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Browsing publications by Richard Charnley.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Kofi Oppong
Dr Manu Nayar
Dr Beate Haugk
Dr Antony Darne
Professor Derek Manas
et al.
Impact of prior biliary stenting on diagnostic performance of endoscopic ultrasound for mesenteric vascular staging in patients with head of pancreas and periampullary malignancy2022
Dr Manu Nayar
David Bourne
Professor John Leeds
Professor Kofi Oppong
Gourab Sen
et al.
Novel multidisciplinary hub-and-spoke tertiary service for the management of severe acute pancreatitis2021
John Moir
Anna Long
Dr Beate Haugk
Jeremy French
Richard Charnley
et al.
Therapeutic Strategies Toward Lactate Dehydrogenase Within the Tumor Microenvironment of Pancreatic Cancer2020
Dr Manu Nayar
Professor John Leeds
Dr Lucy Thornton
Dr Sarah Johnson
Dr Beate Haugk
et al.
Impact of metal and plastic stents on endoscopic ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology and core histology of head of pancreas masses2019
Stuart Robinson
Professor Jelena Mann
Richard Charnley
Systemic inflammation contributes to impairment of quality of life in chronic pancreatitis2019
Richard Charnley
Professor Kofi Oppong
Diagnosis and management of pancreatic cancer in adults: A summary of guidelines from the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence2018
Richard Charnley
Expression of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) and hENT1 predicts survival in pancreatic cancer2018
Richard Charnley
Intratumoural expression of deoxycytidylate deaminase or ribonuceotide reductase subunit M1 expression are not related to survival in patients with resected pancreatic cancer given adjuvant chemotherapy2018
Richard Charnley
Definition and classification of chyle leak after pancreatic operation: A consensus statement by the International Study Group on Pancreatic Surgery2017
Richard Charnley
Describing Peripancreatic Collections According to the Revised Atlanta Classification of Acute Pancreatitis: An International Interobserver Agreement Study2017
Professor John Leeds
Richard Charnley
Professor Kofi Oppong
Lumen-apposing metal stents for pancreatic fluid collection drainage: May not be business as usual?2017
Jeremy French
Richard Charnley
Chronic pancreatitis2016
Richard Charnley
Stuart Robinson
Chronic pancreatitis: Do serum biomarkers provide an association with an inflammageing phenotype?2016
Dr Bill Scott
Minna Honkanen-Scott
Dr Julian De Havilland
Professor Derek Manas
Professor James Shaw
et al.
Diversifying the Indications for Pancreas Resection and Autologous Islet Cell Transplantation (IAT) in both Adults and Children2016
Richard Charnley
Professor Colin Wilson
Professor Kofi Oppong
Endoscopic cholecystogastrostomy in a patient with gallbladder empyema secondary to cholangiocarcinoma2016
Richard Charnley
Dr Colin Wilson
Professor Kofi Oppong
Endoscopic cholecystogastrostomy in a patient with gallbladder empyema secondary to cholangiocarcinoma2016
Minna Honkanen-Scott
Dr Julian De Havilland
Professor Derek Manas
Professor James Shaw
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Expanding the indications for pancreas resection and autologous islet cell transplantation (IAT) in both adults and children2016
Stuart Robinson
Jeremy French
Professor Derek Manas
Richard Charnley
Steven White
et al.
First UK experience of robotic versus laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy2016
John Moir
Professor Derek Mann
Professor Jelena Mann
Richard Charnley
Professor Derek Manas
et al.
Metabolic relationships within the tumour microenvironment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma - pancreatic stellate cells induce glycolysis in cancer cells2016
Richard Charnley
Rajiv Lochan Jayadeva
Minimally Invasive Versus Open Necrosectomy for Necrotizing Pancreatitis2016
Stuart Robinson
Richard Charnley
Quality of Life Predictors in Chronic Pancreatitis: A European Cohort Study2016
Stuart Robinson
Steven White
Jeremy French
Richard Charnley
Quality of life predictors in chronic pancreatitis: preliminary results from a cohort study2016
Dr Sari Alhasan
Dr Beate Haugk
Laura Ogle
Dr Gary Beale
Anna Long
et al.
