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Browsing publications by Professor Jeremy Lakey.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Cheney Leung
Dr Gema Dura
Dr Helen Waller
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor David Fulton
et al.
The encapsulation and controlled release of proteins from “meltable” chemically cross-linked hydrogels2024
Tim Robson
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Fully Aqueous Self-Assembly of a Gold-Nanoparticle-Based Pathogen Sensor2023
Professor Jeremy Lakey
An oomycete NLP cytolysin forms transient small pores in lipid membranes2022
Dr Gema Dura
Dr Maria Crespo Cuadrado
Dr Helen Waller
Dr Daniel Peters
Dr Ana Ferreira-Duarte
et al.
Exploiting Meltable Protein Hydrogels to Encapsulate and Culture Cells in 3D2022
Numan Eczacioglu
Dr Yakup Ulusu
Dr Isa Gokce
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Investigation of mutations (L41F, F17M, N57E, Y99F_Y134W) effects on the TolAIII-UnaG fluorescence protein's unconjugated bilirubin (UC-BR) binding ability and thermal stability properties2022
Dr Gema Dura
Dr Maria Crespo Cuadrado
Dr Helen Waller
Dr Daniel Peters
Dr Ana Ferreira-Duarte
et al.
Hydrogels of engineered bacterial fimbriae can finely tune 2D human cell culture2021
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Dr Daniel Peters
Dr Gema Dura
Dr Helen Waller
Professor Jeremy Lakey
et al.
Probing the oligomeric re-assembling of bacterial fimbriae in vitro: a small-angle X-ray scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation study2021
Dr Gema Dura
Dr Daniel Peters
Dr Helen Waller
Dr Adrian Yemm
Professor Neil Perkins
et al.
A thermally reformable protein polymer2020
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Outer membrane protein size and LPS O-antigen define protective antibody targeting to the Salmonella surface2020
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Studying the surfaces of bacteria using neutron scattering: finding new openings for antibiotics2020
Dr Daniel Peters
Dr Helen Waller
Dr Mark Birch
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Engineered mosaic protein polymers; a simple route to multifunctional biomaterials2019
Yan Huang
Dr Andrei Soliakov
Anton Le Brun
Dr Christopher Johnson
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
et al.
Helix N-Cap Residues Drive the Acid Unfolding That Is Essential in the Action of the Toxin Colicin A2019
Majeed Al-Jawdah
Dr Iglika Ivanova
Dr Helen Waller
Professor Neil Perkins
Professor Jeremy Lakey
et al.
Induction of the immunoprotective coat of Yersinia pestis at body temperature is mediated by the Caf1R transcription factor2019
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Recent advances in neutron reflectivity studies of biological membranes2019
Dr Nico Paracini
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Self-Assembled Fluid Phase Floating Membranes with Tunable Water Interlayers2019
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Structural Investigations of Protein–Lipid Complexes Using Neutron Scattering2019
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Determining the amphipol distribution within membrane-protein fibre samples using small-angle neutron scattering2018
Dr Nico Paracini
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Distribution of mechanical stress in the Escherichia coli cell envelope2018
Dr Daniel Peters
Dr Jeyanthy Eswaran
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr Meera Soundararajan
Human Miro Proteins Act as NTP Hydrolases through a Novel, Non-Canonical Catalytic Mechanism2018
Dr Yakup Ulusu
Dr Helen Waller
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Insight into Interface Engineering at TiO2/Dye through Molecularly Functionalized Caf1 Biopolymer2018
Dr Nico Paracini
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Liquid crystalline bacterial outer membranes are critical for antibiotic susceptibility2018
Tim Robson
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Modular Protein Engineering Approach to the Functionalization of Gold Nanoparticles for Use in Clinical Diagnostics2018
Dr Gema Dura
Dr Helen Waller
Dr Piergiorgio Gentile
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor David Fulton
et al.
