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Browsing publications by Dr Dennis Lendrem.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
John Casement
Professor Fai Ng
What can patients tell us in Sjögren’s syndrome?2024
Dr Jessica Tarn
John Casement
Lauren Scott
Karl Wood
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Examining the biological pathways underlying clinical heterogeneity in Sjogren's syndrome: Proteomic and network analysis2023
Dr Jessica Tarn
Emmanuella Traianos
Amy Collins
Dr Myrto Stylianou
Dr Jehill Parikh
et al.
The Effects Of Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Fatigue In Participants With Primary Sjögren's Syndrome2023
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor Michael Barnes
John Casement
Professor Fai Ng
et al.
Comorbidities in the UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry2022
Dr Ken Baker
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Adam Scadeng
Dr Ben Thompson
Dr Arthur Pratt
et al.
Erratum to "Predicting drug-free remission in rheumatoid arthritis: A prospective interventional cohort study" [J. Autoimmun. 105 (December 2019) 1022982022
Dr Faye Cooles
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Najib Naamane
Alice Lin
et al.
Interferon-α-mediated therapeutic resistance in early rheumatoid arthritis implicates epigenetic reprogramming2022
Dr Alice Banks
Dr Colette Whitfield
Dr Steven Brown
Professor David Fulton
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Key reaction components affect the kinetics and performance robustness of cell-free protein synthesis reactions2022
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Lendrem
Ben Hargreaves
Professor Fai Ng
et al.
Primary Sjögren's syndrome: Longitudinal real-world, observational data on health-related quality of life2022
Professor John Isaacs
Sarah Brockbank
Dr Ayako Pedersen
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Dr Amy Anderson
et al.
RA-MAP, molecular immunological landscapes in early rheumatoid arthritis and healthy vaccine recipients2022
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Jessica Tarn
Professor James Wason
Professor Fai Ng
Why stratification is important in primary Sjögren’s syndrome2022
Dr Ken Baker
Dr Aidan Hanrath
Dr Ina Schim van der Loeff
Dr Dalvir Bajwa
Dr Clare Lendrem
et al.
COVID-19 Management in a UK NHS Foundation Trust with a High Consequence Infectious Diseases Centre: A Retrospective Analysis2021
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor John Isaacs
Influenza vaccination and interruption of methotrexate in adult patients in the COVID-19 era: an ongoing dilemma2021
Dr Alexis Collins
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor James Wason
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Nadia Howard-Tripp
et al.
Revisiting the JOQUER trial: stratification of primary Sjögren’s syndrome and the clinical and interferon response to hydroxychloroquine2021
Dr Andrew Porter
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor John Isaacs
Robust optimization of SWATH-MS workflow for human blood serum proteome analysis using a quality by design approach2021
Dr Aidan Hanrath
Dr Ina Schim van der Loeff
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Ken Baker
Dr David Price
et al.
SARS-CoV-2 Testing of 11,884 Healthcare Workers at an Acute NHS Hospital Trust in England: A Retrospective Analysis2021
Dr Kate Hackett
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Abley
Exploring medicines reconciliation in the emergency assessment unit: staff perceptions and actual waiting times.2020
Dr Ewan Hunter
Dr David Price
Dr Ina Schim van der Loeff
Dr Ken Baker
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
First experience of COVID-19 screening of health-care workers in England2020
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor John Isaacs
In search of pathobiological endotypes: a systems approach to early rheumatoid arthritis2020
Dr Ken Baker
Benjamin Thompson
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Adam Scadeng
Dr Arthur Pratt
et al.
Lack of association between clinical and ultrasound measures of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis remission2020
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Lendrem
Dr Arthur Pratt
Professor John Isaacs
Professor David Jones
et al.
Schrödinger's pipeline and the outsourcing of pharmaceutical innovation2020
Emmanuella Traianos
Dr James Locke
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Ben Hargreaves
Dr Jessica Tarn
et al.
Serum CXCL13 levels are associated with lymphoma risk and lymphoma occurrence in primary Sjögren’s syndrome2020
Dr Clare Lendrem
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Arthur Pratt
Najib Naamane
Dr Peter McMeekin
et al.
