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Browsing publications by Professor David Howard.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Jinxing Yue
Professor David Howard
Dr Kai Alter
Representational level matters for tone word recognition: Evidence from form priming2024
Professor David Howard
Neural Correlates of Naturally Occurring Speech Errors during Picture Naming in Healthy Participants2023
Dr Janet Webster
Professor Julie Morris
Dr Christos Salis
Professor David Howard
Reading for meaning: The influence of reader characteristics on paragraph understanding in aphasia2023
Oksana Lyalka
Professor Julie Morris
Professor David Howard
The effect of processing semantic features on spoken word retrieval in a case series of people with aphasia2023
Professor David Howard
Complex speech-language therapy interventions for stroke-related aphasia: The RELEASE study incorporating a systematic review and individual participant data network meta-analysis2022
Dr Janet Webster
Professor Julie Morris
Professor David Howard
Reading comprehension in aphasia: the relationship between linguistic performance, personal perspective, and preferences2022
Dr Janet Webster
Professor Julie Morris
Jenny Malone
Professor David Howard
Reading comprehension difficulties in people with aphasia: Investigating personal perception of reading ability, practice and difficulties2021
Professor David Howard
Understanding differing outcomes from semantic and phonological interventions with children with word-finding difficulties: A group and case series study2021
Professor David Howard
Utilising a systematic review-based approach to create a database of individual participant data for meta- and network meta-analyses: the RELEASE database of aphasia after stroke2021
Natalie Wang
Professor Julie Morris
Professor David Howard
Associative learning in people with aphasia: exploring spacing of practice as a potential facilitator2020
Oksana Lyalka
Professor David Howard
Professor Julie Morris
Does producing semantically related words aid word retrieval in people with aphasia?2020
Professor David Howard
RELEASE: a protocol for a systematic review based, individual participant data, meta- and network meta-analysis, of complex speech-language therapy interventions for stroke-related aphasia2020
Miren Arantzeta Perez
Professor David Howard
Dr Janet Webster
Bilingual aphasia: assessing cross-linguistic asymmetries and bilingual advantage in sentence comprehension deficits2019
Ella Creet
Professor Julie Morris
Professor David Howard
Name it Again! Investigating the Effects of Repeated Naming Attempts in Aphasia2019
Professor David Howard
Gulf Arabic nouns and verbs: A standardized set of 319 object pictures and 141 action pictures, with predictors of naming latencies2018
Professor David Howard
Imageability ratings across languages2018
Professor David Howard
Imageability, familiarity, and age of acquisition ratings for Arabic abstract nouns, abstract verbs and adjectives2018
Professor David Howard
Intervention for children with word-finding difficulties: a parallel group randomised control trial2018
Dr Janet Webster
Professor Julie Morris
Professor David Howard
Maria Garraffa
Reading for meaning: What influences paragraph understanding in aphasia?2018
Miren Arantzeta Perez
Dr Janet Webster
Professor David Howard
What happens when they think they are right? Error awareness analysis of sentence comprehension deficits in aphasia2018
Adria Rofes
Professor David Howard
Cross-linguistic adaptations of The Comprehensive Aphasia Test: Challenges and solutions2017
Jinxing Yue
Dr Kai Alter
Professor David Howard
Early access to lexical-level phonological representations of Mandarin word-forms: Evidence from auditory N1 habituation2017
Dr Christos Salis
Professor David Howard
Dr Nicole Lallini
Short-term and Working Memory Treatments for Improving Sentence Comprehension in Aphasia: A Review and a Replication Study2017
Dr Anne Whitworth
Dr Janet Webster
Professor David Howard
Aphasia Cognitive Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment: A Clinical Guideline [in Chinese]2016
Professor David Howard
Conversation Therapy with People with Aphasia and Conversation Partners using Video Feedback: A Group and Case Series Investigation of Changes in Interaction2016
Dr Anne Whitworth
Dr Janet Webster
Professor David Howard
Argument structure deficit in aphasia: it’s not all about verbs2015
Dr Anne Whitworth
Dr Janet Webster
Professor David Howard
NARNIA: a new twist to an old tale. A pilot RCT to evaluate a multilevel approach to improving discourse in aphasia2015
Professor David Howard
Optimising the design of intervention studies: critiques and ways forward2015
Professor David Howard
Optimising the ingredients for evaluation of the effects of intervention2015
