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Browsing publications by Dr Pamela Woolner.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Pamela Woolner
Creating ‘Perfect’ New Learning Spaces: Collaboration to Align Design and Use.2024
Dr Pamela Woolner
Designing differently: the case of Jesmond Gardens Primary School, Hartlepool, England2024
Dr Pamela Woolner
Dr Ahmed Kharrufa
Dr Denise Lengyel
Dr Alison Whelan
Developing a method for obtaining pupil insight for Building in Use reviews2024
Dr Pamela Woolner
Postdigital Manifestations of Schooling: Entrenching the Old or Enabling the New?2024
Siobhan Warrington
Professor Graham Smith
Dr Pamela Woolner
Listening to Experiences of Environmental Change in Rural Vietnam: An Intergenerational Approach2023
Siobhan Warrington
Professor Graham Smith
Dr Pamela Woolner
Managing distance when teaching, learning and doing oral history: A case study from Vietnam2023
Siobhan Warrington
Professor Graham Smith
Dr Pamela Woolner
Youth participation in environmental action in Vietnam: Learning citizenship in liminal spaces2023
Dr Pamela Woolner
Building education: a participatory framework to support the planning and effective use of new school spaces2022
Dr Pamela Woolner
Ulrike Thomas
The risks of standardised school building design: Beyond aligning the parts of a learning environment2022
Dr Pamela Woolner
Dr Alison Whelan
Constructing Education: An Opportunity Not to Be Missed2021
Dr Pamela Woolner
Dr Paula Cardellino
Crossing Contexts: Applying a System for Collaborative Investigation of School Space to Inform Design Decisions in Contrasting Settings2021
Dr Pamela Woolner
Making Education: Material School Design and Educational Governance2021
Dr Pamela Woolner
Openness – flexibility – transition. Nordic prospects for changes in the school learning environment2021
Dr Paula Cardellino
Dr Pamela Woolner
Designing for transformation – a case study of open learning spaces and educational change2020
Professor Doris Kowaltowski
Dr Pamela Woolner
School design patterns supporting learning through play2020
Dr Pamela Woolner
Lucy Tiplady
Enhancing Wellbeing Through Broadening the Primary Curriculum in the UK with Open Futures2019
Dr Maria Mroz
Dr Pamela Woolner
Hey teachers leave us kids alone? Can playtimes be enjoyable for all?2019
Dr Pamela Woolner
The School Building as Organizational Agent: Leveraging Physical Learning Environments to Advance the Educational Enterprise2019
Dr Pamela Woolner
Collaborative Re-design: Working with School Communities to Understand and Improve their Learning Environments2018
Dr Pamela Woolner
Ulrike Thomas
Lucy Tiplady
Structural change from physical foundations: The role of the environment in enacting school change2018
Dr Pamela Woolner
Towards an interdisciplinary model of practice for participatory building design in education2017
Professor Jill Clark
Karen Laing
Professor David Leat
Dr Rachel Lofthouse
Ulrike Thomas
et al.
Transformation in interdisciplinary research methodology: the importance of shared experiences in landscapes of practice2017
Dr Pamela Woolner
Lucy Tiplady
Adapting School Premises as Part of a Complex Pedagogical Change Programme2016
Dr Laura Delgaty
Professor Jo Matthan
Dr Pamela Woolner
Ulrike Thomas
Digital Capabilities and Expectations of Prospective Students: Preparing Higher Education for Learning and Teaching of the Future2016
Dr Laura Delgaty
Professor Jo Matthan
Dr Pamela Woolner
Professor Clare Guilding
Ulrike Thomas
et al.
Preparing for the future or promoting social inequity? Investigating digital capabilities of prospective university students.2016
Dr Pamela Woolner
The school in the city2016
Dr Pamela Woolner
Developing shared understandings of learning environments: interactions with students, teachers and other professionals2015
Dr Pamela Woolner
Exchanging ideas for the ever-changing school2015
Dr Pamela Woolner
School Design Together2015
Dr Pamela Woolner
Professor Jill Clark
Karen Laing
Ulrike Thomas
Lucy Tiplady
et al.
A school tries to change: How leaders and teachers understand changes to space and practices in a UK secondary school2014
Professor Jill Clark
Karen Laing
Lucy Tiplady
Dr Pamela Woolner
Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Participation in Research2014
Dr Kate Wall
Dr Elaine Hall
Dr Pamela Woolner
‘That's not quite the way we see it’: the epistemological challenge of visual data2013
Professor Jill Clark
Karen Laing
Lucy Tiplady
Dr Pamela Woolner
Making Connections2013
Professor Jill Clark
Karen Laing
Dr Pamela Woolner
Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Children’s Participation in Educational Research2013
Professor Jill Clark
Karen Laing
Lucy Tiplady
Dr Pamela Woolner
Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Participation in Research2013
Dr Pamela Woolner
Professor Jill Clark
Ulrike Thomas
Karen Laing
Lucy Tiplady
et al.