Between a ROC and a hard place: Teaching prevalence plots to understand real world biomarker performance in the clinic2019
Dr Harold Fellermann
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Matt Linsley
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Design of experiments and the virtual PCR simulator: An online game for pharmaceutical scientists and biotechnologists2019
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Nicola Maney
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Julie Diboll
Dr Philip Brown
et al.
Expression of STAT3-regulated genes in circulating CD4+ T cells discriminates rheumatoid arthritis independently of clinical parameters in early arthritis2019
Kristen Davies
Dr Kamran Mirza
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Nadia Howard-Tripp
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Fatigue in primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is associated with lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines: a validation study2019
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Kate Hackett
Managing fatigue in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome: challenges and solutions2019
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Kate Hackett
Managing fatigue in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome.2019
Dr Kate Hackett
Kristen Davies
Dr Jessica Tarn
Ben Hargreaves
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Pain and depression are associated with both physical and mental fatigue independently of comorbidities and medications in primary Sjögren's syndrome2019
Dr Ken Baker
Andrew Skelton
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Adam Scadeng
Dr Ben Thompson
et al.
Predicting drug-free remission in rheumatoid arthritis: A prospective interventional cohort study2019
Kundan Iqbal
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Ben Hargreaves
Professor John Isaacs
Dr Ben Thompson
et al.
Routine musculoskeletal ultrasound findings impact diagnostic decisions maximally in autoantibody-seronegative early arthritis patients2019
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor Mike Trenell
Supervised walking improves cardiorespiratory fitness, exercise tolerance, and fatigue in women with primary Sjögren’s syndrome: a randomized-controlled trial2019
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Nadia Howard-Tripp
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Andrew Skelton
Dr Katherine James
et al.
Symptom-based stratification of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome: multi-dimensional characterisation of international observational cohorts and reanalyses of randomised clinical trials2019
Dr Nishanthi Thalayasingam
Andrew Skelton
Dr Amy Anderson
Alex Clark
Julie Diboll
et al.
CD4+ and B lymphocyte expression quantitative traits at rheumatoid arthritis risk loci in untreated early arthritis: implications for causal gene identification2018
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Katherine James
Dr Bridget Griffiths
Dr David Coady
Dr Steven Young-Min
et al.
Comparison of ESSDAI and ClinESSDAI in potential optimisation of trial outcomes in primary Sjögren's syndrome: Examination of data from the UK Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Registry2018
Dr Ken Baker
Dr Ben Thompson
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Arthur Pratt
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Lack of association between clinical and ultrasound measures of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis clinical remission: a cross-sectional analysis2018
Dr Ken Baker
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Ben Thompson
Dr Arthur Pratt
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Predictors of drug-free remission in rheumatoid arthritis: results from the prospective Biomarkers of Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis (BioRRA) Study2018
Shereen Al-Ali
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Bridget Griffiths
Professor Fai Ng
et al.
Systemic interferon type I and type II signatures in primary Sjögren’s syndrome reveal differences in biological disease activity2018
Sarah Brockbank
Dr Carl Goodyear
Dr Ayako Pedersen
Professor John Isaacs
Philip Stocks
et al.
The RA-MAP Consortium: a working model for academia-industry collaboration2018
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Dr Katie Hackett
A scoping exercise to gauge the incidence of early post-stroke fatigue for patients at Newcastle community stroke services2017
Dr Faye Cooles
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Julie Norris
Dr Arthur Pratt
et al.
The interferon gene signature is increased in patients with early treatment-naive rheumatoid arthritis and predicts a poorer response to initial therapy2017
Dr Nadia Howard-Tripp
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Bridget Griffiths
et al.
A Cytokine-Mediated Biological Basis for Fatigue in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome2016
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Ben Hargreaves
Professor John Isaacs
Components of treatment delay in rheumatoid arthritis differ according to autoantibody status: validation of a single-centre observation using national audit data2016
Helen Hanson
Professor John Isaacs
Dr Lesley Kay
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Nicola O'Brien
et al.
Experiences of staff and patients in relation to clinical research recruitment and involvement: a qualitative study2016
Dr Jessica Tarn
Andini Natasari
Colin Gillespie
Sheryl Mitchell
Dr Katie Hackett
et al.
