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Browsing publications by Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Carole Proctor
Christopher Macdonald
Dr Jenny Milner
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
A computer simulation approach for assessing therapeutic intervention points to prevent cytokine-induced cartilage breakdown2014
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Carole Proctor
Investigating molecular mechanisms of ageing cartilage using computer simulation models2014
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Xin Xu
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Carole Proctor
et al.
Oxidative changes and signalling pathways are pivotal in initiating age-related changes in articular cartilage2014
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Tissue destruction and repair2014
Dr Carole Proctor
Christopher Macdonald
Dr Jenny Milner
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
A computer simulation approach for testing possible interventions to ameliorate collagen release2013
Dr Hui Wang
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Age-related knee joint cartilage changes in mice2012
Mark Houseman
Dr Kate Potter
Nicola Marshall
Dr Rachel Lakey
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Baseline serum MMP-3 levels in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis are still independently predictive of radiographic progression in a longitudinal observational cohort at 8 years follow up2012
Dr Hui Wang
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Cartilage degradation, expression of mmp-13 and oxidation markers increase with age in the knee joints of aged mice2012
Dr Marta Radwan
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor John Robinson
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor David Young
et al.
Involvement of pattern recognition receptors in poly(I:C)-mediated MMP-13 expression2012
Dr Gary Litherland
Madona Elias
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor David Young
et al.
Leptin produced by joint white adipose tissue induces cartilage degradation via upregulation and activation of matrix metalloproteinases2012
Dr Marta Radwan
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor John Robinson
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor David Young
et al.
Pattern recognition receptors in osteoarthritic cartilage2011
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Rachel Lakey
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Assay of matrix metalloproteinases against matrix substrates2010
Dr Matthew Barter
Leon Pybus
Dr Gary Litherland
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
HDAC-mediated control of ERK- and PI3K-dependent TGF-beta-induced extracellular matrix-regulating genes2010
Dr Hui Wang
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Gary Litherland
Madona Elias
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
et al.
Leptin produced by joint white adipose tissue induces cartilage degradation by up-regulation and activation of matrix metalloproteinases2010
Dr Matthew Barter
Dr Rachel Lakey
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor David Young
et al.
Lipophilic statins prevent matrix metalloproteinase-mediated cartilage collagen breakdown by inhibiting protein geranylgeranylation2010
Dr Gary Litherland
Dr Matthew Jefferson
Dr Matthew Barter
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
et al.
Lithium protects cartilage from cytokine-mediated degradation by reducing collagen-degrading MMP production via inhibition of the P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway2010
Dr Jenny Milner
Amit Patel
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
et al.
Matriptase is a novel initiator of cartilage matrix degradation in osteoarthritis2010
Dr Jenny Milner
Amit Patel
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
et al.
Matriptase is a novel initiator of cartilage matrix degradation in osteoarthritis2010
Dr Jenny Milner
Amit Patel
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
et al.
Matriptase is a novel initiator of cartilage matrix resorptionm in osteoarthritis2010
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor David Young
Proteinases involved in matrix turnover during cartilage and bone breakdown2010
Dr Rachel Lakey
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor John Isaacs
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor Catharien Hilkens
et al.
A novel paradigm for dendritic cells as effectors of cartilage destruction2009
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Vicky Ryan
Dr Gavin Johnson
Dr James Lordan
et al.
Bronchalveolar Lavage Neutrophilia and MMP-9 at 3 Months Post Lung Transplantation May Predict the Development of BOS2009
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Lithium inhibits cartilage degradation and MMP production induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines2009
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Measurement of activity of collagenolytic MMP and inhibitors of MMPs using radiolabeled collagen substrate2009
Dr Rachel Lakey
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Sulfasalazine blocks the release of proteoglycan and collagen from cytokine stimulated cartilage and down-regulates metalloproteinases2009
Adillah Binti Yusof
Dr Ian Forrest
Therese Small
Debra Jones
Professor Andrew Fisher
et al.
