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Browsing publications by Professor David Graham.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Katie Robins
Dr Greg O'Donnell
Dr Anke Neumann
Professor David Graham
Antimicrobial resistance in rural rivers: Comparative study of the Coquet (Northumberland) and Eden (Cumbria) River catchments2024
Dr Kelly Jobling
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Panagiota Adamou
Adrian Blackburn
Professor David Graham
et al.
Comparison of gene targets and sampling regimes for SARS-CoV-2 quantification for wastewater epidemiology in UK prisons2024
Professor David Graham
Fate and Transport Modelling for Evaluating Antibiotic Resistance in Aquatic Environments: Current Knowledge and Research Priorities2024
Ryan Hirst
Dr Myra Giesen
Dr Maria-Valasia Peppa
Dr Kelly Jobling
Dr Anil Namdeo
et al.
Modeling of Air Quality near Indian Informal Settlements Where Limited Local Monitoring Data Exist2024
Professor David Graham
The Complex Interplay Between Antibiotic Resistance and Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in the Environment2024
Professor David Graham
Bracing for Superbugs: Strengthening environmental action in the One Health response to antimicrobial resistance2023
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Professor David Graham
Exploring resistomes and microbiomes in pilot-scale microalgae-bacteria wastewater treatment systems for use in low-resource settings2023
Professor David Graham
Exploring the impacts of physicochemical characteristics and heavy metals fractions on bacterial communities in four rivers2023
Professor David Graham
Heavy metal and antibiotic resistance in four Indian and UK rivers with different levels and types of water pollution2023
Professor David Graham
Intensified livestock farming increases antibiotic resistance genotypes and phenotypes in animal feces2023
Professor David Graham
Response of wastewater-based epidemiology predictor for the second wave of COVID-19 in Ahmedabad, India: A long-term data Perspective2023
Professor David Graham
Toward a Universal Unit for Quantification of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Environmental Samples2023
Katie Robins
Dr Clare McCann
Dr Martin Cooke
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
et al.
Bioavailability of potentially toxic elements influences antibiotic resistance gene and mobile genetic element abundances in urban and rural soils2022
Dr Kelly Jobling
Professor David Graham
Draft Genome Sequences of Two Bacteriocin-Producing Enterococcus faecium Strains Isolated from Nonfermented Animal Foods in Spain2022
Dr Sajni Gupta
Professor David Graham
Effects of heavy metals pollution on the co-selection of metal and antibiotic resistance in urban rivers in UK and India2022
Professor David Graham
Environmental impact evaluation of decentralized sewage treatment technologies: A life cycle assessment approach2022
Professor David Graham
Genetic sequencing detected the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant in wastewater a month prior to the first COVID-19 case in Ahmedabad (India)2022
Professor David Graham
Dr Josh Bunce
Genomic analysis of sewage from 101 countries reveals global landscape of antimicrobial resistance2022
Dr Kelly Jobling
Professor David Graham
Nearly Complete Genome Sequence of Raoultella ornithinolytica Strain MQB_Silv_108, Carrying an Uncommon Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamase-like blaBEL Gene2022
Dr Kelly Jobling
Professor David Graham
Rapid Proteomic Characterization of Bacteriocin-Producing Enterococcus faecium Strains from Foodstuffs2022
Katie Robins
Professor David Graham
Dr Josh Bunce
Dr Matthew Wade
Research needs for optimising wastewater-based epidemiology monitoring for public health protection2022
Dr Matthew Wade
Dr Mathew Brown
Dr Josh Bunce
Professor David Graham
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
et al.
Understanding and managing uncertainty and variability for wastewater monitoring beyond the pandemic: Lessons learned from the United Kingdom national COVID-19 surveillance programmes2022
Professor David Graham
Wastewater surveillance for rapid identification of infectious diseases in prisons2022
Dr Amelie Ott
Dr Greg O'Donnell
Dr Andrew Zealand
Dr Michaela Goodson
Professor David Graham
et al.
