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Browsing publications by Professor Charles Harvey.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Mhairi MacLean
Professor Charles Harvey
History in management learning: A multi-temporal reflexive approach2025
Professor Stewart Clegg
Professor Charles Harvey
Organizing through time: Paradox and history2025
Professor Charles Harvey
Social entrepreneurship and the social economy of Victorian and Edwardian Britain2025
Professor Charles Harvey
Demanding a voice? Worker participation in the British interwar management movement2024
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Roy Suddaby
Institutional biography and the institutionalization of a new organizational template: Building the global branded hotel chain2024
Professor Charles Harvey
Multi-temporality and the ghostly: How communing with times past informs organizational futures2024
Professor Charles Harvey
Alison Gibson
Professor Frank Mueller
Philanthropy and the sustaining of global elite university domination2024
Professor Charles Harvey
Relational interdependencies and the intra-EU mobility of African European Citizens2024
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Tom McGovern
Elite solidarity, social responsibility, and the contested origins of Britain's first business schools2023
Professor Charles Harvey
Historical organization studies2023
Muhammad Khan
Professor Charles Harvey
Philanthropy and socioeconomic development: The role of large voluntary organizations in bridging social divides in Pakistan2023
Professor Charles Harvey
Strategic sensemaking by social entrepreneurs: Creating strategies for social innovation2023
Professor Mairi Maclean
Gillian Shaw
Professor Charles Harvey
Business as service? Human relations and the British interwar management movement2022
Gillian Shaw
Professor Charles Harvey
Methodological Openness in Business History Research: Looking Afresh at the British Interwar Management Movement2022
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Roy Suddaby
Multi-temporality and the Ghostly: Capturing the Spirit of Time Past and Yet to Come?2022
Professor Stewart Clegg
Professor Roy Suddaby
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
At the intersection of theory and history: A research agenda for historical organization studies2021
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Ruomei Yang
Professor Frank Mueller
Elite philanthropy in the United States and United Kingdom in the new age of inequalities2021
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Roy Suddaby
Professor Stewart Clegg
Historical organization studies: Advancing new directions for organizational research2021
Professor Stewart Clegg
Professor Roy Suddaby
Professor Charles Harvey
Historical Organization Studies: Theory and Applications2021
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Roy Suddaby
Institutional entrepreneurship and the field of power: The emergence of the global hotel industry2021
Professor Charles Harvey
The Businessman2021
Professor Charles Harvey
The ethics of entrepreneurial philanthropy2021
Professor Charles Harvey
Dr Benjamin Golant
Professor John Sillince
The role of innovation narratives in accomplishing organizational ambidexterity2021
Ruomei Yang
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Mairi Maclean
The role of mediators in the diffusion of the community foundation model of philanthropy2021
Professor Charles Harvey
Ruomei Yang
Professor Frank Mueller
Bourdieu, strategy and the field of power2020
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
Business in the Creative Life of William Morris2020
Professor Charles Harvey
Crafting philanthropic identities2020
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
Dr Mike Price
Executive remuneration and the limits of disclosure as an instrument of corporate governance2020
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Management Learning in Historical Perspective: Rediscovering Rowntree and the British Interwar Management Movement2020
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Roy Suddaby
Historical perspectives on entrepreneurship and philanthropy2019
Professor Roy Suddaby
Professor Charles Harvey
History and the Micro‐foundations of Dynamic Capabilities2019
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
Michael Price
Vesela Harizanova
Understanding Philanthropy2019
Dr Mike Price
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
From Cadbury to Kay: Discourse, intertextuality and the evolution of UK corporate governance 2018
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor John Sillince
Dr Benjamin Golant
Intertextuality, Rhetorical History and the Uses of the Past in Organizational Transition2018
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Roy Suddaby
Political ideology and the discursive construction of the multinational hotel industry2018
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Elite Business Networks and the Field of Power: A Matter of Class?2017
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
Establishing causal order in longitudinal studies combining binary and continuous dependent variables2017
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Narrative, metaphor and the subjective understanding of historic identity transition2017
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Stewart Clegg
Organization Theory in Business and Management History: Present Status and Future Prospects2017
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Stewart Clegg
