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Browsing publications by Dr Gary Caldwell.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Assia Crawford
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr James Guest
Architecture for coral restoration: Using clay-based digital fabrication to overcome bottlenecks to coral larval propagation2022
Pichaya In-Na
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Rachel Armstrong
Professor Ben Bridgens
Clay 3D printing as a bio-design research tool: development of photosynthetic living building components2022
Muayad Alkarawi
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Jonathan Lee
Corrigendum to “Continuous foam flotation harvesting with enhanced drainage: Overcoming the recovery-enrichment paradox” [Algal Res. 54 (2021), 102203]2022
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Jonathan Lee
Engineered living photosynthetic biocomposites for intensified biological carbon capture2022
Warm In-Na
Professor Jonathan Lee
Dr Gary Caldwell
Living textile biocomposites deliver enhanced carbon dioxide capture2022
Warm In-Na
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Jonathan Lee
Techno-economic analysis of living biocomposites for carbon capture from breweries2022
Ellie Ould
Dr Gary Caldwell
The potential of seaweed for carbon capture2022
Muayad Al-Karawi
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Jonathan Lee
Continuous foam flotation harvesting with enhanced drainage: overcoming the recovery-enrichment paradox2021
Muayad Al-Karawi
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Jonathan Lee
Corrigendum to "Continuous foam flotation harvesting with enhanced drainage: Overcoming the recovery-enrichment paradox"2021
Dr Gary Caldwell
Warm In-Na
Rachel Hart
Assia Stefanova
Matthew Pickersgill
et al.
Immobilising microalgae and cyanobacteria as biocomposites: New opportunities to intensify algae biotechnology and bioprocessing2021
Lucy Gorman
Dr Sarah Judge
Emeritus Professor John Harris
Dr Gary Caldwell
Lesser weever fish (Echiichthys vipera Cuvier, 1829) venom is cardiotoxic but not haemorrhagic2021
Assia Stefanova
Warm In-Na
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Ben Bridgens
Professor Rachel Armstrong
et al.
Photosynthetic textile biocomposites: using laboratory testing and digital fabrication to develop flexible living building materials2021
Rachel Hart
Warm In-Na
Dr Maxim Kapralov
Professor Jonathan Lee
Dr Gary Caldwell
et al.
Textile-based cyanobacteria biocomposites for potential environmental remediation applications2021
Dr Gary Caldwell
Trophic upgrading of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids by polychaetes: a stable isotope approach using Alitta virens2021
Professor Tim Gray
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Selina Stead
A value-chain analysis of Malaysia's seaweed industry2020
Assia Stefanova
Professor Ben Bridgens
Warm In-Na
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Rachel Armstrong
et al.
Architectural laboratory practice for the development of clay and ceramic-based photosynthetic biocomposites2020
Dr Yanghanzi Zhang
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Phil Blythe
Dr Andrew Zealand
Dr Shuo Li
et al.
Co-digestion of microalgae with potato processing waste and glycerol: Effect of glycerol addition on methane production and the microbial community2020
Dr Chloe Eastabrook
Dr Paul Whitworth
Dr Gary Caldwell
Diatom-derived polyunsaturated aldehydes are unlikely to influence the microbiota composition of laboratory-cultured diatoms2020
Fern Lyne-Temple
Dr Gary Caldwell
Integrative assessment of low-dose gamma radiation effects on Daphnia magna reproduction: Toxicity pathway assembly and AOP development2020
Warm In-Na
Abbas Umar
Professor Michael Flickinger
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Jonathan Lee
et al.
Loofah-based microalgae and cyanobacteria biocomposites for intensifying carbon dioxide capture2020
Lucy Gorman
Dr Sarah Judge
Dr Gary Caldwell
The venoms of the lesser (Echiichthys vipera) and greater weeverfish (Trachinus draco) - a review2020
Dr Thea Ekins-Coward
Professor Kamelia Boodhoo
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Michael Flickinger
et al.
A microalgae biocomposite integrated Spinning Disc Bioreactor (SDBR): Towards a scalable engineering approach for bioprocess intensification in light-driven CO2 absorption applications2019
Dr Yanghanzi Zhang
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Andrew Zealand
Dr Paul Sallis
Anaerobic co-digestion of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and potato processing waste: Effect of mixing ratio, waste type and substrate to inoculum ratio2019
Dr Yanghanzi Zhang
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Paul Sallis
Renewable energy - evaluation of low energy demand pre-treatments to optimise methane production from microalgae2019
Dr Yanghanzi Zhang
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Paul Sallis
Semi-continuous anaerobic co-digestion of marine microalgae with potato processing waste for methane production2019
Guang Gao
Professor Tony Clare
Dr Craig Rose
Dr Gary Caldwell
Ulva rigida in the future ocean: potential for carbon capture, bioremediation, and biomethane production2018
Georgina Robinson
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Selina Stead
Carbon amendment stimulates benthic nitrogen cycling during the bioremediation of particulate aquaculture waste2018
Muayad Al-Karawi
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Jonathan Lee
Continuous harvesting of microalgae biomass using foam flotation2018
Guang Gao
Professor Tony Clare
Eleni Chatzidimitriou
Dr Craig Rose
Dr Gary Caldwell
et al.
