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Browsing publications by Professor Thomas Curtis.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Bowen Li
Dr Paolo Zuliani
Professor Thomas Curtis
Cooperation between autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrifiers under low C/N ratios revealed by individual-based modelling2024
Dr Jay Sangha
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Effects of glucose and lactate on Streptococcus mutans abundance in a novel multispecies oral biofilm model2024
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Scaling-up Engineering Biology for Enhanced Environmental Solutions2024
Dr Naomi Hannaford
Dr Sarah Heaps
Dr Tom Nye
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Ben Allen
et al.
A sparse Bayesian hierarchical vector autoregressive model for microbial dynamics in a wastewater treatment plant2023
Professor Thomas Curtis
Cultivating a more effective culture to advance the engineering of microbial communities2023
Dr Ben Allen
Dr Rebeca Gonzalez-Cabaleiro
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Professor William Sloan
Donna Swan
et al.
Diversity and metabolic energy in bacteria2023
Dr Beate Christgen
Dr Martin Spurr
Dr Ed Milner
Paniz Izadi
Dr Clare McCann
et al.
Does pre-enrichment of anodes with acetate to select for Geobacter spp. enhance performance of microbial fuel cells when switched to more complex substrates?2023
Dr Ben Allen
Professor Thomas Curtis
MGnify: the microbiome sequence data analysis resource in 20232023
Professor Thomas Curtis
Microbial Ecology for Engineering Biology2023
Sam Charlton
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Jinju Chen
Dr Saikat Jana
Microstructural and rheological transitions in bacterial biofilms2023
Arman Hashemi Monfared
Professor Claire Walsh
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Adam Jarvis
New coefficient for water quality modelling in meandering rivers: Fatigue Factor2023
Giacomo Butte
Dr Maria-Valasia Peppa
Dr Nasser Tuqan
Xanthe Polaine
Professor Claire Walsh
et al.
A Framework for Water Security Data Gathering Strategies2022
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Dominic Frigon
Dr David Garcia-Casas
Professor David Jenkins
Author Correction: MiDAS 4: A global catalogue of full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences and taxonomy for studies of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (1908), 10.1038/s41467-022-29438-7)2022
Professor Mark Reed
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Helen Kendall
Emeritus Professor Christopher Rodgers
Integrating ecosystem markets to co-ordinate landscape-scale public benefits from nature2022
Reihaneh Bashiri
Dr Ben Allen
Dr Burhan Shamurad
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Dana Ofiteru
et al.
Looking for lipases and lipolytic organisms in low-temperature anaerobic reactors treating domestic wastewater2022
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor David Jenkins
MiDAS 4: A global catalogue of full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences and taxonomy for studies of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants2022
Professor Thomas Curtis
Spatial Variation of the Microbial Community Structure of On-Site Soil Treatment Units in a Temperate Climate, and the Role of Pre-treatment of Domestic Effluent in the Development of the Biomat Community2022
Reihaneh Bashiri
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Dana Ofiteru
The limitations of the current protein classification tools in identifying lipolytic features in putative bacterial lipase sequences2022
Dan Aiken
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
The Rational Design of a Financially Viable Microbial Electrolysis Cell for Domestic Wastewater Treatment2022
Professor Thomas Curtis
Kinetic characterization of a low-dissolved‑oxygen oxic-anoxic process treating low COD/N tropical wastewater revealed selection of nitrifiers with high substrate affinity2021
Carolina Ospina Betancourth
Dr Kishor Acharya
Professor Thomas Curtis
Low inhibitory effect of ammonia on the nitrogen-fixing activity of a sludge enriched with nitrogen-fixing bacteria2021
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Jan Dolfing
N-acyl-homoserine-lactones signaling as a critical control point for phosphorus entrapment by multi-species microbial aggregates2021
Dr Evangelos Petropoulos
Dr Burhan Shamurad
Shamas Tabraiz
Dr Yongjie Yu
Professor Russell Davenport
et al.
Sewage treatment at 4 °C in anaerobic upflow reactors with and without a membrane – performance, function and microbial diversity2021
Professor Thomas Curtis
An efficient oxic-anoxic process for treating low COD/N tropical wastewater: Startup, optimization and nitrifying community structure2020
Dr Beate Christgen
Professor Yujie Feng
Professor Thomas Curtis
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Professor Eileen Yu
et al.
