Dr Mhairi MacLean Professor Charles Harvey
| History in management learning: A multi-temporal reflexive approach | 2025 |
Professor Stewart Clegg Professor Charles Harvey
| Organizing through time: Paradox and history | 2025 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Social entrepreneurship and the social economy of Victorian and Edwardian Britain | 2025 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Demanding a voice? Worker participation in the British interwar management movement | 2024 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Roy Suddaby
| Institutional biography and the institutionalization of a new organizational template: Building the global branded hotel chain | 2024 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Multi-temporality and the ghostly: How communing with times past informs organizational futures | 2024 |
Professor Charles Harvey Alison Gibson Professor Frank Mueller
| Philanthropy and the sustaining of global elite university domination | 2024 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Relational interdependencies and the intra-EU mobility of African European Citizens | 2024 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Professor Tom McGovern
| Elite solidarity, social responsibility, and the contested origins of Britain's first business schools | 2023 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Historical organization studies | 2023 |
Muhammad Khan Professor Charles Harvey
| Philanthropy and socioeconomic development: The role of large voluntary organizations in bridging social divides in Pakistan | 2023 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Strategic sensemaking by social entrepreneurs: Creating strategies for social innovation | 2023 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Gillian Shaw Professor Charles Harvey
| Business as service? Human relations and the British interwar management movement | 2022 |
Gillian Shaw Professor Charles Harvey
| Methodological Openness in Business History Research: Looking Afresh at the British Interwar Management Movement | 2022 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Roy Suddaby
| Multi-temporality and the Ghostly: Capturing the Spirit of Time Past and Yet to Come? | 2022 |
Professor Stewart Clegg Professor Roy Suddaby Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| At the intersection of theory and history: A research agenda for historical organization studies | 2021 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Ruomei Yang Professor Frank Mueller
| Elite philanthropy in the United States and United Kingdom in the new age of inequalities | 2021 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Professor Roy Suddaby Professor Stewart Clegg
| Historical organization studies: Advancing new directions for organizational research | 2021 |
Professor Stewart Clegg Professor Roy Suddaby Professor Charles Harvey
| Historical Organization Studies: Theory and Applications | 2021 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Professor Roy Suddaby
| Institutional entrepreneurship and the field of power: The emergence of the global hotel industry | 2021 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| The Businessman | 2021 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| The ethics of entrepreneurial philanthropy | 2021 |
Professor Charles Harvey Dr Benjamin Golant Professor John Sillince
| The role of innovation narratives in accomplishing organizational ambidexterity | 2021 |
Ruomei Yang Professor Charles Harvey Professor Frank Mueller Professor Mairi Maclean
| The role of mediators in the diffusion of the community foundation model of philanthropy | 2021 |
Professor Charles Harvey Ruomei Yang Professor Frank Mueller
| Bourdieu, strategy and the field of power | 2020 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| Business in the Creative Life of William Morris | 2020 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Crafting philanthropic identities | 2020 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean Dr Mike Price
| Executive remuneration and the limits of disclosure as an instrument of corporate governance | 2020 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Management Learning in Historical Perspective: Rediscovering Rowntree and the British Interwar Management Movement | 2020 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Roy Suddaby
| Historical perspectives on entrepreneurship and philanthropy | 2019 |
Professor Roy Suddaby Professor Charles Harvey
| History and the Micro‐foundations of Dynamic Capabilities | 2019 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean Michael Price Vesela Harizanova
| Understanding Philanthropy | 2019 |
Dr Mike Price Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| From Cadbury to Kay: Discourse, intertextuality and the evolution of UK corporate governance | 2018 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Professor John Sillince Dr Benjamin Golant
| Intertextuality, Rhetorical History and the Uses of the Past in Organizational Transition | 2018 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Professor Roy Suddaby
| Political ideology and the discursive construction of the multinational hotel industry | 2018 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Elite Business Networks and the Field of Power: A Matter of Class? | 2017 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| Establishing causal order in longitudinal studies combining binary and continuous dependent variables | 2017 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Narrative, metaphor and the subjective understanding of historic identity transition | 2017 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Professor Stewart Clegg
| Organization Theory in Business and Management History: Present Status and Future Prospects | 2017 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Professor Stewart Clegg