Sulfatase-2: a prognostic biomarker and candidate therapeutic target in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma2016
John Moir
Professor Derek Mann
Professor Jelena Mann
Richard Charnley
Professor Derek Manas
et al.
The effect of monocarboxylate transporter 1 inhibition in the tumour microenvironment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma2016
Stuart Robinson
Steven White
Richard Charnley
Professor Jelena Mann
The role of exosomes in the pathogenesis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma2016
Dr Colin Wilson
Jeremy French
Richard Charnley
Professor Derek Manas
Gourab Sen
et al.
Trends in Gall bladder surgery in England - a decade of progress2016
Professor John Leeds
Dr Viney Wadehra
Dr Beate Haugk
Richard Charnley
Professor Kofi Oppong
et al.
Diagnostic Performance of Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)/Endoscopic Ultrasound - Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA) Cytology in Solid and Cystic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours2015
Professor Kofi Oppong
Richard Charnley
Endoscopic drainage of walled-off pancreatic necrosis using a novel self-expanding metal stent2015
Professor Kofi Oppong
Richard Charnley
Dr Viney Wadehra
Steven White
EUS and EUS-FNA diagnosis of suspected pancreatic cystic neoplasms: Is the sum of the parts greater than the CEA?2015
Dr Bill Scott
Minna Honkanen-Scott
Dr Julian De Havilland
Hany Gabra
Richard Charnley
et al.
Expanding the indications for paediatric and adult autologous islet transplantation2015
Jeremy French
Richard Charnley
Implications of the index cholecystectomy and timing of referral for radical resection of advanced incidental gallbladder cancer2015
Richard Charnley
Influence of cachexia and sarcopenia on survival in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: A systematic review2015
Dr Beate Haugk
Richard Charnley
Keap1-Nrf2 signalling in pancreatic cancer2015
Dr Julian De Havilland
Minna Honkanen-Scott
Richard Charnley
Professor Derek Manas
Professor James Shaw
et al.
Successful autologous islet transplantation post-frey's procedure using a side-vented 'therapeutic infusion needle' for improved enzyme delivery2015
Stuart Robinson
Jeremy French
Gourab Sen
Richard Charnley
Professor Derek Manas
et al.
The impact of open colectomy on resection of colorectal liver metastases2015
Professor Kofi Oppong
Professor David Jones
Richard Charnley
Professor Derek Manas
Bryon Jaques
et al.
Autoimmune Pancreatitis - Diagnosis, Management and Longterm Follow-up2014
Richard Charnley
Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: A consensus statement by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS)2014
Richard Charnley
Definition of a standard lymphadenectomy in surgery for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: A consensus statement by the International Study Group on Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS)2014
Professor Kofi Oppong
Richard Charnley
Diagnostic Yield of Secretin Enhanced MRCP in the Investigation of Patients with Acalculous Pancraetico-Biliary Type Abdominal Pain2014
Richard Charnley
Bryon Jaques
Steven White
Jeremy French
Professor Derek Manas
et al.
Endoscopic ultrasound in patients with normal liver blood tests and unexplained dilatation of common bile duct and or pancreatic duct2014
Bryon Jaques
Dr Matthias Schmid
Richard Charnley
Fascioliasis: a rare cause of liver abscess2014
Bryon Jaques
Professor Derek Manas
Richard Charnley
Jeremy French
Steven White
et al.
Oncological Feasibility of Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy for Adenocarcinoma: A Single-Institution Comparative Study2014
Richard Charnley
Pancreatic Cancer hENT1 Expression and Survival From Gemcitabine in Patients From the ESPAC-3 Trial2014
Dr Ian Pooleman
Professor Colin Wilson
Dr Beate Haugk
Richard Charnley
Primary Hepatic Ewing's Sarcoma with Cytogenetic Confirmation2014
Dr Abigail Vallance
Sandra Robinson
Professor Derek Manas
Jeremy French
Richard Charnley
et al.
Treatment outcomes of foregut visceral arterial aneurysms (FVAA)2014
Dr Frank McArdle
Richard Charnley
Professor Kofi Oppong
Use of Botulinum Toxin to Predict Manometry Results in Type III Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction; A Retrospective Single Centre Review2014
Richard Charnley
When to perform a pancreatoduodenectomy in the absence of positive histology? A consensus statement by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery2014
Professor Kofi Oppong
Dr Paul Brennan
Dr Fiona Douglas
Richard Charnley
Pancreatic Cancer Screening - are we doing it right?2013
Dr Abigail Vallance
Professor Derek Manas
Dr James Prentis
Dr Christopher Snowden
Richard Charnley
et al.
