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Browsing publications by Professor Adam Jarvis.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
Spatial variability of metal(loid) leaching from coastal colliery wastes under freshwater and saline water conditions2025
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
Environmental behaviour of iron and steel slags in coastal settings2024
Dr Seb Pitman
Dr Nick Cooper
Professor Adam Jarvis
Long-term coastal dynamics: The evolution of a mixed sediment mega-nourishment consisting of colliery spoil2024
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Catherine Gandy
Controls on the generation and geochemistry of neutral mine drainage: Evidence from Force Crag Mine, Cumbria, UK2023
Arman Hashemi Monfared
Professor Claire Walsh
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Adam Jarvis
New coefficient for water quality modelling in meandering rivers: Fatigue Factor2023
Dr Catherine Gandy
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Obioma Mejeha
Dr Angela Sherry
Professor Adam Jarvis
et al.
Use of propionic acid additions to enhance zinc removal from mine drainage in short residence time, flow-through sulfate-reducing bioreactors2023
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Catherine Gandy
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Professor Adam Jarvis
Incorporating conceptual site models into national-scale environmental risk assessments for legacy waste in the coastal zone2022
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
A GIS-based prioritisation of coastal legacy mine spoil deposits in England and Wales for effective future management2021
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
Katherine Neate
Challenges of watershed mine drainage characterisation and remediation at scale: Force Crag base metal mine, Cumbria, UK2021
Dr Matthew Perks
Professor Andy Large
Jane Davis
Dr Catherine Gandy
Patrick Orme
et al.
Effect of an extreme flood event on solute transport and resilience of a mine water treatment system in a mineralised catchment2021
Professor Adam Jarvis
Legacy iron and steel wastes in the UK: Extent, resource potential, and management futures2020
Ziye Dai
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Adam Jarvis
Determination of the Relationship between the Energy Content of Municipal Wastewater and Its Chemical Oxygen Demand2019
Professor Adam Jarvis
Jane Davis
Patrick Orme
Dr Hugh Potter
Dr Catherine Gandy
et al.
Predicting the benefits of mine water treatment under varying hydrological conditions using a synoptic mass balance approach2019
Professor Adam Jarvis
Jane Davis
Patrick Orme
Dr Hugh Potter
Dr Catherine Gandy
et al.
Evaluating metal behaviour and mine water treatment benefits in abandoned mine catchments with variable pollutant load inputs2018
Professor Adam Jarvis
Options for managing alkaline steel slag leachate: A life cycle assessment2018
Matt Bailey
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
Heat recovery potential of mine water treatment systems in Great Britain2016
Dr Catherine Gandy
Jane Davis
Patrick Orme
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
et al.
Metal removal mechanisms in a short hydraulic residence time subsurface flow compost wetland for mine drainage treatment2016
Matt Bailey
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Catherine Gandy
Characterization of passive treatment system substrates and potential for zinc recovery2015
Professor Adam Jarvis
Leaching of copper and nickel in soil-water systems contaminated by bauxite residue (red mud) from Ajka, Hungary: the importance of soil organic matter2015
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Catherine Gandy
Matt Bailey
Jane Davis
Patrick Orme
et al.
Metal removal and secondary contamination in a passive metal mine drainage treatment system2015
Sian Rudall
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
National assessment of diffuse mining pollution in England and Wales2015
Professor Adam Jarvis
Geochemical recovery of the Torna-Marcal river system after the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary2014
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Catherine Gandy
Hydraulic Performance and Iron Removal in Wetlands and Lagoons Treating Ferruginous Coal Mine Waters2014
Professor Adam Jarvis
Jane Davis
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Patrick Orme
Dr Catherine Gandy
et al.