Developing Surrogate Markers for Predicting Antibiotic Resistance “Hot Spots” in Rivers Where Limited Data Are Available2021
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Dr Kelly Jobling
Professor David Graham
Dynamics of integron structures across a wastewater network – Implications to resistance gene transfer2021
Professor David Graham
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
EMBRACE-WATERS statement: Recommendations for reporting of studies on antimicrobial resistance in wastewater and related aquatic environments2021
Dr Kishor Acharya
Professor David Graham
Professor David Werner
Environmental antimicrobial resistance is associated with faecal pollution in Central Thailand’s coastal aquaculture region2021
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Professor David Graham
Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase and Carbapenemase Genes are Substantially and Sequentially Reduced during Conveyance and Treatment of Urban Sewage2021
Dr Amelie Ott
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Dr Andrew Zealand
Dr Greg O'Donnell
Professor David Graham
et al.
Improved quantitative microbiome profiling for environmental antibiotic resistance surveillance2021
Jia Yee Ho
Florence Jong
Dr Kishor Acharya
Sylvia Xian
Daniel Smith
et al.
Multidrug-resistant bacteria and microbial communities in a river estuary with fragmented suburban waste management2021
Professor David Graham
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Site Specific Relationships between COVID-19 Cases and SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent2021
Dr Gopal Iyer
Dr Myra Giesen
Professor David Graham
Strategic value of interviewer training and local community-based organisations for WaSH and antibiotic resistance surveys2021
Professor David Graham
Comparison of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes abundance in hospital and community wastewater: A systematic review2020
Catalina Rodriguez
Professor David Graham
Effect of β -lactamases associated to the resistance of β -lactam antibiotics on the treatment of wastewater2020
Professor David Graham
Evidence of Wider Environmental Transmission of SARS-CoV-2; Assessing risk of transmission through outdoor air, water, outdoor surfaces, and food2020
Emily Collings
Dr Josh Bunce
Professor David Graham
Impact of cold temperatures on nitrogen removal in denitrifying down-flow hanging sponge (DDHS) reactors2020
Florence Jong
Professor Colin Harwood
Adrian Blackburn
Professor Jason Snape
Professor David Graham
et al.
Impact of Redox Conditions on Antibiotic Resistance Conjugative Gene Transfer Frequency and Plasmid Fate in Wastewater Ecosystems2020
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Professor David Graham
Making waves: Wastewater-based epidemiology for COVID-19 – approaches and challenges for surveillance and prediction2020
Professor David Graham
Monitoring the presence and infection risk of SARS-CoV-2 in the environment: approaches, limitations and interpretation2020
Dr Josh Bunce
Aidan Robson
Professor David Graham
Seasonal influences on the use of genetic markers as performance indicators for small wastewater treatment plants2020
Dr Marcos Baluja
Professor David Graham
Shedding of SARS-CoV-2 in feces and urine and its potential role in person-to-person transmission and the environment-based spread of COVID-192020
Professor David Graham
Technical brief on water, sanitation, hygiene and wastewater management to prevent infections and reduce the spread of antimicrobial resistance.2020
Joshua Bunce
Professor David Graham
A Simple Approach to Predicting the Reliability of Small Wastewater Treatment Plants2019
Professor David Graham
Complexities in understanding antimicrobial resistance across domesticated animal, human, and environmental systems2019
Professor David Graham
Critically important antibiotics: criteria and approaches for measuring and reducing their use in food animal agriculture2019
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Professor Oliver Heidrich
Professor David Graham
Energy use and carbon emissions across a English wastewater network2019
Dr Andrew Zealand
Professor Tony Roskilly
Professor David Graham
Molecular microbial ecology of stable versus failing rice straw anaerobic digesters2019
Maria Valdivia-Garcia
Professor David Graham
Professor David Werner
Predicted Impact of Climate Change on Trihalomethanes Formation in Drinking Water Treatment2019
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Dr Yongjie Yu
Professor David Graham
Spatial ecology of a wastewater network defines the antibiotic resistance genes in downstream receiving waters2019
Professor David Graham
Dr Myra Giesen
Joshua Bunce
Strategic approach for prioritizing local and regional sanitation interventions for reducing global antibiotic resistance2019
Dr Clare McCann
Dr Beate Christgen
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Professor David Graham
Understanding drivers of antibiotic resistance genes in High Arctic soil ecosystems2019
Joshua Bunce
Edmond Ndam
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Professor David Graham
A Review of Phosphorus Removal Technologies and Their Applicability to Small-Scale Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems2018
Professor David Graham
Carbapenem resistance exposures via wastewaters across New Delhi2018
Florence Jong
Joshua Bunce
Professor Colin Harwood
Professor Jason Snape
Professor David Graham
et al.
