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Browsing publications by Professor Jarka Glassey.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Nigel Russell-Sewell
Professor Jarka Glassey
Sustainability − The core of responsible engineering practice and education: Reality or still just utopia? A comparative study between China and the Rest of the World2025
Professor Jarka Glassey
Cunninghamella echinulata DSM1905 biofilmbased L-asparaginase production in pneumatically-driven bioreactors2024
Dr Ricardo Martins Gouveia
Arathi Kizhedath
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
Professor Jarka Glassey
Abbas Ishaq
et al.
A Human Skin Explant Test as a Novel In Vitro Assay for the Detection of Skin Sensitization to Aggregated Monoclonal Antibodies2024
Ryo Toyoda
Professor Jarka Glassey
Benefits and impact of emergency training in a VR environment2024
Mohamed Mohamed
Professor Gary Montague
Professor Jarka Glassey
Industrial implementation of an inline near infrared process control system for the production of caramel2024
Professor Jarka Glassey
Integrating Graph Neural Network-Based Surrogate Modeling with Inverse Design for Granular Flows2024
Professor Jarka Glassey
Integration Approaches to Model Bioreactor Hydrodynamics and Cellular Kinetics for Advancing Bioprocess Optimisation2024
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Measuring Learning in Digital Games: Applying a Game-Based Assessment Framework2024
Professor Jarka Glassey
Ultrasound and sonochemistry enhance education outcomes: From fundamentals and applied research to entrepreneurial potential2024
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Digital Games in Engineering Education: Systematic Review and Future Trends2023
Professor Jarka Glassey
Digital tools in chemical engineering education: The needs and the desires2023
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Sue Gill
Professor Jarka Glassey
Drivers of Immersive Reality Adoption Intention: A Multi-Group Analysis in Chemical Industry Settings2023
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Game-Based Assessment Framework for Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Digital Games2023
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Perceptions and factors affecting the adoption of digital games for engineering education: a mixed-method research2023
Professor Jarka Glassey
Updating chemical engineering degree accreditation in changing times2023
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
An Evaluation of the Relationship between Perceptions and Performance of Students in a Serious Game.2022
Professor Jarka Glassey
Immersive technologies for the training of operators in the process industry: A Systematic Literature Review2022
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Learning analytics in VR-based chemical training: operator apprentice perspectives2022
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
May I Remain Seated: A Pilot Study on the Impact of Reducing Room-scale Trainings to Seated Conditions in Long Procedural Virtual Reality Trainings2022
Micael Karlberg
Arathi Kizhedath
Professor Jarka Glassey
Model-Based Risk Assessment of mAb Developability2022
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Professor Jarka Glassey
The CHEM Jam – How to Integrate a Game Creation Event in Curriculum-Based Engineering Education.2022
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
VR-based health and safety training in various high-risk engineering industries: a literature review2022
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Sean Gill
Professor Jarka Glassey
A Cross-Cultural Study on the Perception of the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality in Health and Safety Training for Professional Chemical Engineers2021
Chioma Udeozor
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Behaviour and Solution Patterns in Chemical Engineering Education Game Log Data2021
Joe Emerson
Professor Jarka Glassey
Bioprocess monitoring and control: challenges in cell and gene therapy2021
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Demonstration of Immersive Tools for Chemical Engineering Training2021
Professor Jarka Glassey
Drug biotransformation process favored by fungal biofilms formed on a proposed fixed bed-airlift hybrid reactor2021
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Exploring Log Data for Behaviour and Solution Patter Analysis in a Serious Game2021
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Perceptions of the Use of Virtual Reality Games for Chemical Engineering Education and Professional Training2021
Dr Chioma Udeozor
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Relationship Between Perceptions and Experiences on the Performance of Students in a Serious Game2021
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Professor Jarka Glassey
Towards design guidelines for virtual reality training for the chemical industry2021
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
VR LaboSafe Game: A Virtual Reality Training Game for Chemical Engineering Laboratory Safety2021
Joe Emerson
Professor Jarka Glassey
Multivariate data analysis in cell gene therapy manufacturing2020
Dr Ryo Toyoda
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Sue Gill
Professor Jarka Glassey
Perceptions of Professional Chemical Engineers Toward Immersive Virtual Reality in Health and Safety Training2020
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Kamelia Boodhoo
Emeritus Dr David Reay
Process intensification education contributes to sustainable development goals. Part 12020
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Kamelia Boodhoo
Emeritus Dr David Reay
Process Intensification Education Contributes to Sustainable Development Goals. Part 22020
Micael Karlberg
Joao Victor de De Souza Cunha
Lanyu Fan
Arathi Kizhedath
Dr Agnieszka Bronowska
et al.
