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Browsing publications by Dr Amy Anderson.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Philip Brown
Dr Amy Anderson
Najib Naamane
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Adenosine metabolic signature in circulating CD4+ T cells predicts remission in rheumatoid arthritis2024
Dr Abi Gault
Dr Linda Hogarth
Dr Kristian Williams
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Professor Neil Rajan
et al.
Monitoring immunE DysregulAtion foLLowing Immune checkpOint-inhibitioN (MEDALLION): protocol for an observational cancer immunotherapy cohort study2024
Dr Ken Baker
Dr David McDonald
Dr Gill Hulme
Raf Hussain
Dr Jonathan Coxhead
et al.
Single-cell insights into immune dysregulation in rheumatoid arthritis flare versus drug-free remission2024
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Julie Diboll
Dr Fiona Cooke
Dr Amy Anderson
In vitro generation of human tolerogenic monocyte-derived dendritic cells2023
Gemma Vidal Pedrola
Najib Naamane
Dr Arthur Pratt
Emeritus Professor Andrew Mellor
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Characterization of age-associated B cells in early drug-naïve rheumatoid arthritis patients2023
Dr Kristian Williams
Abigail Gault
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor Christopher Stewart
Professor Chris Lamb
et al.
Immune-related adverse events in checkpoint blockade: Observations from human tissue and therapeutic considerations2023
Dr Fiona Cooke
Dr Mary Neal
Dr Matthew Wood
Dr Amy Anderson
Julie Diboll
et al.
Fluorine labelling of therapeutic human tolerogenic dendritic cells for 19F-magnetic resonance imaging2022
Dr Faye Cooles
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Najib Naamane
Alice Lin
et al.
Interferon-α-mediated therapeutic resistance in early rheumatoid arthritis implicates epigenetic reprogramming2022
Professor John Isaacs
Sarah Brockbank
Dr Ayako Pedersen
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Dr Amy Anderson
et al.
RA-MAP, molecular immunological landscapes in early rheumatoid arthritis and healthy vaccine recipients2022
Dr Fiona Rayner
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Ken Baker
Professor Christopher Buckley
Dr Bernard Dyke
et al.
BIOlogical Factors that Limit sustAined Remission in rhEumatoid arthritis (the BIO-FLARE study): protocol for a non-randomised longitudinal cohort study2021
Dr Nicola Maney
Dr Ben Barron-Millar
Dr Christopher Carey
Ian Herron
Dr Amy Anderson
et al.
Pim Kinases as Therapeutic Targets in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis2021
Alex Clark
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Nishanthi Thalayasingam
Najib Naamane
Julie Diboll
et al.
Lymphocyte DNA methylation mediates genetic risk at shared immune-mediated disease loci2020
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Nicola Maney
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Julie Diboll
Dr Philip Brown
et al.
Expression of STAT3-regulated genes in circulating CD4+ T cells discriminates rheumatoid arthritis independently of clinical parameters in early arthritis2019
Laura Ridgley
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Nicola Maney
Najib Naamane
Andrew Skelton
et al.
IL-6 Mediated Transcriptional Programming of Naïve CD4+ T Cells in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Drives Dysregulated Effector Function2019
Dr Rachel Spiering
Matthew Wood
Anshor Fath
Oliver Eltherington
Dr Amy Anderson
et al.
Targeting of tolerogenic dendritic cells to heat-shock proteins in inflammatory arthritis2019
Dr Nishanthi Thalayasingam
Andrew Skelton
Dr Amy Anderson
Alex Clark
Julie Diboll
et al.
CD4+ and B lymphocyte expression quantitative traits at rheumatoid arthritis risk loci in untreated early arthritis: implications for causal gene identification2018
Dr Faye Cooles
Dr Amy Anderson
Andrew Skelton
Dr Arthur Pratt
Professor Iain McInnes
et al.
Phenotypic and transcriptomic analysis of peripheral blood plasmacytoid and conventional dendritic cells in early drug naïve rheumatoid arthritis2018
Laura Ridgley
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Arthur Pratt
What are the dominant cytokines in early rheumatoid arthritis?2018
Dr Gillian Bell
Dr Amy Anderson
Julie Diboll
Oliver Eltherington
Dr Rachel Harry
et al.