Professor David Howard
Perfusion fMRI evidence for priming of shared feature-to-lexical connections during cumulative semantic interference in spoken word production2015
Dr Anne Whitworth
Dr Janet Webster
Professor David Howard
Shitsugosho rinsho no ninchi-shinkei-shinrigaku-teki apurouchi: hyouka to rihabiriteishon no tameno gaido bukku/. [A cognitive neuropsychological approach to assessment and intervention in Aphasia: A clinician's guide, 2014]2015
Dr Anne Whitworth
Dr Janet Webster
Professor David Howard
A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach to Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia: A Clinician's Guide2014
Professor David Howard
A perfusion fMRI investigation of thematic and categorical context effects in the spoken production of object names2014
Professor David Howard
CAT-NL: Comprehensive Aphasia Test2014
Anastasiia Romanova
Professor David Howard
Facilitation effect in proper and common noun naming2014
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor David Howard
Triggering word learning in children with Language Impairment: The effect of phonotactic probability and neighbourhood density2014
Professor David Howard
Aphasia rehabilitation: Does generalisation from anomia therapy occur and is it predictable? A case series study2013
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor David Howard
Developmental Change Is Key to Understanding Primary Language Impairment: The Case of Phonotactic Probability and Nonword Repetition2013
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor David Howard
Functional reorganization in the developing lexicon: separable and changing influences of lexical and phonological variables on children's fast-mapping2013
Professor David Howard
Lexical and functionally based treatment: Effects on word retrieval and conversation2013
Professor David Howard
Neuroimaging in aphasia treatment research: Standards for establishing the effects of treatment2013
Professor David Howard
POWERS: Profile of Word Errors and Retrieval in Speech2013
Dr Janet Webster
Professor David Howard
Assessment of agrammatic language2012
Dr Anne Whitworth
Dr Janet Webster
Professor David Howard
Clinical aphasiology and CNP: A pragmatic alliance. Commentary on Laine and Martin, Cognitive neuropsychology has been, is, and will be significant to aphasiology2012
Professor David Howard
Has speech and language therapy been shown not to work?2012
Professor David Howard
Slave systems in verbal short-term memory2012
Professor David Howard
A controlled study of changes in conversation following aphasia therapy for anomia2011
Heather Waldron
Dr Anne Whitworth
Professor David Howard
Comparing monitoring and production based approaches to the treatment of phonological assembly difficulties in aphasia2011
Jennifer Crisp
Professor David Howard
More evidence for a continuum between phonological and deep dyslexia: Novel data from three measures of direct orthography-to-phonology translation2011
Professor David Howard
On the use of different methodologies in cognitive neuropsychology: Drink deep and from several sources2011
Heather Waldron
Dr Anne Whitworth
Professor David Howard
Therapy for phonological assembly difficulties: A case series2011
Professor David Howard
Putting the CAT out: What the Comprehensive Aphasia Test has to offer2010
Professor David Howard
The CAT is now out: A response to the commentaries2010
Professor Julie Morris
Dr Janet Webster
Dr Anne Whitworth
Professor David Howard
Newcastle University Aphasia Therapy Resources: Auditory Processing2009
Dr Janet Webster
Professor Julie Morris
Dr Anne Whitworth
Professor David Howard
Newcastle University Aphasia Therapy Resources: Sentence Processing2009
Professor Julie Morris
Dr Janet Webster
Dr Anne Whitworth
Professor David Howard
Newcastle University Aphasia Therapy Resources: Written Comprehension2009
Dr Thomas Klee
Professor Helen Stringer
Professor David Howard
Teaching evidence-based practice to speech and language therapy students in the United Kingdom2009
Professor Gary Ford
Professor David Howard
Richard Rothwell
The future of restorative neurosciences in stroke: driving the translational research pipeline from basic science to rehabilitation of people after stroke2009
Professor David Howard
A case of severe apraxia of speech and aphasia2008
Professor David Howard
Do picture-naming tests provide a valid assessment of lexical retrieval in conversation in aphasia?2008
Professor David Howard
Impairment and functional-social approaches for severe apraxia of speech and aphasia: convergences and divergences2008
Professor David Howard
The time cost of mixed-language processing: an investigation2008
Professor David Howard
