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Browsing publications by Dr Tracy Finch.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Ben Rimmer
Michelle Balla
Dr Lizzie Dutton
Sophie Williams
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
“It changes everything”: Understanding how people experience the impact of living with a lower-grade glioma2024
Abi Alton
Dr Lisa Shaw
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Christopher Price
Dr Graham McClelland
et al.
A qualitative exploration of ambulance clinician behaviour and decision making to identify factors influencing on-scene times for suspected stroke patients in North East England2024
Ben Rimmer
Michelle Balla
Dr Lizzie Dutton
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Barriers and facilitators to self-management in people living with a lower-grade glioma2024
Ben Rimmer
Dr Morven Brown
Tumi Sotire
Fiona Beyer
Iakov Bolnykh
et al.
Characteristics and components of self-management interventions for improving quality of life in cancer survivors: a systematic review2024
Ben Rimmer
Dr Tracy Finch
Michelle Balla
Dr Lizzie Dutton
Sophie Williams
et al.
Understanding supported self-management for people living with a lower-grade glioma: Implementation considerations through the lens of normalisation process theory2024
Dr Yu Fu
Professor Christopher Price
Dr Tracy Finch
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Digitally deployed, GP remote consultation video intervention that aims to reduce opioid prescribing in primary care: protocol for a mixed-methods evaluation2023
Ben Rimmer
Dr Lizzie Dutton
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Linda Sharp
et al.
Experiences of work for people living with a grade 2/3 oligodendroglioma: a qualitative analysis within the Ways Ahead study2023
Dr Katie Hackett
Dr Tracy Finch
Self-regulation of effort for a better health-related quality of life: a multidimensional activity pacing model for chronic pain and fatigue management2023
Dr Graham McClelland
Abi Alton
Dr Lisa Shaw
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Christopher Price
et al.
What factors contribute towards ambulance on-scene times for suspected stroke patients? An observational study2023
Dr Tracy Finch
Joan Mackintosh
Dr Alex Petrou
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Professor Ann Le Couteur
et al.
"We couldn't think in the box if we tried. We can't even find the damn box": A qualitative study of the lived experiences of autistic adults and relatives of autistic adults2022
Dr Sebastian Potthoff
Dominika Kwaśnicka
Dr Leah Avery
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Marie Johnston
et al.
Changing healthcare professionals' non-reflective processes to improve the quality of care2022
Michael Sykes
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
et al.
Enhancing national audit through addressing the quality improvement capabilities of feedback recipients: a multi-phase intervention development study2022
Melissa Girling
Professor Ann Le Couteur
Dr Tracy Finch
Experience-based co-design (EBCD) with young people who offend: Innovating methodology to reach marginalised groups2022
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Michaela Fay
Joanne Smith
Dr Fiona Shaw
Dr Shona Haining
et al.
Using care and support planning to implement routine falls prevention and management for people living with frailty: A qualitative evaluation2022
David Mason
Dr Helen Taylor
Dr Barry Ingham
Dr Tracy Finch
Colin Wilson
et al.
Views about primary care health checks for autistic adults: UK survey findings2022
Professor John O'Brien
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Professor Alan Thomas
Claire Bamford
Professor Luke Vale
et al.
DTC-RP-PG-0311-12001: Improving the Diagnosis and Management of Neurodegenerative Dementia of Lewy Body Type in the NHS (DIAMOND-Lewy Programme)2021
Dr Cristina Fernandez-Garcia
Professor Laura Ternent
Tara Homer
Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers
Dr Helen Bosomworth
et al.
Economic evaluation of robot-assisted training versus an enhanced upper limb therapy programme or usual care for patients with moderate or severe upper limb functional limitation due to stroke: results from the RATULS randomised controlled trial2021
Dr Helen Bosomworth
Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers
Dr Lisa Shaw
Denise Howel
Dr Nina Wilson
et al.
Evaluation of the enhanced upper limb therapy programme within the Robot-Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke trial: descriptive analysis of intervention fidelity, goal selection and goal achievement2021
Professor John O'Brien
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor Alan Thomas
Claire Bamford
Professor Luke Vale
et al.
