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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Jarka Glassey
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This report with recommendations is the result of an expert panel meeting on PAT applications in food industry that was organized by the (MC)-C-3 Section of the European Society of Biochemical Engineering Science (ESBES) at the 10th ESBES Symposium. The aim of the panel was to provide an update on the present status of the subject and to identify critical needs and issues for wider applications of PAT in food industry. A brief description of the current state-of-the-art and industrial uptake of the methodology is provided in this report. It concludes with a number of recommendations to facilitate further developments and a wider application of PAT in food industry.
Author(s): Hitzmann B, Hauselmann R, Niemoeller A, Sangi D, Traenkle J, Glassey J
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Biotechnology Journal
Year: 2015
Volume: 10
Issue: 8
Pages: 1095-1100
Print publication date: 01/08/2015
Online publication date: 10/08/2015
Acceptance date: 01/01/1900
ISSN (print): 1860-6768
ISSN (electronic): 1860-7314
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
DOI: 10.1002/biot.201400773
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