Treatment for a case of severe apraxia of speech and aphasia: an impairment-based perspective2008
Professor Stephanie Stokes
Professor David Howard
Treatment of children with word-finding difficulties: Using alternating treatments to compare semantic and phonological approaches2008
Emeritus Professor Mike Sir Michael Rawlins
Professor Paul Carding
Professor David Howard
Professor Thomas Lennard
Voice change following thyroid and parathyroid surgery2008
Dr Janet Webster
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
An analysis of thematic and phrasal structure in people with aphasia: What more can we learn from the story of Cinderella?2007
Dr Nicole Lallini
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Professor David Howard
Lexical influences on single word repetition in acquired spoken output impairment: A cross language comparison2007
Dr Nicole Lallini
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Professor David Howard
Are clang and bank as easy to say for English speakers with apraxia of speech as German speakers saying Klang and Bank?2006
Professor David Howard
Cumulative semantic inhibition in picture naming: experimental and computational studies2006
Professor David Howard
Distinguishing semantic and lexical word retrieval deficits in people with aphasia2006
Professor David Howard
Efficacy of treatment: Effects on word retrieval and conversation2006
Dr Nicole Lallini
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Professor David Howard
Influences on speech output in acquired apraxia of speech: a comparison of English and German2006
Professor David Howard
Listening to narrative speech after aphasic stroke: The role of the left anterior temporal lobe2006
Professor David Howard
Re-visiting "semantic facilitation" of word retrieval for people with aphasia: Facilitation yes but semantic no2006
Professor David Howard
"The W and M are mixing me up": Use of a visual code in verbal short-term memory tasks2005
Dr Anne Whitworth
Dr Janet Webster
Professor David Howard
A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach to Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia: A Clinician's Guide2005
Professor David Howard
Language: cognitive models and functional anatomy2005
Professor David Howard
Separating input and output phonology: Semantic, phonological, and orthographic effects in short-term memory impairment2005
Professor David Howard
The Comprehensive Aphasia Test2005
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Jason Warren
Jennifer Dean
Professor David Howard
"When the feeling's gone": A selective loss of musical emotion2004
Sharon Crosbie
Professor David Howard
Professor Barbara Dodd
Auditory lexical decisions in children with specific language impairment2004
Professor David Howard
Correct responses, error analyses, and theories of word production: A response to Martin2004
Professor David Howard
Dissociating effects of number of phonemes, number of syllables, and syllabic complexity on word production in aphasia: It's the number of phonemes that counts2004
Dr Janet Webster
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
Investigating the sub-processes involved in the production of thematic structure: An analysis of four people with aphasia2004
Professor Julie Morris
Professor David Howard
The value of therapy: What counts?2004
Professor Julie Morris
Professor David Howard
The value of therapy: what counts?2004
Professor David Howard
Therapy for acquired language disorders: New and old evidence on effectiveness2004
Professor David Howard
Combining lexical and interactional approaches to therapy for word finding deficits in aphasia2003
Professor David Howard
Single cases, group studies and case series in aphasia therapy2003
Professor David Howard
Temporal lobe regions engaged during normal speech comprehension2003
Helen Bird
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
Verbs and nouns: The importance of being imageable2003
Professor David Howard
A physiological change in the homotopic cortex following left posterior temporal lobe infarction2002
Professor David Howard
Cortical regions involved in recovery of speech comprehension following left temporal lobe infarction2002
Dr Susan Franklin
Frauke Buerk
Professor David Howard
Generalised improvement in speech production for a subject with reproduction conduction aphasia2002
Professor David Howard
Interictal and postictal alterations of pulsatile secretions of luteinizing hormone in temporal lobe epilepsy in men2002
Helen Bird
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
'Little words' - Not really: Function and content words in normal and aphasic speech2002
Professor David Howard
Phonological and orthographic facilitation of word-retrieval in aphasia: Immediate and delayed effects2002
