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Browsing publications by Professor Andrew Russell.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Andrew Henderson
Professor Andrew Russell
For an Environmental Ethnography in Human and Physical Geography: Reenvisioning the Impacts and Opportunities of El Niño in Peru2024
Dr Devin Harrison
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Russell
Geophysical reconstruction of the late Holocene proximal proglacial landsystem at Skeiðarársandur, southeast Iceland2023
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Russell
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigations of a large-scale buried ice-marginal landsystem, Skeiðarársandur, SE Iceland2022
Ethan Lee
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Henderson
Professor Andrew Russell
Palaeoglaciation in the low latitude, low elevation tropical Andes, northern Peru2022
Martin Jolley
Professor Andrew Russell
Dr Paul Quinn
Dr Matthew Perks
Considerations When Applying Large-Scale PIV and PTV for Determining River Flow Velocity2021
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Neil Ross
Creag Aoil and the Lundy Channel, Spean Bridge2021
Professor Andrew Russell
Controls on jökulhlaup process-form relationships within sub-, en-, supra- and proglacial environments.2020
David Blauvelt
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Andy Large
Controls on jökulhlaup-transported buried ice melt-out at Skeiðarársandur, Iceland: implications for the evolution of ice-marginal environments2020
Dr Jake Collins-May
Professor Rachel Carr
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Russell
Post-impact evolution of the southern Hale Crater ejecta, Mars2020
Dr Borbala Hortobagyi
Dr Matthew Perks
Professor Andrew Russell
Handbook for Surface Flow Velocity Measurement2019
Dr Devin Harrison
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Stuart Dunning
Post-jökulhlaup geomorphic evolution of the Gígjökull Basin, Iceland2019
Professor Rachel Carr
Professor Andrew Russell
Response of glacier flow and structure to proglacial lake development and climate at Fjallsjökull, south-east Iceland2019
Professor Andrew Russell
Glacifluvial and glacilacustrine landforms and deposits of Skeiðarárjökull and Skeiðarársandur.2018
Professor Andrew Russell
Supercooled meltwater discharge from Skeiðarárjökull and Skaftafellsjökull and associated glacial debris entrainment.2018
Professor Andrew Russell
Ice-Dammed Lake Drainage Evolution at Russell Glacier, West Greenland2017
Professor Andrew Russell
Ice-margin and meltwater dynamics during the mid-Holocene in the Kangerlussuaq area of west Greenland2017
Professor Andrew Russell
Stable oxygen isotope variability in two contrasting glacier river catchments in Greenland2016
Dr Matthew Perks
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Andy Large
Technical Note: Advances in flash flood monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)2016
Professor Andrew Russell
A multi-dimensional analysis of pro-glacial landscape change at Sólheimajökull, southern Iceland2015
Professor Andrew Russell
Spatiotemporal variability of oxygen isotope compositions in three contrasting glacier river catchments in Greenland2015
Professor Andrew Russell
Landscape reaction, response, and recovery following the catastrophic 1918 Katla jökulhlaup, southern Iceland2014
Professor Andrew Russell
Morphological and sedimentary signatures of glaciohydraulic supercooling, Iceland2013
Professor Andrew Russell
Outburst flood evolution at Russell Glacier, western Greenland: effects of a bedrock channel cascade with intermediary lakes2013
Professor Andy Large
Professor Andrew Russell
Dr Anne-Sophie Meriaux
The role of multiple glacial outburst floods in proglacial landscape evolution: The 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, Iceland2013
Professor Andrew Russell
Dr Meredith Williams
A new cycle of jökulhlaups at Russell Glacier, Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland2011
Professor Andrew Russell
An unusual jökulhlaup resulting from subglacial volcanism, Sólheimajökull, Iceland2010
Professor Andrew Russell
Particle fabric and sedimentation of structureless sand, Southern Iceland2010
Dr Matthew Burke
Professor Andrew Russell
Sedimentary architecture of large-scale, jökulhlaup-generated, ice-block obstacle marks: Examples from Skeiðarársandur, SE Iceland2010
Professor Andrew Russell
Subglacial hydraulic scouring and deposition during surge-related outburst floods, Bering Glacier, Alaska2010
Professor Andrew Russell
The 1993-1995 surge and foreland modification, Bering Glacier, Alaska2010
Professor Andrew Russell
The 1993-95 Surge and Foreland Modification, Bering Glacier Alaska2010
Dr Matthew Burke
Professor Andrew Russell
The sedimentary architecture of outburst flood eskers: A comparison of ground-penetrating radar data from Bering Glacier, Alaska and Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland2010
