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Browsing publications by Dr Louise Allan.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Florence Gerakios
Professor Alison Yarnall
Gemma Bate
Dr Laura Wright
Dr Daniel Davis
et al.
Delirium is more common and associated with worse outcomes in Parkinson's disease compared to older adult controls: results of two prospective longitudinal cohort studies2024
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr Paul Donaghy
Dr Rory Durcan
Dr Joanna Ciafone
Kirsty Olsen
et al.
Outcomes of Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Bodies or Alzheimer Disease at 3 and 5 Years After Diagnosis2024
Dr Rachel Cullinan
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor Alison Yarnall
Professor David Burn
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Documentation and Diagnosis of Delirium in Parkinson’s Disease2023
Julia Schumacher
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr Paul Donaghy
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr Gemma Roberts
et al.
Free water imaging of the cholinergic system in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease2023
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr James Frith
Dr Paul Donaghy
Dr Rory Durcan
Dr Sarah Lawley
et al.
Assessment of autonomic symptoms may assist with early identification of mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies2022
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr James Frith
Dr Paul Donaghy
Sally Barker
Dr Rory Durcan
et al.
Blood pressure and heart rate responses to orthostatic challenge and Valsalva manoeuvre in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies2022
Julia Schumacher
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr Paul Donaghy
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr Gemma Roberts
et al.
Cholinergic white matter pathways in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease2022
Dr Sarah Richardson
James Murray
Dr Louise Robinson
Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Delirium and delirium severity predict the trajectory of the Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility (HABAM) in hospitalised older people: findings from the DECIDE Study2022
Michael Sykes
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
et al.
Enhancing national audit through addressing the quality improvement capabilities of feedback recipients: a multi-phase intervention development study2022
Dr Rachael Lawson
Dr Sarah Richardson
daisy Kershaw
Professor Bloss Stephan
Professor Carol Brayne
et al.
Evaluation of Bedside Tests of Attention and Arousal Assessing Delirium in Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia, and Older Adults2022
Dr Laura Gamble
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Fiona Matthews
Impact of COVID-19 on ‘Living Well’ with Mild-to-Moderate Dementia in the Community: Findings from the IDEAL Cohort2022
Dr Paul Donaghy
Dr Joanna Ciafone
Dr Rory Durcan
Dr Calum Hamilton
Sally Barker
et al.
Mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: neuropsychiatric supportive symptoms and cognitive profile2022
Professor Alan Thomas
Dr Calum Hamilton
Sally Barker
Rory Durcan
Dr Sarah Lawley
et al.
Olfactory Impairment in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer’s Disease2022
Dr Yoshiki Hase
Dr Rufus Akinyemi
Dr Clive Ballard
Professor Raj Kalaria
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Trajectories of cognitive change following stroke: Stepwise decline towards dementia in the elderly2022
Dr Gemma Roberts
Dr Rory Durcan
Dr Paul Donaghy
Dr Sarah Lawley
Dr Joanna Ciafone
et al.
Accuracy of Cardiac Innervation Scintigraphy for Mild Cognitive Impairment With Lewy Bodies2021
Professor John O'Brien
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Professor Alan Thomas
Claire Bamford
Professor Luke Vale
et al.
DTC-RP-PG-0311-12001: Improving the Diagnosis and Management of Neurodegenerative Dementia of Lewy Body Type in the NHS (DIAMOND-Lewy Programme)2021
Julia Schumacher
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr Paul Donaghy
et al.
Functional connectivity in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies2021
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr Rory Durcan
Professor John O'Brien
Dr Louise Allan
Sally Barker
et al.
Hippocampal and insula volume in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies2021
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Rachael Lawson
Professor Bloss Stephan
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Fiona Matthews
et al.
Hospitalisation without delirium is not associated with cognitive decline in a population-based sample of older people – results from a nested, longitudinal cohort study2021
Julia Schumacher
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr Ruth Cromarty
et al.
In vivo nucleus basalis of Meynert degeneration in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies2021
Professor John O'Brien
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor Alan Thomas
Claire Bamford
Professor Luke Vale
et al.
Introduction of a management toolkit for Lewy body dementia: A pilot cluster randomised trial2021
Claire Bamford
Dr Alison Wheatley
Dr Greta Brunskill
Dr Laura Booi
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Key components of post-diagnostic support for people with dementia and their carers: A qualitative study2021
Dr Michael Firbank
Professor John O'Brien
Dr Rory Durcan
Dr Louise Allan
Sally Barker
et al.
Mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: blood perfusion with arterial spin labelling2021
Dr Joanna Ciafone
Professor Alan Thomas
Dr Rory Durcan
Dr Paul Donaghy
Dr Calum Hamilton
et al.
Neuropsychological Impairments and Their Cognitive Architecture in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) with Lewy Bodies and MCI-Alzheimer’s Disease2021
Michael Sykes
Dr Richard Thomson
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Opportunities to enhance ward audit: a multi-site qualitative study2021
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Daniel Davis
Professor Bloss Stephan
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Carol Brayne
et al.
Recurrent delirium over 12 months predicts dementia: results of the Delirium and Cognitive Impact in Dementia (DECIDE) study2021
Dr Calum Hamilton
Julia Schumacher
Professor Fiona Matthews
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Slowing on quantitative EEG is associated with transition to dementia in mild cognitive impairment2021
Dr Calum Hamilton
Professor Fiona Matthews
Dr Louise Allan
Sally Barker
Dr Joanna Ciafone
et al.
Utility of the pareidolia test in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease2021
Dr Alison Wheatley
Claire Bamford
Dr Greta Brunskill
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
et al.
A task-shifted approach to post-diagnostic dementia support: a qualitative study exploring professional views and experiences2020
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Professor Alan Thomas
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Richard McNally
Dr Peter James
et al.
Clinical diagnosis of Lewy body dementia2020
Dr Rachael Lawson
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor Alison Yarnall
Professor David Burn
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Identifying delirium in Parkinson’s disease: a pilot study2020
Michael Sykes
Emeritus Professor Richard Thomson
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Impetus to change: A multi-site qualitative exploration of the national audit of dementia.2020
Julia Schumacher
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr Ruth Cromarty
et al.
Quantitative EEG as a biomarker in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies2020
Dr Yoshiki Hase
Dr Tuomo Polvikoski
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr Lucinda Craggs
William Stevenson
et al.
Small vessel disease pathological changes in neurodegenerative and vascular dementias concomitant with autonomic dysfunction2020
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Alison Wheatley
Tara Homer
Shannon Robalino
Fiona Beyer
et al.
An intervention to improve outcomes of falls in dementia: the DIFRID mixed-methods feasibility study2019
Dr Yoshiki Hase
Dr Tuomo Polvikoski
Dr Mai Hase
William Stevenson
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Carotid artery disease in post-stroke survivors and effects of enriched environment on stroke pathology in a mouse model of carotid artery stenosis2019
Dr Alison Wheatley
Claire Bamford
Dr Caroline Shaw
Fiona Beyer
Dr Robert Barber
et al.
Developing an Intervention for Fall-Related Injuries in Dementia (DIFRID): an integrated, mixed-methods approach2019
Claire Bamford
Dr Alison Wheatley
Dr Caroline Shaw
Dr Louise Allan
Equipping staff with the skills to maximise recovery of people with dementia after an injurious fall2019
Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker
Dr Kirsty Laing
Dr Gary Nestor
Professor Dawn Craig
Dr Joanna Collerton
et al.
Priorities for research in multiple conditions in later life (multi-morbidity): findings from a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership2019
Dr Alison Wheatley
Claire Bamford
Dr Caroline Shaw
Dr Miriam Boyles
Christopher Fox
et al.
Service organisation for people with dementia after an injurious fall: challenges and opportunities2019
Dr Joseph Kane
Sally Barker
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Professor Alan Thomas
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Clinical prevalence of Lewy body dementia2018
Shannon Robalino
Fiona Beyer
Christopher Fox
Dr Louise Allan
Effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving physical and psychological outcomes of fall-related injuries in people with dementia: a narrative systematic review2018
Dr Louise Allan
Claire Bamford
Dr Alison Wheatley
Improving Care for Falls in Dementia: Development of the Difrid Intervention2018
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Alison Wheatley
Denise Howel
Dr Robert Barber
Tara Homer
et al.
Is it feasible to deliver a complex intervention to improve the outcome of falls in people with dementia? A protocol for the DIFRID feasibility study2018
Professor Ian McKeith
Dr Louise Allan
Claire Bamford
Professor Alan Thomas
Professor John-Paul Taylor
et al.
Non-pharmacological interventions for Lewy body dementia: a systematic review2018
Professor Alan Thomas
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Professor Ian McKeith
Claire Bamford
Professor David Burn
et al.
