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Browsing publications by Dr Diana Jurk.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Mikolaj Ogrodnik
Patrick Kruger
Dr Ed Fielder
Stella Victorelli
Rifqha Ruswhandi
et al.
Obesity-Induced Cellular Senescence Drives Anxiety And Impairs Neurogenesis2019
Clara Correia Melo
Dr Jodie Birch
Dr Ed Fielder
Dr James Chapman
Dr Anthony Lagnado
et al.
Rapamycin improves healthspan but not inflammaging in nfkb1-/- mice2019
Dr Dina Tiniakos
Dr Diana Jurk
A novel Sudan Black B-based analogue revives lipofuscin as a biomarker for in vivo senescence2018
Dr Diana Jurk
Dr Joao Passos
A Potent and Specific CD38 Inhibitor Ameliorates Age-Related Metabolic Dysfunction by Reversing Tissue NAD+ Decline2018
Dr Bernadette Carroll
Diego Manni
Dr Rhoda Stefanatos
Fiona Menzies
Dr Graham Smith
et al.
Oxidation of SQSTM1/p62 mediates the link between redox state and protein homeostasis2018
Dr Mikolaj Ogrodnik
Dr Diana Jurk
Melanie Weigand
Senolytics Improve Physical Function and Increase Lifespan in Old Age2018
Dr Diana Jurk
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki
17α-Estradiol Alleviates Age-related Metabolic and Inflammatory Dysfunction in Male Mice Without Inducing Feminization2017
Dr Mikolaj Ogrodnik
Dr Satomi Miwa
Dr Dina Tiniakos
Dr Caroline Wilson
Professor Chris Day
et al.
Cellular senescence drives age-dependent hepatic steatosis2017
Mikolaj Ogrodnik
Dr Diana Jurk
Senescence explains age- and obesity-related liver steatosis2017
Dr Ed Fielder
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki
Dr Diana Jurk
The DNA Damage Response in Neurons: Die by Apoptosis or Survive in a Senescence-Like State?2017
Mikolaj Ogrodnik
Dr Diana Jurk
Transplanted senescent cells induce an osteoarthritis-like condition in mice2017
Dr Diana Jurk
Chronic senolytic treatment alleviates established vasomotor dysfunction in aged or atherosclerotic mice2016
Dr Clara Correia Melo
Francisco Marques
Rhys Anderson
Dr Graeme Hewitt
Dr Bernadette Carroll
et al.
Mitochondria are required for pro-ageing features of the senescent phenotype2016
Dr Graeme Hewitt
Dr Bernadette Carroll
Dr Clara Correia Melo
Mikolaj Ogrodnik
Dr Glyn Nelson
et al.
SQSTM1/p62 mediates crosstalk between autophagy and the UPS in DNA repair2016
Dr Jodie Birch
Rhys Anderson
Clara Correia Melo
Dr Diana Jurk
Dr Graeme Hewitt
et al.
DNA damage response at telomeres contributes to lung aging and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease2015
Dr Caroline Wilson
Dr Diana Jurk
Nicola Fullard
Paul Banks
Dr Agata Page
et al.
NFkB1 is a suppressor of neutrophil-driven hepatocellular carcinoma2015
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Diana Jurk
Annette King
Oxidative stress and life histories: unresolved issues and current needs2015
Dr Diana Jurk
Dr Caroline Wilson
Dr Joao Passos
Professor Fiona Oakley
Clara Correia Melo
et al.
Chronic inflammation induces telomere dysfunction and accelerates ageing in mice2014
Dr Glyn Nelson
James Wordsworth
Dr Diana Jurk
Dr Conor Lawless
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
et al.
A senescent cell bystander effect: senescence-induced senescence2012
Dr Conor Lawless
Dr Diana Jurk
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Daryl Shanley
Dr Gabriele Saretzki
et al.
A Stochastic Step Model of Replicative Senescence Explains ROS Production Rate in Ageing Cell Populations2012
Dr Diana Jurk
Chunfang Wang
Dr Satomi Miwa
Mandy Maddick
Professor Viktor Korolchuk
et al.
Postmitotic neurons develop a p21-dependent senescence-like phenotype driven by a DNA damage response2012
Dr Diana Jurk
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki
Sustained telomere length in hepatocytes and cholangiocytes with increasing age in normal liver2012
Dr Graeme Hewitt
Dr Diana Jurk
Francisco Marques
Clara Correia Melo
Dr Timothy Hardy
et al.
Telomeres are favoured targets of a persistent DNA damage response in ageing and stress-induced senescence2012
Mandy Maddick
Dr Satomi Miwa
Dr Diana Jurk
Dr Rafal Czapiewski
Dr Gabriele Saretzki
et al.
Adult-onset, short-term dietary restriction reduces cell senescence in mice2010
Dr Conor Lawless
Dr Diana Jurk
Alina Merz
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki
Dr Joao Passos
et al.
Quantitative assessment of markers for cell senescence2010
Chunfang Wang
Dr Diana Jurk
Mandy Maddick
Dr Glyn Nelson
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
et al.
DNA damage response and cellular senescence in tissues of aging mice2009
Dr Roben Gieling
Vidya Rajasekaran
Dr Diana Jurk
Dr Ahmed Elsharkawy
Professor Alastair Burt
et al.
The Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Proliferative Properties of the NFKB1 (P50) Gene Protect Against Hepatocellular Carcinoma2009