Tuneable hydrogels of Caf1 protein fibers2018
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Deuterium Labeling Strategies for Creating Contrast in Structure-Function Studies of Model Bacterial Outer Membranes Using Neutron Reflectometry2017
Professor Robin Harris
Dr Andrei Soliakov
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Recombinant anthrax protective antigen: Observation of aggregation phenomena by TEM reveals specific effects of sterols2017
Dr Christopher Johnson
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Dr Helen Waller
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The Two-State Prehensile Tail of the Antibacterial Toxin Colicin N2017
Dr Yakup Ulusu
Dr Gema Dura
Dr Helen Waller
Dr Matthew Benning
Professor David Fulton
et al.
Thermal stability and rheological properties of the ‘non-stick’ Caf1 biomaterial2017
Dr Helen Waller
Dr Yakup Ulusu
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Caf1 of Yersinia pestis Forms Complex Highly Stable Protein Polymers and Hydrogel Scaffolds2016
Dr Hannah Alfonsa
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor Robert Lightowlers
Professor Andrew Trevelyan
Cl-out is a novel cooperative optogenetic tool for extruding chloride from neurons2016
Monisha Pathania
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
et al.
Gram-negative trimeric porins have specific LPS binding sites that are essential for porin biogenesis2016
Dr Daniel Peters
Dr Yakup Ulusu
Dr Helen Waller
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Protein engineering of Caf1 from the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis for tissue engineering applications2016
Dr Nico Paracini
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The Effect of Lipopolysaccharide Core Oligosaccharide Size on the Electrostatic Binding of Antimicrobial Proteins to Models of the Gram Negative Bacterial Outer Membrane2016
Professor Jeremy Lakey
An Accurate In Vitro Model of the E. coli Envelope2015
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Effect of Divalent Cation Removal on the Structure of Gram-Negative Bacterial Outer Membrane Models2015
Dr Andrei Soliakov
Dr Deepan Shah
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Engineered self-assembling monolayers for label free detection of influenza nucleoprotein2015
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Antibacterial toxin colicin N and phage protein G3p compete with TolB for a binding site on TolA2014
Dr Yakup Ulusu
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Isa Gokce
Bacterial toxin colicin N-T domain structure changes to ordered state upon binding C-terminal domain of TolA2014
Dr David McDonald
Dr Bernadette Carroll
Nicholas Robertson
Dr Helen Griffin
Professor Jeremy Lakey
et al.
Dual Proteolytic Pathways Govern Glycolysis and Immune Competence2014
Dr Andrei Soliakov
Professor Jeremy Lakey
High coverage fluid-phase floating lipid bilayers supported by omega-thiolipid self-assembled monolayers2014
Wanatchaport Arunmanee
Professor Robin Harris
Professor Jeremy Lakey
One and two dimensional arrays of membrane proteins stabilized by amphipol2014
Wanatchaport Arunmanee
Professor Robin Harris
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Outer Membrane Protein F Stabilised with Minimal Amphipol Forms Linear Arrays and LPS-Dependent 2D Crystals2014
Ana Roque
Dr Andrei Soliakov
Dr Mark Birch
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Reversible Non-Stick Behaviour of a Bacterial Protein Polymer Provides a Tuneable Molecular Mimic for Cell and Tissue Engineering2014
Dr Christopher Johnson
Professor Antonio Molinaro
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The antibacterial toxin colicin N binds to the inner core of lipopolysaccharide and close to its translocator protein2014
Wanatchaport Arunmanee
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Dr Christopher Johnson
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Understanding Colicin N Import into Gram Negative Bacterial Cells using Small Angle Neutron Scattering2014
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
In situ study of the impact of acidic and neutral deposition pH on alkane phosphate film formation and stability on TiO22013
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Asymmetric phospholipid: lipopolysaccharide bilayers; a Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane mimic2013
Dr Andrei Soliakov
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Increasing the Potency of an Alhydrogel-Formulated Anthrax Vaccine by Minimizing Antigen-Adjuvant Interactions2013
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Structural Characterization of a Model Gram-Negative Bacterial Surface Using Lipopolysaccharides from Rough Strains of Escherichia coli2013
Dr Christopher Johnson
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The unstructured domain of colicin N kills Escherichia coli2013
Professor Robin Harris
Dr Andrei Soliakov
Professor Rick Lewis
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Alhydrogel® adjuvant, ultrasonic dispersion and protein binding: A TEM and analytical study2012
Dr Andrei Soliakov
Ian Kelly
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Anthrax sub-unit vaccine: The structural consequences of binding rPA83 to Alhydrogel (R)2012
Professor Sophie Hambleton
Dr David McDonald
Dr Helen Griffin
Angela Grainger
Dr Louise Reynard
et al.
