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Browsing publications by Elaine Ashton.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Emily Preston
Professor Helen Stringer
et al.
Adapting early years language and communication support in response to COVID-19 - a catalyst for reflection and more successful parental engagement?2024
Professor Cristina McKean
Dr Christine Jack
Sean Pert
Professor Helen Stringer
Dr Carolyn Letts
et al.
A randomised controlled trial comparing the efficacy of pre-school language interventions - Building Early Sentences Therapy and an Adapted Derbyshire Language Scheme2023
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Naomi Rose
et al.
Oral language development in early years settings – optimising collaboration2023
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Emily Preston
et al.
Promoting oral language development in Early Years settings – an exploration of current practice2023
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Professor Helen Stringer
Professor Cristina McKean
et al.
Responding to COVID-19: how early years settings supported children’s Language and Communication development and encouraged parental partnerships2023
Elaine Ashton
Professor Cristina McKean
The Development of a Digital Story-retell Elicitation and Analysis Tool through Citizen Science Data Collection, Software Development and Machine Learning.2023
Elaine Ashton
Dr Christine Jack
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Professor Cristina McKean
et al.
How can we support bilingual children with speech, language, and communication needs?2022
Dr Christine Jack
Elaine Ashton
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Emily Preston
et al.
Reflection on the impact of COVID on schools' support for children with language and communication needs – challenges and opportunities​2022
Dr Carolyn Letts
Dr Teresa Garrido Tamayo
Elaine Ashton
Dr Anastasia Trebacz
Developmental Language Disorder and bilingual children: what you need to know2021
Professor Cristina McKean
Elaine Ashton
Language Explorer: Bringing clinical language transcription and analysis into the 21st Century2021
Dr Zhongyun Yue
Dr Henriette Christensen
Professor Cristina McKean
Elaine Ashton
Parental spoken scaffolding and narrative skills in crowd-sourced storytelling samples of young children2021
Dr Carolyn Letts
Sean Pert
Elaine Ashton
Kate Benson
Emily Preston
et al.
Working with bilingual children at risk of developmental language disorder: adapting assessment and intervention for the nursery-aged bilingual child2020