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Browsing publications by Professor Jaime Amezaga.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Anna Christy
Professor Marwa Elnahass
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Oliver Heidrich
A dynamic framework to align company climate reporting and action with global climate targets2024
Dr Elizabeth Lawson
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Challenges and opportunities for decentralised water technologies in Scotland2024
Ali Leonard
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Emeritus Professor Chris Kilsby
Dr Anna Murgatroyd
et al.
Collaborative multiscale water resources planning in England2024
Elliot Rooney
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Mohsen Nagheeby
Xanthe Polaine
Obscuring Complexity and Performing Progress: Unpacking SDG Indicator 6.5.1 and the Implementation of IWRM2024
Anna Christy
Professor Oliver Heidrich
Professor Marwa Elnahass
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Avoiding turmoil. Achieving targets. Attempting NetZero: Perspectives from the Water Sector2023
Dr Mohsen Nagheeby
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Critical Water Governance: Contextualising Water Security in Colombia, Ethiopia, India and Malaysia2023
Dr Mohsen Nagheeby
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Decolonising water diplomacy and conflict transformation: from security-peace to equity-identity2023
Dr Mohsen Nagheeby
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Disrupted water governance in the shadows: Revealing the role of hidden actors in the Upper Cauca River Basin in Colombia2023
Dr Mohsen Nagheeby
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Framing a social network analysis approach to understanding reputational power in the water governance of Johor, Malaysia2023
Dr Mohsen Nagheeby
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Voices in Shaping Water Governance: Exploring Discourses in the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia2023
Dr Cat Button
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Water Sensitive Planning for the Cities in the Global South2023
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Catherine Gandy
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Professor Adam Jarvis
Incorporating conceptual site models into national-scale environmental risk assessments for legacy waste in the coastal zone2022
Xanthe Polaine
Professor Richard Dawson
Professor Claire Walsh
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Systems thinking for water security2022
Daryl Hughes
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Andy Large
Alethea Goddard
et al.
The influence of 4D landscape visualisation on attitudes to reservoir renaturalisation2022
Daniel Leicester
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Is bioelectrochemical energy production from wastewater a reality? Identifying and standardising the progress made in scaling up microbial electrolysis cells2020
Daniel Leicester
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Optimising the hydraulic retention time in a pilot-scale microbial electrolysis cell to achieve high volumetric treatment rates using concentrated domestic wastewater2020
Professor Sean Wilkinson
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Assessing Volcanic Risk to Transport Networks – The case of Merapi, Indonesia2019
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr James Bathurst
Professor Andres Iroume
Chapter 6 - SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation – Forest-Related Targets and their Impacts on Forests and People2019
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Explaining path-dependent rigidity traps: increasing returns, power, discourses, and entrepreneurship intertwined in social-ecological systems2019
Ambi Ambituuni
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Optimising the integrity of safety critical petroleum assets: A project conceptualisation approach2019
Ruth Kennedy-Walker
David Alderson
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Charlotte Paterson
Optimisation and costing of faecal sludge management options for Lusaka's informal settlements2016
Edward Byers
Professor Jim Hall
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Greg O'Donnell
Alex Leathard
et al.
Water and climate risks to power generation with carbon capture and storage2016
Edward Byers
Alex Leathard
David Alderson
Professor Jim Hall
Professor Jaime Amezaga
et al.