Professor Andrew Russell
11 Volcanogenic Jökulhlaups (Glacier Outburst Floods) from Mýrdalsjökull: Impacts on Proglacial Environments2009
Professor Andrew Russell
Aeolian dune field development in a water table-controlled system: Skeiðarársandur, southern Iceland2009
Professor Andrew Russell
Geomorphological evidence towards a de-glacial control on volcanism2009
Professor Andrew Russell
Jökulhlaup (ice-dammed lake outburst flood) impact within a valley-confined sandur subject to backwater conditions, Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland.2009
Professor Andrew Russell
Sedimentology of a sandur formed by multiple jökulhlaups, Kverkfjöll, Iceland2009
Dr Matthew Burke
Professor Andrew Russell
Structural controls on englacial proto-esker sedimentation: Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland2009
Professor Andrew Russell
Volcanogenic glacier outburst floods (jökulhlaups) from Mýrdalsjökull: impacts on proglacial environments.2009
Professor Andrew Russell
Architectural analysis of a volcaniclastic jökulhlaup deposit, southern Iceland: sedimentary evidence for supercritical flow2008
Dr Matthew Burke
Professor Andrew Russell
Controls on the sedimentary architecture of a single event englacial esker: Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland2008
Dr Matthew Burke
Professor Andrew Russell
GPR investigations of subglacially deformed fossil tree horizons: Bering Glacier, Alaska2008
Professor Andrew Russell
Hydrogeological implications of glacial landscape evolution at Skeiðarársandur, SE Iceland2008
Dr Matthew Burke
Professor Andrew Russell
Investigating reworking of proglacial sediments using GPR: Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland2008
Professor Andrew Russell
Controls on the sedimentology of an ice-contact jökulhlaup-dominated delta, Kangerlussuaq, west Greenland2007
Professor Andrew Russell
GPR-derived sedimentary architecture and stratigraphy of outburst flood sedimentation within a bedrock valley system, Hraundalur, Iceland2007
Professor Andrew Russell
Sediment budgets and rates of sediment transfer across cold environments in Europe: Introduction and background to the European Science Foundation Network 'sedimentary source-to-sink fluxes in cold environments' (sediflux)2007
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Andy Large
Tunnel channel formation during the November 1996 jökulhlaup, Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland2007
Professor Andrew Russell
Coastal aeolian dune development, Sólheimasandur, southern Iceland2006
Professor Andrew Russell
Glacifluvial landforms of deposition2006
Professor Andrew Russell
Icelandic jökulhlaup impacts: implications for ice-sheet hydrology, sediment transfer and geomorphology2006
Professor Andrew Russell
The European Science Foundation (ESF) Network SEDIFLUX: an introduction and overview2006
Professor Andrew Russell
Catastrophic floods2005
Professor Andrew Russell
Hydrologic monitoring of supercooled meltwater from Icelandic glaciers2005
Professor Andrew Russell
Iceland: modern processes and past environments2005
Professor Andrew Russell
Icelandic jökulhlaup impacts2005
Professor Andrew Russell
Introduction to Reassessing the role of meltwater processes during Quaternary glaciations2005
Professor Andrew Russell
Reconstruction of the largest Holocene jökulhlaup within Jökulsá á Fjöllum, NE Iceland2005
Professor Andrew Russell
Geomorphological evidence for jökulhlaups from Kverkfjöll volcano, Iceland2004
Professor Andrew Russell
GPR-derived architecture of large-scale Icelandic jökulhlaup deposits, North-East Iceland2004
Professor Andrew Russell
Palaeohydrology and sedimentary impacts of jökulhlaups from Kverkfjöll, Iceland2004
Professor Andrew Russell
Sedimentology of cold-climate aeolian sandsheet deposits in the Askja region of northeast Iceland2004
Professor Andrew Russell
GPR-derived architecture of November 1996 jökulhlaup deposits, Skeiðarársandur, Iceland2003
Professor Andrew Russell
High-energy sedimentation, Creag Aoil, Spean Bridge, Scotland: implications for meltwater movement and storage during Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) ice retreat2003
Professor Andrew Russell
Hydrologic and geomorphic effects of temporary ice-dammed lake formation during jökulhlaups2003
Professor Andrew Russell
Possible Juventae Chasma subice volcanic eruptions and Maja Valles ice outburst floods on Mars: implications of Mars Global Surveyor crater densities, geomorphology, and topography2003
Professor Andrew Russell
Controls on the development of supraglacial floodwater outlets during jökulhlaups2002
Professor Andrew Russell
Discharge magnitude and frequency as a control on proglacial fluvial sedimentary systems2002
Professor Andrew Russell
Erosion and deposition in the proglacial zone: the 1996 jökulhlaup on Skeiðarársandur, southeast Iceland2002
Professor Andrew Russell
Glaciohydraulic supercooling in Iceland2002