Co-optimization of sponge-core bioreactors for removing total nitrogen and antibiotic resistance genes from domestic wastewater2018
Professor David Graham
Initiatives for Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment - Current Situation and Challenges2018
Dr Andrew Zealand
Professor Tony Roskilly
Professor David Graham
Microbial Community Composition and Diversity in Rice Straw Digestion Bioreactors with and without Dairy Manure2018
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Professor Oliver Heidrich
Professor David Graham
Retrofitting options for wastewater networks to achieve climate change reduction targets2018
Professor David Graham
Reusing Treated Wastewater: Consideration of the Safety Aspects Associated with Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance Genes2018
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Seasonal dynamics of tetracycline resistance gene transport in the Sumas River agricultural watershed of British Columbia, Canada2018
Professor David Graham
Antibiotic resistance genes and associated microbial community conditions in aging landfill systems2017
Dr Andrew Zealand
Professor Tony Roskilly
Professor David Graham
Effect of feeding frequency and organic loading rate on biomethane production in the anaerobic digestion of rice straw2017
Florence Jong
Stephen Edwards
Professor David Graham
Enhanced denitrification in Downflow Hanging Sponge reactors for decentralised domestic wastewater treatment2017
Manisha Lamba
Professor David Graham
Hospital wastewater releases of carbapenem-resistance pathogens and genes in urban India2017
Dr Andrew Zealand
Professor Tony Roskilly
Professor David Graham
The Effect of Feeding Frequency and Organic Loading Rate on the Anaerobic Digestion of Chinese Rice Straw2017
Professor David Graham
A 21-year record of vertically migrating subepilemnetic populations of Chyptomonas spp.2016
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Professor David Graham
A conceptual framework for invasion in microbial communities2016
Professor David Graham
Dr Charles Knapp
Dr Jan Dolfing
Appearance of β-lactam resistance genes in agricultural soils and clinical isolates over the 20th century2016
Maria Valdivia-Garcia
Professor David Graham
Professor David Werner
Climatic, geographic and operational determinants of trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water systems2016
Dr Clare McCann
Dr Matthew Wade
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Dr Casey Hubert
Professor David Graham
et al.
Microbial Communities in a High Arctic polar desert landscape2016
Lucy Manning
Professor David Graham
Professor Jim Hall
Wastewater Systems Assessment2016
Micol Bellucci
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Dr Luciano Beneduce
Professor David Graham
Professor Ian Head
et al.
A preliminary and qualitative study of resource ratio theory to nitrifying lab-scale bioreactors2015
Professor David Graham
Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment: Not the Usual Suspects2015
Professor David Graham
Dominant and novel clades of Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis in 18 globally distributed full-scale wastewater treatment plants2015
Dr Beate Christgen
Professor David Graham
Metagenomics shows low-energy anaerobic-aerobic treatment reactors reduce antibiotic resistance gene dissemination from domestic wastewater2015
Professor David Graham
Relationships between Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance Gene Levels in Municipal Solid Waste Leachates in Shanghai, China2015
Marcos Quintela-Baluja
Professor David Graham
Sanitation, Water Quality, and Antibiotic Resistance Dissemination2015
Professor David Graham
Water Managers have a Vital Role to Play in Stemming Antibiotic Resistance2015
Dr Myra Giesen
Dr Beate Christgen
Dr Aron Mazel
Professor David Graham
Condition assessment and preservation of open-air rock art panels during environmental change2014
Catherine Hands
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Increased Waterborne blaNDM-1 Resistance Gene Abundances Associated with Seasonal Human Pilgrimages to the Upper Ganges River2014
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Dr Clare McCann
Dr Beate Christgen
Professor David Graham
Soil geochemistry confines microbial abundances across an Arctic landscape; Implications for net carbon exchange with the atmosphere2014
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor David Graham
Source separation increases methane yields for waste-to-energy applications in the personal care product industry2014
Professor David Graham
Underappreciated Role of Regionally Poor Water Quality on Globally Increasing Antibiotic Resistance2014
Dr Zia Shaikh
Dr Jan Dolfing
Dr Cesar Mota
Professor David Graham
Anaerobic-aerobic sequencing bioreactors improve energy efficiency for treatment of personal care product industry wastes2013
Dr Zia Shaikh
Dr Andrew Zealand
Dr Jan Dolfing
Dr Cesar Mota
Professor David Graham
et al.
