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Lookup NU author(s): Oliver Shaw, Dr Albert Koelmans, Dr Jason StegglesORCiD, Professor Anil Wipat
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Systems Biology is a rapidly developing discipline which utilises mathematical and computer science techniques to analyse and interpret biological models. Petri nets have been proposed as an effective formalism for Systems Biology but so far only a small number of manually constructed Petri net models have been constructed and investigated. In this paper we present a scheme for automatically mapping biological systems into Petri net models using XML technology. We develop a simple prototype tool which translates Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) to the Petri Net Markup language (PNML). As an illustrative example we consider mapping a SBML description of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae glycolysis pathway into PNML. An analysis of the resulting PNML model then demonstrates that even basic invariant analysis can produce interesting results for biologists. Finally we discuss what features may be desirable to systems biologists in future modifications of the PNML standard.
Author(s): Shaw O, Koelmans A, Steggles J, Wipat A
Editor(s): Kindler, E.
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: Workshop on the Definition, Implementation and Application of a Standard Interchange Format for Petri Nets. Satellite event of ATPN : 25th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets
Year of Conference: 2004
Pages: 11-25