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Browsing publications by Professor Bernard Connolly.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Colette Whitfield
Rachel Little
Professor Bernard Connolly
Dr Eimer Tuite
Dr Andrew Pike
et al.
Self-Priming Enzymatic Fabrication of Multiply Modified DNA2018
Dr Javier Abellon-Ruiz
Dr Kevin Waldron
Professor Bernard Connolly
Archaeoglobus Fulgidus DNA Polymerase D: A Zinc-Binding Protein Inhibited by Hypoxanthine and Uracil2016
Dr Javier Abellon-Ruiz
Professor Bernard Connolly
Archaeal DNA Polymerase-B as a DNA Template Guardian: Links between Polymerases and Base/Alternative Excision Repair Enzymes in Handling the Deaminated Bases Uracil and Hypoxanthine2016
Brian Keith
Professor Bernard Connolly
Correction for Achuthan et al., Human Immunodeficiency Virus Reverse Transcriptase Displays Dramatically Higher Fidelity Using Physiological Magnesium Conditions In Vitro (vol 89, pg 1944, 2015)2015
Dr Colette Whitfield
Dr Andrew Turley
Dr Eimer Tuite
Professor Bernard Connolly
Dr Andrew Pike
et al.
Enzymatic Method for the Synthesis of Long DNA Sequences with Multiple Repeat Units2015
Matthew Greetham
Professor David Lydall
Professor Bernard Connolly
The Telomere Binding Protein Cdc13 and the Single-Stranded DNA Binding Protein RPA Protect Telomeric DNA from Resection by Exonucleases2015
Dr Stanislaw Jozwiakowski
Brian Keith
Louise Gilroy
Professor Bernard Connolly
An archaeal family-B DNA polymerase variant able to replicate past DNA damage: occurrence of replicative and translesion synthesis polymerases within the B family2014
Brian Keith
Thomas Kinsman
Pauline Heslop
Professor Bernard Connolly
DNA polymerase hybrids derived from the family-B enzymes of Pyrococcus furiosus and Thermococcus kodakarensis: improving performance in the polymerase chain reaction2014
Brian Keith
Professor Bernard Connolly
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Reverse Transcriptase Displays Dramatically Higher Fidelity under Physiological Magnesium Conditions In Vitro2014
Brian Keith
Dr Stanislaw Jozwiakowski
Professor Bernard Connolly
A plasmid-based lacZα gene assay for DNA polymerase fidelity measurement2013
Dr Tom Richardson
Professor Bernard Connolly
Archaeal DNA polymerase D but not DNA polymerase B is required for genome replication in Thermococcus kodakarensis2013
Dr Tom Richardson
Louise Gilroy
Professor Bernard Connolly
Novel inhibition of archaeal family-D DNA polymerase by uracil2013
Dr Tom Richardson
Brian Keith
Pauline Heslop
Professor Bernard Connolly
Unwinding of primer-templates by archaeal family-B DNA polymerases in response to template-strand uracil2013
Professor Bernard Connolly
Alkyltransferase-like protein (Atl1) distinguishes alkylated guanines for DNA repair using cation-pi interactions2012
Dr Scott Watson
Dr Joseph Hedley
Dr Miguel Galindo-Cuesta
Professor Nick Wright
Professor Bernard Connolly
et al.
Synthesis, Characterisation and Electrical Properties of Supramolecular DNA-Templated Polymer Nanowires of 2,5-(Bis-2-thienyl)-pyrrole2012
Dr Stanislaw Jozwiakowski
Professor Bernard Connolly
A Modified Family-B Archaeal DNA Polymerase with Reverse Transcriptase Activity2011
Professor Bernard Connolly
Determinants of Precatalytic Conformational Transitions in the DNA Cytosine Methyltransferase M.HhaI2011
Tom Killelea
Professor Bernard Connolly
Role of Disulfide Bridges in Archaeal Family-B DNA Polymerases2011
Dr Rebeca Gonzalez
Dr Samson Patole
Professor Bernard Connolly
Professor Andrew Houlton
Dr Ben Horrocks
et al.
Self-Organisation of Self-Complementary DNA Molecules Covalently Attached to Silicon Surfaces2011
Jennifer Hannant
Dr Joseph Hedley
Professor Bernard Connolly
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Andrew Houlton
et al.