Teachers Preparing For Changes to Learning Environment and Practices in a UK Secondary School2013
Colleen Cummings
Karen Laing
Professor James Law
Professor Liz Todd
Dr Pamela Woolner
et al.
Can changing aspirations and attitudes impact on educational attainment? A review of interventions2012
Dr Pamela Woolner
Sheila McCarter
Dr Kate Wall
Steven Higgins
Changed learning through changed space: When can a participatory approach to the learning environment challenge preconceptions and alter practice?2012
Dr Pamela Woolner
Professor Jill Clark
Karen Laing
Ulrike Thomas
Lucy Tiplady
et al.
Changing spaces: preparing students and teachers for a new learning environment2012
Jan Bell
Dr Pamela Woolner
Developing and using questionnaires2012
Professor Jill Clark
Karen Laing
Lucy Tiplady
Dr Pamela Woolner
Pushing the Boundaries: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Children’s Participation in Educational Research2012
Professor Pauline Dixon
Dr Pamela Woolner
Quantitative data analysis: Using SPSS2012
Dr Kate Wall
Dr Elaine Hall
Dr Pamela Woolner
Visual methodology: previously, now and in the future2012
Dr Pamela Woolner
Creating individualised optimal learning environments through participatory design2011
Carl Towler
Dr Pamela Woolner
Dr Kate Wall
Exploring Teachers’ and Students’ Conceptions of Learning in Two Further Education Colleges2011
Sheila McCarter
Dr Pamela Woolner
How listening to student voice can enable teachers to reflect on and adjust their use of physical space2011
Dr Pamela Woolner
Professor Jill Clark
Ulrike Thomas
Using visual and spatial activities to support school staff and students in thinking about learning in a changed space.2011
David Wright
Dr Pamela Woolner
What are the significant factors which support the integration of ICT in the mathematics classroom?2011
Dr Kate Wall
Dr Elaine Hall
Dr Vivienne Baumfield
Steven Higgins
Victoria Rafferty
et al.
Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 4 and Learning to Learn in Further Education Projects2010
Dr Pamela Woolner
Dr Elaine Hall
Noise in schools: a holistic approach to the issue2010
Dr Pamela Woolner
Professor Jill Clark
Dr Elaine Hall
Lucy Tiplady
Ulrike Thomas
et al.
Pictures are necessary but not sufficient: using a range of visual methods to engage users about school design2010
Dr Pamela Woolner
The Design of Learning Spaces2010
Professor Jill Clark
Dr Pamela Woolner
Ulrike Thomas
Exploring Well-being in Schools: The positive Psychology Programme2009
Dr Pamela Woolner
Ulrike Thomas
Professor Liz Todd
Colleen Cummings
How do visually mediated encounters differ from traditional interviews?2009
Dr Kate Wall
Dr Elaine Hall
Steven Higgins
Professor David Leat
Ulrike Thomas
et al.
Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 4 Project2009
David Wright
Dr Pamela Woolner
Small software for mathematics on hand held technology2009
Dr Pamela Woolner
Professor Jill Clark
Ulrike Thomas
Using visual activities to mediate a learning conversation about how a school community regards its premises2008
Dr Pamela Woolner
Dr Elaine Hall
Steven Higgins
Caroline McCaughey
Dr Kate Wall
et al.
A sound foundation? What we know about the impact of environments on learning and the implications for Building Schools for the Future2007
Dr Pamela Woolner
Dr Elaine Hall
Dr Kate Wall
Getting together to improve the school environment: User consultation, participatory design and student voice2007
Steven Higgins
Dr Kate Wall
Dr Vivienne Baumfield
Dr Elaine Hall
Professor David Leat
et al.
Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 3 Evaluation: Final Report2007
Steven Higgins
Dr Kate Wall
Dr Vivienne Baumfield
Dr Elaine Hall
Professor David Leat
et al.
Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 3 Evaluation: Year Two Report2006
Dr Pamela Woolner
Teaching and Learning Mathematics Visually or Verbally: A Comparison of Two Teaching Approaches and Investigation of Interactions With Pupil Cognitive Style2006
Dr Kate Wall
Chris Falzon
Dr Elaine Hall
Professor David Leat
Dr Vivienne Baumfield
et al.
Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 3 Evaluation Year One Final Report2005
Dr Pamela Woolner
Dr Elaine Hall
Dr Kate Wall
Steven Higgins
Dr Anthony Blake
et al.
School building programmes: motivations, consequences and implications2005
Steven Higgins
Dr Elaine Hall
Dr Kate Wall
Dr Pamela Woolner
Caroline McCaughey
et al.
The Impact of School Environments: A literature review2005
Dr Pamela Woolner
A comparison of a visual-spatial approach and a verbal approach to teaching mathematics2004
Dr Pamela Woolner
Words or Pictures? Comparing a Visual and a Verbal Approach to some Year 7 Mathematics2004