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Browsing publications by Dr Sirintra Nakjang.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Erhan Aptullahoglu
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Jonathan Wallis
Dr Helen Marr
Dr Scott Marshall
et al.
RNA Sequencing Reveals Candidate Genes and Pathways Associated with Resistance to MDM2 Antagonist Idasanutlin in TP53 Wild-Type Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia2024
Zainab Alebady
Dr Mahsa Azizyan
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Emma Lishman-Walker
Jesslyn Choo
et al.
CDC20 is regulated by the histone methyltransferase, KMT5A, in castration resistant prostate cancer2023
Chalermsin Permtermsin
- Lalchungnunga
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
John Casement
Dr Laura Ogle
et al.
Identification of TIAM1 as a Potential Synthetic-Lethal-like Gene in a Defined Subset of Hepatocellular Carcinoma2023
Dr Ricky Tirtakusuma
Dr Katarzyna Szoltysek
Professor Vasily Grinev
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
Epigenetic regulator genes direct lineage switching in MLL/AF4 leukemia2022
Dr Deepali Pal
Dr Helen Blair
Sean Hockney
Dr Melanie Beckett
Mankaran Singh
et al.
hiPSC-derived bone marrow milieu identifies a clinically actionable driver of niche-mediated treatment resistance in leukemia2022
Dr Timothy Barrow
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Kateryna Bilotkach
Dr Laura Woodhouse
Gesa Junge
et al.
Epigenome-wide analysis reveals functional modulators of drug sensitivity and post-treatment survival in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia2021
Marco Zaki
Dr Ahmed Mahdi
Dr Gillian Patman
Anna Whitehead
Joao Mauricio
et al.
Key features of the environment promoting liver cancer in the absence of cirrhosis2021
Yuzhe Shi
Melanie Beckett
Dr Helen Blair
Dr Ricky Tirtakusuma
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
et al.
Phase II-like murine trial identifies synergy between dexamethasone and dasatinib in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia2021
Professor Vasily Grinev
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Hesta McNeill
Dr Mojgan Reza
Dr Natalia Martinez Soria
et al.
RUNX1/RUNX1T1 mediates alternative splicing and reorganises the transcriptional landscape in leukemia2021
Dr Amir Enshaei
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Lynne Minto
Professor Julie Irving
Beth Poole
et al.
The genomic landscape of teenage and young adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia2021
Evangelia Kounatidou
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Stuart McCracken
Professor Craig Robson
Dr Dominic Jones
et al.
A novel CRISPR-engineered prostate cancer cell line defines the AR-V transcriptome and identifies PARP inhibitor sensitivities2019
Matthew Simcock
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Richard Heath
Dr Lauren Walker
Dr Craig Robson
et al.
The Pioneering Role of GATA2 in Androgen Receptor Variant Regulation Is Controlled by Bromodomain and Extraterminal Proteins in Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer2019
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Amir Enshaei
Alex Newman
Dr Amy Erhorn
Amy Barnard
et al.
A genomic classification model enables risk stratification of paediatric endemic Burkitt lymphoma2018
James Grey
Dr Dominic Jones
Laura Wilson
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Jake Clayton
et al.
Differential regulation of the androgen receptor by protein phosphatase regulatory subunits2018
Dr Urszula McClurg
Dr Mahsa Azizyan
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Stuart McCracken
Professor Craig Robson
et al.
Molecular mechanism of the TP53-MDM2-AR-AKT signalling network regulation by USP122018
Dr Urszula McClurg
Dr Mahsa Azizyan
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Professor Craig Robson
The novel anti-androgen candidate galeterone targets deubiquitinating enzymes, USP12 and USP46, to control prostate cancer growth and survival2018
Dr Lynsey McKenzie
Hasan Issa
Sandeep Potluri
Dr Helen Blair
Asmida Isa
et al.
The Oncogenic Transcription Factor RUNX1/ETO Corrupts Cell Cycle Regulation to Drive Leukemic Transformation2018
Dr Paul Dean
Dr Kacper Sendra
Dr Tom Williams
Andrew Watson
Dr Peter Major
et al.
Transporter gene acquisition and innovation in the evolution of Microsporidia intracellular parasites2018
Dr Alina Goldberg Cavalleri
Dr Paul Dean
Dr Tom Williams
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Shaojun Long
et al.
Evolutionary conservation and in vitro reconstitution of microsporidian iron–sulfur cluster biosynthesis2017
Dr Urszula McClurg
Dr David Cork
Dr Steven Darby
Claudia Ryan-Munden
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
et al.
Identification of a novel K311 ubiquitination site critical for androgen receptor transcriptional activity2017
Dr Richard Noble
Dr Natalie Bell
Dr Helen Blair
Huw Thomas
Nicole Phillips
et al.
Inhibition of monocarboxyate transporter 1 by AZD3965 as a novel therapeutic approach for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and burkitt lymphoma2017
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Stephen Crosier
Amanda Smith
et al.
