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Browsing publications by Professor Ilias Kyriazakis.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Shaun Barney
Emeritus Professor Satnam Dlay
Emeritus Professor Albert Crowe
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Dr Matthew Leach
et al.
Deep learning pose estimation for multi-cattle lameness detection2023
Dr Stephanie Matheson
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Farm characteristics affecting antibiotic consumption in pig farms in England2022
Dr James Taylor
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Starving for nutrients: anorexia during infection with parasites in broilers is affected by diet composition2022
Dr Mac Misiura
Dr Joao Filipe
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Bayesian comparison of models for precision feeding and management in growing-finishing pigs2021
Mathias Ottosen
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Joao Filipe
Maciek Misiura
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
et al.
Changes in the environmental impacts of pig production systems in Great Britain over the last 18 years2021
Georgios Pexas
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Michael Wallace
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Environmental and economic consequences of pig-cooling strategies implemented in a European pig-fattening unit2021
Clare Gaukroger
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Dr Ian Adams
Professor Christopher Stewart
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
et al.
Shifting sows: longitudinal changes in the periparturient faecal microbiota of primiparous and multiparous sows2021
James Taylor
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Towards the prediction of feed intake capacity of modern broilers on bulky feeds2021
Dr James Taylor
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
What are the limits to feed intake of broilers on bulky feeds?2021
Mathias Ottosen
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Michael Wallace
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
A method to estimate the environmental impacts from genetic change in pig production systems2020
Dr Telmo Amaral
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Automated Classification for Visual-Only Postmortem Inspection of Porcine Pathology2020
Dr ALI Alameer
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Professor Jaume Bacardit
Automated recognition of postures and drinking behaviour for the detection of compromised health in pigs2020
Dr ALI Alameer
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Dr Hillary Dalton
Dr Amy Miller
Professor Jaume Bacardit
et al.
Automatic recognition of feeding and foraging behaviour in pigs using deep learning2020
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Biosecurity levels of pig fattening farms from four EU countries and links with the farm characteristics2020
Clare Gaukroger
Professor Christopher Stewart
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Dr Ian Adams
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
et al.
Changes in faecal microbiota profiles associated with performance and birthweight of piglets2020
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Environment-, health-, performance- and welfare-related parameters in pig barns with natural and mechanical ventilation2020
Georgios Pexas
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Environmental impacts of housing conditions and manure management in European pig production systems through a life cycle perspective: A case study in Denmark2020
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Risk factors for poor health and performance in European broiler production systems2020
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
A critical reflection on intensive pork production with an emphasis on animal health and welfare2019
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Sheralyn Smith
Professor Thomas Hill
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
A reassessment of the vitamin D requirements of modern broiler genotypes2019
Sophia Stavrakakis
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Dr Gavin Stewart
A systematic literature mapping and meta-analysis of animal-based traits as indicators of production diseases in pigs2019
Dr Jake Cowton
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Professor Jaume Bacardit
Automated Individual Pig Localisation, Tracking and Behaviour Metric Extraction Using Deep Learning2019
Dr Ali Alameer
Dr Hillary Dalton
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Automatic recognition of feeding and non-nutritive feeding behaviour in pigs using deep learning2019
Dr Joao Filipe
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Bayesian, Likelihood-Free Modelling of Phenotypic Plasticity and Variability in Individuals and Populations2019
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Sheralyn Smith
Dr Idiegberanoise Oikeh
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Combining alternative processing methods for European soybeans to be used in broiler diets2019
Dr Beth Clark
Dr Luca Panzone
Dr Gavin Stewart
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Professor Lynn Frewer
et al.
Consumer attitudes towards production diseases in intensive production systems2019
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Description, evaluation, and validation of the Teagasc Pig Production Model2019
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Dr Idiegberanoise Oikeh
Sheralyn Smith
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Dietary vitamin D improves performance and bone mineralisation, but increases parasite replication and compromises gut health in Eimeria infected broilers2019
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Differential gene response to coccidiosis in modern fast growing and slow growing broiler genotypes2019
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Differential immune response to Eimeria maxima infection in fast and slow growing broiler genotypes2019
Dr Idiegberanoise Oikeh
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
James Taylor
Dr Ilias Giannenas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
et al.
