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Browsing publications by Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Matthew Barter
Dr Sarah Rice
Hua Lin
Dr Adrian Falconer
Dr Jamie Soul
et al.
SERPINA3 is a marker of cartilage differentiation and is essential for the expression of extracellular matrix genes during early chondrogenesis2024
Dr Pawel Palmowski
Rachael Horbury
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Dr Andrew Porter
et al.
The Generation of a Comprehensive Spectral Library for the Analysis of the Guinea Pig Proteome by SWATH-MS2019
Chris Macdonald
Dr Adrian Falconer
Dr Chun Chan
Dr David Wilkinson
Andrew Skelton
et al.
Cytokine-induced cysteine- serine-rich nuclear protein-1 (CSRNP1) selectively contributes to MMP1 expression in human chondrocytes2018
Jonathan Baker
Adrian Falconer
Dr David Wilkinson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Dr Gary Litherland
et al.
Protein kinase D3 modulates MMP1 and MMP13 expression in human chondrocytes2018
Dr David Wilkinson
Andrew Skelton
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Cytokine-induced MMP13 Expression in Human Chondrocytes Is Dependent on Activating Transcription Factor 3 (ATF3) Regulation.2017
Dr Achim Treumann
Dr Pawel Palmowski
Dr Winnie Tong
Julie Taggart
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
et al.
Depletion of Myofibril-Associated Proteins Using Selective Protein Extraction as a Tool in Cardiac Proteomics2017
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Professor Michael Taggart
The multifaceted KDAC8: a smooth muscle contractile regulator2015
Professor Michael Taggart
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Letter to the editor: "KDAC and the regulation of nonnuclear smooth muscle protein acetylation"2014
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Michael Taggart
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
A role for cytoskeletal protein acetylation in modulating myometrial activity2013
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Estrogen Alters the Splicing of Type 1 Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor in Breast Cancer Cells2013
Dr Aiqing Chen
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Dr Michele Sweeney
Dr Achim Treumann
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
et al.
Lysine deacetylase inhibition promotes relaxation of arterial tone and C-terminal acetylation of HSPB6 (Hsp20) in vascular smooth muscle cells2013
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Regulation of GTP-binding protein (Gαs) expression in human myometrial cells: A role for tumour necrosis factor in modulating Gαs promoter acetylation by transcriptional complexes2013
Dr Tim Butler
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Role of serine-threonine phosphoprotein phosphatases in smooth muscle contractility2013
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Dr Nadhim Bayatti
Dr Neil Chapman
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Michael Taggart
et al.
Changes in Expression of PKA-and Acetylation-Related Signalling Molecules with Guinea Pig Pregnancy2012
Dr Wing Tong
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Michael Taggart
Chemoattractant Activity of Cervix and Ovary Is Not Increased at Term or RU486-Induced Preterm Labor in the Guinea Pig2012
Dr Wing Tong
Professor Michael Taggart
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Chemoattractant Activity of Extracts from Uterine and Fetal Membranes Is Not Related to Maternal Serum Progesterone Concentrations and Is Not Required for Labor in Guinea Pigs2012
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Tamer Abu-Amara
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Expression of the GTP-Binding Protein Gαs in Human Myometrial Cells is Regulated by Ubiquitination and Protein Degradation: Involvement of Proteasomal Inhibition by Trichostatin A2012
Dr Wing Tong
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Michael Taggart
Guinea Pig Parturition Occurs in the Absence of Serum Progesterone (P4) Withdrawal yet Anti-Progestin Treatment Induces Preterm Labor: A Model for Human Parturition2012
Christopher Macdonald
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Identification of synergistic transcriptional regulation for collagenase gene expression in chondrocytes2012
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Dr Michele Sweeney
Professor Steve Robson
Professor Michael Taggart
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
et al.
Inhibition of KDAC8 and acetylation of Hsp20 regulates contractile activity of human myometrial smooth muscle2012
Dr Ralf Kist
Professor Michael Taggart
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
The Transcription Factor Encyclopedia2012
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Dr Michele Sweeney
Joanna Cheng
Lydia Edey
Professor Steve Robson
et al.
Acetylation of Heat Shock Protein 20 (Hsp20) Regulates Human Myometrial Activity2011
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Andrew Loughney
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Epigenetic modulation of the protein kinase A RIIalpha (PRKAR2A) gene by histone deacetylase 1 & 2 in human smooth muscle cells2011
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Professor Michael Taggart
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Evaluation of Linkerless Hydroxamic Acid Derivatives as Selective HDAC8 Inhibitors in Regulating Myometrial Contractility2010
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Professor Michael Taggart
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Novel Regulation of Human Myometrial Function by Histone Deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) - A Potential Contractile Modulatory Role for Specific HDAC8 Inhibition2009
Tamer Abu-Amara
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Regulation of the GTP-Binding Protein G(alpha)s Gene in the Human Myometrium2009
Kelly Harper
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Acetylation and phosphorylation status of HDACS and the epigenetics of myometrial quiescent and pro-contractile genes2008
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and Epac mediate cyclic AMP responses in human myometrium during pregnancy2008
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Histone deacetylase inhibitors and a functional potent inhibitory effect on human uterine contractility2008
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Histone deacetylase inhibitors and an inhibitory effect on human uterine contractility2008
Professor Michael Taggart
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Possible dual roles for prostacyclin in human pregnancy and labor2008
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Transcriptional regulation of the protein kinase a regulatory subunit RII alpha (RII alpha) in the human myometrium2008
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
HDAC inhibition, human uterine contractility and preterm labour2007
Dr Neil Chapman
Kelly Harper
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Examining the spatio-temporal expression of mRNA encoding the membrane-bound progesterone receptor-alpha isoform in human cervix and myometrium during pregnancy and labour2006
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
HDA inhibition and human uterine contractility2006
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Novel targeting of COX-2 pre-mRNA using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides: suppression of Cox-2 activity in human myometrial cells and amnion-derived WISH cells2006
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Novel targeting of COX-2 pre-mRNA using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides: Suppression of COX-2 activity in human myometrial cells and amnion-derived wish cells.2006
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Novel targeting of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) pre-mRNA using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides directed to the 3′ acceptor and 5′ donor splice sites of exon 4: Suppression of COX-2 activity in human amnion-derived WISH and myometrial cells2006
Dr Neil Chapman
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Temporal expression of the membrane-bound estrogen receptor, GPR30, in lower and upper segment human myometrium2006
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Dr David Cork
Elizabeth Kokkinos
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Andrew Loughney
et al.