Introduction of a management toolkit for Lewy body dementia: A pilot cluster randomised trial2021
Michael Sykes
Emeritus Professor Richard Thomson
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Tracy Finch
Opportunities to enhance ward audit: a multi-site qualitative study2021
Michael Sykes
Dr Richard Thomson
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Opportunities to enhance ward audit: a multi-site qualitative study2021
Dr Tracy Finch
Samridh Sharma
Melissa Girling
Professor Tim Rapley
Professor Chris Vernazza
et al.
Developing oral health risk assessment as routine practice during early stages of clinical careers: a cross-sectional study of dental students using the NoMAD questionnaire2020
Michael Sykes
Emeritus Professor Richard Thomson
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Impetus to change: A multi-site qualitative exploration of the national audit of dementia.2020
Ben Rimmer
Dr Lizzie Dutton
Janet Lewis
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Ways Ahead: Developing a supported self-management programme for people living with low- and intermediate-grade gliomas. A protocol for a multi-method study2020
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Gregory Maniatopoulos
Dr Chris Gibbins
Professor Neil Sheerin
Dr Suren Kanagasundaram
et al.
Acute kidney injury electronic alerts: mixed methods Normalization Process Theory evaluation of their implementation into secondary care in England2019
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Dr Susan Bissett
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Jared Thornton
Professor Philip Preshaw
et al.
Exploring changes in oral hygiene behaviour in patients with diabetes and periodontal disease: A feasibility study2019
Professor Emily Oliver
Dr Tracy Finch
Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK2019
David Mason
Joan Mackintosh
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Professor Jacqueline Rodgers
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Quality of life for older autistic people: The impact of mental health difficulties2019
Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers
Dr Helen Bosomworth
Professor Hermano Krebs
Denise Howel
Dr Nina Wilson
et al.
Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke (RATULS): a multi-centre randomised controlled trial comparing robot-assisted training; an enhanced upper limb therapy programme; and usual care2019
Ashleigh Stamp
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Chris Vernazza
Surgical canine exposures in young people: behavioural management techniques employed to facilitate care2019
Dr Iain McKinnon
Dr Tracy Finch
Contextualising health screening risk assessments in police custody suites – qualitative evaluation from the HELP-PC study in London, UK2018
Dr Johanne Dow
Jonah Robinson
Shannon Robalino
Dr Tracy Finch
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
How best to assess quality of life in informal carers of people with dementia; A systematic review of existing outcome measures2018
Dr Tracy Finch
Melissa Girling
Professor Carl May
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Dr Ian Steen
et al.
Improving the normalization of complex interventions: part 2 - validation of the NoMAD instrument for assessing implementation work based on normalization process theory (NPT)2018
Dr Katherine Jackson
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Eileen Kaner
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Understanding alcohol as an element of 'care practices' in adult White British women's everyday personal relationships: A qualitative study2018
Dr Tracy Finch
A Flexible Toolkit for Evaluating Person-Centred Digital Health and Wellness at Scale2017
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Exploring the factors affecting the implementation of tobacco and substance use interventions within a secondary school setting: a systematic review2017
Dr Tracy Finch
Readiness for delivering digital health at scale: Lessons from a longitudinal qualitative evaluation of a national digital health innovation program in the United Kingdom2017
Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers
Dr Lisa Shaw
Dr Helen Bosomworth
Lydia Aird
Dr Natasha Alvarado
et al.
Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke (RATULS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial2017
Dr Tracy Finch
Melissa Girling
Dr Ian Steen
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Dr Claire Dickinson
et al.
Can we measure implementation progress using normalization process theory? Development and validation of the NoMAD survey tool2016
Dr Steve Parry
Claire Bamford
Dr Tracy Finch
Neil Sabin
Dr Ian Steen
et al.
