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Browsing publications by Dr Rachel Crossland.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Rachel Crossland
Professor Anne Dickinson
A genome-wide association study on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation reveals novel genomic loci associated with transplant outcomes2024
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jamie Macdonald
Dr Xiao Wang
Assessing MicroRNA Profiles from Low Concentration Extracellular Vesicle RNA Utilizing NanoString nCounter Technology2024
Dr Rachel Crossland
Donor genetic determinant of thymopoiesis, rs2204985, and stem cell transplantation outcome in a multipopulation cohort2024
Annachiara Scalzone
Dr Rolando Berlinguer Palmini
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Rachel Crossland
et al.
Functional and Molecular Analysis of Human Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes Treated with Bone Marrow-Derived MSC-EVs2024
Moyassar Al-Shaibani
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Asif Tulah
Dr Rachel Crossland
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Role of mesenchymal stem cell conditioned medium on wound healing using a developed 3D skin model2024
Kimberly Schell
Steve Bolton
Dr Rachel Crossland
Complex interactions of cellular players in chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease2023
Dr Aisling Flinn
Kimberly Schell
Professor Andrew Gennery
Dr Rachel Crossland
Extracorporeal photopheresis as an immunomodulatory treatment modality for chronic GvHD and the importance of emerging biomarkers2023
Dr Rachel Crossland
Professor Anne Dickinson
Cell-based therapy in prophylaxis and treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease2022
Dr Alex Newman
Dr Masood Zaka
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Alex Blain
Dr Amy Erhorn
et al.
Genomic abnormalities of TP53 define distinct risk groups of paediatric B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma2022
Dr Clara Sanjurjo Rodriguez
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Xiao Wang
Characterization and miRNA Profiling of Extracellular Vesicles from Human Osteoarthritic Subchondral Bone Multipotential Stromal Cells (MSCs)2021
Dr Rachel Crossland
Professor Anne Dickinson
Exploring the Extracellular Vesicle MicroRNA Expression Repertoire in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis Treated with TNF Inhibitors2021
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Clare Lendrem
Professor Matthew Collin
et al.
Profiling Tissue and Biofluid miR-155-5p,miR-155* and miR-146a-5p Expression in Graft vs Host Disease2021
Dr Rachel Crossland
Professor Anne Dickinson
Potential Novel Biomarkers in Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease2020
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Francesca Perutelli
Review of Genetic Variation as a Predictive Biomarker for Chronic Graft-Versus-Host-Disease After Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation2020
Alex Newman
Dr Masood Zaka
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Amy Erhorn
Amy Barnard
et al.
Biallelic Inactivation of TP53 is Associated with an Increased Risk of Relapse in Paediatric B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma(B-NHL)2019
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Amir Enshaei
Alex Newman
Dr Amy Erhorn
Amy Barnard
et al.
A genomic classification model enables risk stratification of paediatric endemic Burkitt lymphoma2018
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Amir Enshaei
Alex Newman
Dr Amy Erhorn
Amy Barnard
et al.
A Genomic Classification Model Enables Risk Stratification of Paediatric Endemic Burkitt Lymphona in Malawi2018
Dr Fahad Ahmed
Dr Sherin Bakhashab
INDA Bastaman
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Michael Glanville
et al.
Anti-Angiogenic miR-222, miR-195, and miR-21a Plasma Levels in T1DM Are Improved by Metformin Therapy, Thus Elucidating Its Cardioprotective Effect: The MERIT Study2018
Alex Newman
Dr Masood Zaka
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Amy Erhorn
Dr Rachel Crossland
et al.
Biallelic inactivation of TP53 is associated with an increased risk of relapse in paediatric B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL)2018
Sadaf Atarod
Jean Norden
Louis Bibby
Dr Clare Lendrem
Dr Kim Pearce
et al.
Differential MicroRNA Expression Levels in Cutaneous Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease2018
Dr Masood Zaka
Dr Rachel Crossland
Amy Barnard
Sara Wilkinson
Dr Simon Bomken
et al.
Integrated analysis of the genomic and microRNA landscapes identifies dysregulated pathways associated with relapsed paediatric B-cell Non-Hodgkin lymphoma2018
Dr Rachel Crossland
Professor Anne Dickinson
B-Cell-Based and Soluble Biomarkers in Body Liquids for Predicting Acute/Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation2017
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Dr Kile Green
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Clare Lendrem
et al.
Expression of Serum microRNAs is Altered During Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease2017
Rihab Gam
Pranali Shah
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Genetic Association of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Outcome beyond Histocompatibility Genes2017
Dr Richard Noble
Dr Natalie Bell
Dr Helen Blair
Huw Thomas
Nicole Phillips
et al.
Inhibition of monocarboxyate transporter 1 by AZD3965 as a novel therapeutic approach for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and burkitt lymphoma2017
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Clare Lendrem
Louis Bibby
et al.
Serum and Extracellular Vesicle MicroRNAs miR-423, miR-199, and miR-93* As Biomarkers for Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease2017
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Louis Bibby
Professor Anne Dickinson
Evaluation of optimal extracellular vesicle small RNA isolation and qRT-PCR normalisation for serum and urine2016
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Professor Anne Dickinson
Tissue-specific expression Patterns of Microrna during acute graft-versus-host Disease in the rat2016
Gladys -
Dr Kim Pearce
Jean Norden
Dr Clare Lendrem
Dr Rachel Crossland
et al.
