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Inkjet printing and electrical characterisation of DNA - templated cadmium sulfide nanowires

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Raushan Nurdillayeva, Atsinafe Oshido, Tom Bamford, Dr Osama El-ZubirORCiD, Professor Andrew HoultonORCiD, Dr John HedleyORCiD, Dr Andrew Pike, Dr Ben HorrocksORCiD



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Cadmium sulfide can be templated on -DNA molecules to form an aqueous dispersion ofCdS/-DNA nanowires. Subsequent addition of ethylene glycol to 50% v/v is sufficient toformulate an ink suitable for printing using piezoelectric drop-on-demand technology. Printeddroplet arrays show a coffee-ring morphology of individual deposits by fluorescence andRaman microscopy, but upon increasing the number of layers of printed material by repeatedprinting over each droplet, the dry deposit approaches closer to a disc shape. It is also possibleto print parallel tracks by reducing the droplet separation in the array until neighbouringdroplets overlap before they dry. The droplets coalesce to form a strip of width roughly equalto the diameter of the droplets. Evaporation-driven capillary flow sends the nanowires to theedges of the strip and when dry they form parallel tracks of CdS/-DNA nanowire bundles.Both droplets and tracks were printed onto Pt-on-glass interdigitated microelectrodes (10 mwidth, 10 m gap). The current-voltage characteristics of these two-terminal devices wereapproximately ohmic, but with some hysteresis. The conductance increased with temperatureas a simple activated process with activation energies of 0.57 ± 0.02 eV (tracks) and 0.39 ±0.02 eV (droplets). The impedance spectra of the printed films were consistent with hoppingbetween CdS grains.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Nurdillayeva RN, Oshido AB, Bamford TA, El-Zubir O, Houlton A, Hedley J, Pike AR, Horrocks BR

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Nanotechnology

Year: 2018

Volume: 29

Issue: 13

Print publication date: 03/04/2018

Online publication date: 19/01/2018

Acceptance date: 19/01/2018

Date deposited: 16/01/2018

ISSN (print): 0957-4484

ISSN (electronic): 1361-6528

Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.


DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aaa92f


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