| Conceptualizing historical organization studies | 2016 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| 'Give it back, George': Network dynamics in the philanthropic field | 2016 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Accounting for Research Quality: Research Audits and the Journal Rankings Debate | 2015 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Business elites and the field of power in France | 2015 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Identity, storytelling and the philanthropic journey | 2015 |
Dr Benjamin Golant Professor John Sillince Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| Rhetoric of stability and change: The organizational identity work of institutional leadership | 2015 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Elite connectivity and concerted action in French organization | 2014 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Professor John Sillince Dr Benjamin Golant
| Living up to the past? Ideological sensemaking in organizational transition | 2014 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Pathways to Power: Class, Hyper-Agency and the French Corporate Elite | 2014 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| The Use and Abuse of Journal Quality Lists | 2014 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Accounting Journals and the ABS Guide: A Review of Evidence and Inference | 2013 |
Professor Penelope Corfield Professor Charles Harvey
| Elections in Metropolitan London Volume 1: Arguments and Evidence | 2013 |
Professor Penelope Corfield Professor Charles Harvey
| Elections in Metropolitan London Volume 2: Metropolitan Polls | 2013 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Entrepreneurship: Contexts, opportunities and processes | 2013 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| Exploring contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy | 2013 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey Professor John Sillince
| Reflecting on dialogic journeys in management learning | 2013 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Reflexive practice and the making of elite business careers | 2012 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Sensemaking, storytelling and the legitimization of elite business careers | 2012 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship and the Practice of Contemporary Entrepreneurial Philanthropy | 2012 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| The Development of the Art Market in England: Money as Muse | 2012 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| Andrew Carnegie and the foundations of contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy | 2011 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Food for Thought? A Rejoinder on Peer-review and RAE2008 Evidence | 2011 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| William Morris, Cultural Leadership, and the Dynamics of Taste | 2011 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Dominant Corporate Agents and the Power Elite in France and Britain | 2010 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Negative Capability: A Contribution to the Understanding of Creative Leaders | 2010 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| Transnational Boards and Governance Regimes in Britain and France | 2010 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Journal rankings and the ABS Journal Quality Guide | 2009 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| Capital theory and the dynamics of elite business networks in Britain and France | 2008 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| The Continuing Diversity of Corporate Governance Regimes: France and Britain Compared | 2008 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Vision by Design: A Reflexive Approach to Enterprise Regeneration | 2008 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Breakout Strategy: Meeting the Challenge of Double-Digit Growth | 2007 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Managerialism and the Post-war Evolution of the French National Business System | 2007 |
Professor John Sillince Professor Frank Mueller Professor Charles Harvey
| Biographical identity, social self and the role of authenticity in organizations | 2006 |
Professor Mairi Maclean Professor Charles Harvey
| Business Elites and Corporate Governance in France and the UK | 2006 |
Professor John Sillince Professor Charles Harvey
| Conflicting rhetorical positions on trust and commitment: talk-as-action in IT project failure | 2006 |
Professor Frank Mueller Professor Charles Harvey
| ‘A Rounded Picture is What We Need: Rhetorical Strategies, Arguments, and the Negotiation of Change in a UK Hospital Trust’. | 2004 |
Professor Frank Mueller Professor Charles Harvey
| The Contestation of Archetypes: Negotiating Scripts in a UK Hospital Trust Board | 2003 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Leadership and Negative Capability | 2002 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| The Diffusion of an Organisational Innovation: Adopting Patient Focused Care in an UK NHS Trust | 2002 |
Professor Charles Harvey Professor Mairi Maclean
| ‘Good Luck or Fine Judgement? The Growth and Development of the Japanese Electronics Industry, 1945 – 1995’ | 2001 |
Professor John Sillince Professor Charles Harvey
| Getting Acceptance that Radically New Working Practices are Required: Institutionalization of Arguments about Change in a Healthcare Organization | 2001 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Westminster Man: Charles James Fox and His Electorate | 2001 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Management and the Taff Vale Strike of 1900 | 2000 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| Continuity, change and specialization within metropolitan London: the economy of Westminster, 1750 – 1820 | 1999 |
Professor Charles Harvey
| To Come of Age: The Antecedents of Organisational Learning | 1999 |