Mitigation of pollution from abandoned metal mines: Investigation of passive compost bioreactor systems for treatment of abandoned metal mine discharges2014
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
Riverine flux of metals from historically mined orefields in England and Wales2013
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor David Manning
Contaminant mobility and carbon sequestration downstream of the Ajka (Hungary) red mud spill: The effects of gypsum dosing2012
Sian Rudall
Professor Adam Jarvis
Diurnal fluctuation of zinc concentration in metal polluted rivers and its potential impact on water quality and flux estimates2012
Viktoria Feigl
Professor Adam Jarvis
Ecotoxicity of fluvial sediments downstream of the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary2012
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Erratum to: Contemporary Reviews of Mine Water Studies in Europe, Part 1 (vol 23, pg 162, 2004)2012
Dr Romy Matthies
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Adam Jarvis
Geochemical and stable isotopic constraints on the generation and passive treatment of acidic, Fe-SO4 rich waters2012
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Catherine Gandy
Hydraulic performance assessment of passive coal mine water treatment systems in the UK2012
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Catherine Gandy
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Mitigation of pollution from abandoned metal mines Part 1: Review of passive treatment technologies for metal mine drainage remediation2012
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
Mitigation of pollution from abandoned metal mines Part 2: Review of resource recovery options from the passive remediation of metal-rich mine waters2012
Professor Adam Jarvis
Speciation of arsenic, chromium and vanadium in red mud samples from the Ajka spill site, Hungary2012
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
The influence of engineering scale and environmental conditions on the performance of compost bioreactors for the remediation of zinc in mine water discharges2012
Professor Adam Jarvis
Viktoria Feigl
Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka Bauxite Residue (Red mud) depository failure, Hungary2011
Emma Gozzard
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK2011
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
The influence of engineering scale on the performance of compost bioreactors for the remediation of divalent metals2011
Professor Adam Jarvis
Treatment of zinc-rich acid mine water in low residence time bioreactors incorporating waste shells and methanol dosing2011
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Catherine Gandy
A case study of long-term geochemical evolution of coal waste rock drainage and its remediation2010
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Catherine Gandy
Hydraulic residence time and iron removal in a wetland receiving ferruginous mine water over a 4 year period from commissioning2010
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
Inventory of Aquatic Contaminant flux arising from historical metal mining in England and Wales2010
Esther Santofimia
Professor Adam Jarvis
Metal retention, mineralogy, and design considerations of a mature permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for acidic mine water drainage in Northumberland, U.K.2010
Romy Matthies
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Adam Jarvis
Performance of a passive treatment system for net-acidic coal mine drainage over five years of operation2010
Dr Romy Matthies
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Adam Jarvis
Tracking dominant Alkalinity Sources in a Passive Mine Water Treatment System with stable Carbon Isotopes2010
Dr Will Mayes
Dr David Johnston
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
A national strategy for identification, prioritisation and management of pollution from abandoned non-coal mine sites in England and Wales. I. Methodology development and initial results2009
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
Basin-scale fluxes of metals from historically mined orefields in the UK2009
Dr Natalie Kruse
Emma Gozzard
Professor Adam Jarvis
Determination of hydraulic residence times in several UK mine water treatment systems and their relationship to iron removal2009
Dr Will Mayes
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
Novel approach to zinc removal from circum-neutral mine waters using pelletised recovered hydrous ferric oxide2009
Lawrence Bowden
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Phosphorus Removal from Waste Waters Using Basic Oxygen Steel Slag2009
Dr Will Mayes
Jon Aumonier
Professor Adam Jarvis
Preliminary evaluation of a constructed wetland for treating extremely alkaline (pH 12) steel slag drainage2009
Dr Will Mayes
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Adam Jarvis
Wetland treatment at extremes of pH: a review2009
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr David Johnston
Dr Hugh Potter
Application of a New methodology for Assessing the Priorities for Abandoned Mine Water Pollution Remediation at a National Scale: Results and Implications from a Study across England and Wales2008
Dr Will Mayes
Jon Aumonier
Professor Adam Jarvis
Preliminary evaluation of a constructed wetland treating extremely alkaline (pH 12) steel slag drainage2008
Dr Will Mayes
Emma Gozzard
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
Quantifying the importance of diffuse minewater pollution in a historically heavily coal mined catchment2008
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
Attenuation of mining-derived pollutants in the hyporheic zone: A review2007
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Paul Younger
European Union legislation and the mining sector: research and development initiatives to address new environmental targets2007
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Low footprint passive mine water treatment: Field demonstration and application2007
Professor Adam Jarvis
Mechanisms of phosphorus removal from waste waters: A novel basic oxygen steel slag treatment system2007
Professor Adam Jarvis
Emma Gozzard
Dr Will Mayes
Dr Hugh Potter
Prospects for effective national management of abandoned metal mine water pollution in the UK2007
Dr Daniel Fabian