Effects of ocean warming and acidification, combined with nutrient enrichment, on chemical composition and functional properties of Ulva rigida2018
Emily O'Hara
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor John Bythell
Equistatin and equinatoxin gene expression is influenced by environmental temperature in the sea anemone Actinia equina2018
Dr Gary Caldwell
Foam flotation can remove and eradicate ciliates contaminating algae culture systems2018
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Selina Stead
The effect of resource quality on the growth of Holothuria scabra during aquaculture waste bioremediation2018
Ilaria Spiga
Dr Nicholas Aldred
Dr Gary Caldwell
Anthropogenic noise compromises the anti-predator behaviour of the European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.)2017
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Dr Gary Caldwell
Assessing the impact of diclofenac, ibuprofen and sildenafil citrate (Viagra®) on the fertilisation biology of broadcast spawning marine invertebrates2017
Guang Gao
Professor Tony Clare
Dr Craig Rose
Dr Gary Caldwell
Eutrophication and warming-driven green tides (Ulva rigida) are predicted to increase under future climate change scenarios2017
Guang Gao
Professor Tony Clare
Dr Craig Rose
Dr Gary Caldwell
Intrinsic and extrinsic control of reproduction in the green tide-forming alga, Ulva rigida2017
Professor Rachel Armstrong
Simone Ferracina
Dr Gary Caldwell
Gimi Rimbu
Neil Phillips
et al.
Living Architecture (LIAR): Metabolically engineered building units2017
Guang Gao
Professor Tony Clare
Dr Craig Rose
Dr Gary Caldwell
Non-cryogenic preservation of thalli, germlings, and gametes of the green seaweed Ulva rigida2017
Guang Gao
Professor Tony Clare
Dr Craig Rose
Dr Gary Caldwell
Reproductive sterility increases the capacity to exploit the green seaweed Ulva rigida for commercial applications2017
Dr Gary Caldwell
Tissue and spine regeneration in the temperate sea urchin Psammechinus miliaris2017
Ilaria Spiga
Dr Gary Caldwell
Influence of Pile Driving on the Clearance Rate of the Blue Mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.)2016
Adibi MD Nor
Professor Tim Gray
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Selina Stead
Is a cooperative approach to seaweed farming effectual? An analysis of the Seaweed Cluster Project (SCP), Malaysia2016
Dr Kaveh Emami
Dr Ethan Hack
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Ehsan Mesbahi
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Discriminates Known Species and Marine Environmental Isolates of Pseudoalteromonas2016
Dr Georgi Robinson
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Matthew Wade
Professor Selina Stead
Profiling bacterial communities associated with sediment-based aquaculture bioremediation systems under contrasting redox regimes2016
Helen Graham
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Professor Tony Clare
Dr Gary Caldwell
Sperm motility and fertilisation success in an acidified and hypoxic environment2016
Chelsea Brain
Dr Gary Caldwell
Method for the synthesis of phycocyanin. US201801554012015
Dr Kaveh Emami
Dr Ethan Hack
Chelsea Brain
Professor Ehsan Mesbahi
Dr Gary Caldwell
et al.
Proteomic-based biotyping reveals hidden diversity within a microalgae culture collection: An example using Dunaliella2015
Dr Georgi Robinson
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Matthew Slater
Professor Selina Stead
Redox stratification drives enhanced growth in a commercially important deposit-feeding invertebrate: implications for aquaculture bioremediation technologies2015
Dr Thea Ekins-Coward
Professor Jonathan Lee
Dr Gary Caldwell
The effect of bubble size on the efficiency and economics of harvesting microalgae by foam flotation2015
Panayiotis Tsaousis
Dr Yadong Wang
Professor Tony Roskilly
Dr Gary Caldwell
Algae to energy: Engine performance using raw algal oil2014
Dr Thea Ekins-Coward
Professor Jonathan Lee
Dr Gary Caldwell
Harvesting microalgae by CTAB-aided foam flotation increases lipid recovery and improves fatty acid methyl ester characteristics2014
Dr Thea Ekins-Coward
Professor Jonathan Lee
Dr Gary Caldwell
Development of a foam flotation system for harvesting microalgae biomass2013
Dr Regina Gabilondo Toscano
Helen Graham
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Tony Clare
Laboratory culture and evaluation of the tubeworm Ficopomatus enigmaticus for biofouling studies2013
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Tony Clare
Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Response of copepods to elevated pCO2 and environmental copper as co-stressors – a multigenerational study2013
Jamie Hinks
Stephen Edwards
Dr Paul Sallis
Dr Gary Caldwell
The steady state anaerobic digestion of Laminaria hyperborea – Effect of hydraulic residence on biogas production and bacterial community composition2013
Susan Fitzer
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Andrew Close
Professor Tony Clare
Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard
et al.