Cognitive behavioural therapy-based intervention to reduce fear of falling in older people: therapy development and randomised controlled trial the Strategies for Increasing Independence, Confidence and Energy (STRIDE) study2016
Dr Tracy Finch
Delivering digital health and well-being at scale: lessons learned during the implementation of the dallas program in the United Kingdom2016
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Implementation, context and complexity2016
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Implementing a video-based intervention to empower staff members in an autism care organization: a qualitative study2016
Dr Tracy Finch
Successful implementation of technological innovations in health care organizations2016
Dr Grant Gibson
Dr Lisa Newton
Dr Gary Pritchard
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Katie Brittain
et al.
The provision of assistive technology products and services for people with dementia in the United Kingdom2016
Dr Helen Bosomworth
Lydia Aird
John Dawson
Professor Janet Eyre
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke (RATULS)2015
Dr Helen Bosomworth
Lydia Aird
John Dawson
Professor Janet Eyre
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke (RATULS)2015
Dr Tracy Finch
Claire Bamford
Vincent Deary
Neil Sabin
Dr Steve Parry
et al.
Making sense of a cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for fear of falling: qualitative study of intervention development2014
Dr Steve Parry
Vincent Deary
Dr Tracy Finch
Claire Bamford
Neil Sabin
et al.
The STRIDE (Strategies to Increase confidence, InDependence and Energy) study: cognitive behavioural therapy-based intervention to reduce fear of falling in older fallers living in the community - study protocol for a randomised controlled trial2014
Dr Lisa Newton
Dr Grant Gibson
Dr Gary Pritchard
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Katie Brittain
et al.
Assistive technologies in caring for the oldest old2013
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Grant Gibson
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Lisa Newton
Dr Gary Pritchard
et al.
Assistive technologies in caring for the oldest old: a review of current practice and future directions2013
Dr Steve Parry
Dr Tracy Finch
Vincent Deary
How should we manage fear of falling in older adults living in the community?2013
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Tim Rapley
Melissa Girling
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Dr Nick Steen
et al.
Improving the Normalization of Complex Interventions: Measure Development based on Normalization Process Theory (NoMAD): Study Protocol2013
Dr Morven Brown
Rosemary Bell
Dr Gareth Waring
Professor Steve Robson
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Women's perception of future risk following pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia2013
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Factors that promote or inhibit the implementation of e-health systems: An explanatory systematic review2012
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
From theory to 'measurement' in complex interventions: Methodological lessons from the development of an e-health normalisation instrument2012
Dr Sara Kirk
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Established users and the making of telecare work in long term condition management: Implications for health policy2011
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Tim Rapley
Evaluating complex interventions and health technologies using normalization process theory: development of a simplified approach and web-enabled toolkit2011
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Catherine Exley
Dr Sara Kirk
Dr Neil Jenkings
et al.
Integrating telecare for chronic disease management in the community: What needs to be done?2011
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Why is it difficult to implement e-health initiatives? A qualitative study2011
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Tim Rapley
Professor Carl May
Normalisation process theory: a framework for developing, evaluating and implementing complex interventions2010
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Tim Rapley
Development of a theory of implementation and integration: Normalization Process Theory2009
Dr James Field
Dr Nicolette Rousseau
Professor Mark Thomason
Professor Catherine Exley
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Facilitation of implant provision in primary care2009
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Implementing, Embedding, and Integrating Practices: An Outline of Normalization Process Theory2009
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Making and unmaking telepatients: Identity and governance in new health technologies2009
Professor Catherine Exley
Dr Nicolette Rousseau
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr James Field
et al.
Paying for treatments? Influences on negotiating clinical need and decision-making for dental implant treatment2009
Dr Ben Heaven
Professor Catherine Exley
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
The participation of practice nurses in a randomised controlled trial: Managing intersecting trajectories of work2009
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Future patients? Telehealthcare, roles and responsibilities2008
Dr Ben Heaven
Professor Catherine Exley
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Instability, conflict and regaining epistemological control: An ethnographic account of a trial-team at work2008
Dr Tracy Finch
Teledermatology for chronic disease management: Coherence and normalization2008
Scott Fraser
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Which quality of life score is best for glaucoma patients and why?2008
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Deborah Hutchings
Dr Lynne Corner
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Julian Hughes
et al.
Balancing rights and risks: Conflicting perspectives in the management of wandering in dementia2007
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Deborah Hutchings
Dr Heather Dickinson
Dr Lynne Corner
Fiona Beyer
et al.
