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Browsing publications by Professor Loranne Agius.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Brian Ford
Dr Shruti Chachra
Ahmed Alshawi
Professor Fiona Oakley
Professor Dina Tiniakos
et al.
Compromised chronic efficacy of a glucokinase activator AZD1656 in mouse models for common human GCKR variants2024
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Brian Ford
Hepatic glucokinase regulatory protein and carbohydrate response element binding protein attenuation reduce de novo lipogenesis but do not mitigate intrahepatic triglyceride accumulation in Aldob deficiency2024
Dr Brian Ford
Dr Shruti Chachra
Katrina Rodgers
Tabassum Moonira
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
et al.
The GCKR-P446L gene variant predisposes to raised blood cholesterol and lower blood glucose in the P446L mouse-a model for GCKR rs12603262023
Dr Brian Ford
Dr Shruti Chachra
Ahmed Alshawi
Alfie Brennan
Dr Suzannah Harnor
et al.
Chronic glucokinase activator treatment activates liver Carbohydrate response element binding protein and improves hepatocyte ATP homeostasis during substrate challenge2020
Tabassum Moonira
Dr Shruti Chachra
Dr Brian Ford
Ahmed Alshawi
Dr Catherine Arden
et al.
Metformin lowers glucose 6-phosphate in hepatocytes by activation of glycolysis downstream of glucose phosphorylation2020
Dr Alistair Leitch
Dr Tarek Mamdouh Abdelghany
Dr Alex Charlton
Professor Fiona Oakley
Dr Lee Borthwick
et al.
Renal injury and hepatic effects from the methylimidazolium ionic liquid M8OI in mouse2020
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Brian Ford
Dr Shruti Chachra
The metformin mechanism on gluconeogenesis and AMPK activation: The metabolite perspective2020
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Shruti Chachra
Dr Brian Ford
The Protective Role of the Carbohydrate Response Element Binding Protein in the Liver: The Metabolite Perspective2020
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Professor Loranne Agius
Identification of C‑β‑D‑Glucopyranosyl Azole-Type Inhibitors of Glycogen Phosphorylase That Reduce Glycogenolysis in Hepatocytes: In Silico Design, Synthesis, in Vitro Kinetics, and ex Vivo Studies2019
Ahmed Alshawi
Professor Loranne Agius
Low metformin causes a more oxidized mitochondrial NADH/NAD redox state in hepatocytes and inhibits gluconeogenesis by a redox-independent mechanism2019
Professor Loranne Agius
Professor Quentin Anstee
Application of long single-stranded DNA donors in genome editing: generation and validation of mouse mutants2018
Professor Loranne Agius
Professor Quentin Anstee
Application of long single-stranded DNA donors in genome editing: Generation and validation of mouse mutants2018
Dr Alistair Leitch
Anne Lakey
will Hotham
Professor Loranne Agius
Professor George Kass
et al.
The ionic liquid 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium (M8OI) is an activator of the human estrogen receptor alpha2018
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Sofia Fountana
Tabassum Moonira
Dr Susan Tudhope
John Petrie
et al.
Opposite effects of a glucokinase activator and metformin on glucose-regulated gene expression in hepatocytes2017
Professor Loranne Agius
Dietary carbohydrate and control of hepatic gene expression: mechanistic links from ATP and phosphate ester homeostasis to the carbohydrate-response element-binding protein2016
Professor Loranne Agius
Hormonal and Metabolite Regulation of Hepatic Glucokinase2016
Tabassum Moonira
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Dr Catherine Arden
Professor Loranne Agius
Metformin action in hepatocytes is not mimicked by selective activation of AMPactivated protein kinase2016
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Sofia Fountana
Professor Loranne Agius
Mechanism of action of metformin in regulating hepatic gene expression2015
Professor Loranne Agius
Role of glycogen phosphorylase in liver glycogen metabolism2015
Kirsty Cullen
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Catherine Arden
Glucagon induces translocation of glucokinase from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of hepatocytes by transfer between 6-phosphofructo 2-kinase/fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase-2 and the glucokinase regulatory protein2014
Professor Loranne Agius
Lessons from glucokinase activators: the problem of declining efficacy2014
Dr John Petrie
Sofia Fountana
Professor Loranne Agius
Opposite effects of glucokinase activators and metformin on gene expression in hepatocytes2014
Professor Loranne Agius
Structure based inhibitor design targeting glycogen phosphorylase b. Virtual screening, synthesis, biochemical and biological assessment of novel N-acyl-β-ᴅ-glucopyranosylamines2014
Dr Phillip Probert
Git Chung
Dr Simon Cockell
Professor Loranne Agius
Steven White
et al.