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
A Reducing and Alkalinity Producing System (RAPS) for passive treatment of acidic, aluminium rich mine waters2006
Dr Catherine Gandy
Professor Adam Jarvis
Attenuation of mine pollutants in the hyporheic zone2006
Professor Adam Jarvis
Mahmoud Moustafa
Patrick Orme
Professor Paul Younger
Effective remediation of grossly polluted acidic, and metal-rich, spoil heap drainage using a novel, low-cost, permeable reactive barrier in Northumberland, UK2006
Dr Will Mayes
Professor Adam Jarvis
Emma Gozzard
Dr Hugh Potter
Identifying diffuse sources of inorganic pollutants in post-industrial catchments2006
Emma Gozzard
Professor Adam Jarvis
Identifying diffuse sources of inorganic pollutants in post-industrial catchments.2006
Professor Adam Jarvis
Managing mining pollution to deliver the Water Framework Directive2006
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
Managing mining pollution to deliver the Water Framework Directive2006
Emma Gozzard
Dr Will Mayes
Dr Michelle Morrison
Professor Adam Jarvis
Mine water management at the catchment scale: case studies from north-east England2006
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Passive treatment of severely contaminated colliery spoil leachate using a Permeable Reactive Barrier2006
Professor Adam Jarvis
The role of dissolved carbon dioxide in governing deep coal mine water quality and determining treatment process selection2006
Lawrence Bowden
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
The use of Basic Oxygen Steel Furnace Slag (BOS) as a high surface area media for the removal of iron from circum-neutral mine waters2006
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
A novel method for passive treatment of mine water using a vertical flow accretion system2005
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Adam Jarvis
Mahmoud Moustafa
A permeable reactive barrier, ponds and a wetland effectively treating the UK's worst coal mine spoil leachate.2005
Dr Will Mayes
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Assessing the importance of diffuse mine water pollution: a case study from County Durham, UK2005
Professor Adam Jarvis
British and European perspectives on mine water management2005
Dr Sean Burke
Dr Hugh Potter
Professor Adam Jarvis
Groundwater rebound in the South Yorkshire Coalfield: a review of initial modelling2005
Dr Hugh Potter
Dr Sean Burke
Professor Adam Jarvis
Groundwater rebound in the South Yorkshire Coalfield: predicting impacts on water quality2005
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Hugh Potter
Mine water pollution in the UK: Research, Regulation and Management2005
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Modes of groundwater / surface water interactions in catchments subject to former underground mining activities2005
Professor Adam Jarvis
Dr Daniel Fabian
Patrick Orme
Professor Paul Younger
Tackling acidic spoil heap leachate remediation using passive technologies: Case studies from County Durham and Northumberland2005
Professor Adam Jarvis
Active treatment of high salinity mine water2004
Professor Adam Jarvis
Application of the PHREEQC geochemical computer model during the design and operation of UK mine water treatment schemes2004
Professor Adam Jarvis
Mine water issues in the United Kingdom2004
Professor Paul Younger
Professor David Jenkins
Professor Adam Jarvis
Mine waters in Wales: pollution, risk management and remediation2004
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Panorama des methods de traitement des eaux de mines et de leur fontionnement (An overview of mine water treatment technologies and their operation)2004
Professor Adam Jarvis
Bruce Dudgeon
Professor Paul Younger
Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Symposium2004
Professor Adam Jarvis
Engineering design aspects of passive in situ remediation of mining effluents2003
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Adam Jarvis
Engineering guidelines for the passive remediation of acidic and/or metalliferous mine drainage and similar wastewaters2003
Professor Adam Jarvis
Mine water treatment at Six Bells colliery, South Wales: Problems and solutions from conception to completion2003
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Up-scaling of oxidation and accretion reactors: engineering and economic considerations2003
Professor Adam Jarvis
Operational and treatment performance of an unique reducing and alkalinity producing system (RAPS) for acidic leachate remediation in Lancashire, UK2002
Dr Sean Burke
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Up-scaling of oxidation and accretion reactors: engineering and economic considerations2002
Dr Sean Burke
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Up-scaling of oxidation and accretion reactors: engineering and economic considerations2002
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Passive treatment of ferruginous mine waters using high surface area media2001
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Broadening the scope of mine water environmental impact assessment: a UK perspective2000
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Laboratory to field: relating unsaturated column flow experiments to spoil heap effluent concentrations2000
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Passive treatment of net-acidic mine waters: field experiences in the UK2000
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Design, Construction and Performance of a Full-scale Compost Wetland for Mine Spoil Drainage Treatment, Quaking Houses, UK1999
Dr Almudena Ordonez
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Adam Jarvis
DepuraciĆ³n de agua de mina mediante humedal en UK1998
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Andy Large
Professor Adam Jarvis
The creation of floodplain wetlands to passively treat polluted minewaters1998
Professor Adam Jarvis
Professor Paul Younger
Dominating chemical factors in mine water induced impoverishment of the invertebrate fauna of two streams in the Durham Coalfield, UK1997
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Adam Jarvis
Effective passive treatment of aluminium-rich, acidic colliery spoil drainage using a compost wetland at Quaking Houses, County Durham1997
Professor Adam Jarvis
Towards a complete methodology for mine water impact assessment and site remediation1997