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Browsing publications by Professor Faith Williams.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Faith Williams
New approaches build upon historical studies in dermal toxicology2023
Abi Dalzell
Professor Faith Williams
Dr Colin Brown
Characterization of multidrug transporter-mediated efflux of avermectins in human and mouse neuroblastoma cell lines2015
Professor Faith Williams
Varshini Ravi
Dr SarahJayne Boulton
Dr Elaine Mutch
Dr Christopher Jewell
et al.
Factors influencing expression and specificity of carboxylesterases in skin: Implications for local and systemic paraben ester toxicity2014
Dr Alison Forrester
Martina Elias
Emma Woodward
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Nick Reynolds
et al.
Induction of a chloracne phenotype in an epidermal equivalent model by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is dependent on aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation and is not reproduced by aryl hydrocarbon receptor knock down2014
Craig Moore
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Peter Blain
Dr Michael Dunn
Dr Gillian Aust
et al.
Percutaneous absorption and distribution of organophosphates (chlorpyrifos and dichlorvos) following dermal exposure and decontamination scenarios using in vitro human skin model2014
Professor Faith Williams
Section editorial - Cutaneous biology2014
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Peter Blain
Professor Faith Williams
Use of a human skin in vitro model to investigate the influence of 'every-day' clothing and skin surface decontamination on the percutaneous penetration of organophosphates2014
Dr Paul Jowsey
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Peter Blain
DNA damage responses in cells exposed to sulphur mustard2012
Andrew Axon
Dr Felicity May
Dr Luke Gaughan
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Peter Blain
et al.
Tartrazine and sunset yellow are xenoestrogens in a new screening assay to identify modulators of human oestrogen receptor transcriptional activity2012
Dr Alison Forrester
Professor Penny Lovat
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Nick Reynolds
Differential activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and regulation of differentiation in the epidermal equivalent model2011
Professor Faith Williams
Dr Elaine Mutch
Heavy metal toxicity and implications for hepatobiliary diseases2011
Dr Paul Jowsey
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Peter Blain
The role of homologous recombination in the cellular response to sulphur mustard2011
Alison Forrester
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Nick Reynolds
Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor In Human Keratinocytes and Relevance To Chloracne2010
Andy Axon
Dr David Cowie
Professor Fiona Oakley
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Peter Blain
et al.
Acute oestradiol (E2) administration to mice results in liver portal tract inflammation2010
Passapan Sriwichai
Professor Faith Williams
Dr Elaine Mutch
An investigation of the toxicity of silver nanoparticles to HL60 and Jurkat cells in vitro2010
Ghazalla Benhusein
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
Genotoxic effect induced by hydrogen peroxide in human hepatoma cells using comet assay2010
Ghazalla Benhusein
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
Genotoxic effect of inorganic arsenics in human hepatoma cells (HepG2 cells) using single cell gel electrophoresis2010
Professor Faith Williams
The 2008 ICOH workshop on skin notation2010
Dr Paul Jowsey
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Peter Blain
The role of homologous recombination in the cellular response to sulphur mustard2010
Dr Katherine Betteley
Dr Elaine Mutch
Dr Colin Brown
Professor Faith Williams
Characterisation of pesticide transport in neural cells2009
Dr Kathryn Atherton
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Stephen Rushton
Professor Peter Blain
Dr Elaine Mutch
et al.