Azithromycin attenuates effects of lipopolysaccharide on lung allograft bronchial epithelial cells2008
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Gavin Johnson
Therese Small
Professor Andrew Fisher
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Azithromycin attenuates lipopolysaccharide-mediated release of interleukin-8 and GM-CSF from primary bronchial epithelial cells derived from stable lung transplant recipients2008
Dr Steven Young-Min
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr David Coady
Biomarkers in the prediction of radiographic progression in early rheumatoid arthritis: Comment on the article by Young-Min et al2008
Dr Gary Litherland
Dr Matthew Barter
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor John Robinson
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
et al.
Differential Toll-like receptor-dependent collagenase expression in chondrocytes2008
Emeritus Professor Mike Sir Michael Rawlins
Dr Ian Forrest
Therese Small
Debra Jones
Professor Andrew Fisher
et al.
Simvastatin attenuates release of neutrophilic and remodeling factors from primary bronchial epithelial cells derived from stable lung transplant recipients2008
Dr Ian Forrest
Therese Small
Professor Andrew Fisher
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor Christopher Ward
et al.
Simvastatin potentially decreases neutrophilic inflammation and remodelling in the transplanted airway2008
Dr Gary Litherland
Dr Craig Dixon
Dr Rachel Lakey
Tim Robson
David Jones
et al.
Synergistic collagenase expression and cartilage collagenolysis are phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling-dependent2008
Dr Heather Bigg
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 against native collagen types I and III2007
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Assessment of collagenase activity in cartilage2007
Dr Steven Young-Min
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr David Coady
Biomarkers predict radiographic progression in early rheumatoid arthritis and perform well compared with traditional markers2007
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Debra Jones
Professor Andrew Fisher
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Effect of azithromycin on primary bronchial epithelial cells derived from stable lung allografts2007
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Rachel Lakey
Debra Jones
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Emeritus Professor Robin Seymour
et al.
Gingival fibroblasts grown from cyclosporin-treated patients show a reduced production of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) compared with normal gingival fibroblasts, and cyclosporin down-regulates the production of MMP-1 stimulated by pro-inflammatory cytokines2007
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor David Young
Investigating SOD2 gene expression and regulation in osteoarthritic cartilage2007
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor Fraser Birrell
Research in hand osteoarthritis: Time for reappraisal and demand for new strategies. An opinion paper2007
Dr Nicholas Peake
Emerita Professor Helen Foster
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Assessment of the clinical significance of gelatinase activity in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis using quantitative protein substrate zymography2006
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Development of a novel 2D proteomics approach for the identification of proteins secreted by primary chondrocytes after stimulation by IL-1 and oncostatin M2006
Dr Matthew Barter
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor David Young
Downregulation of ADAM12 expression by histone deacetylase inhibitors2006
Dr Jenny Milner
Professor David Young
David Jones
Dr Emma Barksby
Dr Angela Patterson
et al.
Fibroblast activation protein alpha is expressed by chondrocytes following a pro-inflammatory stimulus and is elevated in osteoarthritis2006
Dr Jenny Milner
Professor David Jones
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Fibroblast activation protein alpha is expressed by chondrocytes following a pro-inflammatory stimulus and is elevated in osteoarthritis2006
Dr Jenny Milner
Professor David Young
David Jones
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Fibroblast-activation protein-alpha is expressed by chondrocytes following a proinflammatory stimulus and is elevated in osteoarthritis2006
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Desmond Murphy
David Jones
Dr James Lordan
et al.
Hepatocyte growth factor - A link between neutrophilic inflammation and BOS?2006
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor David Deehan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Human nasal cartilage responds to oncostatin M in combination with interleukin 1 or tumour necrosis factor alpha by the release of collagen fragments via collagenases2006
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor David Young
Inhibition of proteolytic activity involved in cartilage breakdown2006
Dr Emma Barksby
Ilka Wappler
Dr Heiko Peters
Dr Jenny Milner
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Interleukin-1 in combination with oncostatin M up-regulates multiple genes in chondrocytes - Implications for cartilage destruction and repair2006
Dr Nicholas Peake
Dr Andrea Myers
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emerita Professor Helen Foster
et al.