Effectiveness and acceptability of non-pharmacological interventions to reduce wandering in dementia: A systematic review2007
Dr Tracy Finch
Christine May
Perceptions of risk as a barrier to the use of telemedicine2007
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Process evaluation for complex interventions in primary care: Understanding trials using the normalization process model2007
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Teledermatology in the U.K.: Lessons in service innovation2007
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Understanding the implementation and integration of e-health services2007
Christine May
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Martin Eccles
Dr Tim Rapley
Dr Ben Heaven
et al.
Understanding the implementation of complex interventions in health care: The normalization process model2007
Nicholas Wride
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Tim Rapley
Professor Carl May
Scott Fraser
et al.
What's in a name? Medication terms: What they mean and when to use them2007
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Deborah Hutchings
Dr Lynne Corner
Fiona Beyer
Dr Heather Dickinson
et al.
A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent wandering in dementia and evaluation of the ethical implications and acceptability of their use2006
Dr Ben Heaven
Professor Catherine Exley
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Bridging the ontological divide: Different social worlds in the conduct of a randomised controlled trial.2006
Professor Carl May
Dr Tim Rapley
Dr Tiago Moreira
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Ben Heaven
et al.
Technogovernance: Evidence, subjectivity, and the clinical encounter in primary care medicine2006
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Telemedicine, telecare, and the future patient: innovation, risk and governance2006
Dr Tracy Finch
[Proceedings Paper] Principles for telemedicine and telecare: The perspective of a citizens' panel2005
Dr Heather Dickinson
Dr Lynne Corner
Fiona Beyer
Alessandra Vanoli
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Effectiveness and acceptability of non-pharmacological methods to reduce wandering in people with dementia: incorporating users' perspectives into systematic reviews2005
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Telecare: Perspectives on the changing role of patients and citizens2005
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Towards a wireless patient: Chronic illness, scarce care and technological innovation in the United Kingdom2005
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
'Being more modern': shifting notions of innovation in telehealthcare2004
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
'Being more modern': shifting notions of innovation in telehealthcare2004
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Problems with Implementation: The Story of a Home Telecare Trial2004
Professor Carl May
Dr Tim Rapley
Dr Tiago Moreira
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Ben Heaven
et al.
Reshaping the clinical encounter in the late modernity: technologies and subjectivity in primary care2004
Dr Tracy Finch
Christine May
Telehealthcare: perspectives on the changing role of patients and citizens.,2004
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Telemedicine and clinical governance: controlling technology; containing knowledge. From convergence to confidence: science, technology and politics in medicine2004
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
The anatomy of failure? Teledermatology in an English city2004
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Health technology assessment in its local contexts: Studies of telehealthcare2003
Professor Carl May
Dr Tiago Moreira
Dr Tim Rapley
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Ben Heaven
et al.
Hybrid Medicine: Technogovernance, subjectivity and primary care2003
Dr Tim Rapley
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Dr Tiago Moreira
Dr Ben Heaven
et al.
Hybrid Medicines: Technologies And Subjects In Primary Care2003
Dr Tim Rapley
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Dr Tiago Moreira
Dr Ben Heaven
et al.
Hybrid medicines: technologies and subjects in primary care2003
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Integrating service development with evaluation in telehealthcare: An ethnographic study2003
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Remote doctors and absent patients: Acting at a distance in telemedicine?2003
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Understanding the Normalization of Telemedicine Services through Qualitative Evaluation2003
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Why do telemedicine systems fail to normalize as stable models of service delivery?2003
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Nicola Shaw
Factors influencing the evaluation of telehealth interventions: preliminary results from a qualitative study of evaluation projects in the UK2002
Professor Carl May
Dr Tracy Finch
Factors affecting the adoption of telehealthcare technologies in the United Kingdom: the policy context and the problem of evidence2001
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Limitations of patient satisfaction studies in telehealthcare: A systematic review of the literature2001
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Carl May
Dr Nicola Shaw
Patient satisfaction with teledermatology is related to perceived quality of life2001