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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Jill ClarkORCiD, Dr Karen Laing, Lucy TipladyORCiD, Dr Pamela Woolner
The objective of this publication is to assist practitioners and researchers to do research in a creative way with the underlying approach of researching with rather than on people. The publication provides a short rationale about why such an approach is important but then focuses very much on the ‘how to’, with practical examples and suggestions, and links to further reading. The aim of this publication is to: · Inspire practitioners and researchers to consider different ways of involving their participants in research · Give them the knowledge, skills and confidence to be able to use visual methods in their work · To encourage better engagement by participants and more inclusive practices in order that they can have their voices heard, and ultimately be enabled to contribute in a positive way to social change.
Author(s): Clark J, Laing K, Tiplady L, Woolner P
Publication type: Report
Publication status: Published
Series Title:
Year: 2013
Pages: 1-22
Print publication date: 01/03/2013
Source Publication Date: March 2013
Institution: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching
Place Published: Newcastle University