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Browsing publications by Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Morgan Beeson
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Citizen Preferences and BCA: A Model of Willingness-to-Pay behind a Veil of Ignorance2025
Professor Susan Chilton
Professor Darren Duxbury
Dr Irene Mussio
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Dr Smriti Sharma
et al.
A double-bounded risk-risk trade-off analysis of heatwave-related mortality risk: Evidence from India2024
Dr Irene Mussio
Professor Susan Chilton
Professor Darren Duxbury
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
A risk-risk trade-off assessment of climate-induced mortality risk changes2024
Dr Anna Bartczak
Professor Susan Chilton
Rebecca McDonald
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Altruism and Efficient Allocations in Three-Generation Households2021
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Sample restrictions and the elicitation of a constant WTP per QALY2021
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Dr Rachel Baker
et al.
A scoping study on the valuation of risks to life and health: the monetary value of a life year (VOLY)2020
Professor Susan Chilton
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor John Wildman
Beyond COVID‐19: How the ‘dismal science’ can prepare us for the future2020
Dr Morgan Beeson
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
et al.
Can a 'veil of ignorance' reduce the impact of distortionary taxation on public good valuations?2019
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Improving the Risk-Risk Trade-Off Method for Use in Safety Project Appraisal Responses2019
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
An investigation into procedural (in)variance in the valuation of mortality risk reductions2018
Matthew Taylor
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Comparing increments in utility of health: An individual-based approach2017
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Risk aversion and religious behaviour: Analysis using a sample of Danish twins2017
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
The value of mortality risks reductions. Pure altruism - a confounder?2016
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Valuing gains in life expectancy: clarifying some ambiguities2015
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Scope insensitivity in contingent valuation studies of health care services: Should we ask twice?2012
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Valuation of morbidity and mortality risk reductions. Does context matter?2012
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Does question order influence sensitivity to scope? Empirical findings from a web-based contingent valuation study2011
Dr Anna Bartczak
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Dr Sonia Pellegrini
et al.
Economic valuation of air pollution mortality: A 9-country contingent valuation survey of value of a life year (VOLY)2011
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Risk aversion, health behaviour and religiosity. Analysis using a sample of Danish twins2011
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Use of the Internet for willingness-to-pay surveys: A comparison of face-to-face and web-based interviews2011
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Value of a Life Year across age and context. An analysis of results from a Value of a Statistical Life survey2011
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Approaching the value of a life year. Empirical evidence from a Danish contingent valuation survey2010
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
From the Value of a Statistical life to the Value of a Life Year lost: Does it make sense?2010
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
How would you like your gain in life expectancy to be provided? An experimental approach2010
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
How would you like your gain in Life Expectancy to be provided? An experimental approach.2010
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
How would you like your gain in Life Expectancy to be provided?An experimental approach2010
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
From the Value of a Statistical life to the Value of a Life Year lost. Does it make sense?2009
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
How do you prefer your gain in life expectancy to be delivered? An experimental approach linking hypothetical and incentivised choices2009
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
How do you prefer your gain in life expectancy to be delivered? An experimental approach linking hypothetical and incentivised choices2009
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
The value of a change in life expectancy. Results from a Danish web-based contingent valuation survey2007
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
The value of life years2006