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Browsing publications by Professor Cristina McKean.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Emily Preston
Professor Helen Stringer
et al.
Adapting early years language and communication support in response to COVID-19 - a catalyst for reflection and more successful parental engagement?2024
Jo Baker
Professor Helen Stringer
Professor Cristina McKean
Ensuring treatment fidelity in intervention studies: Developing a checklist and scoring system within a behaviour change paradigm2024
Professor Cristina McKean
How reliable is assessment of children's sentence comprehension using a self-directed app? A comparison of supported versus independent use2024
Dr Anastasia Trebacz
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Helen Stringer
Sean Pert
Piloting building early sentences therapy for pre-school children with low language abilities: An examination of efficacy and the role of sign as an active ingredient2024
Professor Cristina McKean
The relationship between direct or indirect therapy and language profiles in children with developmental language disorder (DLD) across European countries2024
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Christine Jack
Sean Pert
Professor Helen Stringer
Dr Carolyn Letts
et al.
A randomised controlled trial comparing the efficacy of pre-school language interventions - Building Early Sentences Therapy and an Adapted Derbyshire Language Scheme2023
Dr Helen Wareham
Professor Cristina McKean
Bidirectional associations between mental health problems and language ability across 8 years of childhood2023
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Creating the conditions for robust early language development for all: Part two: Evidence informed public health framework for child language in the early years2023
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Cristina McKean
Creating the conditions for robust early language development for all—Part 1: Evidence-informed child language surveillance in the early years2023
Professor Cristina McKean
Editorial Perspective: Maximising the benefits of intervention research for children and young people with developmental language disorder (DLD) – a call for international consensus on standards of reporting in intervention studies for children with and at risk for DLD2023
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Naomi Rose
et al.
Oral language development in early years settings – optimising collaboration2023
Professor Ghada Khattab
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Anastasia Trebacz
Promoting early language development in the Arab world and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3, 4, 10 and 172023
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Emily Preston
et al.
Promoting oral language development in Early Years settings – an exploration of current practice2023
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor Helen Stringer
Professor Cristina McKean
et al.
Responding to COVID-19: how early years settings supported children’s Language and Communication development and encouraged parental partnerships2023
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Jenna Charlton
Dr Christine Jack
Dr Emily Armstrong
Vicky Gilroy
et al.
Talking 2gether: Collaborative Health Visitor (HV) and Early Years setting implementation of the Early Language Identification Measure and Intervention (ELIM-I)2023
Professor James Law
Dr Jenna Charlton
Robert Rush
Vicky Gilroy
Professor Cristina McKean
et al.
The development and productivity of a measure for identifying low language abilities in children aged 24–36 months2023
Elaine Ashton
Professor Cristina McKean
The Development of a Digital Story-retell Elicitation and Analysis Tool through Citizen Science Data Collection, Software Development and Machine Learning.2023
Professor Cristina McKean
20Q: Language Intervention for Children With or At Risk of Developmental Language Disorder: Defining the Active Ingredients.2022
Dr Anastasia Trebacz
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Ghada Khattab
A rapid review of the nature and influence of responsive parent/caregiver-child interactions on early language development cross-culturally with a focus on Arabic speaking children. CRD420223711882022
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Jennifer Smith
Professor James Law
Professor Sheena Reilly
et al.
A Review of Interventions to Promote Language Development in Early Childhood2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
Allocation and funding of Speech and Language Therapy for children with Developmental Language Disorders across Europe and beyond2022
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Associations between responsive parental behaviours in infancy and toddlerhood, and language outcomes at age 7 years in a population-based sample2022
Vicky Gilroy
Victoria Jackson
Dr Jenna Charlton
Professor Cristina McKean
Campaigning for more responsive parenting: Lessons learned from the NSPCC’s Look, Say, Sing, Play campaign2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Developing Preschool Language Surveillance Models - Cumulative and Clustering Patterns of Early Life Factors in The Early Language in Victoria Cohort2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Developmental Language Disorder and the Assessment of Spoken Language2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Discussion of Issues Related to Assessing Signed or Spoken Language in Children with Developmental Language Disorder2022
Dr Stephanie Van Eeden
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Helen Stringer
Early Communication Behaviors in Infants With Cleft Palate With and Without Robin Sequence: A Preliminary Study2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Economic Evaluation of the Happy Talk pilot effectiveness trial: a targeted-selective speech language and communication intervention for children from areas of social disadvantage2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Editorial Perspective: Speaking up for developmental language disorder – the top 10 priorities for research2022
Elaine Ashton
Dr Christine Jack
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Professor Cristina McKean
et al.
How can we support bilingual children with speech, language, and communication needs?2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Impact, intervention and equity2022
Professor James Law
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Cristina McKean
Language Development: Individual Differences in a Social Context2022
Professor James Law
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Cristina McKean
Language Development: Individual Differences in a Social Context2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Language Trajectories in Childhood: the nature and drivers of individual differences and their implications for intervention2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Rose Watson
Dr Jenna Charlton
Vicky Gilroy
Professor James Law
et al.