Effects of reducing growth rate via diet dilution on bone mineralization, performance and carcass yield of coccidia-infected broilers2019
Rob Thompson
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Freedom to lie: How farrowing environment affects sow lying behaviour assessment using inertial sensors2019
Dr Amy Miller
Dr Hillary Dalton
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
How many pigs within a group need to be sick to lead to a diagnostic change in the group’s behavior?2019
Dr Idiegberanoise Oikeh
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Interactions between dietary Calcium and Phosphorus level, and Vitamin D source on bone mineralization, performance and intestinal morphology of coccidia-infected broilers2019
Anne Huting
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Sows in mid parity are best foster mothers for the pre- and post-weaning performance of both light and heavy piglets2019
Craig Tallentire
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The challenge of incorporating animal welfare in a social life cycle assessment model of European chicken production2019
Dr Adam Clark
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Professor Georg Lietz
The Influence of Vitamin A on Molecular Bio-mineral Tissue Development in Pigs2019
Anne Huting
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Weaning age and post-weaning nursery feeding regime are important in improving the performance of lightweight pigs2019
Dr Jake Cowton
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Jaume Bacardit
A Combined Deep Learning GRU-Autoencoder for the Early Detection of Respiratory Disease in Pigs Using Multiple Environmental Sensors2018
Maciek Misiura
Dr Joao Filipe
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
A systematic review and meta-analysis Ca digestibility and utilisation in growing and finishing pigs2018
Craig Tallentire
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Artificial selection for improved energy efficiency is reaching its limits in Broiler chickens2018
Craig Tallentire
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Can novel ingredients replace soybeans and reduce the environmental burdens of European livestock systems in the future?2018
Fanny Pandolfi
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Connecting Different Data Sources to Assess the Interconnections between Biosecurity, Health, Welfare, and Performance in Commercial Pig Farms in Great Britain2018
Maciek Misiura
Dr Joao Filipe
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Do not neglect calcium: a systematic review and meta-analysis (meta-regression) of its digestibility and utilisation in growing and finishing pigs2018
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Dr Idiegberanoise Oikeh
Dr Anthony Oxley
Professor Georg Lietz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
et al.
Does selection for growth rate in broilers affect their resistance and tolerance to Eimeria maxima?2018
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Sheralyn Smith
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Effect of novel soya bean meal processing technologies on broiler performance and digestibility.2018
Maciek Misiura
Dr Joao Filipe
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Exploring the mechanisms of control of feed intake underdiets of differing P content in growing and finishing pigs2018
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Factors associated with specific health, welfare and reproductive performance indicators in pig herds from five EU countries2018
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Harnessing longitudinal information to identify genetic variation in tolerance of pigs to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus infection2018
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Herbivore nutrition supporting sustainable intensification and agro-ecological approaches2018
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Hunger and Thirst2018
Dr Telmo Amaral
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Multi-part segmentation for porcine offal inspection with auto-context and adaptive atlases2018
Dr Stephanie Matheson
Rob Thompson
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Novel maternal traits affecting piglet survival2018
Anne Huting
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Once small always small? To what extent morphometric characteristics and post-weaning starter regime affect pig lifetime growth performance2018
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Review: Precision nutrition of ruminants: Approaches, challenges and potential gains2018
Dr Joao Filipe
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The quantitative principles of animal growth2018
Professor Thomas Hill
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Vitamin D3, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3, and food fortification2018
Dr Stephen Matthews
Dr Amy Miller
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Automated tracking to measure behavioural changes in pigs for health and welfare monitoring2017
Dr Beth Clark
Dr Gavin Stewart
Dr Luca Panzone
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Professor Lynn Frewer
et al.
Citizens, consumers and farm animal welfare: A meta-analysis of willingness-to-pay studies2017
Craig Tallentire
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Environmental impact trade-offs in diet formulation for broiler production systems in the UK and USA2017
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Michael Wallace
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
How effective can environmental taxes be in reducing the environmental impact of pig farming systems?2017
Dr Joao Filipe
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Modelling individual uncertainty and population variation in phenotypical traits of livestock2017
Zoe Berk
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Modelling the impacts of pasture contamination and stocking rate for the development of targeted selective treatment strategies for Ostertagia ostertagi infection in calves2017
Dr Stephanie Matheson
Rob Thompson
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
et al.