DNA damage in horticultural farmers: a pilot study showing an association with organophosphate pesticide exposure2009
Dr Paul Jowsey
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Peter Blain
DNA damage, signalling and repair after exposure of cells to the sulphur mustard analogue 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulphide2009
Dr Katherine Betteley
Professor Faith Williams
Dr Elaine Mutch
Dr Colin Brown
Characterisation of pesticide transport in SHSY-5Y neuroblastoma cells2008
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Cutaneous metabolism2008
Dr Kathryn Atherton
Professor Faith Williams
Samantha Jameson
Dr Elaine Mutch
DNA damage by single doses of five organophosphate pesticides to rats2008
Dr Elaine Mutch
Dr Kathryn Atherton
Samantha Jameson
Professor Faith Williams
DNA Damage In Horticultural Farmers With Chronic Exposure To Pesticide Mixtures, Including Organophosphate Pesticides2008
Seth Remington
Dr Paul Jowsey
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Peter Blain
Investigations into the genotoxic potential of dichlorvos2008
Matthew Traynor
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Metabolism of butoxyethanol in excised human skin in vitro2008
Professor Faith Williams
Potential for metabolism locally in the skin of dermally absorbed compounds2008
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Peter Blain
Professor Faith Williams
A possible mechanism for the neurotoxicity of trichloroethylene to man2007
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Analysis, interpretation, and extrapolation of dermal permeation data using diffusion-based mathematical models2007
Matthew Traynor
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Corrigendum to "The influence of water mixtures on the dermal absorption of glycol ethers" [Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 218 (2007) 128-134] (DOI:10.1016/j.taap.2006.09.019)2007
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Cutaneous metabolism2007
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
Effect of arsenic on DNA damage, glutathione content, apoptosis and necrosis in HaCat cells2007
Dr Christopher Jewell
Professor Faith Williams
Hydrolysis of a series of parabens by skin microsomes and cytosol from human and minipigs and in whole skin in short-term culture2007
Dr Gillian Aust
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Dr Michael Dunn
Professor Faith Williams
Influence of formulation on the dermal absorption of pesticide actives at spray dilution concentrations2007
Dr Christopher Jewell
Phillippa Bennett
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
Inter-individual variability in esterases in human liver2007
Dr Christopher Jewell
Professor Faith Williams
Specificity of procaine and ester hydrolysis by human, minipig, and rat skin and liver2007
Dr Christopher Jewell
Professor Faith Williams
The distribution of esterases in the skin of the minipig2007
Ria Wilkinson
Dr Christopher Jewell
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Peter Blain
et al.
The effect of in vitro receptor media choice on the percutaneous absorption of methyl paraben2007
Matthew Traynor
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
The influence of water mixtures on the dermal absorption of glycol ethers2007
Matthew Traynor
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
The influence of water mixtures on the dermal absorption of glycol ethers (vol 218, pg 128, 2007)2007
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Faith Williams
The Relationship between PON1 Phenotype and PON1-192 Genotype in Detoxification of Three Oxons by Human Liver2007
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
The role of esterases in the metabolism of ciclesonide to desisobutyryl-ciclesonide in human tissue2007
Zhen Jiang
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Peter Blain
Professor Faith Williams
Conversion of trichloroethylene to chloral using occupationally relevant levels2006
Professor Faith Williams
Dermal absorption of caffeine and testosterone through SLS-treated human skin in vitro2006
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
Diazinon, chlorpyrifos and parathion are metabolised by multiple cytochromes P450 in human liver2006
Dr Kathryn Atherton
Professor Faith Williams
Samantha Jameson
Dr Elaine Mutch
DNA damage by dichlorvos and repair profiles in human lymphocytes, in vitro2006
Professor Faith Williams
Dr Kathryn Atherton
Sheila Jamieson
Dr Elaine Mutch
DNA damage by organophosphate pesticides and repair profiles in human lymphocytes, in vitro2006
Dr Christopher Jewell
Professor Faith Williams
Hydrolysis of esters by human, mini-pig, and rat skin microsomes and cytosol2006
Professor Faith Williams
In vitro studies - How good are they at replacing in vivo studies for measurement of skin absorption?2006
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Laura Greaves
Professor Faith Williams
Interactions of skin thickness and physicochemical properties of test compounds in percutaneous penetration studies2006
Dr Ovnair Sepai Adem BEM
Professor Faith Williams
David Henderson
Professor Peter Blain
Biological monitoring of exposure to organochlorine pesticides in an African population2005
Professor Faith Williams
Cutaneous metabolism of glycol ethers2005
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Inter- and intralaboratory variation of in vitro diffusion cell measurements: An international multicenter study using quasi-standardized methods and materials2005
Professor Faith Williams
The effect of sodium lauryl sulphate upon the distribution of testosterone through human skin in vitro2005
Dr Elaine Mutch
Samantha Jameson
Professor Faith Williams
The influence of chemical structure on the toxicity of organophosphate pesticides2005
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
The relationship between in vivo dermal penetration studies in humans and in vitro predictions using human skin2005
Vanessa Gage
Professor Peter Blain
Julian Leathart
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Faith Williams
et al.
