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Browsing publications by Dr Julia Cooper.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Caio Fernandes Zani
Dr Elisa Lopez-Capel
Dr Geoffrey Abbott
Dr James Taylor
Dr Julia Cooper
et al.
Effects of integrating grass-clover leys with livestock into arable crop rotations on soil carbon stocks and particulate and mineral-associated soil organic matter fractions in conventional and organic systems2022
Dr Julia Cooper
Long-term fertilization and tillage regimes have limited effects on structuring bacterial and denitrifier communities in a sandy loam UK soil2022
Andrew Walker
Kevin Stott
Professor David Manning
Dr Julia Cooper
Carbon sequestration in artificial silicate soils facilitated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin-related soil protein2021
Sabaiporn Nacoon
Dr Julia Cooper
Combination of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate solubilizing bacteria on growth and production of Helianthus tuberosus under field condition2021
Dr Niki Rust
Dr Julia Cooper
Framing of sustainable agricultural practices by the farming press and its effect on adoption2021
Caio Zani
John Gowing
Dr Geoffrey Abbott
Dr James Taylor
Dr Elisa Lopez-Capel
et al.
Grazed temporary grass‐clover leys in crop rotations can have a positive impact on soil quality under both conventional and organic agricultural systems2021
Dr Julia Cooper
Growth enhancement of sunchoke by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under drought condition2021
Dr Leo Rempelos
Mohammed Almuayrifi
Dr Marcin Baranski
Dr Catherine Tétard-Jones
Dr Julia Cooper
et al.
The effect of agronomic factors on crop health and performance of winter wheat varieties bred for the conventional and the low input farming sector2020
Dr Leo Rempelos
Dr Marcin Baranski
Dr Catherine Tétard-Jones
Dr Michael Eyre
Peter Shotton
et al.
Effects of Agronomic Management and Climate on Leaf Phenolic Profiles, Disease Severity, and Grain Yield in Organic and Conventional Wheat Production Systems2018
Dr Julia Cooper
Improved Phosphorus Recycling in Organic Farming: Navigating Between Constraints2018
Dr Julia Cooper
Phosphorus availability on many organically managed farms in Europe2018
Dr Juan Li
Dr Julia Cooper
Soil labile organic carbon fractions and soil organic carbon stocks as affected by long-term organic and mineral fertilization regimes in the North China Plain2018
Claire Wood
Dr Julia Cooper
Allyl isothiocyanate shows promise as a naturally produced suppressant of the potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, in biofumigation systems2017
Dr Julia Cooper
Nutrient supply to organic agriculture as governed by EU regulations and standards in six European countries2017
Dr Julia Cooper
Kate Gascoyne
How organic farmers practice conservation agriculture in Europe2016
Eleanor Swain
Mftah Almadni
Professor Carlo Leifert
Dr Elizabeth Stockdale
Dr Julia Cooper
et al.
NDICEA Calibration and Validation on a Northern UK Soil2016
Dr Julia Cooper
Catherine Gascoyne
Organic farmers’ motivations and challenges for adopting conservation agriculture in Europe2016
Dr Julia Cooper
Anne Liddon
Reduced Tillage2016
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Marcin Baranski
Dr Gavin Stewart
Shallow non-inversion tillage in organic farming maintains crop yields and increases soil C stocks: a meta-analysis2016
Dr caroline Orr
Professor Christopher Stewart
Professor Carlo Leifert
Dr Julia Cooper
Effect of crop management and sample year on abundance of soil bacterial communities in organic and conventional cropping systems2015
Dr Julia Cooper
Soil microbial community structure and function are significantly affected by long-term organic and mineral fertilization regimes in the North China Plain2015
Professor Carlo Leifert
Dr Julia Cooper
Breeding for nitrogen efficiency: concepts, methods, and case studies2014
Dr Catherine Tétard-Jones
Professor Angharad MR Gatehouse
Dr Julia Cooper
Professor Carlo Leifert
Professor Stephen Rushton
et al.
Modelling pathways to Rubisco degradation: a structural equation network modelling approach2014
Eleanor Swain
Dr Leo Rempelos
Dr caroline Orr
Gavin Hall
Rachel Chapman
et al.
Optimizing nitrogen use efficiency in wheat and potatoes: interactions between genotypes and agronomic practices2014
Professor Carlo Leifert
Dr Michael Eyre
Dr Julia Cooper
Individual and interactive effects of crop type and management on weed and seed bank composition in an organic rotation2013
Professor Miguel Quemada
Dr Marcin Baranski
Majimcha De Lange
Dr Julia Cooper
Meta-analysis of strategies to control nitrate leaching in irrigated agricultural systems and their effects on crop yield2013
Dr Leo Rempelos
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Stephen Wilcockson
Dr Michael Eyre
Peter Shotton
et al.
Quantitative proteomics to study the response of potato to contrasting fertilisation regimes2013
Dr Catherine Tétard-Jones
Peter Shotton
Dr Leo Rempelos
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Michael Eyre
et al.
Quantitative proteomics to study the response of wheat to contrasting fertilisation regimes2013
Dr Paul Bilsborrow
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Catherine Tétard-Jones
Dr Dominika Srednicka-Tober
Dr Marcin Baranski
et al.
The effect of organic and conventional management on the yield and quality of wheat grown in a long-term field trial2013
Michael Palmer
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Catherine Tétard-Jones
Dr Marcin Baranski
Dr Michael Eyre
et al.
