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Browsing publications by Professor Paul Seedhouse.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Simin Ren
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Doing language testing: learner-initiated side sequences in a technology-mediated language learning environment2024
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Complex dynamic systems theory, interactional discourse, and second language research2024
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Human Spoken Interaction as a Complex Adaptive System : A Longitudinal Study of L2 Interaction2024
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Transitioning from conversation analysis to mixed methods2024
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Müge Satar
The Rashomon Effect: Which features of a speaker’s talk do listeners notice?2023
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Affiliation and negative assessments in peer observation feedback for foreign language teachers professional development2022
Cihat Atar
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Professor Steve Walsh
Shaping Learner Contributions via a Combination of Different Resources: Joint Use of 'Okay' and Type-specific Questions [Oblikovanje učeničkih odgovora kombinacijom različitih izvora: zajednička upotreba riječi okay i specifičnih pitanja]2022
Dr Ahmed Kharrufa
Dr Müge Satar
Dr Colin Bone Dodds
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Supporting Non-Expert Users in Authoring Tasks for Learning Language and Culture: Evaluation Study2022
Professor Rene Koglbauer
Jon Haines
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Video Enhanced Observation. Enhancing Reflection, Pedagogy and Students' Learning2022
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Video Enhanced Observation for Language Teaching: Reflection and Professional Development2021
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Müge Satar
Which specific features of candidate talk do examiners orient to when taking scoring decisions?2021
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Ahmed Kharrufa
Cooking as a Language Learning task.2020
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Ahmed Kharrufa
Cooking as a language learning task: On the internet2020
Professor Paul Seedhouse
L2 Classroom Contexts: Deviance, Confusion, Grappling and Flouting2019
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The dual personality of ‘topic’ in the IELTS Speaking Test2019
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The IELTS test in a global free market: Clash of the Titans!2019
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Ahmed Kharrufa
Dr Simin Ren
Trang Nguyen
et al.
The Linguacuisine Project: A Cooking-based Language Learning Application2019
Dr Jaeuk Park
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Young Children's L2 Vocabulary Learning through Cooking: the case of Korean EFL children2019
Professor Paul Seedhouse
A Conversation-Analytic Perspective on the Organization of Teacher-Led Clarification and Its Implications for L2 Teacher Training2018
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Olcay Sert
Editorial to the Special Issue ‘Conversation Analytic Studies on Teaching and Learning Practices: International Perspectives’2018
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The Discourse of the IELTS Speaking Test: Interactional Design and Practice2018
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Candidates questioning examiners in the IELTS Speaking Test: An intervention study2017
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Task-Based Language Learning in a Real-World Digital Environment: The European Digital Kitchen2017
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Dawn Knight
Applying Digital Sensor Technology: A Problem-Solving Approach2016
Jaeuk Park
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Robert Comber
Korean language learning through cooking in the digital kitchen2016
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Anne Preston
Blending pedagogy, technology, skills and food: The French digital kitchen project2015
Dr Anne Preston
Dr Madeline Balaam
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Ashur Rafiev
Dan Jackson
et al.
Can a kitchen teach languages? Linking theory and practice in the design of context-aware language learning environments2015
Christopher Jenks
Professor Paul Seedhouse
International Perspectives on ELT Classroom Interaction2015
Professor Paul Seedhouse
L2 Classroom Interaction as a Complex Adaptive System2015
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Topic-as-script and Topic-as-action in Language Assessment and Teaching2015
Dr Anne Preston
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Madeline Balaam
Dr Ashur Rafiev
Dan Jackson
et al.
Kitchen as Classroom: Shifting perspectives in the design and evaluation of new technologies for learning2014
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Anne Preston
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Madeline Balaam
et al.
The European Digital Kitchen Project2014
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Anne Preston
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
The French digital kitchen: Implementing task-based language teaching beyond the classroom2014
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Rola Naeb
Dr Eda Ustunel
The relationship between speaking features and band descriptors: a mixed methods study.2014
Dr Anne Preston
Professor Paul Seedhouse
A pervasive language learning environment:The European Digital Kitchen2013
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Conversation Analysis.2013
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Oral proficiency interviews as varieties of interaction2013
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Anne Preston
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Thomas Ploetz
et al.
The French Digital Kitchen: Implementing Task-Based Language Teaching beyond the Classroom2013
Dr Anne Preston
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dan Jackson
Dr Philip Heslop
et al.