Modification of DNA-templated conductive polymer nanowires via click chemistry2010
Tom Killelea
Pauline Heslop
Dr Susan Firbank
Professor Bernard Connolly
Probing the Interaction of Archaeal DNA Polymerases with Deaminated Bases Using X-ray Crystallography and Non-Hydrogen Bonding Isosteric Base Analogues2010
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Professor Bernard Connolly
Physical and functional interactions between Escherichia coli MutL and the Vsr repair endonuclease2009
Dr Stanislaw Jozwiakowski
Professor Bernard Connolly
Plasmid-based lacZ alpha assay for DNA polymerase fidelity: application to archaeal family-B DNA polymerase2009
Professor Bernard Connolly
Recognition of deaminated bases by archaeal family-B DNA polymerases2009
Professor Bernard Connolly
Recognition of deaminated bases by archaeal family-B DNA polymerases2009
Henry Russell
Dr Tom Richardson
Kieran Emptage
Professor Bernard Connolly
The 3'-5' proofreading exonuclease of archaeal family-B DNA polymerase hinders the copying of template strand deaminated bases2009
Dr Stela Pruneanu
Dr Liqin Dong
Tom Hollis
Professor Nick Wright
Dr Andrew Pike
et al.
DNA-based Inorganic and Polymer Nanowires: Synthesis, Characterization and Electrical Properties of Nanoelectronic Components2008
Kieran Emptage
Dr Rory O'Neill
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Professor Bernard Connolly
Interplay between DNA Polymerase and Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Switches Off Base Excision Repair of Uracil and Hypoxanthine during Replication in Archaea2008
Professor Bernard Connolly
Template-directed addition of nucleosides to DNA by the BfiI restriction enzyme2008
Dr Josephine Wardle
Pauline Heslop
Professor Bernard Connolly
Uracil recognition by replicative DNA polymerases is limited to the archaea, not occurring with bacteria and eukarya2008
Dr Liqin Dong
Tom Hollis
Professor Bernard Connolly
Professor Nick Wright
Dr Ben Horrocks
et al.
DNA-templated semiconductor nanoparticle chains and wires2007
Sukhvinder Gill
Dr Rory O'Neill
Professor Rick Lewis
Professor Bernard Connolly
Interaction of the family-B DNA polymerase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus with deaminated bases2007
Professor Bernard Connolly
Site-specific DNA transesterification catalyzed by a restriction enzyme2007
Dr Ulrike Mader
Professor Bernard Connolly
A proteomic analysis of Streptomyces coelicolor programmed cell death2006
Dr Duncan Harvie
Dr Wenmao Meng
Professor Bernard Connolly
Professor Colin Harwood
Dr David Radford
et al.
Predicting metals sensed by ArsR-SmtB repressors: Allosteric interference by a non-effector metal2006
Dr Andrew Pike
Lyndsey Ryder
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor William Clegg
Professor Bernard Connolly
et al.
Ferrocenyl-modified DNA: Synthesis, characterization and integration with semiconductor electrodes2005
Dr Qi Hong
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Andrew Houlton
Professor Bernard Connolly
et al.
Integration of proteins and semiconductors: silicon platforms for protein attachment2005
Dr sarah Johnson
Professor Bernard Connolly
Mechanism of the Escherichia coli DNA T:G-mismatch Endonuclease (Vsr protein) Probed with Thiophosphate-containing Oilgondeoxynucleotides2005
Lars Lie
Samson Patole
Dr Andrew Pike
Lyndsey Ryder
Professor Bernard Connolly
et al.
Immobilisation and synthesis of DNA on Si(111), nanocrystalline porous silicon and silicon nanoparticles2004
Dr Benjamin Biles
Professor Bernard Connolly
Low-fidelity Pyrococcus furiosus DNA polymerase mutants useful in error-prone PCR2004
Gillian Shuttleworth
Professor Bernard Connolly
Recognition of the Pro-mutagenic Base Uracil by Family B DNA Polymerases from Archaea2004
Professor Bernard Connolly
Unusual 2-aminopurine fluorescence from a complex of DNA and the EcoKI methyltransferase2004
Dr Andrew Pike
Samson Patole
Professor Bernard Connolly
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Andrew Houlton
et al.