Chapter 4: Metal Recovery Using Microbial Electrochemical Technologies2020
Professor Thomas Curtis
Characterization of slowly-biodegradable organic compounds and hydrolysis kinetics in tropical wastewater for biological nitrogen removal2020
Carolina Ospina Betancourth
Dr Kishor Acharya
Dr Ben Allen
Jim Entwistle
Professor Ian Head
et al.
Enrichment of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria in a Nitrogen-Deficient Wastewater Treatment System2020
Dr Saikat Jana
Sam Charlton
Dr Lucy Eland
Professor Grant Burgess
Professor Anil Wipat
et al.
Nonlinear rheological characteristics of single species bacterial biofilms2020
Fei Zhao
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Jan Dolfing
The effect of anode potential on current production from complex substrates in bioelectrochemical systems: a case study with glucose2020
Fei Zhao
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Jan Dolfing
Understanding the complexity of wastewater: The combined impacts of carbohydrates and sulphate on the performance of bioelectrochemical systems2020
Dan Aiken
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Avenues to the financial viability of microbial electrolysis cells [MEC] for domestic wastewater treatment and hydrogen production2019
Dr Oluwole Oyebamiji
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Dr Bowen Li
Dr Paolo Zuliani
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
Bayesian emulation and calibration of an individual-based model of microbial communities2019
Dr Rebeca Gonzalez-Cabaleiro
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Bioenergetics analysis of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and the estimation of their maximum growth yield2019
Dr Mathew Brown
Dr Joana Baptista
Donna Swan
Sarah Smith
Professor Russell Davenport
et al.
Coupled Virus - Bacteria Interactions and Ecosystem Function in an Engineered Microbial System2019
Tamara Coello Garcia
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Wojciech Mrozik
Professor Russell Davenport
Enhanced estrogen removal in activated sludge processes through the optimization of the hydraulic flow pattern2019
Professor Thomas Curtis
Enhanced nitrogen removal in an anoxic-oxic-anoxic process treating low COD/N tropical wastewater: Low-dissolved oxygen nitrification and utilization of slowly-biodegradable COD for denitrification2019
Dr Mathew Brown
Professor Thomas Curtis
Global diversity and biogeography of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants2019
Dr Evangelos Petropoulos
Shamas Tabraiz
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Jan Dolfing
High rate domestic wastewater treatment at 15 °C using anaerobic reactors inoculated with cold-adapted sediments/soils-shaping robust methanogenic communities2019
Dr Valentina Gogulancea
Dr Rebeca Gonzalez-Cabaleiro
Dr Bowen Li
Dr Denis Taniguchi
Dr Jinju Chen
et al.
Individual based model links thermodynamics, chemical speciation and environmental conditions to microbial growth2019
Dr Bowen Li
Dr Paolo Zuliani
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Jinju Chen
Modelling bacterial twitching in fluid flows: a CFD-DEM approach2019
Dr Bowen Li
Dr Denis Taniguchi
Dr Jayathilake Pahala Gedara
Dr Valentina Gogulancea
Dr Rebeca Gonzalez-Cabaleiro
et al.
NUFEB: A Massively Parallel Simulator for Individual-based Modelling of Microbial Communities2019
Dr Michael White
Dr Saikat Jana
Dr Lucy Eland
Dr Jinju Chen
Professor Anil Wipat
et al.
Regulating, Measuring, and Modeling the Viscoelasticity of Bacterial Biofilms2019
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Professor Thomas Curtis
EBI Metagenomics in 2017: Enriching the analysis of microbial communities, from sequence reads to assemblies2018
Dr Evangelos Petropoulos
Dr Jan Dolfing
Dr Yongjie Yu
Dr Matthew Wade
Dr Emma Bowen
et al.
Lipolysis of domestic wastewater in anaerobic reactors operating at low temperatures2018
Vincent How
Professor Thomas Curtis
Low-dissolved-oxygen nitrification in tropical sewage: An investigation on potential, performance and functional microbial community2018
Dr Sven Lahme
Cameron Callbeck
Demelza Menendez Vega
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
et al.
