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Browsing publications by Dr Andrew Kingston.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Kate Gibson
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emma McLellan
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Katie Brittain
et al.
"Successful" ageing in later older age: a sociology of class and ageing in place2024
Dr Kate Gibson
Professor Katie Brittain
Emma McLellan
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Louise Robinson
et al.
‘It’s where I belong’: what does it mean to age in place from the perspective of people aged 80 and above? A longitudinal qualitative study (wave one)2024
Kathryn Bush
Dr Emer Cullen
Dr Rhys Thomas
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Sheena Ramsay
et al.
Assessing the extent and determinants of socioeconomic inequalities in epilepsy in the UK: a systematic review and meta-analysis of evidence2024
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr David Sinclair
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Characteristics of older unpaid carers in England: A study of social patterning from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing2024
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
Demographic, health, physical activity, and workplace factors are associated with lower healthy working life expectancy and life expectancy at age 502024
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr David Sinclair
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Is it possible to identify populations experiencing material disadvantage in primary care? A feasibility study using the Clinical Practice Research Database2024
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
The Co-Occurrence of Polypharmacy and Unmet Needs for Social Care in Older People: A Systematic Review2024
Dr Natalie Bennett
Dr Viviana Albani
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Clare Bambra
The impact of the English national health inequalities strategy on inequalities in mortality at age 65: a time-trend analysis2024
Dr Ríona McArdle
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr Silvia Del Din
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Louise Robinson
et al.
Associations between local area deprivation and physical activity participation in people with cognitive impairment in the North East of England2023
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Andrew Kingston
Kate Sheffer
Global variation in diabetes diagnosis and prevalence based on fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c2023
Dr Laurie Davies
Professor Adam Todd
Dr David Sinclair
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Is polypharmacy associated with difficulty taking medicines in people aged ≥85 living at home? Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2023
Dr Robert Barker
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Dr Andrew Kingston
National Early Warning Scores Following Emergency Hospital Transfer: Implications for Care Home Residents2023
Professor Clare Bambra
Dr Chioma Nwaru
Dr Natalie Bennett
Dr Viviana Albani
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Targeting Health Inequalities: Realising the Potential of Targets in Reducing Health Inequalities2023
Dr Holly Bennett
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Ilianna Lourida
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Lynne Corner
et al.
A comparison over 2 decades of disability-free life expectancy at age 65 years for those with long-term conditions in England: Analysis of the 2 longitudinal Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies2022
Dr Ríona McArdle
Dr Calum Hamilton
Dr Silvia Del Din
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
et al.
Associations between local area deprivation and physical activity in cognitively impaired people: an accelerometry study2022
Dr Laurie Davies
Professor Katie Brittain
Dr Sue Lewis
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Describing transitions in residential status over 10 years in the very old: results from the Newcastle 85+ Study2022
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Disentangling the varying associations between systolic blood pressure and health outcomes in the very old: an individual patient data meta-analysis2022
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Does polypharmacy shape dependency transitions in the very old? Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study 2022
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Patience Kunonga
Dr Daniel Stow
Dr Andrew Kingston
Oleta Williams
et al.
Factors associated with unmet need for support to maintain independence in later life: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence2022
Dr Viviana Albani
Dr Heather Brown
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Clare Bambra
Investigating the impact on mental wellbeing of an increase in pensions: A longitudinal analysis by area-level deprivation in England, 1998–20022022
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Is polypharmacy associated with mortality in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2022
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Jenny Liddle
Dr Daniel Stow
Dr Ben Searle
Dr Orla Whitehead
et al.
Measuring older people's socioeconomic position: a scoping review of studies of self-rated health, health service and social care use2022
Dr Silvia Del Din
Dr Andrew Kingston
Optimising function and well-being in older adults: Protocol for an integrated research programme in Aotearoa/New Zealand2022
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Prescribing at 95 years of age: cross-sectional findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2022
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Projections of dependency and associated social care expenditure for the older population in England to 2038: Effect of varying disability progression2022
Dr Laurie Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Andrew Kingston
The association between multimorbidity and mobility disability-free life expectancy in adults aged 85 years and over: A modelling study in the Newcastle 85+ cohort2022
Dr Yu-Tzu Wu
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Vikki Houlden
Professor Rachel Franklin
The longitudinal associations between proximity to local grocery shops and functional ability in the very old living with and without multimorbidity: Results from the Newcastle 85+ study2022
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Ngaire Kerse
Vascular disease and apathy symptoms in the very old: A cross-sectional and longitudinal meta-analysis of individual participant data2022
Dr Gillian Libby
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Are Religiosity and Spirituality Related to Self-Reported Health Expectancy? An Analysis of the European Values Survey2021
Dr Viviana Albani
Eftychia Kotronia
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Associations of poor oral health with frailty and physical functioning in the oldest old: results from two studies in England and Japan2021
Dr Robert Barker
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Sheena Ramsay
Professor Fiona Matthews
et al.
