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Browsing publications by Chris Wigfield.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Vassillios Avlonitis
Chris Wigfield
Dr Huw Golledge
Dr Anthony Rostron
Emeritus Professor John Kirby
et al.
Brain stem auditory evoked response for confirmation of brain death in the rat2008
Chris Wigfield
Therese Small
Professor John Dark
Professor Andrew Fisher
Lung function after single lung transplantation (SLTx): Emphysema versus pulmonary fibrosis2008
Vassillios Avlonitis
Chris Wigfield
Dr Huw Golledge
Emeritus Professor John Kirby
Professor John Dark
et al.
Early hemodynamic injury during donor brain death determines the severity of primary graft dysfunction after lung transplantation2007
Chris Wigfield
Early institution of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for primary graft dysfunction after lung transplantation improves outcome2007
Chris Wigfield
Organ procurement data evaluation of rejected marginal donors in lung transplantation2006
Vassillios Avlonitis
Chris Wigfield
Emeritus Professor John Kirby
Professor John Dark
The hemodynamic mechanisms of lung injury and systemic inflammatory response following brain death in the transplant donor2005
Vassillios Avlonitis
Chris Wigfield
Emeritus Professor John Kirby
Professor John Dark
Elimination of the hemodynamic sequelae of brain death prevents systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and acute lung injury (ALI) in the transplant donor2004
Chris Wigfield
Dr Huw Golledge
Dr Brian Shenton
Emeritus Professor John Kirby
Professor John Dark
et al.
Ameliorated reperfusion injury in lung transplantation after reduction of brain death induced inflammatory graft damage in the donor2002
Chris Wigfield
Football yes, surgery no2002
Chris Wigfield
John Hamilton
Professor John Dark
Paediatric cardiac transplant surgery has improved1999