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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Adrian SmallORCiD, Professor Tom McGovern, Professor Christian HicksORCiD
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Healthcare organisations continue to invest in process redesign as a way to improvequality using continuous improvement and Lean approaches. An Interrupted Time Series(ITS) evaluated the outcomes of a Rapid Process Improvement Workshop (RPIW) at aNational Health Service (NHS) mental health hospital Trust. The ITS analysis was unableto confirm that the RPIW was successful. The limitations of conducting an ITS usingroutinely collected data needs to be recognised. It is important to appreciate the social andcultural context in which the intervention is embedded to effectively evaluateimprovements, which implies the need for a mixed-methods approach.
Author(s): Small A, McGovern T, Hicks C
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: 26th EurOMA Conference: Operations Adding Value to Society
Year of Conference: 2019
Pages: 600-609
Online publication date: 17/06/2019
Acceptance date: 09/04/2019
Publisher: European Operations Management Association