Novel molecular subgroups for clinical classification and outcome prediction in childhood medulloblastoma: a cohort study2017
Dr Urszula McClurg
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Stuart McCracken
Professor Craig Robson
A novel anti-androgen candidate galeterone acts by targeting USP12, a deubiquitinating enzyme that controls prostate cancer growth and survival2016
Dr Tom Williams
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Professor Robert Hirt
Emeritus Professor T. Martin Embley FMedSci FRS
A Recent Whole-Genome Duplication Divides Populations of a Globally Distributed Microsporidian2016
Dr Lisa Russell
Lisa Jones
Dr Amir Enshaei
Dr Stefano Tonin
Sarra Ryan
et al.
Characterisation of the genomic landscape of CRLF2-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia2016
Arman Esfandiari
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Professor John Lunec
Chemical Inhibition of Wild-Type p53-Induced Phosphatase 1 (WIP1/PPM1D) by GSK2830371 Potentiates the Sensitivity to MDM2 Inhibitors in a p53-Dependent Manner2016
Dr Al Gabriel
Dr Lindi Chen
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Daniel Williamson
Professor Deborah Tweddle
et al.
Combined Copy Number and Gene Expression Profiling in High Rick Neuroblastoma: A CCLG Pilot Biological Study2016
Dr Lynsey McKenzie
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Helen Blair
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
Identification of CCND2 As a RUNX1/ETO Target Required for Leukaemic Propagation2016
Dr Martina Finetti
Alicia Del Carpio Pons
James Barker
James Wood
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
et al.
Integrated pathway analysis of rhabdoid tumor subtypes identifies key SMARCB1-dependencies and therapeutic opportunities2016
Dr Paul Sinclair
Joanna Cheng
Prahlad Raninga
Rebecca Hanna
Shaun Hollern
et al.
A Targeted Functional Clone Tracking Assay for the Identification of Tumour Suppressor Genes in BCP- ALL Implicates the Transcription Factors FOXO3 and PRDM12015
Dominic Jones
Dr Mark Wade
Jim Grey
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Wenrui Guo
et al.
Development and exploitation of a novel mutant androgen receptor modelling strategy to identify new targets for advanced prostate cancer therapy2015
Dr Al Gabriel
Fadhel Alsaid Naji
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Simon Cockell
et al.
Epigenetic landscape correlates with genetic subtype but does not predict outcome in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia2015
Dr Aiste McCormick
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Peter Donoghue
Professor Nicola Curtin
Professor Richard Edmondson
et al.
The role of homologous recombination recovery in cisplatin and rucaparib resistance in ovarian cancer2015
Dr Keith Flanagan
Dr Simon Cockell
Professor Colin Harwood
Dr Jennifer Hallinan
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
et al.
A distributed computational search strategy for the identification of diagnostics targets: Application to finding aptamer targets for methicillin-resistant staphylococci2014
Dr Jeyanthy Eswaran
Dr Paul Sinclair
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Professor Christine Harrison FRCPath FMedSci
Identification of Cmtm Family Proteins As Tumor Suppressor and Membrane Regulator in B Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia2014
Dr Eva Heinz
Dr Paul Dean
Dr Alina Goldberg Cavalleri
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Alison Gregory
et al.
Plasma Membrane-Located Purine Nucleotide Transport Proteins are Key Components for Host Exploitation by Microsporidian Intracellular Parasites2014
Dr Paul Dean
Dr Peter Major
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Professor Robert Hirt
Emeritus Professor T. Martin Embley FMedSci FRS
et al.
Transport proteins of parasitic protists and their role in nutrient salvage2014
Dr Cecilia Alsmark
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Emeritus Professor T. Martin Embley FMedSci FRS
Professor Robert Hirt
Patterns of prokaryotic lateral gene transfers affecting parasitic microbial eukaryotes2013
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Tom Williams
Dr Eva Heinz
Andrew Watson
Dr Peter Foster
et al.
Reduction and Expansion in Microsporidian Genome Evolution: New Insights from Comparative Genomics2013
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Didier Ndeh
Professor Anil Wipat
Dr David Bolam
Professor Robert Hirt
et al.
A Novel Extracellular Metallopeptidase Domain Shared by Animal Host-Associated Mutualistic and Pathogenic Microbes2012
Matt Collison
Professor Robert Hirt
Professor Anil Wipat
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Data mining the human gut microbiota for therapeutic targets2012
Dr Keith Flanagan
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Jennifer Hallinan
Professor Colin Harwood
Professor Robert Hirt
et al.
Microbase2.0: a generic framework for computationally intensive bioinformatics workflows in the cloud2012
Dr Eva Heinz
Dr Tom Williams
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Christophe Noel
Dr Daniel Swan
et al.
The Genome of the Obligate Intracellular ParasiteTrachipleistophora hominis: New Insights into Microsporidian Genome Dynamics and Reductive Evolution2012
Professor Robert Hirt
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Trichomonas vaginalis Pathobiology: New Insights from the Genome Sequence2011
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Professor Robert Hirt
Professor Anil Wipat
Automatic extraction of microorganisms and their habitats from free text using text mining workflows2011