Autosomal recessive combines immunodeficiency due to loss of function mutation in Tripeptidyl Peptidase II2012
Professor Matthew Collin
Dr Rachel Dickinson
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Helen Griffin
et al.
Evolution of Dendritic Cell, Monocyte B and NK Lymphoid (DCML) deficiency; a human primary immunodeficiency arising from GATA-2 mutation2012
Yan Huang
Anton Le Brun
Andrei Soliakov
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Helix N-Cap Asp are the pH Trigger for Colicin a Membrane Insertion2012
Dr Christopher Johnson
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Low Resolution Structure and Dynamics of a Colicin-Receptor Complex Determined by Neutron Scattering2012
Professor Jeremy Lakey
pH dependence of listeriolysin O aggregation and pore-forming ability2012
Dr Christopher Johnson
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Targeted Killing of Escherichia coli by an Unfolded Protein2012
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The Capsular Polysaccharide Vi from Salmonella Typhi Is a B1b Antigen2012
Dr Rachel Dickinson
Dr Helen Griffin
Dr Venetia Bigley
Dr Louise Reynard
Raf Hussain
et al.
Exome sequencing identifies GATA-2 mutation as the cause of dendritic cell, monocyte, B and NK lymphoid deficiency2011
Dr Rachel Dickinson
Dr Venetia Bigley
Dr Helen Griffin
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr Naomi McGovern
et al.
Human dendritic cell deficiency is caused by GATA-2 mutation2011
Anton Le Brun
Dr Deepan Shah
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Self-Assembly of Protein Monolayers Engineered for Improved Monoclonal Immunoglobulin G Binding2011
Dr Christopher Johnson
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Reveals Colicin N Inserts into Clefts on the Outside of the OmpF Trimer2011
Anton Le Brun
Dr Deepan Shah
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The structural orientation of antibody layers bound to engineered biosensor surfaces2011
Dr Gavin McHaffie
Dr Andreas Werner
Professor Jeremy Lakey
A Toxin-based Probe Reveals Cytoplasmic Exposure of Golgi Sphingomyelin2010
Dr Benjamin Chaffey
Professor Andrew McCaskie
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr Mark Birch
Controlled spatial and conformational display of immobilised bone morphogenetic protein-2 and osteopontin signalling motifs regulates osteoblast adhesion and differentiation in vitro2010
Dr Neil Keegan
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Discovery of Biphasic Thermal Unfolding of OmpC with Implications for Surface Loop Stability2010
Dr Christopher Johnson
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Interfacial Interactions of Pore-Forming Colicins2010
Sion Phillips
Dr Deepan Shah
Dr Dale Athey
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Neural differentiation regulated by biomimetic surfaces presenting motifs of extracellular matrix proteins2010
Dr David Allen Chalton
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Simple Detection of Protein Soft Structure Changes2010
Dr Andrei Soliakov
Professor Robin Harris
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The structure of Yersinia pestis Caf1 polymer in free and adjuvant bound states2010
Professor Jeremy Lakey
A Common Interaction for the Entry of Colicin N and Filamentous Phage into Escherichia coli2009
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
An ion-channel-containing model membrane: structural determination by magnetic contrast neutron reflectometry2009
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr Andreas Werner
Equinatoxin, a eukaryotic pore-forming toxin used as a specific marker for cellular sphingomyelin2009
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Neutrons for biologists: a beginner's guide, or why you should consider using neutrons2009
Dr Mateusz Wydro
Professor Robert Lightowlers
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Probing the orientation of yeast VDAC1 in vivo2009
Dr Benjamin Chaffey
Elizabeth Mitchell
Dr Mark Birch
Professor Jeremy Lakey
A generic expression system to produce proteins that co-assemble with alkane thiol SAM2008
Katrina Gill
Dr Helen Waller
Virak Visudtiphole
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Colicin N binds to the periphery of its receptor and translocator, outer membrane protein F2008
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Disparate proteins use similar architectures to damage membranes2008
Dr Claire Dumon
Dr James Flint
Professor Rick Lewis
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Carl Morland
et al.
