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Browsing publications by Emeritus Professor Ken Willis.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Dominic Aitken
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Rose Gilroy
Do older homebuyers prefer dwellings with accessibility and adaptability features? Findings from an exploratory study.2024
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Research on customers' willingness-to-pay for service changes in UK water company price reviews 1994-20192022
Dr Jose Grisolia
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Ethical Aspects - Can We Value Life, Health, and Environment in Money Terms?2021
Dr Dominic Aitken
Professor Rose Gilroy
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
A home for life or a home for now? Understanding indifference towards accessibility and adaptability features among some older homebuyers2020
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Environmental economics and cost-benefit analysis2020
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
The Status Quo in Discrete Choice Experiments: Is It Relevant?2020
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Dealing with attribute non-attendance in a discrete choice experiment on valuation of tourist facility attributes at Kenyir Lake, Malaysia.2019
Mehrshad Radmehr
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Dr Hugh Metcalf
A mechanism to derive more truthful willingness to accept values for renewable energy systems2018
Ali Ardeshiri
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Exploring preference homogeneity and heterogeneity for proximity to urban public services2018
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Rural Resource Development: an Economic Approach2018
Dr Jose Grisolia
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Consumer choice of theatrical productions: a combined revealed preference-stated preference approach2016
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Green space and health benefits: a QALY and CEA of a mental health programme2016
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Improved visibility of the night sky: an economic analysis2015
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Private Sector Protection of Cultural Heritage2015
Mehrshad Radmehr
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
A framework for evaluating WTP for BIPV in residential housing design in developing countries: A case study of North Cyprus2014
Professor Guy Garrod
Dr Eric Ruto
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Investigating Preferences for the Local Delivery of Agri-environment Benefits2014
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
The Use of Stated Preference Methods to Value Cultural Heritage2014
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Dr Jeanette Snowball
Colin Wymer
Dr Jose Grisolia
A count data travel cost model of theatre demand using aggregate theatre booking data2012
Dr Jose Grisolia
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
A latent class model of theatre demand2012
Professor Guy Garrod
Dr Eric Ruto
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Heterogeneity of preferences for the benefits of Environmental Stewardship: A latent-class approach2012
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Valuing Environment and Natural Resources. Volume 12012
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Valuing Environment and Natural Resources. Volume 22012
Dr Jose Grisolia
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
An evening at the theatre: using choice experiments to model preferences for theatres and theatrical productions2011
Dr Jose Grisolia
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Heterogeneity in willingness-to-pay for theatre productions: Individual specific willingness-to-pay estimates for theatres, shows and their attributes2011
Dr Jeanette Snowball
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Interview versus self-completion questionnaires in discrete choice experiments2011
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Riccardo Scarpa
Professor Rose Gilroy
Professor Neveen Hamza
Renewable energy adoption in an ageing population: Heterogeneity in preferences for micro-generation technology adoption2011
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Cultural Consumption Patterns in South Africa: An Investigation of the Theory of Cultural Omnivores2010
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Investigating willingness to pay - willingness to accept asymmetry in choice experiments2010
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Is all sustainable development sustainable? A cost-benefit analysis of some procurement policies2010
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Measuring Health Benefits of Green Space in Economic Terms2010
Dr Jose Grisolia
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Colin Wymer
Dr Andrew Law
Social engagement and regional theatre: patterns of theatre attendance2010
Riccardo Scarpa
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Willingness-to-pay for renewable energy: Primary and discretionary choice of British households' for micro-generation technologies2010
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
An Economic Perspective on Wildlife Disease Management2009
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Assessing visitor preferences in the management of archaeological and heritage attractions: a case study of Hadrian's Roman Wall2009
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Dr Jeanette Snowball
Investigating how the attributes of live theatre productions influence consumption choices using conjoint analysis: the example of the National Arts Festival, South Africa2009
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Evaluating environmental benefits from changes in water abstraction and waste water disposal2008
Naomi Kinghorn
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Measuring museum visitor preferences towards opportunities for developing social capital: an application of a choice experiment to the Discovery Museum2008
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Public values for badgers, bovine TB reduction and management strategies2008
Naomi Kinghorn
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Valuing the components of an archaeological site: An application of Choice Experiment to Vindolanda, Hadrian's Wall2008
Dr Jeanette Snowball
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Willingness-to-pay for water service improvements in middle-income urban households in South Africa: a stated choice analysis2008
Professor Guy Garrod
Dr James Garratt
Dr Angela Kennedy
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
A mixed methodology framework for the assessment of the Voluntary Initiative2007
Naomi Kinghorn
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Estimating visitor satisfaction for different art gallery layouts using a choice experiment2007
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Public opinions on badger populations and the control of tuberculosis in cattle in the UK2007
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
The value of badger populations and control of tuberculosis in cattle in England and Wales: A note2007
Riccardo Scarpa
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Valuing externalities from water supply: Status quo, choice complexity and individual random effects in panel kernel logit analysis of choice experiments2007
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Assessing public preferences: The use of stated-preference experiments to assess the impact of varying planning conditions2006
Dr Jeanette Snowball
