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Browsing publications by Dr Geoffrey Parkin.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Daryl Hughes
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Andy Large
Alethea Goddard
et al.
The influence of 4D landscape visualisation on attitudes to reservoir renaturalisation2022
Daryl Hughes
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
A method to include reservoir operations in catchment hydrological models using SHETRAN2021
John Gowing
Dr David Walker
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Can shallow groundwater sustain small-scale irrigated agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from N-W Ethiopia2020
John Gowing
Dr David Walker
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Citizen science in community-based watershed management: An institutional analysis in Ethiopia2020
Dr David Walker
John Gowing
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Multi-method groundwater recharge estimation at Eshito micro-watershed, Rift Valley Basin in Ethiopia2020
Dr David Walker
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
John Gowing
Development of a hydrogeological conceptual model for shallow aquifers in the data scarce upper Blue Nile basin.2019
Dr David Walker
John Gowing
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Guideline: community-based hydroclimate monitoring: planning, establishing and operating2019
Dr David Walker
John Gowing
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Guideline: Selecting, training and managing para-hydrologists2019
Dr David Walker
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
John Gowing
Insights From a Multi-Method Recharge Estimation Comparison Study2019
John Gowing
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Scope of citizen science for hydrologic monitoring in small watersheds in Ethiopia2019
Dr David Walker
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
John Gowing
Alluvial aquifer characterisation and resource assessment of the Molototsi sand river, Limpopo, South Africa2018
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
The Guiana Shield rainforests-overlooked guardians of South American climate2018
David Archer
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Hayley Fowler
Assessing long term flash flooding frequency using historical information2017
Dr Eleanor Starkey
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Professor Andy Large
Dr Paul Quinn
et al.
Demonstrating the value of community-based (‘citizen science’) observations for catchment modelling and characterisation2017
Dr David Walker
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
John Gowing
Filling the observational void: scientific value and quantitative validation of hydrometeorological data from a community‐based monitoring programme2016
Dr Eleanor Starkey
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Community Involvement in UK Catchment Management2015
Professor Paul Younger
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Groundwater reinjection and heat dissipation: lessons from the operation of a large groundwater cooling system in Central London2015
Professor Paul Younger
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Parsimonious numerical modelling of deep geothermal reservoirs2015
Dr Ryan Pereira
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Rob Spencer
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Mobilization of optically invisible dissolved organic matter in response to rainstorm events in a tropical forest headwater river2014
Ryan Pereira
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Seasonal patterns of rainfall and river isotopic chemistry in northern Amazonia (Guyana): From the headwater to the regional scale2014
Professor Paul Younger
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Groundwater cooling of a large building using a shallow alluvial aquifer in Central London2013
Professor Stuart Barr
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
A Remote Sensing Approach for Landslide Hazard Assessment on Engineered Slopes2012
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Ryan Pereira
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Chris Kilsby
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Fine-scale regional climate patterns in the Guianas, tropical South America, based on observations and reanalysis data2012
Professor John Ewen
Emma O'Connell
Dr James Bathurst
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Professor Chris Kilsby
et al.
Physically-based modelling, uncertainty, and pragmatism – Comment on: ‘Système Hydrologique Europeén (SHE): review and perspectives after 30 years development in distributed physically-based hydrological modelling’ by Jens Christian Refsgaard, Børge Storm and Thomas Clausen2012
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Thomas Wagner
Simulating zonal scale shifts in the partitioning of surface and subsurface freshwater flow in response to increasing pCO22011
Federico Fragalà
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Local recharge processes in glacial and alluvial deposits of a temperate catchment2010
Professor Chris Kilsby
Professor Stephanie Glendinning
Dr Paul Hughes
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Climate-change impacts on long-term performance of slopes2009
Dr Paul Hughes
Professor Stephanie Glendinning
Joao Mendes
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr Pauline Miller
et al.
Full-scale testing to assess climate effects on embankments2009
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Groundwater resources, climate and vulnerability2009
Dr Pauline Miller
Andrew Hardy
Professor Jon Mills
Professor Stuart Barr
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
et al.
Intelligent integration of multi-sensor data for risk assessment in transport corridor environments2009
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr Zhengfu Rao
A hybrid neural networks and numerical models approach for predicting groundwater abstraction impacts2008
Dr Pauline Miller
Professor Jon Mills
Professor Stuart Barr
Dr Michael Lim
David Barber
et al.