Metabolites of an Oil Field Sulfide-Oxidizing Nitrate-Reducing Sulfurimonas sp. Cause Severe Corrosion2018
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Dr Jan Dolfing
Dr Matthew Wade
Professor William Sloan
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
Temperature, inocula and substrate: Contrasting electroactive consortia, diversity and performance in microbial fuel cells2018
Dr Jayathilake Pahala Gedara
Dr Prashant Gupta
Dr Bowen Li
Dr Curtis Madsen
Dr Oluwole Oyebamiji
et al.
A mechanistic individual-based model of microbial communities2017
Dr Evangelos Petropoulos
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Curtis
Developing cold-adapted biomass for the anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater at low temperatures (4, 8 and 15 °C) with inocula from cold environments2017
Dr Ed Milner
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Eileen Yu
et al.
Evaluation of porous carbon felt as an aerobic biocathode support in terms of hydrogen peroxide2017
Dr Oluwole Oyebamiji
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Dr Jayathilake Pahala Gedara
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Bowen Li
et al.
Gaussian process emulation of an individual-based model simulation of microbial communities2017
Dr Sarah Cotterill
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Low Temperature Domestic Wastewater Treatment in a Microbial Electrolysis Cell with 1 m2 Anodes: Towards System Scale-Up2017
Dr Evangelos Petropoulos
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Thomas Curtis
Methanogenic activity and growth at low temperature anaerobic wastewater treatment (4, 15 °C) using cold adapted inocula2017
Dr Rebeca Gonzalez-Cabaleiro
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Dana Ofiteru
New individual-based model links microbial growth to the energy available in the environment2017
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Professor Eileen Yu
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
A critical review of integration analysis of microbial electrosynthesis (MES) systems with waste biorefineries for the production of biofuel and chemical from reuse of CO22016
Professor Thomas Curtis
Challenges in microbial ecology: building predictive understanding of community function and dynamics2016
Dr Sarah Cotterill
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Professor Thomas Curtis
Microbial electrolysis cells for hydrogen production2016
Dr Ed Milner
Dr Dorin-Mirel Popescu
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
et al.
Microbial fuel cells with highly active aerobic biocathodes2016
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Jan Dolfing
Quantification of effective exoelectrogens by most probable number (MPN) in a microbial fuel cell2016
Dr Mathew Brown
Dr Joana Baptista
Donna Swan
Sarah Smith
Professor Russell Davenport
et al.
Virus abundance dynamics and their biotic and abiotic interactions in a full scale activated sludge plant2016
Dr Mathew Brown
Dr Joana Baptista
Donna Swan
Sarah Smith
Professor Russell Davenport
et al.
Virus abundance dynamics in a full scale activated sludge plant2016
Micol Bellucci
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Dr Luciano Beneduce
Professor David Graham
Professor Ian Head
et al.
A preliminary and qualitative study of resource ratio theory to nitrifying lab-scale bioreactors2015
Dr Beate Christgen
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
An evaluation of the performance and economics of membranes and separators in single chamber microbial fuel cells treating domestic wastewater2015
Dr Mathew Brown
Stella Camezuli
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Curtis
Flow cytometric quantification of viruses in activated sludge2015
Dr Matthew Wade
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Russell Davenport
Modelling Computational Resources for Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Analysis of 16S rRNA Samples2015
Dr Mathew Brown
Dr Joana Baptista
Donna Swan
Sarah Smith
Professor Russell Davenport
et al.
Virus abundance dynamics in activated sludge processes2015
Dr Joana Baptista
Professor Russell Davenport
Donna Swan
Fiona Read
Dr Mathew Brown
et al.
Agreement between amoA Gene-Specific Quantitative PCR and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in the Measurement of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria in Activated Sludge2014
Professor Jim Hall
Professor Thomas Curtis
Emeritus Professor Cliff Jones
Professor Chris Kilsby
Alex Leathard
et al.
Assessing the Long-Term Performance of Cross-Sectoral Strategies for National Infrastructure2014
Dr Ed Milner
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Eileen Yu
et al.
Electrochemical Investigation of Aerobic Biocathodes at Different Poised Potentials: Evidence for Mediated Extracellular Electron Transfer2014
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Micol Bellucci
Dr Christian Picioreanu
Professor Vasile Lavric
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
Multi-scale modelling of bioreactor - separator system for wastewater treatment with two-dimensional activated sludge floc dynamics2014
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Stephen Edwards
Dr Jan Dolfing
Dr Sarah Cotterill
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
Performance of a pilot scale microbial electrolysis cell fed on domestic wastewater at ambient temperatures for a 12 month period2014
Dr Mathew Brown
Donna Swan
Dr Joana Baptista
Professor Russell Davenport
Fiona Read
et al.