Autologous tolerogenic dendritic cells for rheumatoid and inflammatory arthritis2017
Dr Amy Anderson
Increased Expression of Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte−Associated Protein 4 by T Cells, Induced by B7 in Sera, Reduces Adaptive Immunity in Patients With Acute Liver Failure2017
Dr Faye Cooles
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Julie Norris
Dr Arthur Pratt
et al.
The interferon gene signature is increased in patients with early treatment-naive rheumatoid arthritis and predicts a poorer response to initial therapy2017
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr David Swan
Oliver Eltherington
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Gary Reynolds
et al.
Tolerogenic dendritic cells generated with dexamethasone and vitamin D3 regulate rheumatoid arthritis CD4+ T-cells partly via TGF-β12017
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor John Isaacs
Bcl-3 in CD4+ T Cell–Mediated Rheumatoid Arthritis Pathogenesis: Comment on the Article by Meguro et al2016
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor John Isaacs
Julie Diboll
Dr Nishanthi Thalayasingam
et al.
Capture Hi-C identifies a novel causal gene, IL20RA, in the pan-autoimmune genetic susceptibility region 6q232016
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Amy Anderson
Julie Diboll
Andrew Skelton
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Identification of novel expression quantitative trait loci in CD4+ T cells of untreated early arthritis patients2016
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr John Doran
Christine Routledge
Ben Hargreaves
et al.
IL-6-driven STAT signalling in circulating CD4+ lymphocytes is a marker for early anti-citrullinated peptide antibody-negative rheumatoid arthritis2016
Dr Faye Cooles
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Rachel Harry
Julie Diboll
Lee Munro
et al.
Immune reconstitution 20 years after treatment with alemtuzumab in a rheumatoid arthritis cohort: implications for lymphocyte depleting therapies2016
Dr Phillip Lord
Dr Rachel Spiering
Dr Amy Anderson
Julie Diboll
Emeritus Professor Lindsay Marshall
et al.
Minimum information about tolerogenic antigen-presenting cells (MITAP): a first step towards reproducibility and standardisation of cellular therapies2016
Dr Amy Anderson
Adaptive Immune Reponses in ALF2015
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Professor Dawn Teare
RIPOSTE: a framework for improving the design and analysis of laboratory-based research2015
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Julie Diboll
Ben Hargreaves
et al.
STAT3-regulated gene expression in circulating CD4+ T cells discriminates RA patients independently of clinical parameters in early arthritis: a validation study.2015
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Amy Anderson
Julie Diboll
Andrew Skelton
Ben Hargreaves
et al.
The Importance of IL-6-STAT3 Mediated Activation of Circulating CD4+ T Cells in the Pathogenesis of Early Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Validation Study2015
Dr Faye Cooles
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor John Isaacs
The Interferon Gene Signature in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Demonstrates No Significant Association with Disease Activity2015
Harriet Purvis
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor David Young
Professor John Isaacs
Professor Catharien Hilkens
et al.
A Negative Feedback Loop Mediated by STAT3 Limits Human Th17 Responses2014
Marilena Patsalidou
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Anja Krippner-Heidenreich
An unconventional anti-inflammatory role for TNF recpetor (TNFR)1 in tregs: TNFR1 and 2 differetnialy modulate FOXP3+ TREG function2014
Dr Gillian Bell
Dr Amy Anderson
Julie Diboll
Dr Rachel Harry
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
Autologous Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells for Rheumatoid and Inflammatory Arthritis.2014
Dr Gillian Bell
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Rachel Harry
Julie Diboll
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
Autologous tolerogenic dendritic cells in rheumatoid and inflammatory arthritis2014
Dr Amy Anderson
Christine Routledge
Professor John Isaacs
Dr Arthur Pratt
Investigation of interleukin-6-driven STAT3 signalling in circulating lymphocytes of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis as a route to biomarker discovery2014
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Arthur Pratt
Ben Hargreaves
Philip Brown
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Phospho-STAT1/3 and Gene Expression Measurement in Circulating CD4+ T Cells As Diagnostic Tools in Early Autoantibody-Negative Rheumatoid Arthritis2014
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Arthur Pratt
Ben Hargreaves
Philip Brown
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Phospho-STAT1/3 measurement in circulating CD4+T-cells as a diagnostic tool in early autoantibody-negative rheumatoid arthritis2014
Dr Gillian Bell
Dr Amy Anderson
Julie Diboll
Dr Rachel Harry
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
Autologous Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells In Rheumatoid and Inflammatory Arthritis2013
Dr Amy Anderson
Christine Routledge
Phil Mawson
Professor John Isaacs
Dr Arthur Pratt
et al.