The influence of organic and conventional fertilisation and crop protection practices, preceding crop, harvest year and weather conditions on yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum) in a long-term management trial2013
Charilaos Giotis
Afroditi Theodoropoulou
Dr Julia Cooper
Peter Shotton
Dr Robert Shiel
et al.
Effect of variety choice, resistant rootstocks and chitin soil amendments on soil-borne diseases in soil-based, protected tomato production systems2012
Dr caroline Orr
Professor Carlo Leifert
Dr Julia Cooper
Impacts of Organic and Conventional Crop Management on Diversity and Activity of Free-Living Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria and Total Bacteria Are Subsidiary to Temporal Effects2012
Dr caroline Orr
Professor Carlo Leifert
Dr Julia Cooper
Impacts of Organic and Conventional Crop Management on Diversity and Activity of Free-Living Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria and Total Bacteria Are Subsidiary to Temporal Effects2012
Dr Julia Cooper
Carbon mineralization kinetics and soil biological characteristics as influenced by manure addition in soil incubated at a range of temperatures2011
Dr caroline Orr
Professor Carlo Leifert
Dr Julia Cooper
Diversity and Activity of Free-Living Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria and Total Bacteria in Organic and Conventionally Managed Soils2011
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Roy Sanderson
Peter Shotton
Andrew Carmichael
Dr Reza Sadrabadi Haghighi
et al.
Effect of Organic and Conventional Crop Rotation, Fertilization, and Crop Protection Practices on Metal Contents in Wheat (Triticum aestivum)2011
Dr Julia Cooper
Gillian Butler
Professor Carlo Leifert
Life cycle analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from organic and conventional food production systems, with and without bio-energy options2011
Dr Julia Cooper
Relationships among mineralizable soil nitrogen, soil properties and climatic indices2010
Charilaos Giotis
Afroditi Theodoropoulou
Eleftheria Toufexi
Peter Shotton
Dr Robert Shiel
et al.
Effect of soil amendments and biological control agents (BCAs) on soil-borne root diseases caused by Pyrenochaeta lycopersici and Verticillium albo-atrum in organic greenhouse tomato production systems2009
Charilaos Giotis
Afroditi Theodoropoulou
Eleftheria Toufexi
Peter Shotton
Dr Robert Shiel
et al.
Effect of soil amendments and biological control agents (BCSs) on soil-borne root diseases caused by Pyrenochaeta lycopersici and Verticillium albo-atrum in organic greenhouse tomato production systems2009
Dr Lorna Lueck
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Christoph Schmidt
Dr Michael Eyre
Peter Shotton
et al.
Effects of organic and conventional crop management practices on the yield and nutritional quality of field crops2009
Professor Carlo Leifert
Dr Nikolaos Volakakis
Dr Julia Cooper
Control of enteric pathogens in ready-to-eat vegetable crops in organic and 'low input' production systems: A HACCP-based approach2008
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Christoph Schmidt
Dr Lorna Lueck
Peter Shotton
Professor Carlo Leifert
et al.
Effects of crop management factors and the environment on pest and disease incidence in vegetables2008
Professor Carlo Leifert
Dr Julia Cooper
Safety issues in the organic food supply chain2008
Dr Julia Cooper
Should organic farmers be rewarded for sequestering C in soil?2008
Andrew Wilkinson
David Young
Dr Lorna Lueck
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Stephen Wilcockson
et al.
Effect of clover management (Rhizobium seed inoculation and greenwaste compost amendments) and variety choice on yield and baking quality of organic spring and winter wheat2007
Dr Julia Cooper
Professor Carlo Leifert
Effects of agricultural production systems and their components on protein profiles of potato tubers2007
Dr Julia Cooper
Evaluation of laboratory-based indices of nitrogen availability as predictors of field-based estimates of soil nitrogen supply in potato production2007
Dr Julia Cooper
Evaluation of some indices of potentially mineralizable nitrogen in soil2007
Dr Julia Cooper
Professor Carlo Leifert
Handbook of organic food safety and quality2007
Dr Julia Cooper
Dr Christoph Schmidt
Andrew Wilkinson
Dr Lorna Lueck
Peter Shotton
et al.
Effect of organic, 'low-input' and conventional production systems on disease incidence and severity in winter wheat2006
Dr Lorna Lueck
Dr Christoph Schmidt
Dr Julia Cooper
Peter Shotton
Professor Carlo Leifert
et al.
Effect of organic, low-input and conventional production systems on yield and quality of winter wheat2006
Dr Julia Cooper
A comparison of methods used to determine biomass on naturalized swards2005
Dr Julia Cooper
Fertilization of a mixed forage crop with fresh and composted chicken manure and NPK fertilizer: Effects on dry matter yield and soil and tissue N, P and K2000
Dr Julia Cooper
Fertilization of a mixed forage crop with fresh and composted chicken manure and NPK fertilizer: Effects on soil and tissue Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn2000
Dr Julia Cooper
Fertilization of a mixed forage crop with fresh and composted chicken manure: Effects on soil and plant Cu and Zn2000
Dr Julia Cooper
The effect of Bradyrhizobium strains on monocropped and intercropped soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) biomass and protein1998
Dr Julia Cooper
The effect of soybean variety on corn-soybean intercrop biomass and protein yields1998
Dr Julia Cooper
Effects of three fertility amendments on soil dehydrogenase activity, organic C and pH1994