Terrestrial laser scanning for assessing the risk of slope instability along transport corridors2008
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Professor Paul Younger
Dr Zhengfu Rao
A numerical modelling and neural network approach to estimate the impact of groundwater abstractions on river flows2007
Dr Michael Lim
Professor Jon Mills
Professor Stuart Barr
David Barber
Professor Stephanie Glendinning
et al.
High resolution earth imaging for transport corridor slope stability risk analysis2007
Dr Michael Lim
Professor Jon Mills
Professor Stuart Barr
David Barber
Professor Stephanie Glendinning
et al.
High resolution remote mapping of transport corridors for risk analysis2007
Professor Andy Large
Dr Will Mayes
Emeritus Professor Malcolm Newson
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Using long-term monitoring of fen hydrology and vegetation to underpin wetland restoration strategies2007
Professor Stephanie Glendinning
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Owen Davies
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
et al.
Simulation of climate-change induced deformation of a trial embankment.2006
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
A limitation of using epik method to define protection zones for karst aquifers2005
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Federico Fragalà
Methodology for predicting spatial distribution of recharge through drift deposits using tracers and inductive inference.2005
Mahmoud Moustafa
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Paul Younger
Modelling spoil heap heterogeneity and its impact on PRB performance.2005
Dr Russell Adams
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Using a rainfall simulator and a physically based hydrological model to investigate runoff processes in a hillslope2005
Dr Russell Adams
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Modelling of hillslope erosion from New Zealand pasture using a rainfall simulator2004
Dr James Bathurst
Professor John Ewen
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Enda O'Connell
Validation of catchment models for predicting land-use and climate change impacts. 3. Blind validation for internal and outlet responses2004
Dr Paul Quinn
Professor Enda O'Connell
Professor Chris Kilsby
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr James Bathurst
et al.
Catchment hydrology and sustainable management (CHASM): generic experimental design2003
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Modelling phosphorous loss from agriculture catchments: a comparison of the performance of SWAT, HSPF and SHETRAN for the Clarianna catchment2003
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Joseph Pollacco
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Predicting the impact of afforestation or deforestation on recharge using only time series soil moisture and hydrometeorological data2003
Dr Russell Adams
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Development of a coupled surface-groundwater-pipe network model for the sustainable management of karstic groundwater2002
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Joseph Pollacco
Professor Ian Calder
Inverse modelling of unsaturated zone processes for recharge prediction under different land uses.2002
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Ian Calder
Modelling the effect of a Corsican pine forest on nitrate pollution2002
Professor John Ewen
Dr James Bathurst
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Enda O'Connell
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
et al.
SHETRAN physically-based distributed river basin modelling system2002
Professor Ian Calder
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Study of the Potential Impacts on Water Resources of Proposed Afforestation2002
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr Greg O'Donnell
Professor John Ewen
Dr James Bathurst
Professor Enda O'Connell
et al.
Validation of SHETRAN UK for a Mediterranean Catchment2002
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Paul Younger
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Michael Murray
Dr Zhengfu Rao
et al.
A new approach to modelling river-aquifer interactions using a 3-D numerical model and neural networks2001
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Paul Younger
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Dr Zhengfu Rao
A new approach to modelling river-aquifer interactions using a 3-D numerical model and neural networks2001
Dr Russell Adams
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Development of a coupled surface-groundwater-pipe network model for the sustainable management of karstic groundwater2001
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Surface and groundwater interaction of the Bela Stream and Vipava Springs in southwestern Slovenia2001
Dr Carlos Vionnet
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Paul Younger
Aplicación de un método automático para la separación de las componentes del hidrograma2000
Professor John Ewen
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Enda O'Connell
SHETRAN: Distributed river basin flow and transport modeling system2000
Professor John Ewen
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Validation of a physically based catchment model for application in post-closure radiological safety assessments of deep geological repositories for solid radioactive wastes2000
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Stephen Anderton
Professor John Ewen
Dr Greg O'Donnell
A physically based approach to modelling radionuclide transport in the biosphere1999
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr Greg O'Donnell
Professor John Ewen
Dr James Bathurst
Professor Enda O'Connell
et al.
Validation of catchment models for predicting land-use and climate change impacts .2. Case study for a Mediterranean catchment1996
Professor John Ewen
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Validation of catchment models for predicting land-use and climate change impacts. 1. Method1996