Qsar implementation for hic retention time prediction of mabs using fab structure: A comparison between structural representations2020
Professor Jarka Glassey
Virtual labs – love them or hate them, they are likely to be used more in the future2020
Arathi Kizhedath
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Jarka Glassey
Assessment of hepatotoxicity and dermal toxicity of butyl paraben and methyl paraben using HepG2 and HDFn in vitro models2019
Arathi Kizhedath
Micael Karlberg
Professor Jarka Glassey
Cross-Interaction Chromatography-Based QSAR Model for Early-Stage Screening to Facilitate Enhanced Developability of Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutics2019
Professor Jarka Glassey
Developing a framework for assessing teaching effectiveness in higher education2019
Professor Jarka Glassey
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Sue Gill
Development of Academics Educating Future Generations of Chemical Engineers2019
Professor Jarka Glassey
Hydrodynamics of split-rectangle-internal loop airlift bioreactor with variations in riser and downcomer cross-sectional areas based on the golden ratio2019
Professor Jarka Glassey
Multivariate Data Analysis Methodology to Solve Data Challenges Related to Scale-Up Model Validation and Missing Data on a Mirco-Bioreactor System2019
Leon Pybus
Professor Jarka Glassey
Scale-Down Model Development in ambr systems: An Industrial Perspective2019
Professor Jarka Glassey
Tools for sharing with community - New article type in Education for Chemical Engineers2019
Mr. Guerra Guerra
Dr Moritz von Stosch
Professor Jarka Glassey
Toward biotherapeutic product real-time quality monitoring2019
Angela Barone
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Gary Montague
Towards Online Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Optimise Food Product Mixing2019
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
Professor Jarka Glassey
Advanced Chemical Engineering Professional Skills - Do We Teach Them Effectively?2018
Micael Karlberg
Dr Moritz von Stosch
Professor Jarka Glassey
Exploiting mAb structure characteristics for a directed QbD implementation in early process development2018
Professor Jarka Glassey
Machine learning in biopharmaceutical manufacturing2018
Arathi Kizhedath
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Jarka Glassey
Applicability of predictive toxicology methods for monoclonal antibody therapeutics: status Quo and scope2017
Professor Jarka Glassey
Angela Barone
Professor Gary Montague
Case Studies in Modelling, Control in Food Processes2017
Professor Jarka Glassey
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
E-assessment and tailored feedback - Are they contributing to the effectiveness of chemical engineering education?2017
Professor Jarka Glassey
Dr Fernando Russo Abegao
E-assessment and tailored feedback - are they contributing to the effectiveness of chemical engineering education?2017
Professor Jarka Glassey
Editorial: The European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences, Dublin 20162017
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Jarka Glassey
The effect of inorganic salts on bacterial omega-3 pufa production2017
Arathi Kizhedath
Professor Jarka Glassey
The importance of critical quality attributes in Quality by Design for rapid bioprocess development strategies2017
Professor Jarka Glassey
iTeach: Evaluation of Teaching Efficiency in Chemical Engineering2016
Professor Jarka Glassey
Teaching efficiency in chemical engineering2016
Dr Sue Haile
Professor Jarka Glassey
Teaching of sustainability: Higher education (HE) case studies2016
Dr Teresa Ndlovu
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Galip Akay
Bioprocess intensification of antibiotic production by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) in micro-porous culture2015
Dr Teresa Ndlovu
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Galip Akay
Bioprocess intensification of antibiotic production by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) in micro-porous culture2015
Amy Green
Professor Jarka Glassey
Multivariate analysis of the effect of operating conditions on hybridoma cell metabolism and glycosylation of produced antibody2015
Professor Jarka Glassey
Process analytical technologies in food industry - challenges and benefits: A status report and recommendations2015
Professor Jarka Glassey
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Solid state fermentation2015
Professor Jarka Glassey
Data Management Systems2014
Dr Moritz von Stosch
Dr Ronan O'Kennedy
Professor Jarka Glassey
Hybrid modeling for quality by design and PAT - benefits and challenges of applications in biopharmaceutical industry2014
Professor Jarka Glassey
Industrial biotechnology - Technologies and methods for rapid process development2014
Professor Jarka Glassey
Industrialists - Listen up!2014
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Jarka Glassey
Process development of eicosapentaenoic acid production2014
Ahmed Abd Elrazak
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Jarka Glassey
Screening of Marine Bacterial Producers of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Optimisation of Production2014
Dr Sue Haile
Professor Jarka Glassey
Teaching of sustainability: Higher education (HE) case studies2014
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Katarina Novakovic
Michael Parr
Enquiry based learning in chemical engineering curriculum supported by computer aided delivery2013