Engineering hyperthermostability into a GH11 xylanase is mediated by subtle changes to protein structure2008
Sion Phillips
Dr Deepan Shah
Dr Dale Athey
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Enhanced cell attachment using a novel cell culture surface presenting functional domains from extracellular matrix proteins2008
Elizabeth Mitchell
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr Mark Birch
Highly controlled surface presentation of protein signalling motifs to regulate bone formation2008
Isa Gokce
Dr Helen Waller
Professor Jeremy Lakey
High-yield expression and purification of soluble forms of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-xL and Bcl-2 as TolAIII-fusion proteins2008
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Molecular determinants of sphingomyelin specificity of a eukaryotic pore-forming toxin2008
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Monitoring the assembly of antibody-binding membrane protein arrays using polarised neutron reflection2008
George Kirmizidis
Dr Mark Birch
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Osteoblast maturity dictates response to vascular endothelial growth factor2008
Dr David Allen Chalton
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Self-recognition by an intrinsically disordered protein2008
Dr Celia Rogero
Dr Benjamin Chaffey
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Andrew Houlton
Professor Jeremy Lakey
et al.
Silicon Surface Nanostructuring for Covalent Immobilization of Biomolecules2008
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Critical factors in the in vitro refolding pathway of IFN-alpha 2b.2007
George Kirmizidis
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr Mark Birch
Differential vascular endothelial growth factor receptor expression during osteogenesis2007
Dr Helen Waller
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Helix orientations in membrane-associated Bcl-XL determined by 15N-solid-state NMR spectroscopy2007
Sion Phillips
Dr Deepan Shah
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Presentation of extracellular matrix motifs by biomimetic substrates to control cellular attachment and differentiation2007
Dr Deepan Shah
Anton Le Brun
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Self-assembling layers created by membrane proteins on gold2007
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Sterol and pH interdependence in the binding, oligomerization, and pore formation of listeriolysin O2007
Dr David Allen Chalton
Ian Kelly
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Unfolding transitions of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen2007
Sofian Daud
Professor Jeremy Lakey
An approach to prepare membrane proteins for single-molecule imaging2006
Virak Visudtiphole
Dr David Allen Chalton
Dr Qi Hong
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Determining OMP topology by computation, surface plasmon resonance and cysteine labelling: The test case of OMPG2006
Dr Alexei von Delwig
Professor John Isaacs
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor John Robinson
Febrile temperatures enhance antigen processing of type II collagen for presentation to CD4 T cells.2006
Dr David Allen Chalton
Dr Heather Lamb
Professor John Robinson
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Immunogenicity of a Yersinia pestis vaccine antigen monomerized by circular permutation2006
Professor Paul Race
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr Mark Banfield
Insertion of the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Tir virulence protein into membranes in vitro2006
Kathryn Gilroy
Chrysoula Leontiou
Dr Kay Padget
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor Caroline Austin
et al.
mAMSA resistant human topoisomerase IIβ mutation G465D has reduced ATP hydrolysis activity2006
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Membrane binding of zebrafish actinoporin-like protein: AF domains, a novel superfamily of cell membrane binding domains2006
Chrysoula Leontiou
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor Robert Lightowlers
Professor Caroline Austin
Mutation P732L in human DNA topoisomerase II abolishes DNA cleavage in the presence of calcium and confers drug resistance2006
Dr Zsolt Keresztessy
Dr Joseph Gray
Professor Robert Lightowlers
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Phage display selection of efficient glutamine-donor substrate peptides for transglutaminase 22006
He Fang Xie
Dr James Flint
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor Rick Lewis
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
et al.