Abundance and dynamics of viruses within Activated Sludge Processes2013
Professor Thomas Curtis
Characterization of aerobic granular sludge treating high strength agro-based wastewater at different volumetric loadings2013
Dr Emma Bowen
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Curtis
Low temperature limitation of bioreactor sludge in anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater2013
Dr Joana Baptista
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor William Sloan
Professor Thomas Curtis
Microbial community assembly, theory and rare functions2013
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor William Sloan
Modelling the effects of dispersal mechanisms and hydrodynamic regimes upon the structure of microbial communities within fluvial biofilms2013
Micol Bellucci
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor David Graham
et al.
Nitrification in hybrid bioreactors treating simulated domestic wastewater2013
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Dr Jan Dolfing
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Stephen Edwards
Emeritus Professor Colin Jones
et al.
Production of hydrogen from domestic wastewater in a pilot-scale microbial electrolysis cell2013
Dr Joana Baptista
Professor Thomas Curtis
Engineering difference: Matrix design determines community composition in wastewater treatment systems2012
Professor Paul Christensen
Dr Khalid Zakaria
Professor Thomas Curtis
Structure and Activity of Ni- and Sb-doped SnO2 Ozone Anodes2012
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Thomas Curtis
A wastewater opportunity2011
Dr Micol Bellucci
Professor Thomas Curtis
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in wastewater2011
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Thomas Curtis
Can we define the thermodynamic properties of wastewater2011
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Jan Dolfing
Determination of the internal chemical energy of wastewater2011
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Professor Eileen Yu
Krishna Katuri
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
Evaluation of hydrolysis and fermentation rates in microbial fuel cells2011
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Karen Scott
Factors affecting current production in microbial fuel cells using different industrial wastewaters2011
Micol Bellucci
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Professor David Graham
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
Low Dissolved Oxygen Nitrifying Systems Exploit Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria With Unusually High Yield2011
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Gary Montague
Maintenance affects the stability of a two-tiered microbial 'food chain'?2011
Dr Aiping Xu
Dr Jan Dolfing
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Gary Montague
Professor Elaine Martin
et al.
Maintenance affects the stability of a two-tiered microbial 'food chain'?2011
Krishna Katuri
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Professor Ian Head
Dr Cristian Picioreanu
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
Microbial fuel cells meet with external resistance2011
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor William Sloan
Combined niche and neutral effects in a microbial wastewater treatment community2010
Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Effect of increasing anode surface area on the performance of a single chamber microbial fuel cell2010
Dr Cristian Picioreanu
Professor Thomas Curtis
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Model based evaluation of the effect of pH and electrode geometry on microbial fuel cell performance2010
Dr Cristian Picioreanu
Professor Thomas Curtis
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Model based evaluation of the effect of pH and electrode geometry on microbial fuel cell performance2010
Fiona Read
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Russell Davenport
Nitrification-denitrification in waste stabilisation ponds: a mechanism for permanent nitrogen removal in maturation ponds2010
Amor Larrosa Guerrero
Karen Scott
Krishna Katuri
Dr Carlos Godinez
Professor Ian Head
et al.
Open circuit versus closed circuit enrichment of anodic biofilms in MFC: effect on performance and anodic communities2010
Dr Joana Baptista
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Curtis
Systematic study of the effect of operating variables on reactor performance and microbial diversity in laboratory-scale activated sludge reactors2010
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
The effect of flavin electron shuttles in microbial fuel cells current production2010
Dr Joana Baptista
Professor William Sloan
Professor Thomas Curtis
The taxa-area relationship is not a universal law of ecology2010
Dr Elizabeth Heidrich
Professor Thomas Curtis
Thermodynamic properties of wastewater2010
Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
et al.
A single chamber packed bed microbial fuel cell biosensor for measuring organic content of wastewater2009
Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
A single-chamber microbial fuel cell as a biosensor for wastewaters2009
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Ian Head
Fiona Read
Professor William Sloan
et al.
Accurate determination of microbial diversity from 454 pyrosequencing data2009
Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Professor Thomas Curtis
Krishna Katuri
Professor Ian Head
et al.