Fatigue in primary Sjögren's syndrome is associated with lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines2016
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Amy Anderson
Julie Diboll
Andrew Skelton
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Identification of novel expression quantitative trait loci in CD4+ T cells of untreated early arthritis patients2016
Dr Katie Hackett
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Ben Hargreaves
Vicki Strassheim
Dr Zoe Gotts
et al.
Objective Improvement in Fatigue Scores for Primary Sjögren’s Patients Receiving a Tailored Multidisciplinary Fatigue Intervention in a Generic Fatigue Clinic2016
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Lendrem
Matt Linsley
Ruth Rowland-Jones
Fabio D'Agostino
et al.
Teaching Examples for the Design of Experiments: Geographical Sensitivity and the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy2016
Dr Ken Baker
Benjamin Thompson
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Arthur Pratt
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Ultrasound measures of synovitis are independent of clinical parameters in the setting of rheumatoid arthritis remission: a cross-sectional analysis.2016
Dr Katie Hackett
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Tim Rapley
Dr Katherine Deane
Vincent Deary
et al.
"Doing Every-Day Life" with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome: Factors Predicting Difficulties Performing Daily Activities and Taking on Life Roles2015
Dr Katherine James
Shereen Al-Ali
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Colin Gillespie
et al.
A Transcriptional Signature of Fatigue Derived from Patients with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome2015
Ben Hargreaves
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Vicki Hindmarsh
Claire Humphrey
Sheryl Mitchell
et al.
Assignable Causes for Fatigue in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: Data from the UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry2015
Dr Katie Hackett
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr James Frith
Dr Tim Rapley
Vincent Deary
et al.
Cognitive Impairment in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome2015
Dr Katie Hackett
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr James Frith
Dr Tim Rapley
Vincent Deary
et al.
Cognitive Symptoms are Common in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome and are Associated with Anxiety2015
Dr Katie Hackett
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr James Frith
Dr Tim Rapley
Vincent Deary
et al.
Cognitive symptoms are common in primary Sjögren's syndrome and are associated with anxiety2015
Dr Arthur Pratt
Ben Hargreaves
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor John Isaacs
Components of treatment delay in rheumatoid arthritis differ according to autoantibody status2015
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Sheryl Mitchell
Dr Peter McMeekin
Dr Katie Hackett
Sarah Bowman
et al.
Do the EULAR Sjögren’s syndrome outcome measures correlate with health status in primary Sjögren’s syndrome?2015
Dr Katherine Crossland
Dr Chun Chan
Tariq AlShehri
Dr Mario Abinun
Professor Andrew Gennery
et al.
Gain-of-function STAT1 mutations impair STAT3 activity in patients with Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis (CMC)2015
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Lendrem
Dr David Woods
Ruth Rowland-Jones
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Lost in Space: Design of Experiments and Scientific Exploration in a Hogarth Universe2015
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Colin Gillespie
Shereen Al-Ali
Dr Bridget Griffiths
et al.
Patient Sub-Phenotyping in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome2015
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Pharmaceutical R&D Productivity: Be Careful What You Wish For2015
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Lendrem
Professor John Isaacs
Progression-seeking bias and rational optimism in research and development2015
Dr Faye Cooles
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Terry Aspray
et al.
Retrospective analysis of the role of serum vitamin D in early rheumatic disease2015
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Amy Anderson
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Julie Diboll
Ben Hargreaves
et al.
STAT3-regulated gene expression in circulating CD4+ T cells discriminates RA patients independently of clinical parameters in early arthritis: a validation study.2015
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Amy Anderson
Julie Diboll
Andrew Skelton
Ben Hargreaves
et al.
The Importance of IL-6-STAT3 Mediated Activation of Circulating CD4+ T Cells in the Pathogenesis of Early Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Validation Study2015
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Lendrem
Professor John Isaacs
Why is it hard to terminate failing projects in pharmaceutical R&D?2015
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Andrew Gray
Professor John Isaacs
Christmas 2014: Going to Extremes. The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviour2014
Dr Katie Hackett
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Dr Katherine Deane
Dr Tim Rapley
Vincent Deary
et al.