Relationships between sow conformation, accelerometer data and crushing events in commercial piglet production2017
Fanny Pandolfi
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Risk factors associated with the different categories ofpiglet perinatal mortality in French farms2017
Julija Rusakovica
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Satiety splits drinking behavior into bouts: Organization of drinking in turkeys2017
Fanny Pandolfi
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
The ‘Real Welfare’ scheme: benchmarking welfare outcomes for commercially farmed pigs2017
Fanny Pandolfi
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
The “Real Welfare” Scheme: Identification of risk and protective factors for welfare outcomes in commercial pig farms in the UK2017
Julija Rusakovica
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The genetic basis of novel water utlisation and drinking behaviour traits and their relationship with biological performance in turkeys2017
Dr Adam Clark
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The Molecular Basis of Humpy-Back Disease in Pigs2017
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The need for co-product allocation in the life cycle assessment of agricultural systems - is "biophysical" allocation progress?2017
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Use of multi-trait and random regression models to identify genetic variation in tolerance to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus2017
Anne Huting
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
What is good for small piglets might not be good for big piglets: The consequences of cross-fostering and creep feed provision on performance to slaughter2017
Zoe Berk
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
A simulation model to investigate interactions between first season grazing calves and Ostertagia ostertagi2016
Zoe Berk
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
A stochastic model to investigate the effects of control strategies on calves exposed to Ostertagia ostertagi2016
Dr Beth Clark
Dr Gavin Stewart
Dr Luca Panzone
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Professor Lynn Frewer
et al.
A systematic review of public attitudes, perceptions and behaviours towards production diseases associated with farm animal welfare2016
Sadie Douglas
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Are all piglets born lightweight alike? Morphological measurements as predictors of postnatal performance2016
Craig Tallentire
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Breeding for efficiency in the broiler chicken. A Review2016
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Can the environmental impact of pig systems be reduced by utilising co-products as feed?2016
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Challenges and priorities for modelling livestock health and pathogens in the context of climate change2016
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Comparing the environmental impacts of UK turkey production systems using analytical error propagation in uncertainty analysis2016
Dr Stephen Matthews
Dr Amy Miller
Jim Clapp
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
et al.
Early detection of health and welfare compromises through automated detection of behavioural changes in pigs2016
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Environmental benefits of using turkey litter as a fuel instead of a fertiliser2016
Fanny Pandolfi
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Familiarity with and uptake of alternative methods to control sheep gastro-intestinal parasites on farms in England2016
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
How can we improve the environmental sustainability of poultry production?2016
Mathilde Saccareau
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Modelling gastrointestinal parasitism infection in a sheep flock over two reproductive seasons: in silico exploration and sensitivity analysis2016
Zoe Berk
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Modelling the consequences of targeted selective treatment strategies on performance and emergence of anthelmintic resistance amongst grazing calves2016
Rob Thompson
Dr Stephanie Matheson
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
et al.
Porcine Lie Detectors: Automatic quantification of posture state and transitions in sows using inertial sensors2016
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Potential environmental benefits of prospective genetic changes in broiler traits2016
Vasilis Symeou
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Quantifying the consequences of nutritional strategies aimed at decreasing phosphorus excretion from pig populations: a modeling approach2016
Dr Stephanie Matheson
Rob Thompson
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
et al.
Relationship between sow conformation, farrowing floor type and posture change characteristics using accelerometer data2016
Dr Telmo Amaral
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Segmentation of organs in pig offal using auto-context2016
Vasilis Symeou
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The consequences of introducing stochasticity in nutrient utilisation models: the case of phosphorus utilisation by pigs2016
Hunke Mberema
Professor Georg Lietz
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The effects of gender and muscle type on the mRNA levels of the calpain proteolytic system and beef tenderness during post-mortem aging2016
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Towards a methodology to formulate sustainable diets for livestock: accounting for environmental impact in diet formulation2016
Dr Telmo Amaral
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Weighted atlas auto-context with application to multiple organ segmentation2016
Dr Telmo Amaral
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Weighted atlas auto-context with application to multiple organ segmentation2016
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Which is the best phenotypic train for use in a targeted selective treatment strategy for growing lambs in temperature climates?2016
Zoe Berk
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
A simulation model to investigate host-parasite interactions between first season grazing and Ostertagia ostertagi2015
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Accounting for uncertainty in the quantification of the environmental impacts of Canadian pig farming systems2015
Sadie Douglas
Ollie Szyszka
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Animal and management factors influencing grower and finisher pig performance and efficiency in European Systems: a meta-analysis2015
Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Can the environmental impact of pig systems be reduced by utilising co-products as feed?2015
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Vasilis Symeou
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Consequences of nutritional strategies on decreasing Phosphorous excretion from pig populations2015
Rob Thompson
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Amey Holden
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dr Thomas Ploetz
et al.