Probing the Structural Basis for the Difference in Thermostability Displayed by Family 10 Xylanases2006
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Surface plasmon resonance in protein-membrane interactions2006
Dr Neil Keegan
Professor Nick Wright
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Circular dichroism spectroscopy of folding in a protein monolayer2005
Dr Qi Hong
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Andrew Houlton
Professor Bernard Connolly
et al.
Integration of proteins and semiconductors: silicon platforms for protein attachment2005
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Lipid interactions of alpha-helical protein toxins2005
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Sofian Daud
Dr Neil Keegan
Neutron reflectometry of membrane protein assemblies at the solid/liquid interface2005
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Properties of nonfused liposomes immobilized on an L1 Biacore chip and their permeabilization by a eukaryotic pore-forming toxin2005
Virak Visudtiphole
Matthew Thomas
Dr David Allen Chalton
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Refolding of Escherichia coli outer membrane protein F in detergent creates LPS-free trimers and asymmetric dimers2005
Isa Gokce
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Single peptide bonds exhibit poly(Pro)II ("random coil") circular dichroism spectra2005
Holly Denton
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Studing the binding of colicin N to OmpF: By fluorescence and calorimetry2005
Thomas Baboolal
Katrina Gill
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The colicin N- OmpF translocation complex2005
Professor Jeremy Lakey
A Natively Unfolded Toxin Domain Uses Its Receptor as a Folding Template2004
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Identification and characterization of the Pasteurella multocida toxin translocation domain2004
Virak Visudtiphole
Matthew Thomas
Dr David Allen Chalton
Professor Jeremy Lakey
In vitro refolding of trimeric and dimeric OmpF2004
Chrysoula Leontiou
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor Caroline Austin
Mutation E522K in human DNA topoisomerase IIβ confers resistance to methyl N-(4′-(9-acridinylamino)-phenyl)carbamate hydrochloride and methyl N-(4′-(9-acridinylamino)-3-methoxy-phenyl) methane sulfonamide but hypersensitivity to etoposide2004
Dr Qi Hong
Dr David Allen Chalton
Virak Visudtiphole
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Omp F-ligand interactions measured in vivo by SPR2004
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Pore formation by equinatoxin, a eukaryotic pore-forming toxin, requires a flexible N-terminal region and a stable β-sandwich2004
Thomas Baboolal
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The colicin N/OmpF complex studied by electron microscopy and circular dichroism2004
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The Pasteurella multocida toxin interacts, with signalling pathways to perturb cell growth and differentiation2004
Simon Andrews
Dr Edward Taylor
Gavin Pell
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
et al.