Covalent and non-covalent attachment and patterning of polypyrrole at silicon surfaces2003
Pauline Heslop
Professor Bernard Connolly
DNA recognition by the EcoRV restriction endonuclease probed using base analogues2003
Professor Bernard Connolly
Mutation of DNA polymerases from archaeobacteria PATENT EU: EP1463809 (granted) Australia: AU322654BB (granted) Canada: CA2475418AA (pending) USA: US10/511,130 (pending) Japan: JP2005526510T2 (pending)2003
Samson Patole
Dr Andrew Pike
Professor Bernard Connolly
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Andrew Houlton
et al.
STM study of DNA films synthesized on Si(111) surfaces2003
Professor Bernard Connolly
Dr Brian Wilson
Uracil recognition by archaeal family B DNA polymerases2003
Meera Soundararajan
Pauline Heslop
Professor Bernard Connolly
DNA binding and recognition by the IIs restriction endonuclease MboII2002
Dr Andrew Pike
Lars Lie
Lyndsey Ryder
Samson Patole
Professor Bernard Connolly
et al.
DNA on silicon devices: On-chip synthesis, hybridization, and charge transfer2002
Dr Andrew Pike
Lars Lie
Dr Samson Patole
Lyndsey Ryder
Professor Bernard Connolly
et al.
Integrating DNA with semiconductor materials: Bio-inorganic hybrid devices2002
Dr Andrew Pike
Lyndsey Ryder
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor William Clegg
Dr Mark Elsegood
et al.
Metallocene - DNA: Synthesis, molecular and electronic structure and DNA incorporation of C5-ferrocenylthymidine derivatives2002
Professor Bernard Connolly
Structural basis for uracil recognition by archaeal family B DNA polymerases2002
Dr Andrew Pike
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Bernard Connolly
Professor Andrew Houlton
Towards DNA based molecular electronics on silicon2002
Professor Bernard Connolly
Zebularine: A novel DNA methylation inhibitor that forms a covalent complex with DNA methyltransferases2002
Professor Bernard Connolly
Assay of restriction endonucleases using oligonucleotides2001
Sarah Reid
Professor Bernard Connolly
Binding and recognition of GATATC target sequences by the EcoRV restriction endonuclease: a study using fluorescent oligonucleotides and fluorescence polarisation2001
Dr David Turner
Professor Bernard Connolly
DNA binding and cleavage selectivity of the Escherichia coli DNA G:T-mismatch endonuclease (vsr protein)2001
Professor Robert Taylor
Dr Theresa Wardell
Professor Bernard Connolly
Emeritus Professor Doug Turnbull
Professor Robert Lightowlers
et al.
Linked oligodeoxynucleotides show binding cooperativity and can selectively impair replication of deleted mitochondrial DNA templates2001
Dr Steven Evans
Professor Bernard Connolly
Mechanism and cleavage specificity of the H-N-H endonuclease colicin E92001
Professor Bernard Connolly
Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase-pseudoknot RNA aptamer interaction has a binding affinity in the low picomolar range coupled with high specificity2000
Dr Steven Evans
Professor Bernard Connolly
Improving dideoxynucleotide-triphosphate utilisation by the hyper-thermophilic DNA polymerase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus2000
Professor Bernard Connolly
Inhibition of EcoRV endonuclease by deoxyribo-3'-S-phosphorothiolates: A high-resolution X-ray crystallographic study2000
Dr David Turner
Professor Bernard Connolly
Interaction of the E. coli DNA G:T-mismatch endonuclease (vsr protein) with oligonucleotides containing its target sequence2000
Dr Steven Evans
Professor Bernard Connolly
A read-ahead function in archaeal DNA polymerases detects promutagenic template-strand uracil1999
Professor Bernard Connolly
Purification, characterization, and role of nucleases and serine proteases in Streptomyces differentiation. Analogies with the biochemical processes described in late steps of eukaryotic apoptosis1999
Professor Bernard Connolly
Secondary structure mapping of an RNA ligand that has high affinity for the MetJ repressor protein and interference modification analysis of the protein-RNA complex1999
Dr Steven Evans
Dr William Maughan
Professor Bernard Connolly
Site-directed mutagenesis of phosphate-contacting amino acids of bovine pancreatic deoxyribonuclease I1999