Double bypass for inoperable pancreatic malignancy at laparotomy: postoperative complications and long-term outcome2012
Richard Charnley
Dr Deborah Stocken
Effect of Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Fluorouracil Plus Folinic Acid or Gemcitabine vs Observation on Survival in Patients With Resected Periampullary Adenocarcinoma. The ESPAC-3 Periampullary Cancer Randomized Trial2012
Dr Christopher Snowden
Dr James Prentis
Dr Luke Holmes
Bryon Jaques
Steven White
et al.
Effects of low cardiopulmonary reserve on pancreatic leak following pancreaticoduodenectomy2012
Dr Despoina Televantou
Douglas Hui
Rajiv Lochan Jayadeva
Richard Charnley
Professor Alastair Burt
et al.
Membranous expression of sulfatase-2 is associated with a poorer prognosis in patients following pancreatic cancer resection2012
Dr Abigail Vallance
Dr Shafiq Rehman
Stuart Robinson
Richard Charnley
Bryon Jaques
et al.
Prognostic factors influencing survival after liver resection for colorectal metastasis2012
Aimen Amer
Sebastian Mafeld
Dr Beate Haugk
Richard Charnley
Steven White
et al.
Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the liver and pancreas. A report of two cases and a comprehensive review of the literature2012
Dr Gul Ozhan
Rajiv Lochan Jayadeva
Julian Leathart
Richard Charnley
Professor Ann Daly
et al.
Cyclooxygenase-2 polymorphisms and pancreatic cancer susceptibility2011
Rajiv Lochan Jayadeva
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Helen Reeves
Richard Charnley
Family history of cancer and tobacco exposure in index cases of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma2011
Rajiv Lochan Jayadeva
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Helen Reeves
Richard Charnley
The role of tobacco derived carcinogens in pancreas cancer2011
Dr Matthew Ellis
Jeremy French
Richard Charnley
Acute pancreatitis and the influence of socioeconomic deprivation2009
Richard Charnley
Dr Avinash Sewpaul
Jeremy French
Dr Tien Kheng Khoo
Emeritus Professor John Kirby
et al.
Soluble E-cadherin: An early marker of severity in acute pancreatitis2009
Rajiv Lochan Jayadeva
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Helen Reeves
Richard Charnley
Genetic susceptibility in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma2008
Professor Derek Manas
Richard Charnley
Professor Kofi Oppong
Preoperative staging of pancreaticobiliary tumours: The role of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) with EUS fine needle aspiration when computed tomography is inconclusive2007
Professor Kofi Oppong
Dr David Richardson
Bryon Jaques
Professor Derek Manas
Richard Charnley
et al.
CT and endoscopic ultrasound in the diagnosis and staging of pancreatic and periampullary malignancy2006
Salil Nair
Richard Charnley
Professor Kofi Oppong
Endoscopic cystgastrostomy for pancreatic pseudocysts: An outcome assesment2006
Richard Charnley
Rajiv Lochan Jayadeva
Professor Kofi Oppong
Endoscopic necrosectomy as primary therapy in the management of infected pancreatic necrosis2006
Dr Daniel Raine
Dr Viney Wadehra
Dr Mark Egan
Richard Charnley
Professor Kofi Oppong
et al.
ERCP brush cytology or EUS-FNA for tissue diagnosis of obstructive jaundice secondary to biliary strictures2006
Richard Charnley
David Forman
Bryon Jaques
Socioeconomic status correlates with outcome in pancreatic cancer2006
Richard Charnley
Mark Griffin
Nick Hayes
Dr Mark Hudson
Dr Kenneth Matthewson
et al.
One year prospective audit of ERCP across one hospital trust2005
Professor Kofi Oppong
Dr David Richardson
Dr Mark Egan
Professor Derek Manas
Bryon Jaques
et al.