Utility of B-13 Progenitor-Derived Hepatocytes in Hepatotoxicity and Genotoxicity Studies2014
Dr Catherine Arden
Kirsty Cullen
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Professor Loranne Agius
A role for glucagon in the post-translational regulation of hepatic glucokinase activity2013
Dr John Petrie
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Susan Tudhope
Professor Jelena Mann
et al.
Glucose induces protein targeting to glycogen in hepatocytes by fructose 2,6-bisphosphate-mediated recruitment of MondoA to the promoter2013
Professor Loranne Agius
High-carbohydrate diets induce hepatic insulin resistance to protect the liver from substrate overload2013
Dr Gillian Patman
Professor Loranne Agius
Douglas Hui
Dr Despoina Televantou
Professor Helen Reeves
et al.
Post-transcriptional activation of PPAR alpha by KLF6 in hepatic steatosis2013
John Petrie
Dr Gillian Patman
Ishita Sinha
Professor Helen Reeves
Professor Loranne Agius
et al.
The rate of production of uric acid by hepatocytes is a sensitive index of compromised cell ATP homeostasis2013
Dr Susan Tudhope
Dr Fiona Malcomson
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Laura Hampson
Professor Loranne Agius
et al.
A Novel Mechanism for Regulating Hepatic Glycogen Synthesis Involving Serotonin and Cyclin-Dependent Kinase-52012
Professor Loranne Agius
Comment on: Stefanovski et al. Estimating Hepatic Glucokinase Activity Using a Simple Model of Lactate Kinetics. Diabetes Care 2012;35: 1015-10202012
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Susan Tudhope
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Kirsty Cullen
Professor Loranne Agius
et al.
Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate is essential for glucose-regulated genetranscription of glucose-6-phosphatase and other ChREBP target genes inhepatocytes2012
Dr Gillian Patman
Laura Pascoe
Dr Luca Miele
Douglas Hui
Professor Alastair Burt
et al.
Glucokinase links Krüppel-like factor 6 to the regulation of hepatic insulin sensitivity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease2012
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Dr John Petrie
Dr Susan Tudhope
Dr Catherine Arden
Professor Loranne Agius
et al.
The insulin-independent glucose-induction of the hepatic gluconeogenic enzyme glucose 6-phosphatase involves distinct metabolic pathways and transcription factors2012
Professor Helen Reeves
Professor Loranne Agius
The Kruppel-like factor 6-IVS1-27A (KLF6) polymorphism is associated with more favourable postprandial glucose metabolism in subjects at high risk of type 2 diabetes2012
Professor Loranne Agius
Compartmentation of glycogen metabolism revealed from 13C isotopologuedistributions2011
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Susan Tudhope
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
Professor Loranne Agius
Elevated glucose represses liver glucokinase and induces its regulatory protein to safeguard hepatic phosphate homeostasis2011
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Catherine Arden
Susceptibility of Glucokinase-MODY Mutants to Inactivation by Oxidative Stress in Pancreatic β-Cells2011
Dr Gillian Patman
Professor Loranne Agius
Professor Helen Reeves
Liver-specific deletion of KLF6 uncovers novel transcriptional pathways linked to lipid and glucose homeostasis2010
Professor Loranne Agius
Physiological Control of Liver Glycogen Metabolism: Lessons from Novel Glycogen Phosphorylase Inhibitors2010
Professor Loranne Agius
Targeting Hepatic Glucokinase in Type 2 Diabetes: Weighing the Benefits and Risks2009
Dr Catherine Arden
Kirsty Cullen
Professor Loranne Agius
Visualisation of protein-protein interactions of glucokinase in living cells2009
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Laura Hampson
Professor James Shaw
Dr Ali Aldibbiat
Dr Graham Holliman
et al.