Conceptualizing historical organization studies2016
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
'Give it back, George': Network dynamics in the philanthropic field2016
Professor Charles Harvey
Accounting for Research Quality: Research Audits and the Journal Rankings Debate2015
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Business elites and the field of power in France2015
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Identity, storytelling and the philanthropic journey2015
Dr Benjamin Golant
Professor John Sillince
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
Rhetoric of stability and change: The organizational identity work of institutional leadership2015
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Elite connectivity and concerted action in French organization2014
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor John Sillince
Dr Benjamin Golant
Living up to the past? Ideological sensemaking in organizational transition2014
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Pathways to Power: Class, Hyper-Agency and the French Corporate Elite2014
Professor Charles Harvey
The Use and Abuse of Journal Quality Lists2014
Professor Charles Harvey
Accounting Journals and the ABS Guide: A Review of Evidence and Inference2013
Professor Penelope Corfield
Professor Charles Harvey
Elections in Metropolitan London Volume 1: Arguments and Evidence2013
Professor Penelope Corfield
Professor Charles Harvey
Elections in Metropolitan London Volume 2: Metropolitan Polls2013
Professor Charles Harvey
Entrepreneurship: Contexts, opportunities and processes2013
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
Exploring contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy2013
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor John Sillince
Reflecting on dialogic journeys in management learning2013
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Reflexive practice and the making of elite business careers2012
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Sensemaking, storytelling and the legitimization of elite business careers2012
Professor Charles Harvey
Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship and the Practice of Contemporary Entrepreneurial Philanthropy2012
Professor Charles Harvey
The Development of the Art Market in England: Money as Muse2012
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
Andrew Carnegie and the foundations of contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy2011
Professor Charles Harvey
Food for Thought? A Rejoinder on Peer-review and RAE2008 Evidence2011
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
William Morris, Cultural Leadership, and the Dynamics of Taste2011
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Dominant Corporate Agents and the Power Elite in France and Britain2010
Professor Charles Harvey
Negative Capability: A Contribution to the Understanding of Creative Leaders2010
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
Transnational Boards and Governance Regimes in Britain and France2010
Professor Charles Harvey
Journal rankings and the ABS Journal Quality Guide2009
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
Capital theory and the dynamics of elite business networks in Britain and France2008
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
The Continuing Diversity of Corporate Governance Regimes: France and Britain Compared2008
Professor Charles Harvey
Vision by Design: A Reflexive Approach to Enterprise Regeneration2008
Professor Charles Harvey
Breakout Strategy: Meeting the Challenge of Double-Digit Growth2007
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Managerialism and the Post-war Evolution of the French National Business System2007
Professor John Sillince
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Charles Harvey
Biographical identity, social self and the role of authenticity in organizations2006
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor Charles Harvey
Business Elites and Corporate Governance in France and the UK2006
Professor John Sillince
Professor Charles Harvey
Conflicting rhetorical positions on trust and commitment: talk-as-action in IT project failure2006
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Charles Harvey
‘A Rounded Picture is What We Need: Rhetorical Strategies, Arguments, and the Negotiation of Change in a UK Hospital Trust’.2004
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Charles Harvey
The Contestation of Archetypes: Negotiating Scripts in a UK Hospital Trust Board2003
Professor Charles Harvey
Leadership and Negative Capability2002
Professor Charles Harvey
The Diffusion of an Organisational Innovation: Adopting Patient Focused Care in an UK NHS Trust2002
Professor Charles Harvey
Professor Mairi Maclean
‘Good Luck or Fine Judgement? The Growth and Development of the Japanese Electronics Industry, 1945 – 1995’2001
Professor John Sillince
Professor Charles Harvey
Getting Acceptance that Radically New Working Practices are Required: Institutionalization of Arguments about Change in a Healthcare Organization2001
Professor Charles Harvey
Westminster Man: Charles James Fox and His Electorate2001
Professor Charles Harvey
Management and the Taff Vale Strike of 19002000
Professor Charles Harvey
Continuity, change and specialization within metropolitan London: the economy of Westminster, 1750 – 18201999
Professor Charles Harvey
To Come of Age: The Antecedents of Organisational Learning1999