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Dr Hilary Wynne.
Newcastle Authors
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Dr Emma Kampouraki
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Tina Biss
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
Assessment of exposure to direct oral anticoagulants in elderly hospitalised patients
Dr Emma Kampouraki
Dr Salah Abohelaika
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Tina Biss
Dr Hilary Wynne
et al.
Elderly people are inherently sensitive to the pharmacological activity of rivaroxaban: implications for DOAC prescribing
Emma Kampouraki
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Peter Avery
Professor Farhad Kamali
Validation of an algorithm to predict decline in INR following warfarin cessation in patients undergoing invasive procedures
Dr Salah Abohelaika
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Emma Kampouraki
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
Effect of genetic and patient factors on warfarin pharmacodynamics following warfarin withdrawal: Implications for patients undergoing surgery
Dr Salah Abohelaika
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Lisa Jones
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
Individual and monitoring centre influences upon anticoagulation control of AF patients on warfarin: a longitudinal multi-centre UK-based study
Dr Emma Kampouraki
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Tina Biss
Dr John Hanley
et al.
Assessment of the efficacy of a novel tailored vitamin K dosing regimen in lowering the International Normalised Ratio in over-anticoagulated patients: A randomised clinical trial
Salah Abohelaika
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Patrick Kesteven
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
Impact of age on long-term anticoagulation and how gender and monitoring setting affect it: implications for decision making and patient management
Salah Abohelaika
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Peter Avery
Professor Farhad Kamali
Influence of
polymorphism on the fall in International Normalized Ratio in patients interrupting warfarin therapy before elective surgery
Dr Salah Abohelaika
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
The effect of CYP2C9 polymorphism on inr decline in patients stopping warfarin before surgery
Salah Abohelaika
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
The impact of genetics on the management of patients on warfarin awaiting surgery
Salah Abohelaika
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Patrick Kesteven
Dr Hilary Wynne
et al.
Anticoagulation control and cost of monitoring of older patients on chronic warfarin therapy in three settings in North East England
Salah Abohelaika
Dr Tina Biss
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
C0170: The Impact of Dietary Vitamin K on the Pharmacological Activity of FXa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Man
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Patrick Kesteven
Dr John Hanley
Dr Jing Shen
et al.
Improving the safety and efficacy of anticoagulation therapy for thromboembolic disease through Vitamin K
Lilian Fairbairn Smith
Dr Wei Cope
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Hilary Wynne
Effect of provision of the NHS NPSA oral anticoagulant therapy patient information pack upon patients' knowledge and anticoagulant control
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Hilary Wynne
Pharmacogenetics of warfarin
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Hilary Wynne
Pharmacogenetics and anticoagulation therapy
Dr Ellen Hatch
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Peter Avery
Professor Farhad Kamali
Application of a pharmacogenetic-based warfarin dosing algorithm derived from British patients to predict dose in Swedish patients
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
Factors Affecting Anticoagulation Response to Warfarin
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (
) polymorphism influences the anticoagulation response subsequent to vitamin K intake: A pilot study
Dr Ellen Hatch
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Barry King
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Ann Daly
et al.
Polymorphisms in genes associated with the vitamin K epoxide reductase complex do not affect warfarin dose requirement
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
Vitamin K supplementation can improve stability of anticoagulation for patients with unexplained variability in response to warfarin
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
Vitamin K supplementation during oral anticoagulation: No real cause for concern [2]
Elizabeth Sconce
Emerita Professor Ann Daly
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
APOE genotype makes a small contribution to warfarin dose requirements
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Professor Ann Daly
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
Apolipoprotein E polymorphisms do not make a clinically significant contribution to warfarin dose requirements
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Dr Peter Avery
Peter Wood
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
Dietary related plasma vitamin C concentration has no effect on anticoagulation response to warfarin
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Professor Ann Daly
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
Simvastatin results in a lower warfarin dose requirement due to a reduced clearance of warfarin
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Emerita Professor Ann Daly
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
The impact of simvastatin on warfarin disposition and dose requirements
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Patrick Kesteven
Dr Peter Avery
et al.
[abstract] Pfizer poster communication prize - The influence of patient age, CYP2C9 genotype and height on warfarin dose requirements
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
Patients with unstable control have a poorer dietary intake of vitamin K compared to patients with stable control of anticoagulation
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
Patients with unstable control have a poorer dietary intake of vitamin K compared with patients with stable control of anticoagulation
Elizabeth Sconce
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Barry King
et al.
The impact of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphism and patient characteristics upon warfarin dose requirements: Proposal for a new dosing regimen
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Dr Barry King
Dr Patrick Kesteven
Peter Wood
et al.
Contribution of age, body size, and CYP2C9 genotype to anticoagulant response to warfarin
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Patrick Kesteven
Professor Farhad Kamali
et al.
Dietary vitamin K influences intra-individual variability in anticoagulant response to warfarin
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Dr Barry King
Professor Ann Daly
Dr Hilary Wynne
et al.
The impact of patient age and genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 on warfarin dose requirements
Dr Tayyaba Khan
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Patrick Kesteven
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Hilary Wynne
et al.
The value of education and self-monitoring in the management of warfarin therapy in older patients with unstable control of anticoagulation
Dr Hilary Wynne
Attitudes to monitoring of anticoagulation are influenced by age
Dr Heather Lambert
Dr Hilary Wynne
Patients' understanding of anticoagulant therapy
Dr Hilary Wynne
Sensible prescribing for older people
Helen Hickmott
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Farhad Kamali
The effect of simvastatin co-medication on warfarin anticoagulation response and dose requirements
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Hilary Wynne
The effect of stability of oral anticoagulant therapy upon patient-perceived health status and quality of life [4]
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Patrick Kesteven
Professor Farhad Kamali
The impact of stability of oral anticoagulant therapy upon patient perceived health status and quality of life
Professor Farhad Kamali
Professor Ann Daly
Dr Hilary Wynne
Warfarin sensitivity: Be aware of genetic influence
Dr Hilary Wynne
Older people's views on the treatment and prevention of influenza in older people
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Hilary Wynne
The impact of stability of oral anticoagulant therapy upon patient perceived health status and quality of life
Dr David Coady
Dr Hilary Wynne
Are continuing care beds in private nursing homes the answer to providing care for the longer-term dying?
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Patrick Kesteven
Temporal variations in plasma vitamin K and lipid concentrations and clotting factor activity in humans
Karen Morgan
Dr Hilary Wynne
Anticoagulation of older patients: a need to modify current practice
Professor Farhad Kamali
Dr Tim Butler
Dr Hilary Wynne
The influence of (R)- and (S)-Warfarin, vitamin K and vitamin K epoxide upon warfarin anticoagulation
Dr Hilary Wynne
Professor Alan Boddy
The Association of Age and Frailty with the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Metoclopramide