Low-energy treatment of colourant wastes using sponge biofilters for the personal care product industry2013
Micol Bellucci
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor David Graham
et al.
Nitrification in hybrid bioreactors treating simulated domestic wastewater2013
Professor David Graham
The scourge of antibiotic resistance: the important role of the environment.2013
Dr Zia Shaikh
Professor David Graham
Dr Jan Dolfing
Wastewater Treatment: Biological2013
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Dr Mariana Ferdes
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Professor Vasile Lavric
et al.
Conditional confined oscillatory dynamics of Escherichia coli strain K12-MG1655 in chemostat systems2012
Dr Zia Shaikh
Dr Jan Dolfing
Dr Cesar Mota
Professor David Graham
Feasibility tests for treating shampoo and hair colorant wastewaters using anaerobic processes2012
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Professor David Graham
Integration of waste emissions and energy use in sustainable urban infrastructure models2012
Professor Susana Olivares Rieumont
Professor David Graham
Mercury Levels in Sediments and Mangrove Oysters, Crassostrea rizophorae, from the North Coast of Villa Clara, Cuba2012
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor Susana Olivares Rieumont
Dr Emma Bowen
Professor David Werner
Professor David Graham
et al.
Seasonal variations in antibiotic resistance gene transport in the Almendares River, Havana, Cuba2012
Dr Abdelnasser El Ghazouani
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Joseph Gray
Professor David Graham
Dr Susan Firbank
et al.
Variations in methanobactin structure influences copper utilization by methane-oxidizing bacteria2012
Professor David Graham
Professor Susana Olivares Rieumont
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Werner
Dr Emma Bowen
et al.
Antibiotic resistance gene abundances associated with waste discharges to the Almendares River near Havana, Cuba2011
Dr Charles Knapp
Brahm Singh
Professor David Graham
Antibiotic resistance gene abundances correlate with metal and geochemical conditions in archived Scottish soils2011
Dr Myra Giesen
Dr Aron Mazel
Professor David Graham
Care and Management of Ancient Stone Monuments during Environmental Change2011
Pompilia Buzatu
Dr Mariana Ferdes
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Professor David Graham
Professor Vasile Lavric
et al.
Comparison of Laboratory Wastewater Treatment Systems with Settlers: Affect of cycloheximide and recirculation ratio2011
Dr Abdelnasser El Ghazouani
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Susan Firbank
Dr Charles Knapp
Dr Joseph Gray
et al.
Copper-Binding Properties and Structures of Methanobactins from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b2011
Dr Ernest Chi Fru
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Dr Clare McCann
Dr Joana Baptista
Dr Beate Christgen
et al.
Effects of copper mineralogy and methanobactin on cell growth and sMMO activity in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b2011
Micol Bellucci
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Professor David Graham
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
Low Dissolved Oxygen Nitrifying Systems Exploit Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria With Unusually High Yield2011
Professor David Graham
Production, isolation, purification and functional characterisation of methanobactins2011
Professor David Graham
Stimulation of methanotroph activity by Cu-substituted borosilicate glass2011
Professor Vasile Lavric
Professor David Graham
Birth, growth and death as structuring operators in bacterial population dynamics2010
Professor David Graham
Professor Ian Head
Dr Charles Knapp
Correlations between in situ denitrification activity and nir-gene abundances in pristine and impacted prairie streams2010
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Differential fate of erythromycin and beta-lactam resistance genes from swine lagoon waste under different aquatic conditions2010
Dr Charles Knapp
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor David Graham
Evidence of increasing antibiotic resistance gene abundances in archived soils since 1940 2010
Dr Myra Giesen
Dr Aron Mazel
Professor David Graham
The resilience and care of ancient stone monuments in changing environments2010
Professor David Graham
Zinc-induced antibiotic resistance in activated sludge bioreactors2010
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Accumulation of Tetracycline Resistance Genes in Aquatic Biofilms Due to Periodic Waste Loadings from Swine Lagoons2009
Professor Susana Olivares Rieumont
Professor David Graham
Assessment of Total Mercury Levels in Clarias gariepinus from the Sagua la Grande River, Cuba2009
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Spatial Heterogeneity of Denitrification Genes in a Highly Homogenous Urban Stream2009
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
A comparative assessment of molecular biological and direct microscopic techniques for assessing aquatic systems2008