Professor Andrew Russell
Impact of the July 1999 jökulhlaup on the proximal River Jökulsá á Sólheimasandi, Mýrdalsjökull Glacier, southern Iceland2002
Professor Andrew Russell
Jökulhlaup deposits at Ásbyrgi, northern Iceland: sedimentology and implications for flow type2002
Professor Andrew Russell
Modern and ancient ice-marginal landsystems2002
Professor Andrew Russell
The effects of glacier outburst flood flow dynamics on ice-contact deposits: November 1996 jökulhlaup, Skeiðarársandur, Iceland2002
Professor Andrew Russell
The influence of channel flood history on the impact of the November 1996 jökulhlaup, Skeiðarársandur, Iceland (Keynote paper)2002
Professor Andrew Russell
The role of hydrograph shape in controlling glacier outburst flood (jökulhlaup) sedimentation: justification of field prototypes for flume modelling2002
Professor Andrew Russell
Changes in the Gígjukvísl river channel during the November 1996 jökulhlaup, Skeiðarársandur, Iceland.2001
Professor Andrew Russell
Controls on englacial sediment deposition during the November 1996 jökulhlaup, Skeiarárjökull, Iceland2001
Professor Andrew Russell
Glacier surging as a control on the development of proglacial fluvial landforms and deposits, Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland2001
Professor Andrew Russell
Jökulhlaup-related ice fracture and supraglacial water release during the November 1996 jökulhlaup, Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland2001
Professor Andrew Russell
Morphology and sedimentology of a giant supraglacial, ice-walled, jökulhlaup channel, Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland: implications for esker genesis2001
Professor Andrew Russell
Flash flood at Sólheimajökull heralds the re-awakening of an Icelandic subglacial volcano2000
Professor Andrew Russell
Ice fracturing during jökulhlaups: implications for englacial floodwater routing and outlet development2000
Professor Andrew Russell
Iceland 2000: modern processes and past environments2000
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Andrew Russell
Modern and ancient ice-marginal landsystems2000
Professor Andrew Russell
Rapid sediment entrainment and englacial deposition during jökulhlaups2000
Professor Andrew Russell
An ice-contact rhythmite (turbidite) succession deposited during the November 1996 catastrophic outburst flood (jökulhlaup), Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland1999
Professor Andrew Russell
Chemical weathering of volcanogenic sediments, Skeiðarársandur, SE Iceland1999
Professor Andrew Russell
Controls on the formation and drainage of glacier-impounded lakes: implications for jökulhlaup characteristics1999
Professor Andrew Russell
Iceland awaits the big one1999
Professor Andrew Russell
Proglacial fluvial sedimentary sequences in Greenland and Iceland: a case study from active proglacial environments subject to jökulhlaups1999
Professor Andrew Russell
Structural and stratigraphic perspectives on the uplift and erosional history of Djebel Cherichira and Oued Grigema, a segment of the Tunisian Atlas thrust front1999
Professor Andrew Russell
A Younger Dryas (Loch Lomond Stadial) jökulhlaup deposit, Fort Augustus, Scotland1998
Professor Andrew Russell
Controls on the sedimentology of the November 1996 jökulhlaup deposits, Skeiðarársandur, Iceland1997
Professor Andrew Russell
Effects of ice-front collapse and flood generation on a proglacial river channel near Kangerlussuaq (Søndre Strømfjord) west Greenland1995
Professor Andrew Russell
Late Devensian meltwater movement and storage within the Ochil Hills, central Scotland1995
Professor Andrew Russell
A comparison of energy balance calculations, measured ablation and meltwater runoff near Søndre Strømfjord, West Greenland1994
Professor Andrew Russell
Subglacial jökulhlaup deposition, Jotunheimen, Norway1994
Professor Andrew Russell
Obstacle marks produced by flow around stranded ice blocks during a glacier outburst flood (jökulhlaup) in west Greenland1993
Professor Andrew Russell
Supraglacial lake drainage near Søndre Strømfjord, Greenland1993
Professor Andrew Russell
Quaternary perspectives on jökulhlaup prediction1992
Professor Andrew Russell
Catastrophic drainage and the Quaternary record II. Environmental significance of 'catastrophic' floods: possible applications in the UK and development of a database1990
Professor Andrew Russell
Catastrophic drainage and the Quaternary record. I. Criteria for defining 'catastrophic' drainage1990
Professor Andrew Russell
Extraordinary melt-water run-off near Søndre Strømfjord, West Greenland1990
Professor Andrew Russell
Observations on the drainage of an ice-dammed lake in West Greenland1990
Professor Andrew Russell
A comparison of two recent jökulhlaups from an ice-dammed lake, Søndre Strømfjord West Greenland1989
Professor Andrew Russell
Lake drainage mechanisms for the ice-dammed Oberer Russellsee, Søndre Strømfjord, West Greenland1988