'Making the most of together-time': Development of a Health Visitor led intervention to support children’s early language and communication development at the 2-2½ year-old review2022
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Emily Preston
et al.
Reflection on the impact of COVID on schools' support for children with language and communication needs – challenges and opportunities​2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
Retraction notice to “Allocation and funding of speech and language therapy for children with developmental language disorders across Europe and beyond” [RIDD 113 (2021) 103936] (Research in Developmental Disabilities (2021) 113, (S0891422221000858), (10.1016/j.ridd.2021.103936))2022
Robert Rush
Dr Jenna Charlton
Vicky Gilroy
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
et al.
Universal language development screening: comparative performance of two questionnaires2022
Professor Cristina McKean
Using Theory to Drive Intervention Efficacy: The Role of Dose Form in Interventions for Children with DLD2022
Dr Emma Geijer Simpson
Dr Mihirini Sirisena
Dr Samantha Redgate
Professor Eileen Kaner
Dr Josephine Wildman
et al.
A rapid realist evidence synthesis on the effectiveness of reading initiatives in promoting mental and physical health in individuals across the life course.2021
Professor Cristina McKean
Happy Talk: A pilot effectiveness study of a targeted-selective speech–language and communication intervention for children from areas of social disadvantage2021
Professor Cristina McKean
Health-related quality of life of children with low language from early childhood to adolescence: results from an Australian longitudinal population-based study2021
Professor Cristina McKean
Elaine Ashton
Language Explorer: Bringing clinical language transcription and analysis into the 21st Century2021
Dr Zhongyun Yue
Dr Henriette Christensen
Professor Cristina McKean
Elaine Ashton
Parental spoken scaffolding and narrative skills in crowd-sourced storytelling samples of young children2021
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
RETRACTED: Allocation and funding of speech and language therapy for children with Developmental Language Disorders across Europe and beyond2021
Mx Josie Tulip
Professor Cristina McKean
The impact of intervention dose form on oral language outcomes for children with developmental language disorder2021
Mx Josie Tulip
Professor Cristina McKean
The Influence of Quantitative Intervention Dosage on Oral Language Outcomes for Children With Developmental Language Disorder: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis2021
Mx Josie Tulip
Carol-Anne Murphy
Professor Cristina McKean
The Influence of Quantitative Intervention Dosage on Oral Language Outcomes for Children With Developmental Language Disorder: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis2021
Professor James Law
Professor Cristina McKean
The role of social and emotional adjustment in mediating the relationship between early experiences and different language outcomes.2021
Sarah Barnett
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor Helen Stringer
et al.
Validation of a measure of parental responsiveness: Comparison of the brief Parental Responsiveness Rating Scale with a detailed measure of responsive parental behaviours2021
Professor Cristina McKean
Collaboration between parents and SLTs produces optimal outcomes for children attending speech and language therapy: Gathering the evidence2020
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Alexandra Wiles
Professor James Law
Expectations and experiences of parents taking part in parent–child interaction programmes to promote child language: a qualitative interview study2020
Professor James Law
Dr Jenna Charlton
Professor Cristina McKean
Fiona Beyer
Dr Cristina Fernandez-Garcia
et al.
Final report Parent-child reading to improve language development and school readiness: A systematic review and meta-analysis2020
Professor James Law
Dr Jenna Charlton
Professor Cristina McKean
Rose Watson
Robert Rush
et al.
Identifying and Supporting Children's Early Language Needs2020
Professor Cristina McKean
Kate Benson
Dr Christine Jack
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
et al.
ISRCTN10974028: Language intervention in the Early Years - comparing the effectiveness of language intervention approaches for pre-school children with language difficulties2020
Professor Cristina McKean
Kate Benson
Dr Christine Jack
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
et al.
Language intervention in the early years - comparing the effectiveness of language intervention approaches for pre-school children with language difficulties2020
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Helen Stringer
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Dr Christine Jack
et al.
Staying faithful: Exploring the challenges of treatment fidelity2020
Juliane Hasselaar
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor Cristina McKean
Verb morphology in German-speaking children with developmental language disorder and phonological impairment2020
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Elaine Ashton
Kate Benson
Emily Preston
et al.
Working with bilingual children at risk of developmental language disorder: adapting assessment and intervention for the nursery-aged bilingual child2020
Dr Anastasia Trebacz
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Helen Stringer
Professor James Law
A protocol for the refinement and evaluation of language intervention for children with language difficulties in the early years2019
Juliane Hasselaar
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor Cristina McKean
Case marking in German speaking children with specific language impairment and with phonological impairment2019
Dr Elspeth McCartney
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Karen Laing
Professor James Law
Co/productive practitioner relations for children with SLCN: an affect inflected agentic frame2019
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
Language Delay2019
Professor James Law
Professor Cristina McKean
Carol-Anne Murphy
Dr Elin Thordardottir
Managing children with Developmental Language Disorder: theory and practice across Europe and beyond.2019
Professor Cristina McKean
Mx Josie Tulip
Service delivery for children with language disorders across Europe and beyond.2019
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
Training community health nurses to measure parent-child interaction: A mixed-methods study2019
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
Juliana Mensah
Vocabulary Development and Trajectories of Behavioral and Emotional Difficulties Via Academic Ability and Peer Problems2019
Katalin Tamasi
Professor Cristina McKean
Children's gradient sensitivity to phonological mismatch: Considering the dynamics of looking behavior and pupil dilation2018
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
Professor Sheena Reilly
Developmental Language Disorder2018
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Language and social-emotional and behavioural wellbeing from 4-7 years: A community-based study2018
Professor James Law
Dr Jenna Charlton
Professor Cristina McKean
Fiona Beyer
Dr Cristina Fernandez-Garcia
et al.
