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Browsing publications by Graham Fairclough.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Graham Fairclough
A Heritage Without Boundaries: Nature-Culture Synergies in and around Norwegian Protected Landscapes2024
Professor Rob Collins
Graham Fairclough
Professor Sam Turner
Building a community of practice in a Roman heritage landscape2023
Graham Fairclough
Europe and its Landscape Convention2023
Graham Fairclough
Dr Stelios Lekakis
Professor Sam Turner
The importance of landscape for identity in the aftermath of devastation and dislocation past and present2023
Graham Fairclough
Florence and Faro, Two Cities and their Conventions: Parks and Everyday Life in Major Cities2022
Graham Fairclough
Inferring Value: A Multiscalar Analysis of Landscape Character Assessments2022
Graham Fairclough
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Enviromental Narrative2022
Graham Fairclough
Thinking and writing with care2022
Graham Fairclough
Founders: Christopher Taylor2021
Graham Fairclough
Cultivating Design: resilience (and beauty?) through adapting inherited landscapes2020
Graham Fairclough
Niels Dabaut
Professor Sam Turner
The CHeriScape project, 2014–2016: key messages from CHeriScape – cultural solutions for cultural problems2020
Graham Fairclough
The Wisdom of the Commons: 'Together' is always better2020
Graham Fairclough
Landscape and heritage: ideas from Europe for culturally based solutions in rural environments2019
Graham Fairclough
Routledge Handbook of Landscape Character Assessment: Current Approaches to Characterisation and Assessment2018
Graham Fairclough
Al lloc adequate, en el moment adequate: l'aigua en el paitsatges humans [In the right place at the right time, water in human landscapes]2016
Graham Fairclough
Essentially cultural: Perspectives on landscape from Europe2016
Graham Fairclough
Introduction to a special issue: the future of landscape characterisation, and the future character of landscape - between space, time, history, place and nature2016
Graham Fairclough
Lens, mirror, window: interactions between Historic Landscape Characterisation and Landscape Character Assessment2016
Graham Fairclough
Meaningful Constructions - spatial and functional analysis of medieval buildings.2016
Graham Fairclough
Culture in, for and as Sustainable Development. Conclusions from the COST Action IS1007 Investigating Cultural Sustainability2015
Graham Fairclough
Theory and Practice in Heritage and Sustainability: Between Past and Future2015
Graham Fairclough
Niels Dabaut
Introduction, Seeing Heritage through the Lens of Landscape: New Approaches in Landscape Archaeology Based on the Fusion of Heritage and Landscape2014
Graham Fairclough
What Was Wrong With Dufton? Reflections on Counter-Mapping: Self, Alterity and Community, (Afterword)2014
Graham Fairclough
Common European heritage: reinventing identity through landscape and heritage?2013
Graham Fairclough
Introduction to ‘Experiences of landscape identification and assessment: national, regional and local levels’ - Methods: Scales and levels. (workshop presentations, Council of Europe, Montenegro workshop, 2-3 October 2013)2013
Graham Fairclough
New Heritage Frontiers: Heritage, Landscape and Sustainability, keynote lecture at Heritage Canada 40th Anniversary Conference October 31 – November 2, 2013, Ottawa2013
Graham Fairclough
Recalibrating Through 'Landscape'2013
Graham Fairclough
The New Heritage and re-shapings of the past2013
Graham Fairclough
Look the other way - from a branch of archaeology to a root of landscape studies2012
Graham Fairclough
The value of heritage for the future2012
Graham Fairclough
A prospect of time: interactions between landscape architecture and archaeology2011
Graham Fairclough
Changing landscapes of archaeology and heritage2010
Graham Fairclough
Complexity and contingency: classifying the influence of agriculture on European landscape.2010
Graham Fairclough
Professor Sam Turner
Constructing a Eucaland Project classification2010
Graham Fairclough
General Conclusions/ Conclusions Générales, Landscape and Driving Forces / Paysage et forces gouvernantes/déterminantes2010
Graham Fairclough
Landscape and Spatial Planning in England: past achievements, present questions, future goals2010
Graham Fairclough
Look the other way – from a branch of archaeology to a root of landscape studies2010
Graham Fairclough
Character and Change: heritage management and the future European landscape2009
Graham Fairclough
n.d. Conservation and the British2009
Graham Fairclough
New Heritage Frontiers2009
Graham Fairclough
Landscape as heritage - the Management and Protection of Landscape in Europe, a summary by the Action COST A27 “LANDMARKS”2008
Graham Fairclough
Landscape Heritage and National Cultures – Comparing national approaches to protecting and managing Europe’s landscape2008
Graham Fairclough
Rus infra urbe: Pre-industrial landscape below modern cities2008
Graham Fairclough
The United Kingdom – England2008
Professor Sam Turner
Graham Fairclough
Common Culture: The Archaeology of Landscape Character in Europe2007
Graham Fairclough
Envisioning Landscape: Situations and Standpoints in Archaeology and Heritage2007
Graham Fairclough
L’histoire et le temps: gérer paysage et ses perceptions (History, Time and Change: managing landscape and perception)2007
Graham Fairclough
The Cold War in context: archaeological explorations of private and public complexities2007
Graham Fairclough
The contemporary and future landscape: change & creation in the later 20th century2007
Graham Fairclough
Dr John Schofield
The Heritage Reader2007
Graham Fairclough
A New Landscape for Cultural Heritage Management: Characterisation as a Management Tool2006
Graham Fairclough
History and time: managing landscape and perceptions2004
Jennifer Clark
Graham Fairclough
Using Historic Landscape Characterisation2004
Dr Oscar Aldred
Graham Fairclough
Historic Landscape Characterisation Taking Stock of the Method2003
Graham Fairclough
'The long chain': archaeology, historical landscape characterization and time depth in the landscape2003