Dancing with Horses: Automated Quality Feedback for Dressage Riders2015
Zoe Berk
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Development of a model to investigate the host-parasite interactions between first season grazing calves and O.ostertagi2015
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Dynamic and Genetic Signatures of Resistance and Tolerance of pigs to PRRS 2015
Zoe Berk
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Evaluation of a model to investigate the host-parasite interactions between first season grazing calves and O. ostertagi2015
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Health trajectories reveal the dynamic contributions of host genetic resistance and tolerance to infection outcome2015
Julija Rusakovica
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Methodology and analysis of drinking behaviour traits in turkeys2015
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Vasilis Symeou
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Modelling phosphorous intake, digestion, retention and excretion in pigs of different genotypes2015
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Nutritional Modelling for Pigs and Poultry (2015)2015
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Replacement of soya bean meal with peas and faba beans in growing/finishing pig diets: Effect on performance, carcass composition and nutrient excretion2015
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The potential of co-products to reduce the environmental impact of pig systems2015
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Which is the best trait for use in a targeted selective treatment strategy for sheep?2015
Sadie Douglas
Ollie Szyszka
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
A meta-analysis to identify animal and management factors influencing gestating sow efficiency2014
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Accounting for uncertainty in the quantification of the environmental impacts of Canadian pig farming systems2014
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Assessment of the environmental impact of UK Turkey Production Systems2014
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Comparing UK turkey production systems using analytical error propagation in uncertainty analysis2014
Dr Ilias Giannenas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Effect of Melissa officinalis supplementation on growth performance and meat quality characteristics in organically produced broilers2014
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Evaluating methods to account for the greenhouse gas emissions from Land Use Changes in agricultural LCA2014
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Genetic Sensitivity to Pathogenesis: Response to E. maxima Challenge in High and Low Antibody Selection Lines of Chickens2014
Sadie Douglas
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
High specification starter diets improve the performance of low birth weight pigs to 10 weeks of age2014
Sadie Douglas
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
High specification starter diets improve the performance of low birth weight pigs to 10 weeks of age2014
Sadie Douglas
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Management strategies to improve the performance of low birth weight pigs to weaning and their long term consequences2014
Sadie Douglas
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Management strategies to improve the performance of low birth weight pigs to weaning and their long-term consequences2014
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Sadie Douglas
Ollie Szyszka
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Meta-analysis on the effects of animal and management factors influencing feed efficiency and growth in growing and finishing pigs2014
Vasilis Symeou
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Modelling phosphorus intake, digestion, retention and excretion in growing and finishing pigs: model description2014
Vasilis Symeou
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Modelling phosphorus intake, digestion, retention and excretion in growing and finishing pigs: model evaluation2014
Stephen Mackenzie
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Modelling the environmental impacts of commercial pig production using Life Cycle Assessment2014
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Pathogen-induced anorexia: a herbivore strategy or an unavoidable consequence of infection?2014
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Peas and Faba Beans as Home Grown Alternatives for Soya Bean Meal in Grower and Finisher Pig Diets2014
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production "Dynamic and Genetic Signatures of Resistance and Tolerance of pigs to PRRS2014
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Quantifying the environmental impacts of UK turkey systems through a Life Cycle Assessment2014
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The effects of welfare-enhancing system changes on the environmental impacts of broiler and egg production2014
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The potential to mitigate the Environmental impacts of Broiler Production Systems through changes in their diets2014
Sadie Douglas
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Too late to catch up: A high nutrient specification diet in the grower phase does not improve the performance of low birth weight pigs2014
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Whither animal nutrition science2014
Dr Stephen MacKenzie
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Accounting for environmental impact when formulating UK standard broiler diets2013
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Ollie Szyszka
Dr Elizabeth Stockdale
Simon Wilson
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
et al.