Revision of assessment toolkits for improving the diagnosis of Lewy body dementia: The DIAMOND Lewy study2018
Professor Alan Thomas
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Professor Ian McKeith
Claire Bamford
Professor David Burn
et al.
Development of assessment toolkits for improving the diagnosis of the Lewy body dementias: Feasibility study within the DIAMOND Lewy study2017
Dr Rufus Akinyemi
Dr Louise Allan
Arthur Oakley
Professor Raj Kalaria
Hippocampal neurodegenerative pathology in post-stroke dementia compared to other dementias and aging controls2017
Dr Alison Wheatley
Claire Bamford
Dr Miriam Boyles
Dr Caroline Shaw
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Mapping existing care pathways for people with dementia with fall-related injuries2017
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Daniel Davis
Professor Bloss Stephan
Dr Louise Robinson
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Protocol for the Delirium and Cognitive Impact in Dementia (DECIDE) study: A nested prospective longitudinal cohort study2017
Professor Raj Kalaria
Dr Louise Allan
Sebastian Kohler
STROKOG (stroke and cognition consortium): An international consortium to examine the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of neurocognitive disorders in relation to cerebrovascular disease2017
Stephanie Harrison
Dr Eugene Tang
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
et al.
A Systematic Review of the Definitions of Vascular Cognitive Impairment, No Dementia in Cohort Studies.2016
Dr Joseph Kane
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Alan Thomas
Diagnosing dementia2016
Dr Aiqing Chen
Dr Rufus Akinyemi
Dr Yoshiki Hase
Dr Michael Firbank
Michael Ndung'U
et al.
Frontal white matter hyperintensities, clasmatodendrosis and gliovascular abnormalities in ageing and post-stroke dementia2016
Professor Carol Brayne
Professor John O'Brien
Professor Bloss Stephan
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Masafumi Ihara
et al.
METACOHORTS for the study of vascular disease and its contribution to cognitive decline and neurodegeneration: An initiative of the Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Disease Research2016
Dr Aiqing Chen
Arthur Oakley
Maria Monteiro
Katri Tuomela
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Multiplex analyte assays to characterize different dementias: brain inflammatory cytokines in poststroke and other dementias2016
Dr Aiqing Chen
Dr Rufus Akinyemi
Dr Kazuo Washida
Vincent Foster
Dr Michael Firbank
et al.
Frontal white matter clasmatodendrosis and cognitive dysfunction in the elderly2015
Dr Rufus Akinyemi
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Raj Kalaria
Medial temporal lobe atrophy, white matter hyperintensities and cognitive impairment among African stroke survivors2015
Dr Ellen Tullo
Dr Richard Lee
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Louise Allan
Why is dementia different? Medical students’ views about deceiving people with dementia2015
Dr Deborah Mayne
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Emma Vardy
Experience and opinions on post-graduate dementia training in the UK: a survey of selected consultant geriatricians2014
Lizzie Gemmell
Dr Louise Allan
Roslyn Hall
Dr Ahmad Khundakar
Arthur Oakley
et al.
Neuron Volumes in Hippocampal Subfields in Delayed Poststroke and Aging-Related Dementias2014
Dr Rufus Akinyemi
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Raj Kalaria
Profile and determinants associated with vascular cognitive impairment in African stroke survivors: The CogFAST - Nigeria study2014
Dr Rufus Akinyemi
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Michael Firbank
Professor Raj Kalaria
Profile and determinants of vascular cognitive impairment in African stroke survivors: The CogFAST Nigeria Study2014
Vincent Foster
Arthur Oakley
Janet Slade
Roslyn Hall
Dr Tuomo Polvikoski
et al.
Pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cortex in post-stroke, vascular and other ageing-related dementias2014
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Andrew Teodorczuk
Dr Louise Allan
Validation of a Consensus Method for Identifying Delirium from Hospital Records2014
Dr Andrew Teodorczuk
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Carol Brayne
Consensus Validation of a Method for Delirium Identification Using Hospital Records2013
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Elise Rowan
Professor Alan Thomas
Dr Tuomo Polvikoski
Professor John O'Brien
et al.
Long-term incidence of depression and predictors of depressive symptoms in older stroke survivors2013
Dr Andrew Teodorczuk
Dr Louise Allan
Validation of a method for diagnosing delirium from clinical inpatient records2013
Lizzie Gemmell
Dr Helen Bosomworth
Dr Louise Allan
Roslyn Hall
Dr Ahmad Khundakar
et al.
Hippocampal Neuronal Atrophy and Cognitive Function in Delayed Poststroke and Aging-Related Dementias2012
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Emma Burton
Dr Robert Barber
Professor John O'Brien
et al.