Changes in health and functioning of care home residents over two decades: what can we learn from population-based studies?2021
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Characterising polypharmacy in the very old: Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2021
Dr Holly Bennett
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Louise Robinson
Dr Lynne Corner
et al.
Healthy ageing for all? Comparisons of socioeconomic inequalities in health expectancies over two decades in the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies I and II2021
Professor Heather Cordell
Dr Kristin Ayers
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Rachel Duncan
et al.
Publisher Correction: A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies multiple longevity genes (Nature Communications, (2019), 10, 1, (3669), 10.1038/s41467-019-11558-2)2021
Sarah Hakeem Hakeem
Dr Terry Aspray
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Dr Louise Robinson
et al.
The Association between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration and Telomere Length in the Very-Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study2021
Dr Holly Bennett
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Ilianna Lourida
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Lynne Corner
et al.
The contribution of multiple long-term conditions to widening inequalities in disability-free life expectancy over two decades:Longitudinal analysis of two cohorts using the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies2021
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
The Impact of Smoking and Obesity on Disability-Free Life Expectancy in Older Australians2021
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Joy Adamson
et al.
Adverse Outcomes of Polypharmacy in Older People: Systematic Review of Reviews2020
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Thomas Hill
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Contribution of protein intake and its interaction with physical activity to transitions between disability states and to death in very old adults: the Newcastle 85+ Study2020
Dr Robert Barker
Dr Rachel Stocker
Dr Siân Russell
Dr Amy Roberts
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Distribution of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in care home residents2020
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
Projections of care for older people with dementia in England: 2015 to 20402020
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Antoneta Granic
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Protein intake and transitions between frailty states and to death in very old adults: the Newcastle 85+ study2020
Sarah Hakeem Hakeem
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Dr Terry Aspray
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
The association between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentration and disability trajectories in very old adults: The Newcastle 85+ study2020
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Dr Andrew Kingston
Helen Hanson
Dr Rachel Duncan
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
Transitions between frailty states in the very old: the influence of socioeconomic status and multi-morbidity in the Newcastle 85+ cohort study2020
Professor Heather Cordell
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Rachel Duncan
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies multiple longevity genes2019
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Fiona Matthews
Professor Suzanne Moffatt
Dr Robert Barker
Helen Jarvis
et al.
Does older adults’ use of social care influence their healthcare utilisation? A systematic review of international evidence2019
Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker
Dr Rachel Duncan
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
Frailty, hospital use and mortality in the older population: findings from the Newcastle 85+ study2019
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Fiona Matthews
Professor Suzanne Moffatt
Dr Robert Barker
Helen Jarvis
et al.
Impact of social care supply on healthcare utilisation by older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis2019
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
The costs of dementia in England2019
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Forecasting the care needs of the older population in England over the next 20 years: estimates from the Population Ageing and Care Simulation (PACSim) modelling study2018
Professor Peter Gore
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emeritus Professor Garth Johnson
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
New horizons in the compression of functional decline2018
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Projections of multi-morbidity in the older population in England to 2035: estimates from the Population Ageing and Care Simulation (PACSim) model2018
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Mario Siervo
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Protein intake and disability trajectories in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study2018
Professor Katie Brittain
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Joanna Collerton
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
et al.
An investigation into the patterns of loneliness and loss in the oldest old – Newcastle 85+ Study2017
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Pai Wohland
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Carol Brayne
Professor Fiona Matthews
et al.
Is late-life dependency increasing or not? A comparison of the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies (CFAS)2017
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Review of methodologies of cohort studies of older people2017
Dr Rachel Duncan
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Bloss Stephan
Professor Fraser Birrell
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
et al.
Influence of Joint Pain on the Incidence and Progression of Disability in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study2016
Professor Simon Pearce
Dr Salman Razvi
Mohammad Yadegarfar
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Serum Thyroid Function, Mortality and Disability in Advanced Old Age: The Newcastle 85+Study2016
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Professor Rachel Cooper
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki
Corrigendum to "Reproducibility of Telomere Length Assessment - An International Collaborative Study" [International Journal of Epidemiology 2014, doi: 10.1093/ije/dyu191]2015
Professor Peter Gore
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Health and disability - Vulnerability in daily activities2015
Dr Rachel Duncan
Emeritus Professor Roger Francis
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Joanna Collerton
et al.
Magnitude of fragility fracture risk in the very old – are we meeting their needs? The Newcastle 85+ Study2015
Dr Rachel Duncan
Emeritus Professor Roger Francis
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Joanna Collerton
et al.
Magnitude of fragility fracture risk in the very old-are we meeting their needs? The Newcastle 85+Study2015
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki
Reproducibility of telomere length assessment: an international collaborative study2015
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki
Reproducibility of telomere length assessment: Authors' Response to Damjan Krstajic and Ljubomir Buturovic2015
Dr Mario Siervo
Dr Carla Prado
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Serum osmolarity and haematocrit do not modify the association between the impedance index (Ht2/Z) and total body water in the very old: The Newcastle 85+Study2015
Dr Andrew Kingston
karen Davies
Dr Joanna Collerton
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Rachel Duncan
et al.
