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Browsing publications by Professor Giles Budge.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Giles Budge
Assessment of the efficacy of field and laboratory methods for the detection of Tropilaelaps spp.2024
Professor Giles Budge
Dr Ellen Moss
Flowering plant communities mediate the effects of habitat composition and configuration on wild pollinator communities2024
Professor Giles Budge
Dr Hollie Pufal
Standard methods for European foulbrood research 2.02024
Dr Edward Haynes
Professor Giles Budge
Population genetic diversity and dynamics of the honey bee brood pathogen Melissococcus plutonius in a region with high prevalence2023
Professor Giles Budge
Dr Andrew Crowe
Dr Ellen Moss
Landscape-scale drivers of pollinator communities may depend on land-use configuration2022
Professor Giles Budge
Quantitative and Qualitative Changes in the Deformed Wing Virus Population in Honey Bees Associated with the Introduction or Removal of Varroa destructor2022
Dr Ben Rowland
Professor Stephen Rushton
Dr Mark Shirley
Professor Giles Budge
Identifying the climatic drivers of honey bee disease in England and Wales2021
Professor Giles Budge
Transitions in symbiosis: evidence for environmental acquisition and social transmission within a clade of heritable symbionts2021
Professor Giles Budge
Dr Nicola Simcock
Dr Philippa Holder
Dr Mark Shirley
Professor Stephen Rushton
et al.
Chronic bee paralysis as a serious emerging threat to honey bees2020
Professor Giles Budge
Characterisation of the British honey bee metagenome2018
Dr Glyn Jones
Professor Giles Budge
Measuring public perception and preferences for ecosystem services: A case study of bee pollination in the UK2018
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
Rapid molecular methods for in-field and laboratory identification of the yellow-legged Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax)2018
Professor Giles Budge
A method for the objective selection of landscape-scale study regions and sites at the national level2017
Professor Giles Budge
A pan-European epidemiological study reveals honey bee colony survival depends on beekeeper education and disease control2017
Professor Giles Budge
Efficient use of sentinel sites: Detection of invasive honeybee pests and diseases in the UK2017
Professor Giles Budge
Invasion dynamics of Asian hornet, Vespa velutina (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): a case study of a commune in south-west France2017
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
Microsporidia infection impacts the host cells cycle and reduces cell apoptosis2017
Professor Giles Budge
Predicting the spread of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) following its incursion into Great Britain2017
Professor Giles Budge
Dr Maureen Wakefield
The invasion, provenance and diversity of Vespa velutina Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Great Britain2017
Dr Danny Chan
Professor Giles Budge
Variability of residue concentrations of ciprofloxacin in honey from treated hives2017
Professor Giles Budge
Development and evaluation of a real-time PCR assay for the detection of Acarapis woodi (tracheal mites) in Apis mellifera2016
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
Identifying bacterial predictors of honey bee health2016
Professor Giles Budge
Risk indicators affecting honeybee colony survival in Europe: one year of surveillance2016
Professor Giles Budge
Transcriptome analysis of the synganglion from the honey bee mite, Varroa destructor and RNAi knockdown of neural peptide targets2016
Professor Giles Budge
Biogeography of Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood, using a new multilocus sequence typing scheme2015
Professor Giles Budge
Evidence for pollinator cost and farming benefits of neonicotinoid seed coatings on oilseed rape2015
Professor Giles Budge
Honey Bee Colonies Headed by Hyperpolyandrous Queens Have Improved Brood Rearing Efficiency and Lower Infestation Rates of Parasitic Varroa Mites2015
Professor Giles Budge
Pathogens as predictors of honey bee colony strength in England and Wales2015
Professor Aileen Mill
Professor Stephen Rushton
Dr Mark Shirley
Dr Graham Smith
Professor Giles Budge
et al.
Clustering, persistence and control of a pollinator brood disease: epidemiology of American foulbrood2014
Professor Giles Budge
Dr Mark Shirley
Molecular epidemiology and population structure of the honey bee brood pathogen Melissococcus plutonius2014
Professor Giles Budge
Parasite pressures on feral honey bees (Apis mellifera sp.)2014
Professor Aileen Mill
Professor Stephen Rushton
Dr Mark Shirley
Professor Giles Budge
Spatial point process models to determine clustering of American Foulbrook in UK Honeybees2014
Professor Giles Budge
A typing scheme for the honeybee pathogen Melissococcus plutonius allows detection of disease transmission events and a study of the distribution of variants2013
Professor Giles Budge
Dr Andrew Crowe
Species distribution models for crop pollination: a modelling framework applied to Great Britain2013
Professor Giles Budge
The small hive beetle Aethina tumida: A review of its biology and control measures2013
Professor Giles Budge
Threats to an ecosystem service: pressures on pollinators2013
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
A new large scale soil DNA extraction procedure and real-time PCR assay for the detection of Sclerotium cepivorum in soil2012
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
Detection of honey bee (Apis mellifera) viruses with an oligonucleotide microarray2011
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
Characterization and origin of infection of Rhizoctonia solani associated with Brassica oleracea crops in the UK2009
Professor Neil Boonham
Professor Giles Budge
Development of protocols for detection of Colletotrichum acutatum and monitoring of strawberry anthracnose using real-time PCR2009
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
Molecular tools to investigate Rhizoctonia solani distribution in soil2009
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
Risk assessment procedure for Cucumber Vein Yellowing Virus (CVYV) and Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus (CYSDV) using a real time RT-PCR assay - study of virus levels in the vector Bemisia tabaci2008
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
RNA2 of Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus is detectable in plants of winter wheat grown from infected seeds2008
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
Development of real-time RT-PCR assays for the detection of Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV) and Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) in the whitefly vector Bemisia tabaci2007
Professor Giles Budge
Professor Neil Boonham
Occurrence of two different types of RNA-5-containing beet necrotic yellow vein virus in the UK2007