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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Stela Pruneanu, Dr Liqin Dong, Tom Hollis, Professor Nick Wright, Dr Andrew Pike, Professor Bernard Connolly, Dr Ben HorrocksORCiD, Professor Andrew HoultonORCiD
Full text for this publication is not currently held within this repository. Alternative links are provided below where available.
Individual DNA molecules have been used as templates for the formation of conducting nanowires. Both binary compound and molecular-based materials have been prepared with this method. The nanowires are electrically conducting as confirmed by IN measurements of single-wire two-terminal devices. Polymer-based nanowires are shown to spontaneously aggregate over time to form nanoropes.
Author(s): Pruneanu S, Dong L, Hollis TA, Wright NG, Galindo MA, Pike AR, Connolly BA, Horrocks BR, Houlton A
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: AIP Conference Proceedings: DNA Based Nanodevices
Year of Conference: 2008
Pages: 33-42
Publisher: American Institute of Phsyics
Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item
ISBN: 9780735405929