The enduring effect of education - socioeconomic differences in disability trajectories from age 85 years in the Newcastle 85+ Study2015
Dr Mario Siervo
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor John Mathers
Dr Joanna Collerton
et al.
Anthropometric measures of adiposity as predictors of disability-free life expectancy and all-cause mortality in the very old2014
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Joan Hughes
Judith Hunt
et al.
Improving Retention of Very Old Participants in Longitudinal Research: Experiences from the Newcastle 85+ Study2014
Laura Wiley
Deepthi Ashok
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
David Talbot
Dr Joanna Collerton
et al.
Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in White Blood Cells Are Not Valid Biomarkers of Ageing in the Very Old2014
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Joanna Collerton
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Rachel Duncan
et al.
The Contribution of Diseases to the Male-Female Disability-Survival Paradox in the Very Old: Results from the Newcastle 85+ Study2014
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
The influence of smoking, sedentary lifestyle and obesity on cognitive impairment-free life expectancy2014
Dr Rebecca Wassall
Dr Andrew Kingston
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Joanna Collerton
Emeritus Professor John Bond
et al.
Trajectories in Oral Health and Tooth Loss2014
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Karen Davies
et al.
Trajectories of disability in the very old: the effect of early, mid and late life socioeconomic status2014
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Fahad Yousaf
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Antoinette Kenny
et al.
Utility of NT-proBNP as a rule-out test for left ventricular dysfunction in very old people with limiting dyspnoea: the Newcastle 85+Study2014
Dr Lisa Newton
Dr Grant Gibson
Dr Gary Pritchard
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Katie Brittain
et al.
Assistive technologies in caring for the oldest old2013
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Grant Gibson
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Lisa Newton
Dr Gary Pritchard
et al.
Assistive technologies in caring for the oldest old: a review of current practice and future directions2013
Dr Jo Jefferis
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Dr Joanna Collerton
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
The association between diagnosed glaucoma and cataract and cognitive performance in very old people: Cross sectional findings from the Newcastle 85+ cohort study2013
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Fahad Yousaf
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Antoinette Kenny
Dr Karen Davies
et al.
Cardiac dysfunction among the community dwelling very old2012
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Professor John Bond
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Joanna Collerton
et al.
Gender differences in the association between self-rated health and mortality: Results from the Newcastle 85+ Study2012
Professor Katie Brittain
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Joanna Collerton
karen Davies
et al.
Loneliness in the very old: Patterns over time2012
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Karen Davies
Professor John Bond
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
et al.
Losing the Ability in Activities of Daily Living in the Oldest Old: A Hierarchic Disability Scale from the Newcastle 85+ Study2012
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor John Bond
Dr Joanna Collerton
karen Davies
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
et al.
Modelling the impact of chronic diseases on disability-free life expectancy in the very old2012
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Antoinette Kenny
Dr Karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
Prevalence of left ventricular dysfunction in a UK community sample of very old people: the Newcastle 85+ study2012
Dr Jo Jefferis
Dr Joanna Collerton
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
The impact of visual impairment on mini-mental state examination scores in the Newcastle 85+ study2012
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor John Bond
Dr Karen Davies
Professor Martin Eccles
et al.
The Personal and Health Service Impact of Falls in 85 Years Olds: Cross-Sectional Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Cohort Study2012
Dr Andrew Kingston
karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Joanna Collerton
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
et al.
Why do older men die and older women become disabled? The role of dementia on transitions to severe disability and death in the very old2012
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Joanna Collerton
Professor Mike Catt
et al.
Assessment of a large panel of candidate biomarkers of ageing in the Newcastle 85+ study2011
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
et al.
Capability and dependency in the Newcastle 85+ cohort study. Projections of future care needs2011
Jill Collerton
Dr Andrew Kingston
karen Davies
Professor John Bond
Professor Martin Eccles
et al.
Falls are common in 85 year olds, are associated with physical and psychological morbidity, and have marked consequences for health services: Results from the Newcastle 85+ Study2011
Jill Collerton
Dr Fahad Yousaf
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
High prevalence of undiagnosed cardiac dysfunction in the oldest old: Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2011
Dr Fahad Yousaf
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Antoinette Kenny
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
High prevalence of undiagnosed cardiac dysfunction in the oldest old: Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2011
Dr Rachel Duncan
Emeritus Professor Roger Francis
Dr Joanna Collerton
karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
Prevalence of arthritis and joint pain in the oldest old - Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2011
Dr Rachel Duncan
Emeritus Professor Roger Francis
Dr Joanna Collerton
karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
Prevalence of arthritis and joint pain in the oldest old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2011
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Biomarkers of ageing and their relationship to disability and cognition [abstract]2010
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Joanna Collerton
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Martin Eccles
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Disability and dependency: How much care is in the community? [abstract]2010
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor John Bond
et al.
High levels of disease and health service use but good functional status and self-rated health are found in 85 year olds [abstract]2010
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor John Bond
et al.
Health and disease in 85 year olds: Baseline findings from the Newcastle 85+ cohort study2009