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Building cultural capital: Transforming the South African National Arts Festival2006
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Difficulties in valuing street light improvement: Trust, surprise and bound effects2006
Riccardo Scarpa
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Distribution of willingness-to-pay for speed reduction with non-positive bidders: Is choice modelling consistent with contingent valuation?2006
Dr Jeanette Snowball
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Estimating the marginal utility of different sections of an arts festival: The case of visitors to the South African National Arts Festival2006
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Assessing water company customer preferences and willingness to pay for service improvements: A stated choice analysis2005
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Professor Guy Garrod
Estimating the value of improved street lighting: A factor analytical discrete choice approach2005
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
The challenge of multi-functional land use in rural areas2005
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Assessing customer preferences for water supply options using mixed methodology choice experiments2004
Riccardo Scarpa
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Comparing individual-specific benefit estimates for public goods: finite versus continuous mixing in logit models2004
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Estimating rural households' willingness to pay for health insurance2004
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Mortality and morbidity benefits of air pollution (SO2 and PM10) absorption attributable to woodland in Britain2004
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Modelling zero values and protest responses in contingent valuation surveys2003
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Pricing public parks2003
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Comparative Environmental Economic Assessment2002
Dr Patrizia Riganti
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Component and temporal value reliability in cultural goods: the case of Roman Imperial remains near Naples2002
Professor Guy Garrod
Riccardo Scarpa
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Estimating the Benefits of Traffic Calming on Through Routes: A Choice Experiment Approach2002
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Iterative bid design in contingent valuation and the estimation of the revenue maximising price for a cultural good2002
Dr Christopher Brunsdon
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Meta-analysis: a Bayesian perspective2002
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Northumbria: castles, cathedrals and towns2002
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Stated preference and the estimation of environmental values2002
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Water companies' service performance and environmental trade-offs2002
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Energy Efficiency: economic constraints to environmental quality2001
Riccardo Scarpa
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Estimating Benefits for Effective Enforcement of Speed Reduction from Dichotomous-Choice CV : The Case of Rural Trunk Roads2001
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Economic approaches to valuing the environmental costs and benefits of mineral and aggregate extraction2000
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Economic approaches to valuing the environmental costs and benefits of mineral and aggregate extraction2000
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Angling and recreation values of low-flow alleviation in rivers1999
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Economic Valuation of the Environment: Methods and Case Studies1999
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Economic Valuation of the Environment: Methods and Case Studies1999
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Environmental resource valuation. Applications of the contingent valuation method in Italy1999
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Externalities from extraction of aggregates: regulation by tax or land-use controls1999
Dr Graham Tipple
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Housing supply in Ghana: A study of Accra, Kumasi and Berekum1999
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Methodological issues in valuing the benefits of environmentally sensitive areas1999
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor David Harvey
A review of cost-benefit analysis as applied to the evaluation of new road proposals in the UK1998
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Biodiversity values for alternative management regimes in remote UK coniferous forests: An iterative bidding polychotomous choice approach1998
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Contingent valuation and real economic commitments: a private good experiment1998
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Estimating lost amenity due to landfill waste disposal1998
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Industrial location and residential disamenity: A case study of the chemical industry in Castleford, England1998
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Using contingent ranking to estimate the loss of amenity value for inland waterways from public utility service structures1998
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Water companies and river environments: the external costs of water abstraction1998
Dr Graham Tipple
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Who is building what in urban Ghana? Housing supply in three towns1998
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Disamenity externalities from utility networks1997
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Electricity supply reliability: Estimating the value of lost load1997
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Estimating the benefits of construction measures to mitigate earthquake risks in Iran1997
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
The non-use benefits of enhancing forest biodiversity: A contingent ranking study1997
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
The recreational value of tropical forests in Malaysia1997
Dr Neil Adrian Powe
Professor Guy Garrod
Dr Christopher Brunsdon
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Using a geographic information system to estimate an hedonic price model of the benefits of woodland access1997
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Professor John Benson
Benefits and costs of the Wildlife Enhancement Scheme: A case study of the Pevensey Levels1996
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Estimating the benefits of environmental enhancement: A case study of the River Darent1996
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
The non-priced benefits of renovating historic buildings: A case study of Newcastle's Grainger Town1996
Professor Guy Garrod
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Estimating the Passive Use Benefits of Britain's Inland Waterways1995
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Benefits of low flow alleviation in rivers: the case of the River Darent1994
Professor Philip Lowe
Emeritus Professor David Harvey
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Countryside Change: A Synopsis. The ESRC Countryside Change Initiative (1989-1993)1993
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Guy Garrod
Valuation of the South Downs and Somerset Levels and Moors environmentally sensitive area landscapes by the general public1993