The use of forced protein evolution to investigate and improve stability of family 10 xylanases: The production of Ca2+independent stable xylanases2004
Professor Jeremy Lakey
A novel mechanism of pore formation: Membrane penetration by the N-terminal amphipathic region of equinatoxin2003
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Amphipols: Polymeric surfactants for membrane biology research2003
Dr Qi Hong
Dr Richard Virden
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Concerted folding and binding of a flexible colicin domain to its periplasmic receptor TolA2003
Dr David Allen Chalton
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Engineering a periplasmic turn of OmpF2003
Isa Gokce
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Expression of proteins using the third domain of the Escherichia coli periplasmic-protein TolA as a fusion partner2003
Chrysoula Leontiou
Professor Robert Lightowlers
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor Caroline Austin
Kinetic analysis of human topoisomerase IIα and β DNA binding by surface plasmon resonance2003
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Peeking into a secret world of pore-forming toxins: Membrane binding processes studied by surface plasmon resonance2003
Isa Gokce
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Production of an E. coli toxin protein; Colicin A in E. coli using an inducible system2003
Tibor Nagy
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Dr David Bolam
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
The α-Glucuronidase, GlcA67A, of Cellvibrio japonicus utilizes the carboxylate and methyl groups of aldobiouronic acid as important substrate recognition determinants2003
Dr Elaine Willmore
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor Caroline Austin
Characterisation of the DNA-dependent ATPase activity of human DNA topoisomerase IIß: mutation of Ser165 in the ATPase domain reduces the ATPase activity and abolishes the in vivo complementation ability2002
Isa Gokce
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Expression of fusion proteins using the third domain of the periplasmic protein TolA from E. coli as a fusion partner2002
Dr Qi Hong
Dr Lynn Dover
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Stable self-assembly of a protein engineering scaffold on gold surfaces2002
Susan Fridd
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Surface aspartate residues are essential for the stability of colicin A P-domain: A mechanism for the formation of an acidic molten-globule2002
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Theory and simulation Macromolecular assemblages2002
Dr Qi Hong
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Two-step membrane binding by equinatoxin II, a pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone, involves an exposed aromatic cluster and a flexible helix2002
Dr Qi Hong
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Assembly of pore proteins on gold electrodes2001
Dr Qi Hong
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Assembly of pore proteins on gold electrodes2001
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Heat does not come in different colours: Entropy-enthalpy compensation, free energy windows, quantum confinement, pressure perturbation calorimetry, solvation and the multiple causes of heat capacity effects in biomolecular interactions2001
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Macromolecular assemblages. Theory and simulation2001
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Molecular, antigenic, and functional analyses of Omp2b porin size variants of Brucella spp.2001
Professor Ken Snowdon
Emeritus Professor Calum McNeil
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Nanotechnology for MEMS Components2001
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Pore-forming colicins and their relatives2001
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Pore-forming colicins and their relatives2001
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Pore-forming colicins and their relatives2001
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Isa Gokce
Protein-protein interactions2001
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Carbohydrates and glycoconjugates. Biophysical methods2000
Dr Lynn Dover
Susan Fridd
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Colicin pore-forming domains bind to Escherichia coli trimeric porins2000
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Isa Gokce
Dr Qi Hong
Protein-protein interactions during colicin N translocation2000
Simon Andrews
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
Substrate specificity in glycoside hydrolase family 10: Tyrosine 87 and leucine 314 play a pivotal role in discriminating between glucose and xylose binding in the proximal active site of pseudomonas cellulosa xylanase 10A2000
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor Colin Harwood
The influence of secretory-protein charge on late stages of secretion from the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis2000
Isa Gokce
Dr Qi Hong
Dr Richard Virden
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The TolA-recognition site of colicin N. ITC, SPR and stopped-flow fluorescence define a crucial 27-residue segment2000
Mark Guy
Dr Lynn Dover
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Professor David Minnikin
Thiolactomycin and Related Analogues as Novel Anti-mycobacterial Agents Targeting KasA and KasB Condensing Enzymes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis2000
Dr Qi Hong
Dr Lynn Dover
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Use of pore-forming proteins in Nanobiotechnology2000
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Voltage-dependent gating in engineered OmpC porin channels using fluorescence probes2000
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Web alert: Engineering and design: Membrane proteins: Lipids2000
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Ion-channel gating in transmembrane receptor proteins: Functional activity in tethered lipid membranes1999
Dr Vincent Monchois
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Emeritus Professor Roy Russell
Secondary structure of Streptococcus downei GTF-I glucansucrase1999
Professor Jeremy Lakey
The mechanism of phosphorylation-inducible activation of the ETS-domain transcription factor Elk-11999
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Emerging techniques for investigating molecular interactions at lipid membranes1998
Dr David Bolam
Dr Richard Virden
Professor Jeremy Lakey
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
Mannanase A from Pseudomonas fluorescens ssp. cellulosa is a retaining glycosyl hydrolase in which E212 and E320 are the putative catalytic residues1996