Neuroimaging predictors of death and dementia in a cohort of older stroke survivors2012
Dr Christopher Morris
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Elise Rowan
Dr Michael Firbank
Professor Gary Ford
et al.
NOS3 gene rs1799983 polymorphism and incident dementia in elderly stroke survivors2011
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Elise Rowan
Dr Michael Firbank
Professor Alan Thomas
Dr Steve Parry
et al.
Long term incidence of dementia, predictors of mortality and pathological diagnosis in older stroke survivors2011
Dr Ellen Tullo
Dr Louise Allan
What should we be teaching medical students about dementia?2011
Dr Ellen Tullo
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
Dr Louise Allan
Systematic review: Helping the young to understand the old. Teaching interventions in geriatrics to improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of undergraduate medical students2010
Veronica Miller
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Arthur Oakley
Roslyn Hall
Professor Raj Kalaria
et al.
Dorsal Motor Nucleus of Vagus protein aggregates in Lewy Body Disease with autonomic dysfunction2009
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Elise Rowan
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Incidence and prediction of falls in dementia: a prospective study in older people2009
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Autonomic dysfunction in dementia2007
Dr Louise Allan
Orthostatic Hypotension and Autonomic Dysfunction2007
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Elise Rowan
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Prevalence, incidence and prediction of falls in dementia and Parkinson’s disease: a prospective study in the elderly2007
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Elise Rowan
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Prevalence, incidence and prediction of falls in dementia and Parkinson’s disease: a prospective study in the elderly2007
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Raj Kalaria
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Roslyn Hall
Veronica Miller
et al.
α-Synuclein accumulation in medullary autonomic nuclei correlates with autonomic responses in Lewy Body Disease2007
Professor Ian McKeith
Dr Elise Rowan
Kristina Askew
Dr Louise Allan
Nicola Barnett
et al.
More severe functional impairment in dementia with Lewy bodies than Alzheimer disease is related to extrapyramidal motor dysfunction2006
Professor David Burn
Dr Elise Rowan
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Sophie Molloy
Professor John O'Brien
et al.
Motor Subtype and Cognitive Decline in Lewy Body Disease: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study2006
Professor David Burn
Dr Elise Rowan
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Sophie Molloy
Professor John O'Brien
et al.
Motor subtype and cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's disease with dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies2006
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Ian McKeith
Dr Clive Ballard
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
The prevalence of autonomic symptoms in dementia and their association with physical activity, activities of daily living and quality of life2006
Dr Louise Allan
Professor David Burn
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
[abstract] Early presentation of gait disorder is indicative of non–Alzheimer’s dementia2005
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Dr Louise Allan
Autonomic dysfunction in Dementia with Lewy bodies.2005
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Andrew McLaren
Dr Clive Ballard
Professor Ian McKeith
Emeritus Professor Alan Murray
et al.
Autonomic dysfunction is present in dementia with Lewy bodies2005
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Clive Ballard
Dr Alan Murray
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Autonomic dysfunction is present in dementia with Lewy bodies2005
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Simon Kerr
Dr Clive Ballard
Professor John Allen
Emeritus Professor Alan Murray
et al.
Autonomic function assessed by heart rate variability is normal in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia2005
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Clive Ballard
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Autonomic function is correlated with executive function and attention in patients with dementia2005
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Nick Steen
Professor John Allen
Emeritus Professor Alan Murray
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
et al.
Autonomic function is impaired in elderly stroke survivors2005
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Clive Ballard
Professor David Burn
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Prevalence and severity of gait disorders in Alzheimer's and non-Alzheimer's dementias2005
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Clive Ballard
Professor David Burn
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Prevalence and Severity of Gait Disorders in Alzheimer's and Non-Alzheimer's Dementias2005
Dr Louise Allan
Prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in common dementia disorders2005
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Emma Johns
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Abnormalities of sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic function in subjects with defaecation syncope2004
Sally Stephens
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Dr Elise Rowan
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Raj Kalaria
et al.
Neuropsychological characteristics of mild vascular cognitive impairment and dementia after stroke2004
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Andrew McLaren
Professor John Allen
Dr Clive Ballard
Professor Ian McKeith
et al.
Heart rate variability is reduced in dementia with Lewy bodies but not Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia.2003
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Rose Anne Kenny
Defecation syncope associated with splanchnic sympathetic dysfunction and cured by permanent pacemaker insertion [12]2001