Professor Jarka Glassey
Multivariate Data Analysis for Advancing the Interpretation of Bioprocess Measurement and Monitoring Data2013
Professor Jarka Glassey
Peer assisted instruction and VLE in enquiry based learning in chemical engineering2013
Ahmed Abd Elrazak
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Jarka Glassey
Polyunsaturated fatty acid production by marine bacteria2013
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Jarka Glassey
Response surface methodology for optimising the culture conditions for eicosapentaenoic acid production by marine bacteria2013
Nithyalakshmy Rajarajan
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Grant Burgess
Professor Jarka Glassey
Use of physiological information and process optimisation enhances production of extracellular nuclease by a marine strain of Bacillus licheniformis2013
Professor Katarina Novakovic
Michael Parr
Professor Jarka Glassey
Computer aided delivery of case-based learning activities in EBL within chemical engineering curriculum2012
Professor Jarka Glassey
How can measurement, monitoring, modeling and control advance cell culture in industrial biotechnology?2012
Professor Jarka Glassey
Clare Hopkins
Professor Tom Joyce
More ways than one: finding multiple ways to enhance the retention of students in their first year of two UK engineering degree programmes2012
Professor Jarka Glassey
Soft Sensors in Bioprocessing: A Status Report and Recommendations2012
Professor Jarka Glassey
Dr Sue Haile
Sustainability in chemical engineering curriculum2012
Professor Jarka Glassey
Driving best practice in education2011
Professor Jarka Glassey
Process analytical technology (PAT) for biopharmaceuticals2011
Professor Jarka Glassey
Self-reflection and peer assessment – a way to effectively develop autonomous learners in HE?2011
Professor Jarka Glassey
Dr Mark Willis
Professor Gary Montague
Application of Agent-Based System for Bioprocess Description and Process Improvement2010
Seniyat Afegbua
Professor Jarka Glassey
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Nithyalakshmy Rajarajan
Effect of growth media modifications on cell biomass and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) production from Shewanella frigidimarina2010
Professor Jarka Glassey
PAT methodologies in early process development2010
Ahmed Abd El-Razak
Professor Jarka Glassey
Process development for PUFA production using marine bacteria2010
Professor Jarka Glassey
Report and recommendation of a workshop on education and training for measurement, monitoring, modelling and control ((MC)-C-3) in biochemical engineering2010
Professor Jarka Glassey
Sustainability: words or do we really teach the engineers effectively?2010
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Elaine Martin
A novel methodology for finding the regulation on gene expression data2009
Nicola Dawes
Professor Jarka Glassey
Normalisation of multicondition cDNA macroarray data2007
Professor Kamelia Boodhoo
Professor Jarka Glassey
Oxygen transfer enhancement using a rotating bed of porous packing material for potential application to fermentation processes2005
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Gary Montague
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology - Manufacturing Lifecycle Analysis2005
Professor Gary Montague
Professor Jarka Glassey
Dr Mark Willis
French fry quality improvement using advanced control techniques2003
Susan Lau
Dr Mark Willis
Professor Gary Montague
Professor Jarka Glassey
Predictive scheduling of a bioprocess plant2003
Dr Pushkar Jha
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Gary Montague
Product cost management structures: a review and neural network modelling2003
Professor Jarka Glassey
Dr Claudia Cunha-Bakeev
Professor Gary Montague
Addressing issues in bioprocess monitoring and control2002
Professor Gary Montague
Professor Jarka Glassey
Dr Mark Willis
Advanced control methods for French fry quality improvement2002
Dr Claudia Cunha-Bakeev
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Gary Montague
An assessment of seed quality and its influence on productivity estimation in an industrial antibiotic fermentation2002
Dr Kathryn Kipling
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Gary Montague
Dr Mark Willis
Dr Hugo Hiden
et al.
Automated production support for the bioprocess industry2002
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Gary Montague
From process experts to a real-time knowledge-based system2002
Dr Ming Tham
Professor Gary Montague
Professor Jarka Glassey
Dr Mark Willis
Practical inferential estimation using artificial neural networks2002
Dr Pushkar Jha
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Gary Montague
Product Cost Modelling Review of Process Issues & Potentials in application of Data Modelling Techniques.2001
Professor Jarka Glassey
Professor Gary Montague
Issues in the development of an industrial bioprocess advisory system2000
Dr Mei Feng
Professor Jarka Glassey
Physiological state-specific models in estimation of recombinant escherichia coli fermentation performance2000
Dr Maja Ignova
Professor Gary Montague
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Jarka Glassey
Fermentation seed quality analysis with self-organising neural networks1999
Dr Mei Feng
Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
Professor Jarka Glassey
Towards Physiological Control of Recombinant Escherichia coli Fermentations1999