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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Iad GharibORCiD, Dr Sarah Rolland, Dr Heidi BatemanORCiD, Professor Janice EllisORCiD
This is the authors' accepted manuscript of an article that has been published in its final definitive form by Nature Publishing Group, 2017.
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In response to the Educational Standards of the UK's General Dental Council, Newcastle University, School of Dental Sciences introduced a patient feedback card to gather and incorporate patient feedback into their undergraduate assessment framework. The cards ask for patient response to two questions about their experience, and also ask patients to identify 'Just One Thing' (JOT) the student could do to improve this. JOT cards completed during a two week period were collected to evaluate and analyse the nature of patient responses within this model. Over 90% of JOT cards scored the students as 'Excellent' with the remainder scoring the student as 'Good' or giving no response. Many of the free text comments complimented the students and also provided focused suggestions for improvement. While the overwhelming positive responses may suggest that this model for collecting feedback may not be effective at discriminating between students with varying levels of interpersonal/communication skills, the free text comments were seen to be of value in building confidence or identifying areas for improvement.
Author(s): Gharib I, Rolland SL, Bateman H, Ellis JS
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: British Dental Journal
Year: 2017
Volume: 222
Issue: 10
Pages: 797-802
Online publication date: 26/05/2017
Acceptance date: 16/02/2017
Date deposited: 04/07/2017
ISSN (print): 0007-0610
ISSN (electronic): 1741-7503
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2017.457
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