Professor David Howard
Phonological therapy for word-finding difficulties: A re-evaluation2002
Annette Fox
Professor Barbara Dodd
Professor David Howard
Risk factors for speech disorders in children2002
Sharon Crosbie
Professor Barbara Dodd
Professor David Howard
Spoken word comprehension in children with SLI: A comparison of three case studies2002
Professor David Howard
The effects of lexical stress in aphasic word production2002
Helen Bird
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
Age of acquisition and imageability ratings for a large set of words, including verbs and function words2001
Dr Janet Webster
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
An investigation of the interaction between thematic and phrasal structure in nonfluent agrammatic subjects2001
Professor David Howard
Cortical regions involved in speech comprehension2001
Professor David Howard
Facilitation of word retrieval in aphasia by word-to-picture matching2001
Helen Bird
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
Noun-verb differences? A question of semantics: A response to Shapiro and Caramazza2001
Professor David Howard
Phonological and orthographic approaches to the treatment of word retrieval in aphasia2001
Professor David Howard
Dr Anne Whitworth
Semantic memory is impaired in both dementia with Lewy bodies and dementia of Alzheimer's type: A comparative neuropsychological study and literature review2001
Professor David Howard
Synaptic reorganization in the right temporal lobe following Wernicke's area infarction2001
Professor David Howard
Treatment of word retrieval in aphasia: generalisation to conversational speech2001
Professor David Howard
Cognitive neuropsychology and aphasia therapy: the case of word retrieval2000
Professor David Howard
Facilitation of word retrieval in aphasia revisited2000
Professor David Howard
Gogi aphasia or Semantic dementia? Simulating and assessing poor verbal comprehension in a case of progressive fluent aphasia2000
Professor David Howard
Impaired reading in patients with right hemianopia2000
Professor David Howard
Noun imageability and the temporal lobes2000
Professor David Howard
Phonological facilitation of aphasic naming and predicting the outcome of treatment for anomia2000
Professor David Howard
When the words won't come: relating impairments and models of spoken word production2000
Helen Bird
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
Why is a verb like an inanimate object? Grammatical category and semantic category deficits2000
Professor David Howard
Why should recovery be a cause for concern? An investigation of an unusual pattern of recovery in a man with aphasia2000
Professor David Howard
Effects of lexical stress on aphasic word production1999
Professor David Howard
Learning theory is not enough1999
Professor David Howard
The neurobiology of object and abstract nouns1999
Professor David Howard
A functional neuroimaging description of two deep dyslexic patients1998
Professor David Howard
Are living and non-living category-specific deficits causally linked to impaired perceptual or associative knowledge? Evidence from a category-specific double dissociation1998
Professor David Howard
Contrasting the distributed brain systems involved in reading single words and text in normal and alexic subjects1998
Professor David Howard
Self-cueing of word retrieval by a woman with aphasia: Why a letter board works1998
Professor David Howard
Treating word-finding difficulties in aphasia: beyond picture naming1998
Professor David Howard
Cueing the words: A single case study of treatments for anomia1997
Professor David Howard
Fractionating the articulatory loop: Dissociations and associations in phonological recoding in aphasia1997
Professor David Howard
Impaired non-word reading with normal word reading: a case study1997
Professor David Howard
Language in the human brain1997
Professor David Howard
Hearing and saying: The functional neuroanatomy of auditory word processing1996
Professor David Howard
Missions in syllable deduction: Lexical stress effects in aphasia1996
Professor David Howard
Reader in the history of aphasia: Eling, P1996
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
Abstract Word Anomia1995
Professor David Howard
Aphasic naming: What matters?1995
Professor David Howard
KJ: A developmental deep dyslexic1995
Professor David Howard
Lexical Anomia: Or the Case of the Missing Lexical Entries1995
Professor David Howard
Operativity and animacy effects in aphasic naming1995
Professor David Howard
Phonological Errors in Aphasic Naming: Comprehension, Monitoring and Lexicality1995
Professor David Howard
Short-term recall without short-term memory1995
Professor David Howard
