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Lookup NU author(s): Audy Preutisrunyanont, Professor Tom McGovern, Professor Christian HicksORCiD
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This paper presents a case study at SteelCo in the North East of England that explains how a manufacturing company has improved its competitiveness through implementing Lean Production. The work adopts a resource-based view and presents a framework to explore how the company developed the capabilities that enabled it to implement and sustain Lean Production. The development of processes, systems and routines to embed Lean philosophy and tools is described. The development of capabilities was based upon strong leadership, extensive training and workforce development, a culture change initiative, empowerment and the development of a challenge culture. In the initial stages this was facilitated by external consultants. The Company now has its own Lean system and the internal capability to sustain lean. The impact of Lean Production on the competitiveness of SteelCo is examined over an eight year period using a variety of performance metrics.
Author(s): Preutisrunyanont O, McGovern T, Hicks C
Editor(s): Grubbstrom,RW; Hinterhuber,HH;
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: Sixteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics
Year of Conference: 2010
Number of Volumes: 4
Pages: 407-418