Interleukin-6 signalling in juvenile idiopathic arthritis is limited by proteolytically cleaved soluble interleukin-6 receptor2006
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Dr Rachel Lakey
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Investigation into the potential chondroprotective effects of ciclosporin in arthritis2006
Dr Emma Barksby
Dr Jenny Milner
Dr Angela Patterson
Dr Nicholas Peake
Tim Robson
et al.
Matrix metalloproteinase 10 promotion of collagenolysis via procollagenase activation: Implications for cartilage degradation in arthritis2006
Dr Jenny Milner
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor David Young
Metalloproteinase and inhibitor expression profiling of resorbing cartilage reveals pro-collagenase activation as a critical step for collagenolysis2006
Dr Rachel Lakey
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Mevastatin and simvastatin block collagen release from bovine cartilage and downregulate MMP-13 from human articular chondrocytes2006
Dr William Shingleton
Debra Jones
Xin Xu
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
et al.
Retinoic acid and oncostatin M combine to promote cartilage degradation via matrix metalloproteinase-13 expression in bovine but not human chondrocytes2006
Dr Heather Bigg
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
The mammalian chitinase-like lectin, YKL-40, binds specifically to type I collagen and modulates the rate of type I collagen fibril formation2006
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor David Jones
Dr Gary Pritchard
Rachel Stovold
et al.
The phosphodiesterase type IV (PDE IV) inhibitor cilomilast decreases pro-inflammatory cytokine production from primary bronchial epithelial cells derived from lung transplant recipients2006
Dr Desmond Murphy
Professor Christopher Ward
David Jones
Rachel Stovold
Professor Andrew Fisher
et al.
The phosphodiesterase type IV inhibitor cilomilast decreases pro-inflammatory cytokine production from primary bronchial epithelial cells in lung transplantation patients2006
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Understanding the role of tissue degrading enzymes and their inhibitors in development and disease2006
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Acetylation in the control of metalloproteinase expression2005
Dr Steven Young-Min
Dr David Coady
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Are biochemical markers predictive of radiographic progression in early rheumatoid arthritis and do they perform better than traditional markers?2005
Dr Nicholas Peake
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Dr Andrea Myers
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emerita Professor Helen Foster
et al.
Assessment of the clinical significance of MMP activity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)2005
Dr Nicholas Peake
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Dr Andrea Myers
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Assessment of the clinical significance of MMPs in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis2005
Dr Steven Young-Min
Dr David Coady
Sarah Charlton
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Early rheumatoid arthritis patients with DR4 shared epitope alleles progress radiologically and have elevated levels of serum MMP-3, serum comp, urinary GLC-GAL-PYD and urinary collagen crosslinks2005
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr James Lordan
Dr Gary Pritchard
Professor David Jones
Dr Helen Robertson
et al.
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition in clinically stable lung transplant recipients2005
Tina Xu
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Evaluation of chondrocyte micromass culture for the study of cartilage degradation2005
Professor David Young
Dr Rachel Lakey
David Jones
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Histone deacetylase inhibitors modulate metalloproteinase gene expression in chondrocytes and block cartilage resorption2005
Professor David Young
Dr Rachel Lakey
Professor David Jones
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Histone deacetylase inhibitors modulate metalloproteinase gene expression in chondrocytes and block cartilage resorption2005
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Human nasal cartilage responds to oncostatin M in combination with interleukin 1 or tumour necrosis factor α by the release of collagen fragments via collagenases2005
Dr Nicholas Peake
Dr Andrea Myers
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emerita Professor Helen Foster
et al.
IL-6 and the soluble receptor in paired juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) serum and SF samples2005
Dr Nicholas Peake
Dr Andrea Myers
Debra Jones
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
et al.
Levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 in paired sera and synovial fluids of juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients: relationship to inflammatory activity, MMP-3 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 in a longitudinal study2005
Dr Steven Young-Min
Dr David Coady
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Longitudinal measurement of traditional observer and laboratory based markers enhances prediction of radiographic progression in early rheumatoid arthritis. patient based responses were of limited use2005
Dr Jenny Milner
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Matrix metalloproteinase knockout studies and the potential use of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors in the rheumatic diseases2005
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Heather Bigg
Dr Jenny Milner
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Dr Emma Barksby
et al.
Mechanisms of cartilage matrix turnover: synergistic interactions of proinflammatory cytokines with oncostatin M in upregulating matrix metalloproteinases and ADAMTS metalloproteinases2005
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
OM in combination with TNFalpha induces a chondrocyte membrane associated aggrecanase2005
Dr Emma Barksby
Professor David Young
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Oncostatin M in combination with tumour necrosis factor alpha induces a chondrocyte membrane associated aggrecanase that is distinct from ADAMTS aggrecanase-1 or-22005
Professor David Young
Dr Rachel Lakey
David Jones
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Oncostatin M in combination with tumour necrosis factor alpha induces a chondrocyte membrane-associated aggrecanase that is distinct from ADAMTS aggrecanase-1 or -22005
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Helen Robertson
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor Andrew Fisher
et al.
Phenotype of airway epithelial cells suggests epithelial to mesenchymal cell transition in clinically stable lung transplant recipients2005
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Desmond Murphy
Professor Christopher Ward
David Jones
Professor Kate Gould
et al.
Primary airway epithelial cell culture from lung transplant recipients2005
Dr Steven Young-Min
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Serum MMP-3 levels fall following the initiation of methotrexate in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis2005
Dr Steven Young-Min
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Sarah Charlton
Dr David Coady
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
The biallelic 1G/2G single nucleotide polymorphism at position-1607BP of the MMP-1 promoter is not associated with rheumatoid arthritis, does not significantly affect measured levels of serum MMP-1 and is not associated with increased radiographic destruction2005
Professor David Deehan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
The biology of intergration of the anterior cruciate ligament2005
Dr Steven Young-Min
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
The dominant role of serum MMP-3 compared to serum MMP-1 and MMP-13 in the generation of breakdown products from joint tissues in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis2005
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Professor Andrew Fisher
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr James Lordan
et al.
The potential role of interleukin-17 in airway inflammation and remodelling in post-transplant obliterative bronchiolitis2005
Dr Nicholas Peake
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emerita Professor Helen Foster
Use of quantitative enzyme zymography to analyse proteinase activity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) serum and SF samples2005
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
A model of inflammatory arthritis highlights a role for oncostatin M in pro-inflammatory cytokine-induced bone destruction via RANK/RANKL2004
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr James Lordan
Dr Helen Robertson
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor John Dark
et al.
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition in clinically stable lung transplantation2004
Professor David Young
Dr Rachel Lakey
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Histone deacetylase inhibitors are chondroprotective2004
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr James Lordan
IL-17 stimulates IL-8 release in primary epithelial cell cultures derived from lung allografts2004
Dr Andrea Myers
Dr Rachel Lakey
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Lesley Kay
Serum MMP-1 and TIMP-1 levels are increased in patients with psoriatic arthritis and their siblings2004
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Adenoviral gene transfer of interleukin-1 in combination with oncostatin M induces significant joint damage in a murine model2003
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Assays of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and MMP inhibitors: bioassays and immunoassays applicable to cell culture medium, serum and synovial fluid2003
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Jenny Milner
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Cytokine synergy, collagenases and cartilage collagen breakdown2003
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Jenny Milner
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Cytokine synergy, collagenases and cartilage collagen breakdown2003
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Drugs in development: bisphosphonates and metalloproteinase inhibitors2003
Dr Jenny Milner
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Dr Sarah Elliott
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Inhibition of furin-like enzymes blocks interleukin-1 alpha/oncostatin M-stimulated cartilage degradation2003
Dr Steven Young-Min
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Angela Grainger
Modified Larsen scoring of digitized radiographs in rheumatoid arthritis2003
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Oncostatin M in combination with tumor necrosis factor alpha induces cartilage damage and matrix metalloproteinase expression in vitro and in vivo2003
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Hui Wang
Dr Christopher Richards
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Synergistic interactions of proinflammatory cytokines with oncostatin M: implications for joint destruction2003
Nicola Leadbetter
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
The effects of cyclosporin on the collagenolytic activity of gingival fibroblasts2003
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Transforming growth factor beta 1 and insulin-like growth factor 1 block collagen degradation induced by oncostatin M in combination with tumour necrosis factor alpha from bovine cartilage2003
Dr Bijayeswar Vaidya
Professor Simon Pearce
Stephen Charlton
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor Pat Kendall-Taylor
et al.