The role of the retinoids in the differentiation of the myometrium during pregnancy2006
Dr Magdalena Karolczak-Bayatti
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Transcriptional regulation of the protein kinase a regulatory subunit II alpha (RIIalpha PKA) in the myometrium.2006
Dr Neil Chapman
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Differentail expression of the membrane-bound progesterone receptor alpha isoform in human cervix and lower segment myometrium2005
Dr Neil Chapman
Barbara Innes
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Expression and interaction of the transcriptional coregulators, CBP/p300, in the human myometrium during pregnancy and labor2005
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Expression of the GTP-binding protein (Gαs) is repressed by the nuclear factor κB RelA subunit in human myometrium2005
Dr Jarrod Bailey
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Kate Gilmore
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
et al.
Identification of human myometrial target genes of the cAMP pathway: The role of cAMP-response element binding (CREB) and modulator (CREMα and CREMτ2α) proteins2005
Dr Jarrod Bailey
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Identification of human myometrial target genes of the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway: The role of activating transcription factor 2 (ATF2) and a novel spliced isoform ATF2-small2005
Dr Robert Phillips
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Dr Jarrod Bailey
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
et al.
Regulation of expression of the chorionic gonadotropin/luteinizing hormone receptor gene in the human myometrium: Involvement of specificity protein-1 (Sp1), Sp3,Sp4, Sp-like proteins, and histone deacetylases2005
Dr Neil Chapman
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Regulation of GaS expression by TNF alpha and the nuclear factor kappaB RelA and p50 subunits2005
Dr Harry Otun
Dr Jarrod Bailey
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Spatial and temporal expression of the myometrial mitogen-activated protein kinases p38 and ERK1/2 in the human uterus during pregnancy and labor2005
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Dr Jarrod Bailey
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
The switch in alternative splicing of cyclic AMP-response element modulator protein CREMτ2α (activator) to CREMα (repressor) in human myometrial cells is mediated by SRp402005
Dr Neil Chapman
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Expression and deoxyribonucleic acid-binding activity of the nuclear factor κB family in the human myometrium during pregnancy and labor2004
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor Steve Robson
Human myometrial quiescence and activation during gestation and parturition involve dramatic changes in expression and activity of particulate type II (RIIα) protein kinase A holoenzyme2003
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Alternative splicing of the adenylyl cyclase stimulatory G-protein Gαs is regulated by SF2/ASF and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNPA1) and involves the use of an unusual TG 3′-splice site2002
Dr Jarrod Bailey
Dr Robert Phillips
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Kate Gilmore
Professor Steve Robson
et al.
Characterization and functional analysis of cAMP response element modulator protein and activating transcription factor 2 (ATF2) isoforms in the human myometrium during pregnancy and labor: Identification of a novel ATF2 species with potent transactivation properties2002
Dr Robert Phillips
Dr Jarrod Bailey
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Differential expression of the adenylyl cyclase-stimulatory guanosine triphosphate-binding protein Gsα in the human myometrium during pregnancy and labor involves transcriptional regulation by cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate and binding of phosphorylated nuclear proteins to multiple GC boxes within the promoter2002
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Inhaled iloprost for severe pulmonary hypertension2002
Dr Jarrod Bailey
Dr Robert Phillips
Kate Gilmore
Professor Steve Robson
Professor William Dunlop
et al.
Expression of the cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factors, CREB, CREM and ATF2, in the human myometrium during pregnancy and labour2000
Professor Alison Tyson-Capper
Professor Steve Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Spatio-temporal expression of the Trans-acting splicing factors SF2/ASF and heterogeneous ribonuclear proteins A1/A1B in the myometrium of the pregnant human uterus: A molecular mechanism for regulating regional protein isoform expression in Vivo2000
Professor Steve Robson
Dr Jacqueline Bailey
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
The differential expression of myometrial connexin-43, cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, and G(s)α proteins in the upper and lower segments of the human uterus during pregnancy and labor1999
Professor William Dunlop
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Professor James Gillespie
Gestational changes in the levels of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGFβ1) and TGFβ receptor types I and II in the human myometrium1998
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Expression of human myometrial Gα(s) messenger ribonucleic acid transcript during pregnancy and labour: Involvement of alternative splicing pathways1997
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
Identification of Gα(s) messenger ribonucleic acid splice variants in human granulosa cells1997
Emeritus Professor Nick Europe-Finner
The densitization of oxytocin receptors in human myometrial cells is accompanied by down-regulation of oxytocin receptor mRNA1997