A role for PFK-2/FBPase-2, as distinct from fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, in regulation of insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells2008
Professor Loranne Agius
Glucokinase and molecular aspects of liver glycogen metabolism2008
Mohammed Mukhtar
Victoria Payne
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Andrew Harbottle
Professor Loranne Agius
et al.
Inhibition of glucokinase translocation by AMP-activated protein kinase is associated with phosphorylation of both GKRP and 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/ fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase2008
Dr Laura Hampson
Professor Loranne Agius
Acetylcholine exerts additive and permissive but not synergistic effects with insulin on glycogen synthesis in hepatocytes2007
Dr Laura Hampson
Professor Loranne Agius
Acetylcholine potentiates the glycogenic actions of insulin in isolated hepatocytes2007
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Alison Trainer
Dr Kathleen Scougall
Professor James Shaw
Professor Loranne Agius
et al.
Cell biology assessment of glucokinase mutations V62M and G72R in pancreatic β-cells: Evidence for cellular instability of catalytic activity2007
Victoria Payne
Dr Catherine Arden
Professor Loranne Agius
Contributions of glucokinase and phosphofructokinase-2/fructose bisphosphatase-2 to the elevated glycolysis in hepatocytes from Zucker fa/fa rats2007
Dr Laura Hampson
Dr Paul Mackin
Professor Loranne Agius
Control of glycogen metabolism in hepatocytes by serotonergic mechanisms and counter-regulation of the glycogenic effect by second-generation antipsychotic drugs2007
Dr Catherine Arden
Professor Loranne Agius
Determination of PFK-2/FBPase-2 isoforms and the role of fructose 2,6 bisphosphate in pancreatic islets and beta-cells lines2007
Professor Loranne Agius
New hepatic targets for glycaemic control in diabetes2007
Dr Laura Hampson
Dr Paul Mackin
Professor Loranne Agius
Stimulation of glycogen synthesis and inactivation of phosphorylase in hepatocytes by serotonergic mechanisms, and counter-regulation by atypical antipsychotic drugs2007
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Kathleen Scougall
Professor James Shaw
Professor Loranne Agius
[abstract] Generation of MIN6 stable cell lines expressing GFP-tagged glucokinase for cellular analysis of glucokinase mutants2006
Dr Laura Hampson
Dr Catherine Arden
Professor Loranne Agius
Bioactivity of glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors that bind to the purine nucleoside site2006
Dr Catherine Arden
Professor James Shaw
Professor Loranne Agius
Catalytic instability of the glucokinase MODY-2 mutants V62M and G72R in pancreatic beta cells2006
Dr Catherine Arden
Professor Loranne Agius
Glucokinase regulatory protein is associated with mitochondria in hepatocytes2006
Professor Loranne Agius
Iminosugars as potential inhibitors of glycogenolysis: Structural insights into the molecular basis of glycogen phosphorylase inhibition2006
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Laura Hampson
Dr Susan Aiston
Dr Linda Harndahl
Professor Loranne Agius
et al.