Cooling water for Britain's future electricity supply2015
Edward Byers
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Infrastructure Report Card 9. Nuclear, Coal, Oil and Gas Energy2015
Sian Rudall
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
National assessment of diffuse mining pollution in England and Wales2015
Ambi Ambituuni
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor David Werner
Risk Assessment Of A Petroleum Product Pipeline In Nigeria: The Realities Of Managing Problems Of Theft/sabotage2015
Ambi Ambituuni
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor David Werner
Risk assessment of petroleum product transportation by road: A framework for regulatory improvement2015
Ambi Ambituuni
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor David Werner
Risk management framework for safe transportation of petroleum products in Nigeria: Learning from past accidents and good practices2015
Ruth Kennedy-Walker
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Charlotte Paterson
The impact of community social dynamics on achieving improved sanitation access for the urban poor: The case of Lusaka, Zambia2015
Ruth Kennedy-Walker
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Charlotte Paterson
The role of power, politics and history in achieving sanitation service provision in informal urban environments: a case study of Lusaka, Zambia2015
Edward Byers
Professor Jaime Amezaga
UK nuclear and fossil fuel energy infrastructure climate risk2015
Ambi Ambituuni
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Analysis of safety and environmental regulations for downstream petroleum industry operations in Nigeria: Problems and prospects2014
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Catherine Biggs
Dr Catherine Gandy
Biodesalination: a case study for applications of photosynthetic bacteria in water treatment2014
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Catherine Gandy
'Biodesalination': a synthetic biology approach for the use of photosynthetic bacteria in water treatment2014
Nikolaos Minas
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Catherine Biggs
Biodesalination: an emerging technology for targeted removal of Na+ and Cl- from seawater by cyanobacteria2014
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Briefing: Negotiating value at the research–practice interface in the water sector2014
Ruth Kennedy-Walker
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Charlotte Paterson
Challenges for the future of urban sanitation planning: critical analysis of John Kalbermatten’s influence.2014
Edward Byers
Professor Jim Hall
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Electricity generation and cooling water use: UK pathways to 20502014
Floriane Clement
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Conceptualising context in institutional reforms of land and water resources management: the case of Vietnam2013
Dr Jennifer Hazelton
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Forest based biomass for energy in Uganda: Stakeholder dynamics in feedstock production2013
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Tobias Roetting
Hydrochemical and isotopic patterns in a calc-alkaline Cu- and Au-rich arid Andean basin: The Elqui River watershed, North Central Chile2013
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr James Bathurst
Lineamientos de politica para la gestion integrada de cuecas hidrograficas forestadas frente a precipitaciones extremas. PHI-VII Documento Tecnico N 192013
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr James Bathurst
Policy briefs for integrated management of forested river catchments in extreme rainfall and snowmelt. PHI-VII Technical Document N 202013
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Special Section on Bioenergy and Rural Development in Africa and Asia2013
Dr Jennifer Hazelton
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Stakeholder dynamics in bioenergy feedstock production; The case of Jatropha curcas L. for biofuel in Chhattisgarh State, India2013
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Jennifer Hazelton
The future of bioenergy and rural development policies in Africa and Asia2013
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Tobias Roetting
Professor Paul Younger
Abandoned tailings deposits, acid drainage and alluvial sediments geochemistry, in the arid Elqui River Basin, North-Central Chile2012
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Tobias Roetting
Application of the Watershed Sustainability Index to the Elqui river basin, North-Central Chile2012
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Application of water quality indices and analysis of the surface water quality monitoring network in semi-arid North Central Chile2012
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Erratum to: Contemporary Reviews of Mine Water Studies in Europe, Part 1 (vol 23, pg 162, 2004)2012
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Facilitating Transitional Processes in Rigid Institutional Regimes for Water Management and Wetland Conservation: Experience from the Guadalquivir Estuary2012
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Tobias Roetting
Professor Paul Younger
A Rich Vein? Mining and the Pursuit of Sustainability2011
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Stakeholder participation within the public environmental system in Chile: Major gaps between theory and practice2011
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Samantha Boyes
Assessing the Sustainability of Bioenergy Projects in Developing Countries: A Framework for Policy Evaluation2010
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Samantha Boyes
Dr Jennifer Hazelton
Biofuels Policy in the European Union2010
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Tobias Roetting
El Rio Chili: Cuenca Árida con Presión Minera2010
Dr James Bathurst
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCE project2010
Dr Jennifer Hazelton
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Mechanisms for Driving Sustainability of Biofuels in Developing Countries2010
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Tobias Roetting
Professor Paul Younger
Water Catchment and Mining Impact Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones: An Integrated Approach2010
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Water Management Issues in the Underground Gasification of Coal and the Subsequent Use of the Voids for Long-Term Carbon Dioxide Storage2010
Floriane Clement
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Afforestation and forestry land allocation in northern Vietnam: Analysing the gap between policy intentions and outcomes2009
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Tobias Roetting
Professor Paul Younger
Agua y minería en cuencas áridas y semiáridas: guía para la gestión integral2009
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Catchment Management and Mining Impacts in Arid and Semi-Arid South America (CAMINAR): Case studies in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile2009
