-order industries2009
Colin Herron
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
A review of F W Taylor's work (Scientific Management) in the context of lean manufacturing2008
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
An analysis of the implementation of Lean manufacturing in companies in the North East of England2008
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Edward Lugsden
The North East Transformation System: A Scoping Study of the Background and Initial Steps2008
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
An analysis of the impact of the restructuring of the UK civil nuclear industry on tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers2007
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Productivity Needs Analysis of companies in North East England assisted by the North East Productivity Alliance2007
Professor Tom McGovern
Why do Successful Companies Fail?: A Case Study of the Decline of Dunlop2007
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
An evaluation of the implementation of lean manufacturing by the North East Productivity Alliance2006
Professor Tom McGovern
Dominance to decline: a case study of the demise of Dunlop2006
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Specifications and supplier development in the UK electrical transmission and distribution equipment industry2006
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Oliver Heidrich
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Thomas Donnelly
A functional model of supply chains and waste2004
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Deregulation and restructuring of the global electricity supply industry and its impact upon power plant suppliers2004
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
How political processes shaped the IT adopted by a small make-to-order company: a case study in the insulated wire and cable industry2004
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Specifications and supplier development in the UK electrical transmission and distribution equipment industry2004
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Paul Braiden
Professor Tom McGovern
Knowledge management in the design and manufacture of capital goods2002
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Paul Braiden
Strategic alignment of capital goods companies with deregulated power generation markets2002
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Oliver Heidrich
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Thomas Donnelly
Waste management: a strategic supply chain issue2002
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christopher Earl
A Typology of UK Engineer-to-order Companies2001
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Christopher Earl
Professor Tom McGovern
An analysis of company structure and business processes in the capital goods industry in the U.K.2000
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christopher Earl
Professor Christian Hicks
Product and knowledge networks in engineer-to-order projects2000
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christopher Earl
Supply chain management: A strategic issue in engineer to order manufacturing2000
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christopher Earl
A methodology for supporting internal and external supply chains through the use of information technology: a case study in the insulated wire and cable industry1999
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Christopher Earl
Modelling supply chain management processes in engineer-to-order companies1999
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Tom McGovern
Mark Herd
The control of internal supply chain: a case study in the insulated wire and cable industry1999
Professor Tom McGovern
Professor Christian Hicks
Professor Christopher Earl
A review of supply chain management issues in engineer-to-order supply1998