Specific Language Impairment in Children Is Not Due to a Short-Term Memory Deficit: Response to Gathercole & Baddeley1995
Professor David Howard
A Frequent Occurrence? Factors Affecting the Production of Semantic Errors in Aphasic Naming1994
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
Abstract Word Meaning Deafness1994
Professor David Howard
Brain activity during reading: The effects of exposure duration and task1994
Professor David Howard
Calculation and Number Processing - Assessment Battery - Role of Demographic-Factors1994
Professor David Howard
The Treatment of Acquired Aphasia1994
Professor David Howard
Word Sound Deafness Resolved?1994
Professor David Howard
Children with Specific Language Impairment: Linguistic Impairment or Short-Term Memory Deficit?1993
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
Dissociations between Component Mechanisms in Short-Term Memory: Evidence from Brain Damaged Patients1993
Professor David Howard
Geschwind, Norman (1926-1984)1993
Professor David Howard
Cognitive neuropsychology and rehabilitation1992
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
Deaf to the meanings of words1992
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
Drawings of an agnosic artist1992
Professor David Howard
Frozen Phonology Thawed - the Analysis and Remediation of a Developmental Disorder of Real Word Phonology1992
Professor David Howard
Regional response differences within the human auditory cortex when listening to words1992
Professor David Howard
The Cortical Localization of the Lexicons: Positron Emission Tomography Evidence1992
Professor David Howard
The Pyramids and Palm Trees Test1992
Professor David Howard
Language Activation Studies with Positron Emission Tomography1991
Professor David Howard
Letter-by-letter readers: evidence for parallel processing1991
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
Memory without rehearsal1991
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
Neuropsychological Studies of Auditory Visual Fusion Illusions - 4 Case-Studies and Their Implications1990
Professor David Howard
Misplaced Stress on Prosody: a Reply to Black and Byng1989
Professor David Howard
Models for therapy1989
Professor David Howard
Short-term memory and sentence comprehension: A Reply to Vallar and Baddeley1989
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
Missing the Meaning?: Cognitive Neuropsychological Study of Processing of Words by an Aphasic Patient1988
Professor David Howard
Traitement du manque du mot chez les aphasiques: aspects theoretiques et therapeutiques1988
Professor David Howard
Why don't Broca's aphasics cue themselves? An investigation of phonemic cueing and tip of the tongue information1988
Professor David Howard
Aphasia Therapy: Historical and Contemporary Issues1987
Professor David Howard
Computer-generated phonemic cues: An effective aid for naming in aphasia1987
Professor David Howard
Frances Margaret Hatfield: an appreciation1987
Professor David Howard
Professor David Howard
Professor David Howard
Reading without letters?1987
Professor David Howard
The neuropsychology of language1987
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
Three ways for understanding written words, and their use in two contrasting cases of 'surface dyslexia'1987
Professor David Howard
Forum: Evaluating Intervention Beyond randomised controlled trials: the case for effective case studies of the effects of treatment in aphasia1986
Professor David Howard
The uses of short term memory: a case study1986
Professor David Howard
Professor David Howard
Introduction to "On agrammatism" by Max Isserlin, 1922; and Isserlin's "On agrammatism" translated by H. Droller, D. Howard and R. Campbell1985
Professor David Howard
PHD Thesis: The semantic organisation of the lexicon; evidence from aphasia1985
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
The facilitation of picture naming in aphasia1985
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
The treatment of word retrieval deficits in aphasia: a comparison of two therapy methods1985
Professor David Howard
On the origin of semantic errors in naming; evidence from the case of a global aphasic1984
Professor David Howard
Speech-Therapy for Aphasic Stroke Patients1984
Professor David Howard
The semantic deficit in aphasia: The relationship between semantic errors in auditory comprehension and picture naming1984
Professor David Howard
Dr Susan Franklin
Variability and consistency in picture naming by aphasic patients1984
Dr Susan Franklin
Professor David Howard
Therapy for Anomia: A Comparison of two Facilitation Methods1983
Professor David Howard
Different ways of being agrammatic: sentence processing by deep dyslexics1982
Professor David Howard
Object naming in aphasics - the lack of effect of context or realism1977