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Fate of tetracycline resistance genes in aquatic systems: Migration from the water column to peripheral biofilms2008
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Indirect evidence of transposon-mediated selection of antibiotic resistance genes in aquatic systems at low-level oxytetracycline exposures2008
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Abundance of six tetracycline resistance genes in wastewater lagoons at cattle feedlots with different antibiotic use strategies2007
Professor David Graham
Dr Charles Knapp
Dr Katie Bloor
Experimental demonstration of chaotic instability in biological nitrification2007
Professor David Graham
Influence of Isolation on the Recovery of Pond Mesocosms from the Application of an Insectide. II. Benthic Macroinvertibrates2007
Professor David Graham
Dr Charles Knapp
Influence of Isolation on the Recovery of Pond Mesocosms from the Application of an Insectide: Study Design and Planktonic Community Responses2007
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Methane monooxygenase gene expression mediated by methanobactin in the presence of mineral copper sources2007
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Methanobactin-promoted Dissolution of Cu-substituted Borosilicate Glass2007
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria guild ecology associated with nitrification failure in a continuous-flow reactor2007
Professor Susana Olivares Rieumont
Professor David Graham
Water Hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes) as Indicators of Heavy Metal Impact of a Large Landfill on the Almendares River near Havana, Cuba2007
Professor David Graham
Dr Charles Knapp
Effects of secondary nutrient conditions on vitellogenin gene expression in male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) exposed to 17-[alpha]-ethynylestradiol in field mesocosms2006
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Field assessment of oxytetracycline exposure to the freshwater macrophyte Elodea densa (Planch.) and Ceratophyllum demersum L.2006
Professor Susana Olivares Rieumont
Professor David Graham
Assessment of heavy metal levels in Almendares River sediments - Havana City, Cuba2005
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Ciprofloxacin attenuation rates and mechanisms in aquatic field systems2005
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Fate and Effects of Enrofloxacin in Aquatic Systems under Different Light Conditions2005
Professor David Graham
Purification and Physical—Chemical Properties of Methanobactin: A Chalkophore from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b2005
Professor David Graham
Dr Charles Knapp
Responses of molecular indicators of exposure in mesocosms: common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exponsed to the herbicides alachlor and atrazine2005
Professor David Graham
Designed ecosystem services: application of ecological principles in wastewater treatment engineering2004
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Development of Alternate ssu-rRNA Probing Strategies for Characterizing Aquatic Microbial Communities2004
Professor David Graham
Methanobactin, a Copper-Acquisition Compound from Methane-Oxidizing Bacteria2004
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Quantification of Tetracycline Resistance Genes in Feedlot Lagoons Using Real-time PCR2004
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Deep chlorophyll maxima in small forest lakes after experimental catchment and shoreline logging2003
Professor David Graham
Effects of Oxygen and Nitrogen Conditions on the Transformation Kinetics of 1,2-Dichloroethenes by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and its sMMOC Mutant2003
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Influence of Autochthonous Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nutrient Limitation on Alachlor Biotransformation in Aerobic Aquatic Systems2003
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Nutrient level, microbial community conditions, and alachlor transformation in aerobic aquatic mesocosms2003
Dr Charles Knapp
Professor David Graham
Physical and chemical conditions surrounding the diurnal vertical migration of Cryptomonas spp. (Cryptophyceae) in a seasonally stratified midwestern reservoir (U.S.A.)2003
Professor David Graham
Separations coupled with NMR detection2003
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Professor David Graham
Theoretical Ecology for engineering biology2003
Professor David Graham
Alachlor and metolachlor transformation pattern in corn and soil2002
Professor David Graham
Methanotrophic Bacteria2002
Professor David Graham
Effect of oxygen level on simultaneous nitrogenase and sMMO expression and activity in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and its sMMOC mutant, PP319: aerotolerant N2 fixation in PP3192001
Professor David Graham
Application of Resource-Ratio Theory to Hydrocarbon Biodegradation1998