Can we reduce our current levels of Phosphorous in pig diets without affecting their performance and health?2013
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Comparing the environmental impacts of alternative protein crops in poultry diets: The consequences of uncertainty2013
Vasilis Symeou
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Development of a model to predict phosphorus digestion, retention and excretion in growing and finishing pigs2013
Ollie Szyszka
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Do the changes in the behaviours of cattle during parasitism with Ostertagia ostertagi have a potential diagnostic value?2013
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Do welfare-enhancing changes in poultry systems affect their environmental impact?2013
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Effects of dietary inclusion of pea and faba bean as a replacement for soybean meal on grower and finisher pig performance and carcass quality2013
Vasilis Symeou
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Evaluating a model that predicts phosphorus digestion, retention and excretion in growing and finishing pigs2013
Sadie Douglas
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Identification of risk factors associated with poor lifetime growth performance in pigs2013
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Leucine and methionine deficiency impairs immunity to gastrointestinal parasites during lactation2013
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Modelling the short- and long-term impacts of drenching frequency and targeted selective treatment on the performance of grazing lambs and the emergence of anthelmintic resistance2013
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Quantifying the environmental impacts of UK broiler and egg production systems2013
Amalia Mitsoura
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Trematode infections in pregnant ewes can predispose to mastitis during the subsequent lactation period2013
Ollie Szyszka
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
What is the relationship between level of infection and 'sickness behaviour' in cattle?2013
Noraisah Spahat
Dr Jonathan Guy
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Professor Guy Garrod
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
et al.
Environmental impact of different broiler production systems in Malaysia and consumer willingness to pay for reduced impact2012
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Amelioration of the periparturient relaxation of immunity to parasites through a reduction in mammalian reproductive effort2012
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Evaluating possibilities to reduce the Global Warming Potential of poultry products through the inclusion of European protein sources in broiler and layer diets2012
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Exploration of the epidemiological consequences of resistance to gastro-intestinal parasitism and grazing management of sheep through a mathematical model2012
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
In silico exploration of the impact of pasture larvae contamination and anthelmintic treatment on genetic parameter estimates for parasite resistance in grazing sheep2012
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Manipulating small ruminant parasite epidemiology through the combination of nutritional strategies2012
Vasilis Symeou
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Modeling digestibility of dietary phosphorus in growing and finish pigs2012
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Prandial correlations and the structure of feeding behaviour2012
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Dr Jonathan Guy
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Predicting the environmental impacts of chicken systems in the UK through a Life Cycle Assessment: broiler production systems2012
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Dr Jonathan Guy
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Predicting the environmental impacts of chicken systems in the UK through a Life Cycle Assessment: egg production systems2012
Vasilis Symeou
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Prediction of digestible phosphorus and calcium retention and requirements for different pig genotypes2012
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Quantifying the effect of agricultural co-products inclusion in broiler and layer diets on Global Warming Potential of poultry products2012
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Quantifying the environmental impacts and their uncertainties for UK broiler and egg production systems2012
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Sensitivity of periparturient breakdown of immunity to parasites to dietary protein source2012
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Should we aim for genetic improvement in host resistance or tolerance to infectious pathogens?2012
Ollie Szyszka
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The effects of acute versus chronic health challenges on the behaviour of beef cattle2012
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The first step toward genetic selection for host tolerance to infectious pathogens: obtaining the tolerance phenotype through group estimates2012
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
In silico exploration of the mechanisms that underlie parasite-induced anorexia in sheep2011
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Consumption of Agaricus bisporus mushroom affects the performance, intestinal micorbiota composition and morphology, and antioxidant status of turkey poults2011
Dr Panagiotis Sakkas
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Dissecting the impact of protein versus energy host nutrition on the expression of immunity to gastrointestinal parasites during lactation2011
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Effect of rearing environment and dietary zinc oxide on the response of group-housed weaned pigs to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli O149 challenge2011
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Genetic parameters of feeding behavior traits and their relationship with live perfomance traits in modern broiler lines2011
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Hunger and Thirst2011
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Opportunities to improve nutrient efficiency in pigs and poultry through breeding2011
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Dr Jonathan Guy
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Quantifying the environmental impacts of UK broiler production systems through a Life Cycle Assessment2011
Dr Ilkka Leinonen
Dr Jonathan Guy