Parent-child reading to improve language development and school readiness: A systematic review and meta-analysis2018
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Quality of Life in Children with Developmental Language Disorder2018
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
Dr Karen Laing
Dr Elspeth McCartney
A qualitative case study in the social capital of co-professional collaborative co-practice for children with speech language and communication needs2017
Tom King
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor James Law
Acquisition of maternal education and its relation to single word reading in middle childhood: An analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study2017
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Associations between expressive and receptive language and internalizing and externalizing behaviours in a community-based prospective study of slow-to-talk toddlers2017
Professor James Law
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Child Language in a Public Health Context2017
Professor James Law
Dr Jenna Charlton
Professor Cristina McKean
Early Language Development: Needs, provision and intervention for pre-school children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. London Education Endowment Foundation2017
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Language outcomes at 7 years: early predictors and co-occurring difficulties2017
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Oral language – a foundation for learning2017
Emeritus Professor Simon Gibbs
Professor James Law
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Helen Stringer
Phase 2 of CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology.2017
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Cristina McKean
Pre-school speech, language and fluency impairments: Best practice in identification and management2017
Katalin Tamasi
Professor Cristina McKean
Pupillometry registers toddlers' sensitivity to degrees of mispronunciation2017
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Subgroups in language trajectories from 4 to 11 years: the nature and predictors of stable, improving and decreasing language trajectory groups2017
Emeritus Professor Simon Gibbs
Professor James Law
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Helen Stringer
CATALISE: A Multinational and Multidisciplinary Delphi Consensus Study. Identifying Language Impairments in Children2016
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor James Law
Professor Sheena Reilly
Predicting meaningful differences in school-entry language skills from child and family factors measured at 12 months of age2016
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Cristina McKean
Taking the ‘specific’ out of language impairment2016
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Cristina McKean
Clinical Review: Identifying and managing common childhood language and speech impairments2015
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Sheena Reilly
Levers for Language Growth: Characteristics and Predictors of Language Trajectories between 4 and 7 Years2015
Siti Binte Faizal
Professor Ghada Khattab
Professor Cristina McKean
The Qur’an Lexicon Project: A database of lexical statistics and phonotactic probabilities for 19,286 contextually and phonetically transcribed types in Qur’anic Arabic2015
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Penny Levickis
Late talking: can it predict later language difficulties?2014
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Late talking: does parenting behaviour hold the key?2014
Dr Penny Levickis
Professor Cristina McKean
Late talking: is intervention necessary and effective?2014
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor James Law
Professor Cristina McKean
Specific language impairment: a convenient label for whom?2014
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor David Howard
Triggering word learning in children with Language Impairment: The effect of phonotactic probability and neighbourhood density2014
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor David Howard
Developmental Change Is Key to Understanding Primary Language Impairment: The Case of Phonotactic Probability and Nonword Repetition2013
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor David Howard
Functional reorganization in the developing lexicon: separable and changing influences of lexical and phonological variables on children's fast-mapping2013
Professor Cristina McKean
Marshall, Chloe, ed. Current Issues in Developmental Disorders, (Hove: Psychology Press, 2013) ISBN: 97818487208482013
Professor Cristina McKean
Sean Pert
Carol Stow
Building Early Sentences Therapy (BEST): A Home Language Intervention Programme for Young Children with Severe Language Difficulties2012
Professor Cristina McKean
Debra Page
Gill Close
Dr Deborah James
Understanding what matters most: exploring profiles and trajectories of learning and development from the early years to formal education2011
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor Helen Stringer
Dr Thomas Klee
A missed opportunity2010
Professor Cristina McKean
Michael Perkins, Pragmatic Impairment (Review)2010
Professor Cristina McKean
[PhD Thesis] Investigating the development of a developmental disorder: Mapping the trajectory of lexical development in Specific Language Impairment2009
Professor Cristina McKean
Current Literature: Relations among Speech, Language and Reading Disorders. Pennington B.F. & Bishop D.V.M. (2009) Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 283-306.2009
Professor Cristina McKean
Book review: Hegde, M. N. and Pena-Brooks, A. Treatment Protocols for Articulation and Phonological Disorders. Plural Publishing: San Diego, CA, 2006. xxvi 1 458 pp. Pbk £51.00. ISBN: 978 15975608492008
Professor Cristina McKean
Speech and Language Therapy Resources to Download: Nottingham SLT advice sheets: Strategies to promote early language development1997