Interleukin-6 driven STAT3 phosphorylation in circulating lymphocytes is specific for CD4 T cells in early rheumatoid arthritis2013
Dr Amy Anderson
Christine Routledge
Phil Mawson
Professor John Isaacs
Dr Arthur Pratt
et al.
Interleukin-6 Driven STAT3 Phosphorylation In Circulating Lymphocytes Is Specific For CD4+ T Cells In Early Rheumatoid Arthritis2013
Dr Faye Cooles
Professor John Isaacs
Dr Amy Anderson
Treg Cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Update2013
Dr Gillian Bell
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Rachel Harry
Dr Jeroen Stoop
Professor Catharien Hilkens
et al.
Autologous tolerogenic dendritic cells in rheumatoid arthritis2012
Harriet Purvis
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Human T helper 17 responses: the effect of T-cell density2012
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Alice Lorenzi
Dr Arthur Pratt
Thomas Wooldridge
Julie Diboll
et al.
Immunity 12 years after alemtuzumab in RA: CD5+ B-cell depletion, thymus-dependent T-cell reconstitution and normal vaccine responses2012
Harriet Purvis
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Human Th17 responses: the effect of T-cell density2011
Dr Malcolm Brodlie
Dr Michael McKean
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor Andrew Fisher
et al.
Raised interleukin-17 is immunolocalised to neutrophils in cystic fibrosis lung disease2011
Dr Rachel Harry
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor John Isaacs
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Generation and characterisation of therapeutic tolerogenic dendritic cells for rheumatoid arthritis2010
Harriet Purvis
Dr Jeroen Stoop
Professor Jelena Mann
Steven Woods
Anne Kozijn
et al.
Low strength T-cell activation promotes Th17 responses2010
Dr Jeroen Stoop
Professor Jelena Mann
Steven Woods
Anne Kozijn
Professor Sophie Hambleton
et al.
Low-strength T-cell activation promotes Th17 responses2010
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr David Swan
Bethan Sayers
Dr Rachel Harry
Dr Angela Patterson
et al.
LPS activation is required for migratory activity and antigen presentation by tolerogenic dendritic cells2009
Professor John Isaacs
Dr Amy Anderson
Regulatory T cells and autoimmunity2009
Dr Amy Anderson
Seasonal changes in suppressive capacity of CD4 CD25 T cells from patients with hayfever are allergen-specific and may result in part from expansion of effector T cells among the CD25 population2009
Dr Alice Lorenzi
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Dr Angela Patterson
Emerita Professor Helen Foster
et al.
Thymic function in juvenile idiopathic arthritis2009
Dr Rachel Harry
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Graham Raftery
Professor John Isaacs
Professor Catharien Hilkens
et al.
Development of clinical-grade tolerogenic dendritic cells for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis2008
Dr Amy Anderson
Bethan Sayers
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr David Swan
Julie Diboll
et al.
Differential regulation of naïve and memory CD4+ T cells by alternatively activated dendritic cells2008
Dr Alice Lorenzi
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Dr Angela Patterson
Emerita Professor Helen Foster
et al.
Thymic function in juvenile idiopathic arthritis2008
Dr Amy Anderson
Bethan Sayers
Dr David Swan
Professor John Isaacs
Professor Catharien Hilkens
et al.
Tolerogenic dendritic cell therapy for rheumatoid arthritis2008
Dr Amy Anderson
Professor John Isaacs
Tregs and rheumatoid arthritis2008
Dr Amy Anderson
TLR9 polymorphisms determine murine lymphocyte responses to Helicobacter: Results from a genome-wide scan2007
Dr Amy Anderson
Helicobacter infection in the surfactant protein D-deficient mouse2007
Dr Amy Anderson
Bethan Sayers
Julie Diboll
Professor John Isaacs
Professor Catharien Hilkens
et al.
Tolerogenic dendritic cells differentially modulate naïve and memory CD4+ T cells2007