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Jennifer Hazelton
RE-Impact: Forest Based Bioenergy for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries2009
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
The Guidelines for Water Management in arid and semi-arid Zones with Mining, produced by the CAMINAR project2009
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Transfer of Adaptive Strategies for Natural Resources and Ecosystems Management in Canada. Opportunities and Constraints for Implementation in Europe2009
Dr Tobias Roetting
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Case Studies in Peru, Bolivia and Chile on Catchment Management and Mining Impacts in Arid and Semi-Arid South America - Results from the CAMINAR project2008
Floriane Clement
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Linking reforestation policies with land use change in northern Vietnam: Why local factors matter2008
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Mining and water-related legislation in Peru, Bolivia and Chile - Results from the CAMINAR Project2008
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
ERMISA and CAMINAR projects: research on environmental regulation, catchment management and mining impacts in South America2007
Professor Jaime Amezaga
European regulation of mine water and waste2007
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
European Union legislation and the mining sector: research and development initiatives to address new environmental targets2007
Dr Robert Hope
Ina Porras Borloz
Dr Smita Tiwari
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Negotiating Watershed Services2007
Professor Ian Calder
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Jennifer Hazelton
Regulatory framework and industry impact assessment standards for woody biomass and liquid bio-fuel production; ensuring benefits outweigh any societal, environmental and water costs2007
Floriane Clement
Professor Jaime Amezaga
The impact of forest land policies on land use in Northern Vietnam: an institutional approach for understanding farmer decisions2007
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Andy Large
Professor Ian Calder
An institutional approach for understanding farmers strategies and land management2006
Dr Robert Hope
Ina Porras Borloz
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Are the upland poor benefiting from environmental service reward schemes?2006
Professor Ian Calder
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Robert Hope
Forestry and low flows, spatial modelling and open GIS dissemination of the science perception- India2006
Dr James Bathurst
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Professor Ian Calder
Forests and floods in Latin America: physical processes, policy implications and the EPIC FORCE project2006
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Mine water management in European Environmental Policy: An assessment of recent legislative developments2006
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Mine water management in European environmental policy: an assessment of recent legislative developments2006
Professor Ian Calder
Dr Robert Hope
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Socio-economic opportunities from upland catchment environmental services: A negotiation support system2006
Sebastien Tellier
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Application of the URBM toolkit for Watercourse Rehabilitation in the River Ouseburn, Newcastle upon Tyne2005
Ria Wilson
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Chapter 7: Policy challenges & recommendations, the India context2005
Dr James Garratt
Professor Ian Calder
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Demonstrating the hydrological effects of water harvesting measures and forestry using HYLUC and EXCLAIM in a northern Indian catchment2005
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Inter-Institutional links in land and water management2005
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Mining and the water environment: Lessons from an assessment of water pollution during the full life-cycle of a metalliferous mine2005
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Modes of groundwater / surface water interactions in catchments subject to former underground mining activities2005
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
ERMITE: supporting European policy making on mine wastes and waters2004
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
ERMITE: supporting European policy making on mine wastes and waters2004
Professor Jaime Amezaga
European Union Policies and Mine Water Management. In Wolkersdorfer C; Bowell R (eds.) Contemporary Reviews of Mine Water Studies in Europe, Part 12004
Professor Ian Calder
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Lisa Fuller
Katherine Gallop
Dr Robert Hope
et al.
Forest and water policies: The need to reconcile public and science perceptions2004
Professor Ian Calder
Dr Graham Jewitt
Professor Andy Large
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Robert Hope
et al.
Global Governance of Water and the Blue Revolution - Can we achieve better outcomes from land and water policies?2004
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Mine water policy in the UK and the proposed Directive on mine waste2004
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Mine water policy in the UK and the proposed Directive on the management of waste from the extractive industries2004
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Charlotte Nuttall
Professor Paul Younger
Mining Impacts on the Fresh Water Environment: Technical and Managerial Guidelines for Catchment-Focused Remediation2004
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Biotic wetland connectivity - supporting a new approach for wetland policy2002
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Almudena Ordonez
Professor Paul Younger
Hacia una propuesta de normativa a nivel europeo de regulacion ambiental de aguas de minas2002
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Almudena Ordonez
Professor Paul Younger
Hacia una propuesta de normativa a nivel europeo de regulacion ambiental de aguas de minas2002
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Mine waters pollution control. The legal situation at BiH and the EU levels2002
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Mining and the water environment: Lessons from an assessment of water pollution during the full life-cycle of a metalliferous mine2002
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
Regulation of mine waters in the european union: The contribution of scientific research to policy development2002
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Wetland connectedness and policy fragmentation: Steps towards a sustainable European wetland policy2000
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Enda O'Connell
Unfolding the sociotechnical dimension of hydroinformatics: the role of problem structuring methods1998
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Synthesis of 3-methoxyestra-1,3,5 (10),6-tetraen-17-one1989