An association between the CTLA4 exon 1 polymorphism and early rheumatoid arthritis with autoimmune endocrinopathies2002
Dr Bijayeswar Vaidya
Professor Simon Pearce
Sarah Charlton
Nicola Marshall
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
et al.
An association between the CTLA4 exon 1 polymorphism and early rheumatoid arthritis with autoimmune endocrinopathies2002
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Gary Pritchard
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Co-localisation of MMP-9 with neutrophils in stable lung transplant recipients - A potential role in Bronchiolitis Obliterans2002
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Paul Koshy
Neil Henderson
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Interleukin 17 induces cartilage collagen breakdown: novel synergistic effects in combination with proinflammatory cytokines2002
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Mechanisms of Joint Destruction and Therapeutic Approaches2002
Paul Koshy
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
The modulation of matrix metalloproteinase and ADAM gene expression in human chondrocytes by interleukin-1 and oncostatin M - A time-course study using real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction2002
Nicola Leadbetter
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
The role of soluble interleukin (IL)-6 receptor in mediating the effects of IL-6 on matrix metalloproteinase-1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 expression by gingival fibroblasts2002
Dr Jenny Milner
Dr Sarah Elliott
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Activation of procollagenases is a key control point in cartilage collagen degradation: Interaction of serine and metalloproteinase pathways2001
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Paul Koshy
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Assays of matrix metalloproteinases against matrix substrates2001
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Early joint erosions and serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase 1, matrix metalloproteinase 3, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 in rheumatoid arthritis2001
Dr Jenny Milner
Dr Sarah Elliott
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Inhibition of the serine proteinase furin blocks interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha)/oncostatin M (OSM) stimulated cartilage collagen degradation2001
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Insulin-like growth factor 1 blocks collagen release and down regulates matrix metalloproteinase-1, -3, -8, and -13 mRNA expression in bovine nasal cartilage stimulated with oncostatin M in combination with interleukin 1α2001
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Insulin-like growth factor-1 blocks the release of collagen fragments from bovine nasal cartilage stimulated by oncostatin M in combination with interleukin-12001
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Interleukin 13 blocks the release of collagen from bovine nasal cartilage treated with proinflammatory cytokines2001
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Interleukin-13 blocks the release of collagen fragments from bovine nasal cartilage treated with proinflammatory cytokines by preventing pro-collagenase activation2001
Dr Steven Young-Min
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Leader: markers of joint destruction: principles, problems and potential2001
Dr Steven Young-Min
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Markers of joint destruction: principles, problems, and potential2001
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Severine Carrere
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Dr Richard Duggleby
Suzanne Elliott
et al.
Matrix metalloproteinases and TIMPs: properties and implications for the treatment of chronc pulmonary disease2001
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Severine Carrere
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Dr Richard Duggleby
Suzanne Elliott
et al.
Matrix metalloproteinases and TIMPs: Properties and implications for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease2001
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr Severine Carrere
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Dr Richard Duggleby
Suzanne Elliott
et al.