Continuous Feed Microbial Fuel Cell Using An Air Cathode and A Disc Anode Stack for Wastewater Treatment2009
Alper Akarsubasi
Ozge Eyice
Dr Ian Miskin
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
et al.
Effect of sludge age on the bacterial diversity of bench scale sequencing batch reactors2009
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Bruce Logan
Energy From Algae Using Microbial Fuel Cells2009
Dr Dana Ofiteru
Professor Thomas Curtis
Modeling Risk of Failure in Nitrification: Simple Model Incorporating Abundance and Diversity2009
Professor Russell Davenport
Dr Andrew Goodhead
Professor Thomas Curtis
A universal threshold concept for hydrophobic mycolata in activated sludge foaming2008
Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Emeritus Professor Keith Scott
Power production enhancement by using novel mediators in a microbial fuel cell2008
Dr Michael Milner
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Russell Davenport
Presence and activity of ammonia-oxidising bacteria detected amongst the overall bacterial diversity along a physico-chemical gradient of a nitrifying wastewater treatment plant2008
Dr Joana Baptista
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Donnelly
Professor Thomas Curtis
The microbial diversity of laboratory-scale wetlands appears to be randomly assembled2008
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor William Sloan
The rational exploration of microbial diversity2008
Professor Andrew Whiteley
Professor Thomas Curtis
Influence of sustainability and immigration in assembling bacterial populations of known size and function2007
Professor William Sloan
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Microbial landscapes: new paths to biofilm research2007
Professor William Sloan
Susan Lively
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Modeling taxa-abundance distributions in microbial communities using environmental sequence data2007
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Professor William Sloan
Neutral assembly of bacterial communities2007
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Professor William Sloan
Neutral Assembly of Microbial Communities2007
Dr Charlotte Paterson
Professor Thomas Curtis
Pro-poor sanitation technologies2007
Professor Thomas Curtis
The role of ecological theory in microbial ecology2007
Professor Thomas Curtis
Theory and the microbial world2007
Professor Thomas Curtis
Water research regional editor 1994-2000, professor George Kenneth (Ken) Anderson FCIWEM April 10, 1940-December 21, 20062007
Professor Thomas Curtis
Microbial ecologists: it's time to 'go large'2006
Professor William Sloan
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Quantifying the roles of immigration and chance in shaping prokaryote community structure2006
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Professor William Sloan
Taxa-area relationships for microbes: the unsampled and the unseen2006
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor William Sloan
Towards the design of diversity: Stochastic models for community assembly in wastewater treatment plants2006
Professor Thomas Curtis
Waste Stabilization Ponds2006
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Professor William Sloan
What is the extent of prokaryotic diversity?2006
Gulnur Coskuner
Stuart Ballinger
Professor Russell Davenport
Rheanne Pickering
Dr Rosario Solera Del Rio
et al.
Agreement between theory and measurement in quantification of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria2005
Dr Arlene Rowan
Professor Russell Davenport
Dr Michael Barer
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
et al.
Development of a rapid assay for determining the relative abundance of bacteria2005
Alper Akarsubasi
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Effect of wastewater composition on archaeal population diversity2005
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor William Sloan
Exploring microbial diversity - A vast below2005
Dr Charlotte Paterson
Professor Thomas Curtis
Physical and Chemical Environments2005
Dr Charlotte Paterson
Professor Thomas Curtis
Physical and chemical environments2005
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Response of the Soil Bacterial Community to Perturbation2005
Professor Thomas Curtis
Environmental engineering education for developing countries: Framework for the future2004
Professor William Sloan
Professor Thomas Curtis
Estimating bacterial diversity from clone libraries with flat rank abundance distributions2004
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor William Sloan
Prokaryotic diversity and its limits: microbial community structure in nature and implications for microbial ecology2004
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Curtis
Quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH): statistical methods for valid cell counting2004
Professor Thomas Curtis
Bacterial pathogen removal from wastewater treatment systems2003
Dr Arlene Rowan
Dr Michael Barer
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Composition and diversity of ammonia-oxidising bacterial communities in wastewater treatment reactors of different designtreating identical wastewater2003
Professor Paul Christensen
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Terry Egerton
Samia Kosa
Dr James Tinlin
et al.