Developing a service user informed intervention to improve participation and ability to perform daily activities in primary Sjӧgren’s syndrome: a mixed methods study protocol2014
Dr Katherine Crossland
Dr Mario Abinun
Professor Andrew Gennery
Professor Jelena Mann
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Gain-of-function stat1 mutation impairs stat3 function predisposing to chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis2014
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Sheryl Mitchell
Dr Peter McMeekin
Dr Bridget Griffiths
Professor Fai Ng
et al.
Health-related utility values of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome and its predictors2014
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Lendrem
Professor John Isaacs
R&D Productivity Rides Again?2014
Dr Faye Cooles
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Terry Aspray
et al.
Retrospective analysis of the role of serum vitamin D in early rheumatic disease2014
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Andrew Gray
Professor John Isaacs
The Darwin Awards: Gender Differences in Idiotic Behaviour2014
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Lendrem
The Development Speed Paradox: Can increasing development speed reduce R&D productivity?2014
Dr Dennis Lendrem
The Norm Chronicles: stories and numbers about danger by Michael Blastland and David Spiegelhalter [Book review]2014
Dr Katherine James
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Sheryl Mitchell
Vicki Hindmarsh
Dr David Coady
et al.
The UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry (UKPSSR): A Valuable Resource for Future Sjögren’s Syndrom Research2014
Dr Karthik Balasubramaniam
Dr Girish Viswanathan
Andini Natasari
Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Assessment of blood clot formation and platelet receptor function ex vivo in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome2013
Professor Fai Ng
Andrew Carr
Dr Ian Corbett
Professor Marco Carrozzo
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Association of genes in the NF-κB pathway with antibody-positive primary Sjögren's syndrome.2013
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Bad pharma: how drug companies mislead doctors and harm patients by Ben Goldacre2013
Andini Natasari
Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Professor Fai Ng
Exploring the biological basis of fatigue using primary Sjögren's syndrome as a disease model2013
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Clare Lendrem
Torching the Haystack: Modelling fast-fail strategies in drug development2013
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Dr James Frith
Danielle Powell
Dr Katie Hackett
Katharine Wilton
et al.
Autonomic symptoms are common and are associated with overall symptom burden and disease activity in primary Sjögren's syndrome2012
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Sheryl Mitchell
Sarah Bowman
Dr Bridget Griffiths
Heather Foggo
et al.
Evaluating health status of 620 patients with primary sjögren’s syndrome using EQ-5D2012
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Sarah Bowman
Evaluating health status of 620 patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome using EQ-5D2012
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Dennis Lendrem
How good are the EULAR Sj ögren's syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI), and EULAR Sj ögren's syndrome patients reported index (ESSPRI) in predicting health status in primary Sj ögren's syndrome? Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE2012
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Sheryl Mitchell
Sarah Bowman
Dr David Coady
Dr Bridget Griffiths
et al.
How good are the eular sjögren’s syndrome disease activity index, and eular sjögren’s syndrome patients reported index in predicting health status in primary sjögren’s syndrome?2012
Dr Katie Hackett
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Dr James Frith
Chris Elliott
Dr Dennis Lendrem
et al.
Impaired functional status in primary Sjogren's syndrome2012
Dr Jessica Tarn
Professor David Young
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Christine Downie
Heather Foggo
et al.
Serum cytokine and chemokine profiling in primary Sj ögren's syndrome Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE2012
Jessica Tarn
Andini Natasari
Sheryl Mitchell
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Christine Downie
et al.
Soluble molecule profiling and network analysis of primary Sjogren's syndrome patient serum2012
Sheryl Mitchell
Dr David Coady
Dr Bridget Griffiths
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Heather Foggo
et al.
The clinical relevance of anti-RO52 and anti-RO60 in patients in the united kingdom primary sjögren’s syndrome registry (UKPSSR)2012
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Statistical support to non-clinical2002
Dr Dennis Lendrem
DOE (Design of Experiments) in Development Chemistry: Potential Obstacles2001
Dr Dennis Lendrem
More haste, less development speed1995
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Kinship, pheromones and reproduction1986
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Should John McEnroe grunt?1983