Ocean acidification induces multi-generational decline in copepod naupliar production with possible conflict for reproductive resource allocation2012
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Tony Clare
Sperm activation in acorn barnacles by elevation of seawater pH2012
Helen Pagett
Dr Jon Marles-Wright
Professor Rick Lewis
Professor Robin Harris
Dr Gary Caldwell
et al.
Structural characterisation of the N-glycan moiety of the barnacle settlement-inducing protein complex (SIPC)2012
Dr Rebecca Taylor
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
The harpacticoid copepod Tisbe holothuriae is resistant to the insidious effects of polyunsaturated aldehyde-producing diatoms2012
Dr Rebecca Taylor
Dr Jonathan Rand
Dr Gary Caldwell
Treatment with Algae Extracts Promotes Flocculation, and Enhances Growth and Neutral Lipid Content in Nannochloropsis oculata—a Candidate for Biofuel Production2012
Susan Fitzer
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor Tony Clare
Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
et al.
Visualisation of the copepod female reproductive system using confocal laser scanning microscopy and two-photon microscopy2012
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Ceri Lewis
Dr Rebecca Taylor
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Exposure to copper and a cytotoxic polyunsaturated aldehyde induces reproductive failure in the marine polychaete Nereis virens (Sars)2011
Dr Gary Caldwell
Susan Fitzer
Dr Colin Gillespie
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Ocean acidification takes sperm back in time2011
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Dr Gary Caldwell
The relevance of marine chemical ecology to plankton and ecosystem function: an emerging field2011
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Dr Gary Caldwell
2,4-Decadienal: Exploring a novel approach for the control of polychaete pests on cultured abalone2010
Dr Gary Caldwell
Helen Pagett
Marine Glycobiology: Current Status and Future Perspectives2010
Dr Gary Caldwell
Computational assessment of the fluid flow around coasting mature male blue sharks, Prionace glauca (L.)2009
Dr Gary Caldwell
Fatty acids and oxylipins as semiochemicals2009
Dr Gary Caldwell
The Influence of Bioactive Oxylipins from Marine Diatoms on Invertebrate Reproduction and Development2009
Dr Gary Caldwell
3-dimensional computational assessment of the fluid flow around coasting mature male Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) with respect to functional biology.2008
Dr Gary Caldwell
Malcolm Baptie
Free fatty acid release as a defence pathway in the marine diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum2008
Hannah Dunstan
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
The effect of diatom-derived aldehydes on aquatic organisms.2008
Dr Gary Caldwell
Can diatom-derived infochemicals affect reproductive success in aquatic invertebrates?2007
Dr Rebecca Taylor
Dr Gary Caldwell
Hannah Dunstan
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Short-term impacts of polyunsaturated aldehyde-producing diatoms on the harpacticoid copepod, Tisbe holothuriae2007
Rebecca Taylor
Dr Gary Caldwell
Hannah Dunstan
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Effects of toxic diatoms on population growth and life history parameters of Tisbe holothuriae2006
Dr Rebecca Taylor
Dr Gary Caldwell
Hannah Dunstan
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Effects of toxic diatoms on the population growth and life-history parameters of Tisbe holothuriae2006
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Colloquium on diatom-copepod interactions2005
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Ceri Lewis
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Exposure to 2,4-decadienal negatively impacts upon marine invertebrate larval fitness2005
Dr Rebecca Taylor
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Toxicity of algal-derived aldehydes to two invertebrate species: Do heavy metal pollutants have a synergistic effect?2005
Dr Rebecca Taylor
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Acute-toxicity of diatom-derived aldehydes to two invertebrate species: do heavy metals have a synergistic impact?2004
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Rebecca Taylor
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Diatom reproductive toxicology: Implications for marine ecosystems and aquaculture2004
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Rebecca Taylor
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Diatom reproductive toxicology: Implications for marine ecosystems and aquaculture2004
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
Diatom-derived aldehdyes as molecular signals in benthic marine environments2004
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
Effects of a bioactive diatom-derived aldehyde on developmental stability in Nereis virens (Sars) larvae: An analysis using fluctuating asymmetry2004
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
First evidence of sperm motility inhibition by the diatom-derived aldehyde 2E,4E–decadienal2004
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
How do algal blooms affect the evolution of invertebrate life history strategies?2004
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
How to assess toxin ingestion and post-ingestion partitioning in zooplankton?2004
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
Are diatoms birth control agents in benthic marine ecosystems?2003
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
The use of a brine shrimp (Artemia salina) bioassay to assess the toxicity of diatom extracts and short chain aldehydes2003
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr Ceri Lewis
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
Can diatom blooms act as a selective pressure forcing seasonally reproducing invertebrates to spawn in suboptimal conditions?2002
Dr Gary Caldwell
Emeritus Professor Peter Olive
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Inhibition of embryonic development and fertilization in broadcast spawning marine invertebrates by water soluble diatom extracts and the diatom toxin 2-trans,4-trans decadienal2002
Dr Gary Caldwell
Static water exchange rate and its effects on the water quality and survival of Penaeid shrimp larvae.1999