Matrix metalloproteinases and TIMPs: properties and implications for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease2001
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Modulation of the expression of matrix metalloproteinase and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases by TGF-beta 1 and IGF-1 in primary human articular and bovine nasal chondrocytes stimulated with TNF-alpha2001
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Modulation of the expression of matrix metalloproteinase and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases by transforming growth factor-beta 1 and insulin-like growth factor-1 in primary chondrocytes stimulated with tumour necrosis factor-alpha.2001
Emeritus Professor John Harris
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Musculoskeletal pharmacology2001
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Oncostatin M in combination with TNF synergistically induces expression and production of matrix metaollproteinases and promotes cartlilage breakdown.2001
Dr Steven Young-Min
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Serum TIMP-1, TIMP-2, and MMP-1 in patients with systemic sclerosis, primary Raynaud's phenomenon, and in normal controls2001
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Paul Koshy
Dr William Shingleton
Dr Beverley Degnan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Synergistic effects of glycoprotein 130 binding cytokines in combination with interleukin-1 on cartilage collagen breakdown2001
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Dr Severine Carrere
Paul Koshy
Dr Beverley Degnan
Dr William Shingleton
et al.
Synergistic induction of matrix metalloproteinase 1 by interleukin-1 alpha and oncostatin M in human chondrocytes involves signal transducer and activator of transcription and activator protein 1 transcription factors via a novel mechanism2001
Dr Jonathan Catterall
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Synergistic regulation of chondrocytes by IL-1 and oncostatin M (OSM) involves interaction of JAK/STAT, MAPKinase and c-jun activation2001
Dr Sarah Elliott
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
The clinical potential of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors in the rheumatic disorders2001
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Cartilage destruction in arthritis: Collagen and aggrecan-degrading proteinases2000
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Cartilage destruction in Arthritis: Collagen and Aggrecan-degrading Proteins2000
Dr Heather Bigg
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Mechanisms of induction of human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) gene expression by all-trans retinoic acid in combination with basic fibroblast growth factor2000
Dr Heather Bigg
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor Derek Mann
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Regulation of human TIMP-1 Gene Expression2000
Dr William Shingleton
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Retinoic acid combines with interleukin-1 to promote the degradation of collagen from bovine nasal cartilage: Matrix metalloproteinases-1 and -13 are involved in cartilage collagen breakdown2000
Dr William Shingleton
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Retinoic acid combines with interleukin-1 to promote the degradation of collagen from bovine nasal cartilage: Matrix metalloproteinases-1 and-13 are involved in cartilage collagen breakdown2000
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Transforming growth factor-beta 1 blocks the release of collagen fragments from bovine nasal cartilage stimulated by oncostatin M in combination with IL-1 alpha2000
Paul Koshy
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
96-well plate assays for measuring collagenase activity using 3H-acetylated collagen1999
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
A longitudinal study of anticardiolipin antibody levels and cognitive functioning in systemic lupus erythematosus1999
Dr Heather Bigg
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Induction of human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 gene expression by all-trans retinoic acid in combination with basic fibroblast growth factor involves both p42/44 and p38 MAP kinases1999
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Paul Koshy
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
The regulation of MMPs and TIMPs in cartilage turnover1999
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Paul Koshy
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
The regulation of MMPs and TIMPs in cartilage turnover1999
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Paul Koshy
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
The regulation of MMPs and TIMPs in cartilage turnover1999
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
An aggrecan-degrading activity associated with chondrocyte membranes1998
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Matrix metalloproteinases and TIMPs: properties and implications for the rheumatic diseases1998
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Mechanisms of joint destruction and therapeutic approaches1998
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Prevention of cartilage breakdown by matrix metalloproteinase inhibition - A realistic therapeutic target?1998
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Paul Koshy
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Dr William Shingleton
The role of oncostatin M in animal and human connective tissue collagen turnover and its localization within the rheumatoid joint1998
Dr William Shingleton
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Cartilage canals in equine articular/epiphyseal growth cartilage and a possible association with dyschondroplasia1997
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor Derek Mann
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Transcriptional activity of the human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP-1) gene in fibroblasts involves elements in the promoter, exon 1 and intron 11997
Dr William Shingleton
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Collagenase: A key enzyme in collagen turnover1996
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Prevalence and possible pathological significance of calcium phosphate salt accumulation in tendon matrix degeneration1996
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Tenascin-C and human tendon degeneration1996
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Tendon lesions and soft tissue rheumatism - Great outback or great opportunity?1996