Photoelectrocatalytic and photocatalytic disinfection of E. coli suspensions by titanium dioxide2003
Professor Thomas Curtis
The Miccosukee case: Utilities await landmark decision from supreme court2003
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Professor David Graham
Theoretical Ecology for engineering biology2003
Dr Charlotte Paterson
David Elliott
Professor Thomas Curtis
Theory based modelling of the algal concentration in waste stabilisation ponds with variable photosynthetic characteristics.2003
Gulnur Coskuner
Professor Thomas Curtis
In situ characterization of nitrifiers in an activated sludge plant: detection of Nitrobacter Spp2002
Dr Arlene Rowan
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Michael Barer
Professor Ian Head
et al.
A comparative study of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in lab-scale industrial wastewater treatment reactors2002
Dr Arlene Rowan
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Michael Barer
Professor Ian Head
A comparison of autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in full- and laboratory-scale wastewater treatment reactors2002
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Curtis
Are filamentous mycolata important in foaming?2002
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor William Sloan
Dr Jack Scannell
Estimating prokaryotic diversity and its limits2002
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Paul Christensen
Fate of Cryptosporidium oocysts in an immobilised titanium dioxide reactor with electric field enhancement2002
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Dr Ian Miskin
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Ian Head
Occurrence and activity of Archaea in aerated activated sludge wastewater treatment plants2002
Professor Paul Christensen
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Terry Egerton
John Harper
Samia Kosa
et al.
Photoelectrochemical detoxification and disinfection of water using a novel bubble column reactor2002
Richard Brown
Professor Thomas Curtis
Dr Andrew Metcalfe
The 'Atakwa' incubator for bacteriological testing2002
Stuart Ballinger
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
The effect of C/N ratio on ammonia oxidising bacteria community structure in a laboratory nitrification-denitrification reactor2002
Dr Charlotte Paterson
David Elliott
Professor Thomas Curtis
Variable photosynthetic characteristics in waste stabilisation ponds2002
John Harper
Professor Paul Christensen
Dr Terry Egerton
Professor Thomas Curtis
Effect of catalyst type on the kinetics of the photoelectrochemical disinfection of water inoculated with E. coli2001
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Michael Goodfellow
Dr Fiona Stainsby
Quantitative use of fluorescent in situ hybridization to examine relationships between mycolic acid-containing actinomycetes and foaming in activated sludge plants2000
Dr Michael Milner
Professor Thomas Curtis
Uncoupling of metabolism to reduce biomass production in the activated sludge process2000
Dr Charlotte Paterson
Professor Thomas Curtis
Vertical versus horizontal modelling in algal modelling for waste stabilisation ponds.2000
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Curtis
Jeannie Upton
In situ detection of rhodococci associated with activated sludge foams1998
Professor Michael Goodfellow
Dr Fiona Stainsby
Professor Russell Davenport
Professor Thomas Curtis
Activated sludge foaming: The true extent of actinomycete diversity1998
Stuart Ballinger
Professor Ian Head
Professor Thomas Curtis
Molecular microbial ecology of nitrification in an activated sludge process treating refinery wastewater1998
Professor Thomas Curtis
The comparison of the bacterial diversity of activated sludge plants1998
Professor Thomas Curtis
The comparison of the diversity of activated sludge plants1998
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Adam Jarvis
Effective passive treatment of aluminium-rich, acidic colliery spoil drainage using a compost wetland at Quaking Houses, County Durham1997
Professor Paul Christensen
Professor Thomas Curtis
Water disinfection using an immobilised titanium dioxide film in a photochemical reactor with electric field enhancement1997
Professor Michael Goodfellow
Professor Russell Davenport
Dr Fiona Stainsby
Professor Thomas Curtis
Actinomycete diversity associated with foaming in activated sludge plants1996
Professor Thomas Curtis
The fate of Vibrio cholerae in wastewater treatment plants1996
Professor Thomas Curtis
Light penetration in waste stabilization ponds1994
Professor Thomas Curtis
The Effect of Sunlight on Mechanisms for the Die-off of Faecal Coliforms in Waste Stabilization Ponds1994
Professor Thomas Curtis
The effect of sunlight on faecal coliforms in ponds: implications for research and design1992
Professor Thomas Curtis
The influence of humic substances oxygen and pH on the effect of light on faecal coliforms in waste stabilization ponds1992
Professor Thomas Curtis
The removal of excreted bacteria and viruses in deep waste stabilization ponds in northeast Brazil1986