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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Christian HicksORCiD, Professor Tom McGovern
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The design of facilities has a large impact on capital cost, operations, efficiency, users’ experience and health outcomes. Designing healthcare facilities is complex with multiple stakeholders and seven flows of medicine that interact. 3P is a workshop-based participative Lean design process that embodies the concepts and methods of Lean Product Development that takes into account people, products and processes to produce a final design that facilitates Lean operations. The paper explains how 3P has been derived from Lean Product Development. A case study that redesigned an endoscopy unit using 3P at Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust is presented. The proposed approach has broad applicability for designing facilities in service settings.
Author(s): Hicks C, McGovern TW, Smith I
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: 33rd ANZAM Conference: Wicked Solutions to Wicked Problems: The Challenges Facing Management Research and Practice
Year of Conference: 2019
Print publication date: 06/12/2019
Acceptance date: 06/08/2019