The performance of linear EUS, endoscopist aspirate assessment, fluid cytology, and fluid tumour markers in the diagnosis of pancreatic cystic lesions2005
Richard Charnley
Professor Derek Manas
Dr Mark Bennett
Seamus Kelly
Growth-promoting effect of progastrin in liver metastases from colorectal cancer2004
Richard Charnley
Bryon Jaques
Professor Derek Manas
Management and outcome of bile duct injuries complicating cholecystectomy2004
Richard Charnley
Bryon Jaques
Professor Derek Manas
Management of Hilar cholangiocarcinoma (Klatskin tumour): A single centre experience2004
Professor Kofi Oppong
Richard Charnley
Professor Derek Manas
Bryon Jaques
Dr David Richardson
et al.
Prospective audit of the introduction of EUS-FNA to a regional pancreatico-biliary cancer centre2004
Richard Charnley
Appraising surgeons learning sonography: Measuring measurement variability2003
Richard Charnley
Hereditary pancreatitis2003
Dr Stephen Lynn
Dr Gillian Borthwick
Richard Charnley
Professor Mark Walker
Emeritus Professor Doug Turnbull
et al.
Heteroplasmic ratio of the A3243G mitochondrial DNA mutation in single pancreatic beta cells2003
Rajiv Lochan Jayadeva
Richard Charnley
Delays in management in patients with pancreatobiliary tumours2002
Jeremy French
Dr Mark Bennett
Richard Charnley
Detection of disseminated pancreatic cancer cells in lymph nodes by immunohistochemistry: Impact on staging and prognosis2002
Richard Charnley
From GP referal to definitive treatment: A breakdown of delays in the management of patients with pancreatobiliary tumours [abstract]2002
Dr Carolyn Beveridge
Dr John Wilsdon
Dr John Rose
Dr Christine Baudouin
Richard Charnley
et al.
Prospective comparison of modern imaging modalities in the diagnosis and staging of pancreatic and periampullary tumours2002
Jeremy French
Joanne Cresswell
Wai Wong
Richard Charnley
Emeritus Professor John Kirby
et al.
T cell adhesion and cytolysis of pancreatic cancer cells: A role for E-cadherin in immunotherapy?2002
Jeremy French
Joanne Cresswell
Richard Charnley
Emeritus Professor John Kirby
T-cell adhesion and cytolysis of pancreatic cancer cells: a role for E-cadherin in immunotherapy2002
Dr Marie O'Donnell
Richard Charnley
Clinical and genetic characteristics of 101 families with hereditary pancreatitis on the EUROPAC Register2001
Richard Charnley
Gallbladder enlargement after major surgery2001
Richard Charnley
Pasting gallbladder volume is in creased after major non-gastrointestinal surgery2001
Dr David Wilson
Dr Ann Curtis
Richard Charnley
Mutations of the cationic trypsinogen gene in patients with hereditary pancreatitis2000
Dr Carolyn Beveridge
Dr John Wilsdon
Dr Mark Bennett
Dr Christine Baudouin
Richard Charnley
et al.
Correlation between spiral computed tomography, endoscopic ultrasonography and findings at operation in pancreatic and ampullary tumours1999
Professor Derek Manas
Richard Charnley
During liver regeneration following right portal vein embolization the growth rate of liver metastases is more rapid than that of the liver parenchyma1999
Dr Sukhamay Ghosh
Richard Charnley
Efficacy and tolerability of initial intravenous (IV) treatment with pantoprazole in erosive reflux esophagitis1999
Richard Charnley
Evidence that metastasis is less common in cirrhotic than normal liver: a systematic review of post-mortem case-control studies1999
Dr Ann Curtis
Dr David Wilson
Richard Charnley
Mutations in the cationic trypsinogen gene in patients with chronic pancreatitis1999
Dr David Wilson
Dr Ann Curtis
Richard Charnley
Mutations of cationic trypsinogen in chronic pancreatitis [Reply]1999
Emmett O'Flaherty
Richard Charnley
Emeritus Professor John Kirby
Selection of metastatic tumour phenotypes by host immune systems1999
Dr John Mansfield
Richard Charnley
Practice in endoscopic cholangiopancreatography in Denmark differs from that in Britain1996
Richard Charnley
Professor Andrew Blamire
Ultrafast Magnetic-Resonance Scanning of the Liver with Echo- Planar Imaging1990