Association of DNA damage to human peripheral lymphocytes with age and MnSOD and OGG1 genotype2004
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Clair Roper
Professor Faith Williams
CEFIC Workshop on methods to determine permeation for human risk assessment2004
Vanessa Gage
Professor Peter Blain
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
DNA damage and 8-hydroxy-2 '-deoxyguanosine formation due to hydrogen peroxide exposure in HepG2 cells2004
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
Do multiple P450 isoforms contribute to parathion, diazinon and chlorpyrifos metabolism in man?2004
Professor Faith Williams
EDETOX. Evaluations and predictions of dermal absorption of toxic chemicals2004
Matthew Traynor
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Effects of water on the absorption of two glycol ethers through human skin in vitro2004
Professor Faith Williams
Evaluations and predictions of dermal absorption of toxic chemicals2004
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
In vitro predictions of skin absorption of caffeine, testosterone, and benzoic acid: A multi-centre comparison study2004
Dr Elaine Mutch
Dr Lindsey Ferrie
Christopher Pedder
Professor Faith Williams
Measurement of DNA damage from organophosphate pesticides2004
Professor Faith Williams
Percutaneous penetration and metabolism of 2-butoxyethanol2004
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Percutaneous penetration of malathion and parathion: Dose and vehicle effects2004
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Percutaneous penetration of parathion in ethanol and xylene vehicles2004
Emma Davis
Vanessa Gage
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Faith Williams
The contribution of genotype to DNA damage in lymphocytes from healthy volunteers2004
James Wakefield
Professor Faith Williams
The percutaneous penetration of testosterone and water using an in vitro model of skin irritation2004
Dr Barry King
Julian Leathart
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Ann Daly
et al.
CYP3A5 phenotype-genotype correlations in a British population2003
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Ann Daly
Julian Leathart
Professor Peter Blain
Professor Faith Williams
et al.
Do multiple cytochrome P450 isoforms contribute to parathion metabolism in man?2003
Dr Elaine Mutch
Dr Lindsey Ferrie
Christopher Pedder
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Ann Daly
et al.
The role of metabolism in determining the genotoxicity of organophosphate pesticides2003
Dr Namrata Bahadur
Julian Leathart
Dr Elaine Mutch
Dr Stuart Dunn
Professor Faith Williams
et al.
CYP2C8 polymorphisms in Caucasians and their relationship with paclitaxel 6α-hydroxylase activity in human liver microsomes2002
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Effects of experimental conditions on absorption of glycol ethers through human skin in vitro2002
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Effects of experimental conditions on absorption of glycol ethers through human skin in vitro2002
Professor Laura Greaves
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Factors affecting percutaneous absorption of caffeine in vitro2002
Fei Lee
Professor Faith Williams
Influence of the skin reservoir on absorption of testosterone through rat skin in vitro and in vivo2002
Professor Faith Williams
Percutaneous penetration and metabolism of 2-ethoxyethanol2002
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
Dermal absorption of pyridine and some methyl pyridines in vitro2001
Abdullah Saati
Dr Gail de Blaquiere
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
Effects of multiple doses of diazinon on blood and brain esterases in the mouse2001
Dr Simon Wilkinson
Professor Faith Williams
In vitro dermal absorption of liquids2001
Fei Lee
Professor Faith Williams
Interindividual variability in the percutaneous penetration of testosterone through human skin in vitro2001
Professor Faith Williams
Dr John Edwards
Peripheral cholinesterase inhibition by occupational chlorpyrifos exposure in Australian termiticide applicators2001
Emma Davis
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Faith Williams
Quantitation of in vitro DNA damage using the comet assay2001
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Faith Williams
Professor Peter Blain
Cytogenetic response without changes in peripheral cholinesterase enzymes following exposure to a sheep dip containing diazinon in vivo and in vitro2000
Dr Gail de Blaquiere
Louise Waters
Professor Peter Blain
Professor Faith Williams
Electrophysiological and biochemical effects of single and multiple doses of the organophosphate diazinon in the mouse2000
Dr Christopher Jewell
Professor Faith Williams
Percutaneous absorption and metabolism of dinitrochlorobenzene in vitro2000
Dr Christopher Jewell
Professor Faith Williams
Percutaneous absorption and metabolism of dinitrochlorobenzene in vitro2000
Professor Faith Williams
Percutaneous penetration and dermal metabolism of triclosan (2,4,4'- trichloro-2'-hydroxydiphenyl ether)2000
Professor Faith Williams
Percutaneous penetration studies for risk assessment2000
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Peter Blain
Professor Faith Williams
The role of metabolism in determining susceptibility to parathion toxicity in man1999
Professor Peter Blain
Professor Faith Williams
The percutaneous absorption and skin distribution of lindane in man. II. In vitro studies1997
Professor Peter Blain
Professor Faith Williams
The effect of sulphur mustard on glutathione levels in rat lung slices and the influence of treatment with arylthiols and cysteine esters1996
Dr Elaine Mutch
Professor Peter Blain
Professor Faith Williams
Interindividual variations in enzymes controlling organophosphate toxicity in man1992