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Quantifying the environmental impacts of UK egg production systems through a Life Cycle Assessment2011
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The temporal structure of feeding behaviour2011
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The use of radiotelemetric ruminal bolus to detect body temperature changes in lactating dairy cattle2011
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Diagnostic significance of behaviour changes of sheep: A selected review2010
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Effects of maternal protein nutrition and subsequent grazing on chicory (Cichorium intybus) on parasitism and performance of lambs2010
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Influence of dietary mushroom Agaricus bisporus on intestinal morphology and microflora composition in broiler chickens2010
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Is anorexia during infection in animals affected by food composition?2010
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Nutritional Sensitivity of pariparturient resistance to nematode parasites in two breeds of sheep with different nutrient demands2010
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Performance and antioxidant status of broiler chickens supplemented with dried mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) in their diet2010
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Short-term feeding behaviour has a similar structure in broilers, turkeys and ducks2010
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The induction of lymphoid follicle-like structures in the ovine teat duct following experimental infection with Mannheimia haemolytica2010
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
A novel flexible method to split feeding behaviour into bouts2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Anorexia during infection in mammals: variation and its sources2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Clinical and pathological responses of pigs from two genetically diverse commercial lines to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Consequences of infection pressure and protein nutrition on periparturient resistance to Teladorsagia circumcincta and performance in ewes2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Consequences of protein supplementation for anorexia, expression of immunity and plasma leptin concentrations in parasitized ewes of two breeds2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
'Freedom from hunger' and preventing obesity: the animal welfare implications of reducing food quantity or quality2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Genetic growth potential interacts with nutrition on the ability of mice to cope with Heligmosomoides bakeri infection2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Immunomodulatory effects of dietary protein during Nippostrongylus brasiliensis re-infection in lactating rats2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Nutritional sensitivity of resistance to Trichostrongylus colubriformis in lactating ewes2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Phytobased products for the control of intestinal diseases in chickens in the post antibiotic era2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The consequences of nutrition on the outcome of parasitic challenges on small ruminants2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The effect of weaner diet protein content and diet quality on the long-term performance of pigs to slaughter2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The inclusion of aromatic plants in chicken diets and their potential for the control of chicken coccidiosis2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The structure of feeding behavior in commercial broiler lines selected for different growth rates2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Toward a new practical energy evaluation system for dairy cows2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Trace mineral content of conventional, organic and courtyard eggs analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Unravelling the Relationship between Animal Growth and Immune Response during Micro-Parasitic Infections2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Variation in Trace Element Contents Among Chicken, Turkey, Duck, Goose, and Pigeon Eggs Analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)2009
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Changes in feeding behavior as possible indicators for the automatic monitoring of health disorders in dairy cows2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Changes in food intake and circulating leptin due to gastrointestinal parasitism in lambs of two breeds2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Effects of dietary protein supply, weaning age and experimental enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection on newly weaned pigs: health2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Effects of dietary protein supply, weaning age and experimental enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection on newly weaned pigs: performance2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Effects of experimental challenge of ewes with Mannheimia haemolytica on subsequent milk composition2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Effects of lamb sucking on the bacterial flora of teat duct and mammary gland of ewes2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Exploiting synergisms and interactions in the nutritional approaches to parasite control in sheep production systems2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Exploring the assumptions underlying genetic variation in host nematode resistance2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Isolation of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis from non-ruminant wildlife living in the sheds and on the pastures of Greek sheep and goats2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
Subclinical mastitis changes the patterns of maternal-offspring behaviour in dairy sheep2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The consequences of non-starch polysaccharide solubility and inclusion level on the health and performance of weaned pigs challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The effect of dietary sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on local cellular responses to Trichostrongylus colubriformis in sheep2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The effect of organic diets on the performance of pullets maintained under semi-organic conditions2008
Professor Ilias Kyriazakis
The prediction of the consequences of pathogen challenges on the performance of growing pigs2008