Differential microRNA expressions in cutaneous acute graft-versus-host disease2015
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Kile Green
Dr Christopher Bacon
Dr Vikki Rand
Direct digital profiling of multiplexed mRNA expression from degraded formalin fixed paraffin embedded aggressive paediatric B-cell lymphoma tumour tissue2015
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Amy Erhorn
Dr Vikki Rand
High-resolution copy number analysis using low input, degraded DNA from fine-needle aspirates and macrodissected archival Burkitt lymphoma material2015
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Amy Erhorn
Dr Vikki Rand
High-resolution copy number analysis using low input, degraded DNA from fine-needle aspirates and macrodissected archival Burkitt lymphoma material2015
Rihab Gam
Jean Norden
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Kim Pearce
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
IRAK1 and miR-146a for predicting the outcome of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation2015
Rihab Gam
Jean Norden
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Kim Pearce
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
IRAK1 and miR-146a for predicting the outcome of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation2015
Rihab Gam
Jean Norden
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Kim Pearce
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
MICA genotype, serum and expression level effects on the outcome of HSCT2015
Rihab Gam
Jean Norden
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Kim Pearce
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
MICA genotype, serum and expression level effects on the outcome of HSCT2015
Dr Christopher Carey
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Christopher Bacon
Dr Vikki Rand
Molecular Classification of MYC-Driven B-Cell Lymphomas by Targeted Gene Expression Profiling of Fixed Biopsy Specimens2015
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Louis Bibby
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Serum MicroRNAs MiR-146a, MiR-199, MiR-93*and MiR-423 as Biomarkers for Graft Versus Host Disease2015
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Urinary MicroRNA Expression is Associated with Incidence and Severity of Graft Versus Host Disease2015
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Tryfonia Mainou-Fowler
Dr Michal Sieniawski
Dr Christopher Bacon
Dr Vikki Rand
et al.
High BACH2 gene Expression Is an Indicator of Poor Prognosis in Adult Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Treated with R-CHOP2014
Dr Vikki Rand
Stephen Johnstone
Dr Rachel Crossland
Sarah Wilkinson
Dr Andrew Hall
et al.
The Genomic Landscape of Relapsed B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (B-ALL) in Adolescents and Adults2014
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Urinary Micrornas MiR-377, MiR-423, MiR-93 and MiR-199 As Biomarkers for Graft Versus Host Disease2014
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jean Norden
Louis Bibby
Joanna Davis
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Validation of Isolation Methodology and Endogenous Control Selection for qRT-PCR Assessment of Microrna Expression in Serum and Urine Exosomes2014
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Michal Sieniawski
Parimala Saminathan
Dr Tryfonia Mainou-Fowler
MicroRNAs are suitable for assessment as biomarkers from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue, and miR-24 represents an appropriate reference microRNA for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma studies2013
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Michal Sieniawski
Dr Brian Angus
Professor Stephen Proctor
Dr Paul Milne
et al.
Prognostic significance of immunohistochemistry-based markers and algorithms in immunochemotherapy-treated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients2013
Dr Rachel Crossland
The automated monocyte count is independently predictive of overall survival from diagnosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and of survival following first-line chemotherapy2013
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Michal Sieniawski
Dr Brian Angus
Dr Susan Proctor
Kate McCabe
et al.
Mature microRNAs of the miR-17-92 cluster predict for disease outcome in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients treated with CHOP-R immunochemotherapy2011
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Nicola Sunter
Dr Tryfonia Mainou-Fowler
MicroRNAs in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL): mature microRNAs of the miR-17-92 cluster predict for treatment free survival (TFS) in patients with B-CLL2011
Dr Rachel Crossland
Professor Stephen Proctor
Dr Brian Angus
Dr Stephen Crosier
Dr John Anderson
et al.
A 9 series microRNA signature differentiates between germinal centre and activated B-cell-like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cell lines2010
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr John Anderson
Dr Brian Angus
Professor Stephen Proctor
Dr Stephen Crosier
et al.
A 9 series microRNA signature differentiates between germinal centre and activated B-cell-like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cell lines2010
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr John Anderson
Dr Brian Angus
Professor Stephen Proctor
Dr Stephen Crosier
et al.
A 9 series microRNA signature differentiates between germinal centre and activated B-cell-like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cell lines2010
Dr Rachel Crossland
Professor Stephen Proctor
Professor James Allan
Mature MicroRNAs Mir 18, 19a, 19b, 17 5p and 92 of the Mir 17 92 Cluster Predict for Treatment Free Survival In Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia2010
Dr Rachel Crossland
Professor Stephen Proctor
Professor James Allan
Dr Tryfonia Mainou-Fowler
Mature MicroRNAs Mir-18,-19a,-19b,-17-5p and-92 of the Mir-17-92 Cluster Predict for Treatment Free Survival In Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia2010
Dr John Anderson
Lynne Overman
Dr Katrina Wood
Professor Stephen Proctor
Dr Stephen Crosier
et al.
Immunophenotyping of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) defines multiple sub-groups of germinal centre-like tumours displaying different survival characteristics2009
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Christine Challen
Dr Bridget Wilkins
Dr Stephen Crosier
Dr John Anderson
et al.
Definitive identification of the Val617Phe mutation in myeloproliferative disorders using Real Time PCR utilising Roche Lightcycler/hybriprobe technology2007