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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Giles BudgeORCiD
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© 2015 Budge et al.Inspectors with the UK National Bee Unit were asked for 2007-2008 to target problem apiaries in England and Wales for pathogen screening and colony strength measures. Healthy colonies were included in the sampling to provide a continuum of health conditions. A total of 406 adult bee samples was screened and yielded 7 viral, 1 bacterial, and 2 microsporidial pathogens and 1 ectoparasite (Acarapis woodi). In addition, 108 samples of brood were screened and yielded 4 honey bee viruses. Virus prevalence varied from common (deformed wing virus, black queen cell virus) to complete absence (Israeli acute paralysis virus). When colonies were forced into one of two classes, strong or weak, the weak colonies contained more pathogens in adult bees. Among observed pathogens, only deformed wing virus was able to predict colony strength. The effect was negative such that colonies testing positive for deformed wing virus were likely to have fewer combs of bees or brood. This study constitutes the first record for Nosema ceranae in Great Britain. These results contribute to the growing body of evidence linking pathogens to poor honey bee health. Copyright:
Author(s): Budge GE, Pietravalle S, Brown M, Laurenson L, Jones B, Tomkies V, Delaplane KS
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: PLoS ONE
Year: 2015
Volume: 10
Issue: 7
Online publication date: 17/07/2015
Acceptance date: 25/06/2015
Date deposited: 27/06/2018
ISSN (electronic): 1932-6203
Publisher: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133228
PubMed id: 26186735
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