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Browsing publications by Dr Barbara Tocco.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
Consumer Disposition Toward Fairness in Agri-Food Chains (FAIRFOOD): Scale Development and Validation2024
Dr Luca Panzone
Dr Barbara Tocco
Dr Ruzica Brecic
Professor Matthew Gorton
Healthy foods, healthy sales? Cross-category effects of a loyalty program promoting sales of fruit and vegetables2024
Richard Freeman
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
Social capital and short food supply chains: Evidence from Fisheries Local Action Groups2024
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
What are the economic impacts of short food supply chains? A local multiplier effect (LM3) evaluation2024
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
Dr Carmen Hubbard
Fiona Hallam
Consumers' willingness to pay for an animal welfare food label2023
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
Trends in consumer preference for locally-sourced food products2023
Roberta Discetti
Dr Barbara Tocco
Professor Matthew Gorton
Beatrice Biasini
European food quality schemes in everyday food consumption: An exploration of sayings and doings through pragmatic regimes of engagement2022
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Carmen Hubbard
Dr Barbara Tocco
Strengthening the Sustainability of European Food Chains Through Quality and Procurement Policies2022
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Dr Thao Nguyen
Dr Barbara Tocco
Dr Sara Maioli
Dr Ian Merrell
et al.
The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on rural businesses: experiences and resilience2022
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Carmen Hubbard
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Stephen Quarrie
Dr Barbara Tocco
et al.
Hybrid Forums2021
Dr Barbara Tocco
Richard Freeman
Innovative Food Business Models for Sustainable and Resilient Economies2021
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
Looking Behind the Choice of Organic: A Cross-country Analysis Applying Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Models2021
Dr Barbara Tocco
Participatory Democracy: Hybrid Forums and Deliberative Processes as Methodological Tools2021
Dr Barbara Tocco
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Pilot actions to stimulate short food supply chains for locally landed seafood in North-East England2021
Dr Barbara Tocco
Strategic Guide for Short Food Supply Chains2021
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
Sustainability Performance of Certified and Non-certified Food2021
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
What determines consumers' use of eco-labels? Taking a close look at label trust2021
Roger Turner
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Paul Cowie
Dr Thao Nguyen
et al.
What is the contribution of rural enterprise to Levelling Up, and how can this be further enabled?2021
Dr Barbara Tocco
Are Short Food Supply Chains More Environmentally Sustainable than Long Chains? A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the Eco-Efficiency of Food Chains in Selected EU Countries2020
Dr Barbara Tocco
Creation of technical support systems and decision-making tools for agri-food practitioners and policy makers for impact measurement2020
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
Dr Angela Tregear
Development, refinement and verification of policy recommendations2020
Dr Barbara Tocco
Ethnographic fieldwork gallery exhibition (online): Food practices and quality labels in European households2020
Dr Barbara Tocco
Report on Strength2Food output focussed learning workshops2020
Dr Barbara Tocco
At the Heart of Controversies: Hybrid Forums as an Experimental Multi-Actor Tool to Enhance Sustainable Practices in Localized Agro-Food Systems2019
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
Conceptual Framework2019
Richard Freeman
Dr Barbara Tocco
Measuring the Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability of Short Food Supply Chains2019
Dr Barbara Tocco
Quantitative assessment of economic, social and environmental sustainability of short food supply chains and impact on rural territories2019
Dr Barbara Tocco
Report on experimental research using a virtual store environment to understand consumer food choice relating to food quality schemes products and strategies2019
Dr Barbara Tocco
Short Food Supply Chains and their Contributions to Sustainability: Participants' Views and Perceptions from 12 European Cases2019
Dr Barbara Tocco
Ethnographic study: qualitative research findings on European consumers’ food practices linked to sustainable food chains and food quality schemes2018
Dr Barbara Tocco
Qualitative assessment of motivations, practices and organisational development of short food supply chains2018
Dr Barbara Tocco
Quantitative research findings on European consumers’ perception and valuation of EU food quality schemes as well as their confidence in such measures2018
Emeritus Professor David Harvey
Professor Matthew Gorton
Dr Barbara Tocco
How Competitive is the EU’s Agri-Food Sector? An Introduction to a Special Feature on EU Agri-Food Competitiveness2017
Dr Barbara Tocco
Dr Angela Tregear
Report on pilot studies and final set of verified indicators for impact measurement of FQS, PSFP and SFSC: evidence from the Comté PDO cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano PDO cheese, Serbian organic raspberries, County Durham school meals, Locavorium shop and Korycin Cheese2017
Dr Barbara Tocco
Dr Angela Tregear
Report detailing the methods and indicators for measuring the social, environmental and economic impacts of food quality schemes, short food supply chains and varying public sector food procurement policies on agri-food chain participants and rural territories2016
Dr Barbara Tocco
Dr Angela Tregear
Report detailing the selection of case study regions and cases for impact analysis2016
Dr Barbara Tocco
Dr Angela Tregear
Working paper on the conceptual framework and literature review for understanding the social, environmental and economic impacts of FQS, SFSC and varying PSFP policies on agri-food chain participants and rural territories2016
Dr Barbara Tocco
Dr Carmen Hubbard
Professor Matthew Gorton
Competitiveness of the EU Agri-Food Sector: a Synthesis of Findings from the COMPETE Project2015
Dr Barbara Tocco
Labour Adjustments in Agriculture: Evidence from Romania2014
Dr Barbara Tocco
The Theoretical Framework and Methodology to Estimate the Farm Labour and Other Factor-Derived Demand and Output Supply Systems2013