Increased sensitivity of glycogen synthesis to phosphorylase-a and impaired expression of the glycogen-targeting protein R6 in hepatocytes from insulin-resistant Zucker fa/fa rats2006
Dr Linda Harndahl
Professor Loranne Agius
The role of glucose 6-phosphate in mediating the effects of glucokinase overexpression on hepatic glucose metabolism2006
Dr Susan Aiston
Dr Laura Hampson
Dr Catherine Arden
Professor Loranne Agius
The role of protein kinase B/Akt in insulin-induced inactivation of phosphorylase in rat hepatocytes2006
Victoria Payne
Dr Catherine Arden
Professor Loranne Agius
Dual role of phosphofructokinase-2/fructose bisphosphatase-2 in regulating the compartmentation and expression of glucokinase in hepatocytes2005
Dr Laura Hampson
Professor Loranne Agius
Increased potency and efficacy of combined phosphorylase inactivation and glucokinase activation in control of hepatocyte glycogen metabolism2005
Katy Brocklehurst
Professor Loranne Agius
Differences in regulatory properties between human and rat glucokinase regulatory protein2004
Dr Catherine Arden
Dr Andrew Harbottle
Professor Loranne Agius
Glucokinase is an integral component of the insulin granules in glucose-responsive insulin secretory cells and does not translocate during glucose stimulation2004
Dr Susan Aiston
Mohammed Mukhtar
Professor Loranne Agius
Glucose 6-phosphate causes translocation of phosphorylase in hepatocytes and inactivates the enzyme synergistically with glucose2004
Katy Brocklehurst
Victoria Payne
Dr Susan Aiston
Professor Loranne Agius
Stimulation of Hepatocyte Glucose Metabolism by Novel Small Molecule Glucokinase Activators2004
Andrew Green
Dr Susan Aiston
Professor Loranne Agius
The glycogenic action of protein targeting to glycogen in hepatocytes involves multiple mechanisms including phosphorylase inactivation and glycogen synthase translocation2004
Dr Susan Aiston
Professor Loranne Agius
Glucose 6-phosphate regulates hepatic glycogenolysis through inactivation of phosphorylase2003
Dr Susan Aiston
Professor Loranne Agius
Inactivation of phosphorylase is a major component of the mechanism by which insulin stimulates hepatic glycogen synthesis2003
Dr Anna Tavridou
Professor Loranne Agius
Phosphorylase regulates the association of glycogen synthase with a proteoglycogen substrate in hepatocytes2003
Theodoros Latsis
Professor Loranne Agius
Diverse effects of two allosteric inhibitors on the phosphorylation state of glycogen phosphorylase in hepatocytes2002
Professor Loranne Agius
Multiple glucose 6-phosphate pools or channelling of flux in diverse pathways?2002
Dr Susan Aiston
Dr Laura Hampson
Professor Loranne Agius
Hepatic glycogen synthesis is highly sensitive to phosphorylase activity: Evidence from metabolic control analysis2001
Professor Loranne Agius
Occurrence of paradoxical or sustained control by an enzyme when overexpressed: Necessary conditions and experimental evidence with regard to hepatic glucokinase2001
Dr Susan Aiston
Professor Loranne Agius
Impaired glycogen synthesis in hepatocytes from Zucker fatty fa/fa rats: The role of increased phosphorylase activity2000
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Mark Stubbs
Investigation of the mechanism by which glucose analogues cause translocation of glucokinase in hepatocytes: Evidence for two glucose binding sites2000
Dr Mark Stubbs
Dr Susan Aiston
Professor Loranne Agius
Subcellular localization, mobility, and kinetic activity of glucokinase in glucose-responsive insulin-secreting cells2000
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Susan Aiston
The control strength of glucokinase in hepatocytes: A predictor of metabolic defects in maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 22000
Mohammed Mukhtar
Professor Loranne Agius
The role of the regulatory protein of glucokinase in the glucose sensory mechanism of the hepatocyte2000
Professor Loranne Agius
Use of α-toxin from Staphylococcus aureus to test for channelling of intermediates of glycolysis between glucokinase and aldolase in hepatocytes2000
Mohammed Mukhtar
Dr Mark Stubbs
Professor Loranne Agius
Evidence for glucose and sorbitol-induced nuclear export of glucokinase regulatory protein in hepatocytes1999
Professor Loranne Agius
Glucose-6-phosphatase overexpression lowers glucose 6-phosphate and inhibits glycogen synthesis and glycolysis in hepatocytes without affecting glucokinase translocation. Evidence against feedback inhibition of glucokinase1999
Professor Loranne Agius
Emeritus Professor Steve Yeaman
Professor Chris Day
Inhibition of rat hepatocyte proliferation by transforming growth factor beta and glucagon is associated with inhibition of ERK2 and p70 S6 kinase1999
Dr Susan Aiston
Professor Loranne Agius
Leptin enhances glycogen storage in hepatocytes by inhibition of phosphorylase and exerts an additive effect with insulin1999
Professor Loranne Agius
The role of glucokinase translocation in the hepatocyte in the control of glucose metabolism1999
Professor Loranne Agius
The hepatocyte cytoskeleton. Biochemical, physiological, and pathological aspects1996