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Trichomonas vaginalis vast BspA-like gene family: evidence for functional diversity from structural organisation and transcriptomics

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Christophe Noel, Professor Robert HirtORCiD



Background: Trichomonas vaginalis is the most common non-viral human sexually transmitted pathogen and importantly, contributes to facilitating the spread of HIV. Yet very little is known about its surface and secreted proteins mediating interactions with, and permitting the invasion and colonisation of, the host mucosa. Initial annotations of T. vaginalis genome identified a plethora of candidate extracellular proteins. Results: Data mining of the T. vaginalis genome identified 911 BspA-like entries (TvBspA) sharing TpLRR-like leucine-rich repeats, which represent the largest gene family encoding potential extracellular proteins for the pathogen. A broad range of microorganisms encoding BspA-like proteins was identified and these are mainly known to live on mucosal surfaces, among these T. vaginalis is endowed with the largest gene family. Over 190 TvBspA proteins with inferred transmembrane domains were characterised by a considerable structural diversity between their TpLRR and other types of repetitive sequences and two subfamilies possessed distinct classic sorting signal motifs for endocytosis. One TvBspA subfamily also shared a glycine-rich protein domain with proteins from Clostridium difficile pathogenic strains and C. difficile phages. Consistent with the hypothesis that TvBspA protein structural diversity implies diverse roles, we demonstrated for several TvBspA genes differential expression at the transcript level in different growth conditions. Identified variants of repetitive segments between several TvBspA paralogues and orthologues from two clinical isolates were also consistent with TpLRR and other repetitive sequences to be functionally important. For one TvBspA protein cell surface expression and antibody responses by both female and male T. vaginalis infected patients were also demonstrated. Conclusions: The biased mucosal habitat for microbial species encoding BspA-like proteins, the characterisation of a vast structural diversity for the TvBspA proteins, differential expression of a subset of TvBspA genes and the cellular localisation and immunological data for one TvBspA; all point to the importance of the TvBspA proteins to various aspects of T. vaginalis pathobiology at the host-pathogen interface.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Noel CJ, Diaz N, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Safarikova L, Tachezy J, Tang P, Fiori PL, Hirt RP

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: BMC Genomics

Year: 2010

Volume: 11

Issue: 1

Pages: 99

Print publication date: 01/02/2010

Date deposited: 26/05/2010

ISSN (print):

ISSN (electronic): 1471-2164

Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd.


DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-99


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Funder referenceFunder name
Italian ministry of University
060068Wellcome Trust University
LC07032Czech Ministry of Education
HPMF-CT-2002-02071European Union Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
MSM0021620858Czech Ministry of Education