Can a kitchen teach me French?: Using digital technology to learn French language and cuisine2012
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Conversation Analysis and Classroom Interaction2012
Dr Clare Hooper
Dr Anne Preston
Dr Madeline Balaam
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dan Jackson
et al.
The French Kitchen: Task-Based Learning in an Instrumented Kitchen2012
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Anne Preston
Using Digital Technology to Teach Language and Cuisine2012
Professor Paul Seedhouse
What kind of interaction receives high and low ratings in Oral Proficiency Interviews?2012
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Conversation Analytic Research into Language Teaching and Learning2011
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Saandia Ali
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Patrick Olivier
Learning French in a Digital Kitchen2011
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Research Methods for Applied Language Studies2011
Professor Pauline Dixon
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The impact of an intervention on children's reading and spelling ability in low-income schools in India2011
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Andy Harris
Topic development in the IELTS Speaking Test2011
Professor Paul Seedhouse
How research methodologies influence findings2010
Professor Paul Seedhouse
A Framework for Conceptualising Learning in Applied Linguistics2010
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Classroom Interaction in Story-Based Lessons with Young Learners 2010
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Professor Steve Walsh
Dr Christopher Jenks
Conceptualising 'Learning' in Applied Linguistics2010
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Professor Steve Walsh
Learning a Second Language through Classroom Interaction2010
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Locusts, snowflakes and recasts: complexity theory and spoken interaction2010
Professor Paul Seedhouse
No Negative Evidence? Brown and Hanlon Reinterpreted.2010
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The Relationship between Pedagogical Focus and Interaction in L2 Lessons2010
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Saad Almutairi
A Holistic Approach to task-based Interaction.2009
Professor Paul Seedhouse
How Language Teachers Explain to Student What They are Supposed to Do2009
Professor Tony Young
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Teaching and learning culture on English language programmes: a critical review of the recent empirical literature2009
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Learning to Talk the Talk: Conversation Analysis as a Tool for Induction of Trainee Teachers2008
Professor Paul Seedhouse
S. Kurhila: Second language interaction2008
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Conversation Analysis and Languages for Specific Purposes2007
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Describing and Analysing Institutional Varieties of Interaction2007
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Interaction and Constructs2007
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Interactional Competence and the LSP Classroom2007
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Professor Vivian Cook
Language Learning and Teaching as Social Interaction2007
Professor Paul Seedhouse
On ethnomethodological CA and "Linguistic CA": A reply to Hall2007
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Classroom Interactions2006
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking Test2006
Professor Paul Seedhouse
"Task" as research construct2005
Professor Paul Seedhouse
‘Sharing Time’ with young learners2005
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Applying Conversation Analysis2005
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Applying conversation analysis2005
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Conversation Analysis and language learning2005
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Conversation Analysis as Research Methodology2005
Professor Paul Seedhouse
'Sharing Time' with young learners2005
Eda Ustunel
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Why that, in that language, right now? Code-switching and pedagogical focus2005
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Conversation analysis methodology2004
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Conversation analysis, applied linguistics, and second language acquisition2004
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Different perspectives on language classroom interaction2004
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Resources for conversation analysis research in applied linguistics and second language acquisition2004
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The Interactional Architecture of the Language Classroom: A Conversation Analysis Perspective2004
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The organization of language classroom interaction2004
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The organization of repair in language classrooms2004
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The organization of turn taking and sequence in language classrooms2004
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Transcription conventions (appendix one)2004
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The case of the missing "no": The relationship between pedagogy and interaction2001
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Task-based interaction1999
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The relationship between context and the organisation of repair in the L2 classroom1999
Professor Paul Seedhouse
CA and the analysis of foreign language interaction: A reply to Wagner1998
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Portraying the Complexity of L2 Classroom Interaction1998
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Combining form and meaning1997
Professor Paul Seedhouse
The Case of the Missing 'No': The Relationship between Pedagogy and Interaction1997
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Classroom interaction: possibilities and impossibilities1996
Professor Paul Seedhouse
L2 Classroom Interaction: Possibilities and Impossibilities1996
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Needs Analysis as a Basis for CALL Materials Design.1996
Professor Paul Seedhouse
L2 Classroom Transcripts: Data in Search of a Methodology?1995
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Needs analysis and the General English classroom1995
Professor Paul Seedhouse
From needs analysis to course design1994
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Linking Pedagogical Purposes to Linguistic Patterns of Interaction1994